
Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
So what's the one thing that changed your life in a positive way? I know a lot of people will say school but I'm looking for less obvious answers.

For example, I was going no where interesting in life, I worked a steady well paying job, had a healthy relationship, played video games and...sold marijuana.

I was not happy, in fact I was miserable despite having everything I thought I wanted, was depressed you could say.

Then Instagram came along, it started off innocent enough, post memes, like pictures, reply to comments yadda yadda. But then I noticed all these really cool sunset pictures. So one day, I was chilling down at the Marina/Beach area out by me, took out my iphone and took a picture of the sunsetting. The most mundane, boring sunset picture you can imagine, you seen them a million times before.

But my father, he saw it, and he saw something I didn't, said I had the "eye". I was like "yeah, I got two, both got laser correction, they work great" He shook his head and on some Kratos shit said "Boy….take my old camera and go shoot" So I did, and I slowly got addicted, that addiction

lead me to getting a entry level DSLR of my own, which snowballed into me getting kind of popular for my pictures. Which snowballed into me getting a Full Frame Camera (Nikon D750) and becoming known for my style of shots. Before you know it I was getting a local magazine cover 12 months after picking up a camera for the first time, getting paid to do jobs for said company. Getting side jobs, my IG numbers growing, and now just this pass weekend got my first press pass to shoot a local music festival. All great for financial reasons.

But that's not where I really think this changed my life, it also changed the people I was hanging around. Gone where the friends whose idea of a good time was basically getting into trouble, or selling drugs or whatever whatever. These people were replaced by a local community of photographers of all ages that spanned up and down the coasts of the tiny strip of land I live on. These people are honestly the greatest human beings I have ever run with.

So to me, Photography has changed my life for the better, I can't imagine still being that guy I once was, the people I surrounded myself with, the people I grew up with, they would never appreciate what I appreciate today. Now every day, every morning and every night is an adventure. Sunrises and Sunsets are not just things that happen but they are community events. Full Moons? Everyone comes out. Storm Clouds rolling in with a chance of Thunder and Lightning? I can head down to the shore and know I'll run into at least 10 people with the same idea in mind. In the summer everyone runs around shooting the Milky Way, in the winter when it's 15 degrees, nothing stops us. Hurricane season is right around the corner and capturing 10 foot waves and the people tackling them is high on the priority list. I think one day I'll end up in California, it seems like an ideal place to really take advantage of the coast line up and down there.

Waaay TLDR: Photography has changed my life for the better, what has changed your life for the better?


Oct 28, 2017
Recently quit my job. Place was eating me up. I'm super happy right now.


Prophet of Regret
Jul 4, 2018
Yoga. It legit changed every single aspect of my life. Not only did it help me achieve better shape and flexibility, and new friendships; it gave me the insight into changes that needed to be made in my life. It also forced me to tend to past traumas I pushed deep into my mind.


Oct 25, 2017
Pencils Vania
Moved back to PA, started skateboarding again, working out, getting out to events, and massively cut back on my video game time.

I feel like a different person. Just accepted a job offer that's much better than what I have now, and I think a lot of that is thanks to my new found confidence and positive attitude.


Oct 28, 2017
Rock climbing. When I'm climbing, all my other problems fade, and I am focused and content. It's amazing really.

Deleted member 4346

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Getting a divorce. It gave me the impetus I needed to go back to college and finish my bachelor's degree, then start a career, get remarried, and have a beautiful daughter.


User-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
Being born to impoverished parents who believed in their bright kids, at a time when all the cards were stacked in our favour. Free healthcare, inexpensive and highly quality public housing, free education to degree level for poor people, and a baby boom that gave younger and working class people an impressive political clout for the first time in our country.

It was all uphill from there for me, with a little effort. But mostly laziness, arrogance, and a decent brain.

We thought it would always be like that.

Emergency & I

Oct 27, 2017
- I'm in the process of drinking less and it's doing a lot for me.
- Got married. Centers me.
- Killed debt. Helps I've made a lot of money recently. Future looks good.


Oct 27, 2017
Quitting a poisonous job of 7 years.

I decided I was going to be okay with making just enough money to get by rather than having a higher paying career job. My happiness increased dramatically and allowed me to go back to school and find the job I'm in now which I deeply love.


