
Oct 27, 2017
The entire point of armour isn't to tank hits, it's to give you a better chance of living if you do (because inevitably you will)


Oct 28, 2017
Genndy Tartakovsky made them pretty bad ass

That's because those are Clone troopers not Storm troopers.


Oct 27, 2017
So... it's essentially as durable as the costume armor in real life. Aside from the expensive HUD and communication systems inside the helmet.


Aug 1, 2019
You'd think they'd help you environmentally, but in Obi Wan you see troopers drown, so it can't even act as breathing apparatus.

So to this point, a mask filter that helps against toxic gases in alien atmospheres is different from a full on breathing apparatus. If they were supposed to give oxygen to their masks, you would probably hear the breathing sounds similar to Vader's mask.
The most logical fannon and EU stuff to explain it away is that the armor certainly does stop blaster bolts from civilian grade pistols and rifles. And most of the firefights we see on screen are between Storm Troopers and rebels / criminals using military grade weapons they shouldn't have access to.
Dec 30, 2020
Believe it or not, no matter how weak the armor, making your troops look identical and endless does serve a useful function in terms of psychological warfare. Of course it also dehumanizes your soldiers which makes them significantly easier to kill without feeling bad about it so.... Yeah, the Empire was pretty stupid overall.


Oct 27, 2017
Stormtrooper armor, at least in the Disney canon, does protect Stormtroopers from common blaster bolts. It doesn't, however, protect them well from the higher grade blasters that the rebels typically used. And I assume any armor that's impervious to all blaster bolts, outside of Beskar or similar alloys, would be heavy, cumbersome to wear, and expensive as hell for the Empire or First Order to mass produce.


Oct 26, 2017
I mean, Ewoks. Sticks and stones wrecked storm troopers.

Yet a camouflaged parka saved Leia from a blaster bolt.

Plot really is the best armor.


Oct 27, 2017
Louisville, KY
As others have said, real life armor doesn't work the way people think it does. It's more to save your life rather than to keep you in the fight. Being shot with a bulletproof vest on can still break your ribs and damage organs. being shot in the head with helmet on is still probably going to give you a concussion. That being said, stormtroopers are just entertainment fodder. They look cool but their function is to to be rolled over to make the hero's look good when they want.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
It's very interesting because even before Stormtroopers existed the Clones armor was downgraded a bit in a way. That's why Rex gutted and welded parts from his Phase 1 armor into his Phase 2 armor. His phase 1 armor was more efficient. You can see the light blue streaks on his visor and chest were from him replacing those parts. So there's like a bit of history of the armor being downgraded slightly, even if it was for comfort.


But anyways a lot of people don't think about the fact that the Imperial Navy had to redistribute their funds after the Clone War. Clones were made by and looked after by the Kaminoians. The Empire had to pay, to train, feed, and house all their Stormtroopers across the galaxy. They also had to have armor built for the different shapes and sizes of men and women they recruited. And not just that, they also had to do that but for all the different branches of the Imperial Navy. So their quality definitely had to have taken a hit even if they still "worked". Being a regular ass Stormtrooper likely meant you got the bare minimum.


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Oct 26, 2017
Lazers cannot pierce plastic.

It was an oversight.

Gun powder will be discovered soon and everyone will be shooting each other in cloth.


Ugly, Queer, Gender-Fluid, Drive-In Mutant, yes?
Apr 22, 2018
Tampa, Fl
In the current RPG game it basically gives you protection from 1 damage of energy attacks and keeps you alive if you hit zero hit points.

As many have pointed out, basically what modern body armor does except its used against laser weapons.


Nov 1, 2017
It's pure plot based and looks. Clone Trooper armor for example works, when the plot demands it we see in the Clone Wars series. Otherwise clones are one shotted by anything. Several novels and comics will also have the armor actually working to protect a wearer but then when they need action to move along it's just nothing but a uniform


Oct 25, 2017
When Stormtroopers get hit by a blaster, do they die?

They just get scorched armor and there is no exit wound, but they seem pretty limp.


Nov 16, 2017
Does it protect against anything? Why bother providing armour if it doesn't even protect from blaster shots? While story wise it makes sense to have some cannon fodder. But it'd be nice to actually see stormtroopers as at least some kind of threat, with armour that perhaps protects against melee and small blaster fire. You'd think they'd help you environmentally, but in Obi Wan you see troopers drown, so it can't even act as breathing apparatus.

Its just beyond a joke about the uselessness of Storm Troopers apart from numbers to throw at the enemies until they run out of ammo.

Can someone explain what the point in stormtrooper armour is?
Favreau and modern media have turned Stormtroopers into a joke and it is awful when your own series does it to itself.

Episode IV starts with Stormtroopers blasting away rebel forces. The next mention is them killing the Lars family with precision. Then people were like "why can't the Stormtroopers hit the heroes so the movie series can instantly be over? it isn't like any other film does this as well" and it all went down hill from there.

The armor isn't the best but it is supposed to help protect against indirect fire by glancing/bouncing BLASTER fire. But direct fire is how they normally get it. The bigger reason for the armor is uniform. They wanted all the Stormtroopers to look identical so when one was killed, 5 more identical soldiers showed up in its place. It is a tactic of demoralizing their opponent with this unyielding force that looks all the same. There aren't supposed to be all these painted versions, maybe a leader with a pauldron here or there (but money$$$). More proof of the uniform aspect is when Luke meets Leia in the prison cell, she says aren't you a little short? It is cause they want all their troopers about the same height so it looks like the same unit that was shot is still in the fight.


Oct 25, 2017
But the issue is then to me if their THAT bad, THAT incompetent even Team Rocket looks and pities them, then how did the Rebels have such a hard time? Like how bad do the rebels have to be to be beaten by someone who always misses? It's kind of an issues because it makes the heroes look worse, it's the same issue had with Season 1 of the Clone Wars as well.

I wish we did see more competent Storm Troopers or specialized forces like say Blood Troppers that are like Berserker troopers who do wear less armour, allow themselves to get shot and howl into the enemies to create fear and dread with melee and claw weapons? Or Auto Storm Snipers with auto locking sniper shots? Or even just let Vader handpicked 501st Troopers to be competent again?

That's why they created other forms of Storm Troopers, like the Death Troopers from Rogue One: