
Oct 25, 2017
Hi folks, I know there aren't many trophy hunters here but there must have been gaming moments when you really enjoy conquering a challenge and feel good about it.
For myself it is the "REQUIEM FOR A KILLER " trophy from Batman Arkham Knight.


This one might be a lost gem to most players as it came with the last free update for the game, long after the launch. But IMO it is a great trophy not for its sheer difficulty, but for it made me start appreciating the game's combat system.

The description is kinda vague but it essentially requires defeat Killer Croc in the Iceberg Lounge combat arena. In order to spawn Croc in the arena, you will need to start defeat endless waves of enemies to reach a score of 1,050,000 and this essentially means you need to perform a 400 flawless combo.

Sounds daunting and uninteresting huh? My initial thoughts as well. But when I started doing it, I realized it is a very well designed challenge. At start you face normal rioters with baseball bat and as time goes, the enemy wave gets stronger and diverse. In order to maintain your combo, you will need to utilize most batman's techniques.
The mobs with spark rod requires you to tap over them and punch from behind; Medic will revive fallen mobs and charge them thus need to be taken down quickly, but sometimes you want to deliberately leave a gunner in the field for gap closing purpose; you need to use batclaw grapple to discharge the electrified guys; to deal with tower shields, you can either destroy them use combo gauge or just disarm them(but enemies can pick it up again); for the ninja type enemies, you always need a plan B as sometime they will evade your attack and counter; You need to think before use your combo gauge : to damage the giant enforcers that are only vulnerable to take down moves or to destroy an assault rifle in the field, or to boost the combo points by using batbang multiple take-downs on grounded enemies.

When playing the campaign those enemies just come alone so it is not too bad to deal with them at all, but in this small arena where there are always 10+ guys sounding you plus you have to maintain your combo, things get very intense but also thrilling.
It takes not only sharp mind to make right strategies to the enemy combination, but also firm muscle memory to execute those moves. I failed the combo innumerous times hitting directly on an enforcer, getting countered by a ninja or suffering a surprising attack from behind (yeah good sense in the field is also needed), but magically I didn't get too frustrated and just wanted try again as It was at the middle of this fight, I realized that arkham combat system can be called "reactively deep" : in action games with deep combat systems like DMC or Bayonetta, the stylish combo moves are performed based on players themselves skill and creativity; while in this challenge, the richness of combat comes from your response to the delicately spawned enemy type combination.

When I finally finished the challenge it was midnight already, usually I'd get very tired and just want to turn of the console, but I was so satisfied with the experience and I did it again, lol. Sadly I didn't record my own footage but here is a video of this challenge:

I have bunch of other trophies rarer than this one but I think I enjoy this experience most, what's favorite of you folks?


Actual Brazilian
Oct 24, 2017
São Paulo, Brazil
I hate this trophy's name and what it entails so much, but doing it felt like a huge accomplishment. It's not the trophy I'm the most proud of, but it's probably the first I remember being proud of.

(The video makes it look so easy :P)



Oct 26, 2017
Heroic Survivor trophy from Killzone 2. I felt like such a badass after that one I had a shot of whiskey to celebrate.


Oct 28, 2017
That is a great highlight, and a great writeup, sxiebonjour. Got that one myself a few months back. Arkham Knight in general was a very fun 100%.


Mar 9, 2018
I'd probably go with this one from Stardew Valley:


Beating that minigame without dying is hard, man.


Nov 10, 2017
Resident Evil Remake's Platinum Splatten' Em was a pretty proud moment for me. Besides that Final Fantasy X & X2 are some other ultra rare favorite platinums of mine.


Nov 7, 2017
easy, flawless raider on destiny 1.

it's an achievement for going through a whole raid with noone in your 6 man group dying even once.

but people figured out how to cheese/kinda exploit in some ways one of the raids, Crota's end, such that you could solo a raid meant to be 6-manned. because i normally lfg-ed the raid, i was unlikely to get flawless raider with a group.

And that's what I did, took me at least a couple weeks of prep, dividing the raids into sections, painstakingly learning various tutorials and strategies. then mastering each section, then trying to put together all the sections in one run for a flawless run. And eventually, I did it. It wasn't easy. I was also under a time constraint because I knew they were planning to "refresh" the raid also fix some of the shortcuts that made it solo-able, in a week or two. Great!

Such an amazing example IMO of emergent gameplay. Solo-ing something intended to be run by 6 people...for a difficult achievement.


Jul 7, 2018
Max Payne 3- The Shadows Rushed Me
Worst part is having to replay the whole game again if I failed.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
Trackmania Turbo's Platinum

My first and only -1% plat on PSN Profiles


Oct 27, 2017
Bloodborne plat/100% DLC probably. I don't really bother with plats unless they're reasonable either.
If i ever get around to playing Final Fantasy 9 on PS4 though i do wonder, some of those trophies look insane.


Oct 27, 2017
There's a decent amount of trophies/achievements I'll always remember getting and being pumped about....but my proudest?

I would say having a trophy/achievement that I named/made up in a contest a few years ago for Warframe being actually implemented into the game itself. It's like I'll always be a small part the game!

"Tenno of All Trades" is the name. :-]


Oct 27, 2017
It's either my Dark Souls or Dark Souls 2 platinum. Those were tough to get. Don't think I'll ever try to plat a Fromsoft game again.


Oct 25, 2017
easy, flawless raider on destiny 1.

it's an achievement for going through a whole raid with noone in your 6 man group dying even once.

but people figured out how to cheese/kinda exploit in some ways one of the raids, Crota's end, such that you could solo a raid meant to be 6-manned. because i normally lfg-ed the raid, i was unlikely to get flawless raider with a group.