Oct 25, 2017
richmond, va
im less depressed these days but honestly its mostly replaced with just not caring as much about anything, so i dont necessarily feel like i am trending positive, i have simply plateau'd

i guess adopting my cats helped in stabilizing my life a little bit too

Torpedo Vegas

Oct 27, 2017
Parts Unknown.
I was on unemployment for 10 months in 2010. Best 10 months of my life. Made me realize It wasn't that job that made me miserable, its any job.

At least now I know why I'm unhappy.


Weight Loss Champion 2018: Biggest Change
Oct 25, 2017
It may be obvious, but diet. I've lost 70lbs since January, down from 330lbs to 260lbs so far, and the weight loss is great for obvious reasons, but there's a ton of other, less obvious benefits as well:

I have more confidence, not just physically but just generally in myself and what I believe I'm capable of achieving if I'm determined. This confidence has helped me dispel a ton of my social anxiety, has helped me eliminate other addictive traits in my personality, and has significantly lessened my depression and constant feeling of underlying guilt/self-hate. I sleep better, I'm happier, I enjoy socializing more, etc... etc..

I've been fat since I was a young child, and I was raised with essentially no regard for diet or exercise, so this feeling of unhealthiness is literally all I've ever known. As I said, I expected the physical changes, but the mental and emotional changes have been amazing. It's just been a cavalcade of positive benefits, and I expect these benefits to continue to show up as I grow healthier and healthier.


Oct 25, 2017
Getting diagnosed with hemochromatosis and suddenly being able to feel like a normal person after treatment.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Riding my bike to work:

In addition to helping me wake up in the morning and keeping me in shape and feeling great it saves me a ton of money per month in gas, parking and gym fees.

It also saves me from having to waste a bunch of time at the gym. I think overall I've added about 20 minutes to my commute which is far less than the 45 - 60 min I'd spend at the gym.
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Oct 25, 2017
Changing jobs to one that I actually liked. I hadn't even realized how much my old job had been sucking the soul out of me until I left.

Living alone was another big one. I think the much greater agency I got in my life helped a lot. I don't think people should be rushed to move out, but I think it made me a lot happier when I eventually did move.

But really, usually life doesn't get turned around entirely by one thing. It's usually a combination of a bunch of them.


Force of Habit
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
Not one thing, but a series of things that shifted my life for the better.

Getting remarried. Seeing a psychologist. Working out regularly. Deploying to Afghanistan (perspective shift). World travel.

I finally DO and finish things and I no longer hate myself, while still keeping my love for others.


Oct 25, 2017
The gym. I'm trying to find another hobby because I'm still nowhere near contempt with everything right now, but I love the gym and working out.


Oct 28, 2017
It may be obvious, but diet. I've lost 70lbs since January, down from 330lbs to 260lbs so far, and the weight loss is great for obvious reasons, but there's a ton of other, less obvious benefits as well:

I have more confidence, not just physically but just generally in myself and what I believe I'm capable of achieving if I'm determined. This confidence has helped me dispel a ton of my social anxiety, has helped me eliminate other addictive traits in my personality, and has significantly lessened my depression and constant feeling of underlying guilt/self-hate. I sleep better, I'm happier, I enjoy socializing more, etc... etc..

I've been fat since I was a young child, and I was raised with essentially no regard for diet or exercise, so this feeling of unhealthiness is literally all I've ever known. As I said, I expected the physical changes, but the mental and emotional changes have been amazing. It's just been a cavalcade of positive benefits, and I expect these benefits to continue to show up as I grow healthier and healthier.

Keep gettin it! I totally agree on all of these fronts. I'm finally down below "overweight" range and a lot of problems I had just vanished with the fat. Coughing, susceptibility to allergies, discomfort during sleep, sleep apnea, feeling out of breath, etc.

Obviously losing weight isn't some magical cure for everything, and I've heard stories of some peoples' depression getting worse due to disillusionment after achieving their goal, but for me it's like your body and mind are just better equipped to deal with things. The confidence in yourself from accomplishing the weight loss, as well as feeling more attractive (however vain it is) provides for a higher base level of mood/happiness that just makes life easier to deal with.

For better or for worse, people also just treat you better as well.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017

Basically did a complete 180 on social issues.

Growing up in a red red red part of Texas with family that had me thinking "Mexican" was a bad word from the age of five because of the disdain it was always spoken with, I grew up to be a pretty lousy person. Still remember one particular racist "joke" I made when Obama got re-elected. I hate now that I said it, in speech *and* text no less. It's not something you can just erase though, even if I'd never say/think it now, it's still there. Nobody challenged anything except my older sister, who I just dismissed.

GAF/Era has its fair share of problems, and one definitely has to step out of it at times, but I am thankful for the shift it set off. Ironically, I wouldn't even know my Conservative friends if I kept on that path, as I would have been a total extremist they'd not have anything to do with.

(Also halfway through typing I realized that I've said most of this before, and probably in response to the same post, but ah well)
Oct 25, 2017
Divorce. While I wouldn't wish the process on my worst enemy (and this was a case where we didn't have children and were renters at the time), I'm happier now than I've ever been in my life. Prompted a career change, a change in outlook, the works.

Erik Twice

Nov 2, 2017
I don't think there was any one thing that led me to a more positive life, but I can think of a few:

1) Leaving Engineering, where I was faring poorly and feeling terrible, for International Commerce.
2) Going on international trips with a Youth Association and meeting new people
3) Playing Netrunner regularly instead of staying home
4) Visiting a Psychologist
5) Meeting my girlfriend
6) Becoming more aware and taking steps to mitigate negativity from social media, forums and political discussions.

Deleted member 9486

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Grad school and getting a good career in a field I enjoy and meeting my wife are the two big ones.

Only change I need to make now is to cut back on drinking.


Nov 2, 2017
Well, back in 8th grade (like 1992-1993), I had a falling out with my group of friends I've been tight with since grade school. It was traumatizing at the time, I felt like I had no friends, and I wound up having to find a new circle of people to roll with (a lot of people in which in retrospect weren't really my friends either, but that's a whole other story I will spare everyone)

The thing is, though, throughout early school, I always did pretty well, good grades (A's and B's), I was always in the advanced/AP/"smart" classes and general and my other friends were pretty much...not. I was the "good kid" hanging out with the "not so good" ones.

So moving onto 8th grade and the mean streets of Jr High, these friends started getting into smoking and stuff which I was in on as well- the big falling out was actually my dad busting us smoking outside of school, grounding the shit out of me, and calling one of the other kids moms about it, and they basically didn't want anything to do with me from that point on.

So yeah, it sucked, to be a completely "un-friended" misfit in 8th grade, but in retrospect- I stayed in my AP classes, didn't become an underage chain smoker or a druggie/alcoholic later (some of these people had some REAL problems as young adults and even later in life. It was probably good that I got away from that group of people, as I could have easily went down that path due to increasing peer pressure and whatnot.

Deleted member 18407

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Finding a good lady to be with is the biggest thing for my life and it pulled me out of my filthy apartment into something better.

More recently though, it was quitting eating meat and cooking more with plant-based food. That along with exercising has had me drop from XL shirts to being able to fit into a medium t-shirt in just a few months. It feels good.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
Had two "friends" leave me for good once I figured out and called them out for sabotaging my relationships and self-esteem to make themselves feel better. After that, everything I wanted to accomplish in my life started happening almost immediately while they haven't done shit with their lives.


Oct 28, 2017
Moving closer to work. Not having to commute an hour each way has done wonders for my sanity.

Stress is way down from not having to fight with traffic every day, and I've got so much more free time now. Life no longer seems like a grind anymore.

Deleted member 11985

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I stopped drinking coffee in the morning to shift my poop schedule to the afternoon. It's easily the best decision I've made in the past 5 years.

Now, instead of pooping in a smelly office toilet with rough toilet paper and a bunch of other dudes blowing up the toilets next to you, I get to poop in the comfort of my own apartment with Charmin Ultra Soft and clean, smell free everything. I can lounge out while I'm doing it. Sing or whatever. If I have a particularly bad sitting, then I can cry and jump in the shower.

It's amazing and I highly recommend all office poopers to reclaim their freedom.

Deleted member 18407

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I stopped drinking coffee in the morning to shift my poop schedule to the afternoon. It's easily the best decision I've made in the past 5 years.

Now, instead of pooping in a smelly office toilet with rough toilet paper and a bunch of other dudes blowing up the toilets next to you, I get to poop in the comfort of my own apartment with Charmin Ultra Soft and clean, smell free everything. I can lounge out while I'm doing it. Sing or whatever. If I have a particularly bad sitting, then I can cry and jump in the shower.

It's amazing and I highly recommend all office poopers to reclaim their freedom.
But then you're not getting paid to poop.