And that's what I did, took me at least a couple weeks of prep, dividing the raids into sections, painstakingly learning various tutorials and strategies. then mastering each section, then trying to put together all the sections in one run for a flawless run. And eventually, I did it. It wasn't easy. I was also under a time constraint because I knew they were planning to "refresh" the raid also fix some of the shortcuts that made it solo-able, in a week or two. Great!

Such an amazing example IMO of emergent gameplay. Solo-ing something intended to be run by 6 people...for a difficult achievement.
I think one only regret for me is not having a flawless run in Destiny 2. I soloed the shattered throne and was pretty proud of it too.

Conrad Link

Oct 29, 2017
New Zealand
100% Achievements in Final Fantasy XI will always be my number 1!

Such a special game to me, heck, more than a game, a special time in my life in general. I'm really glad I was able to complete the Achievements just as a nice little full stop on my Vana'diel career.

Frag Waffles

Apr 7, 2018
TLOU: Grounded and Grounded+

Beating grounded means you must learn the game's every intricacy. There is a ton of trial and error, learning, studying. You must have a deep understand of how to interact with the game in order to progress. It's not insanely difficult or demanding of reflexes either, you just have to be willing to learn.

And then you do it all again on +

Yeah those trophies encouraged me to give grounded mode a go. Unreal gaming experience.


Dec 29, 2017
Washington, DC
I just finished the platinum for Judgment today. I'm pretty proud of that, as it involved learning, getting decent at, and in some cases (I'll use a *) to get very very good at, the following:

Puyo Puyo*
Motor Raid
Virtua Fighter 5 FS*
Fighting Vipers
Fantasy Zone
Space Harrier
Texas Holdem Poker
Koi Koi
Oichu Kabu
Drone Racing*
Batting Cages
Kamuro of the Dead (House of the Dead Style shooter)*

Plus, of course, the actual gameplay of fighting, dodging, firing up EX mode to avoid mortal wounds, etc. And making all the right conversation choices in some places. And, of course, finding all the cats - oh look, a cat!

Seriously though, this platinum tested not only the breadth of my gaming skill, but also the depth. I really went out of my comfort zone to finish it, with stuff like Puyo Puyo and Drone Racing being major stumbling blocks, as well as the more Asian oriented gambling games like Koi Koi, but I'm so glad I learned and got through it.


Nov 19, 2018
Flawless raider in D1 by far. Five manned it with three of my closest friends and one random. Will never forget it.

The first time I went flawless in Trials of Osiris was huge as well.


Chicken Chaser
May 3, 2018
Getting all the achievements in Sekiro is probably my most challenging achievement, but my proudest one will always be "Marathon" from Trials HD. It became my months-long obsession, where I would boot the game up whenever I was bored or had free time to attempt it. I even downloaded the game at friends' houses to play while we had dead time deciding what to do.
Last edited:


Prophet of Regret - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Finishing an OutRun 2 track in less than 4:30

It took me months but I felt good when I got it

Deleted member 49319

Account closed at user request
Nov 4, 2018
well...not really feeling proud, tbh I don't know how I felt after 8 hours grinding but this one is memorable.


Oct 25, 2017
If we are talking about single trophies, probably the Challenge 6 trophy for Vanquish. I have a few "collections" as well, like every trophy in the God of War series, MGS series, From games (need to finish DS3)

I'd probably go with this one from Stardew Valley:


Beating that minigame without dying is hard, man.

Wow that trophy is currently the only thing keeping me from platinum, any tips? It feels like it's just luck of the draw with coin drops, even using Lucky Lunch on a lucky day I cant seem to get it

Septimus Prime

Oct 25, 2017
Similar to--but easier than--the example in the OP, Arkham City has a trophy for using every single move in a single combo. That was super fun to get.


Oct 27, 2017
Pressure Cooker in Call of Duty: WWII. It sounds easy, but then you realize that, even if you do the mystery box easter egg, you still only have Freefire, no perks, 3 self-revives, an armor machine, and an MP-40 wallbuy (the only weapon with replenishable ammo on the map, since once a mystery box gun is empty, you're waiting on a max ammo).

By the time round 18 or so, you'll be running in circles around a house that's tinier than my first apartment, battling hordes of zombies as they flood every narrow hallway on both floors to get to you. 20 rounds is this is pure hell for an amateur zombies player, but for me, it signaled to me that I was no longer an amateur.

Deleted member 10726

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
The gnome one from Half Life 2 Episode 2. I cannot even begin to describe how much of a pain in the ass it was to get that thing sit in the car or how many times I stepped on it and was launched across the map to then die from the fall damage, but in the end I can say I did carry a gnome through the entire game for no better reason than to say I did that.


Nov 14, 2017
Scarab Lord in WoW. For non-MMOs I guess it'd be One Shot in Alien: Isolation. I got it on my first playthrough without knowing it was an achievement. I just played like a giant wuss. After dying like 20 times in my second playthrough I'm pretty amazed that I did it.

'3y Kingdom

Oct 27, 2017
Getting the Platinum on The Witness was incredibly satisfying. The last challenge was so much fun to discover and even more fun to overcome.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not a trophy hunter but I REALLY loved and enjoyed the platinums for Demon's Souls/DS1/DS1R/DS2/DS2:SotFS/DS3/Bloodborne and Sekiro.
At least for me it's a great journey. Can't wait for the next game haha.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Not so much a single trophy for me but my collection in general since most people don't trophy hunt and when someone does its cool. I love seeing who has what. My problem is I had my original account stolen years ago and wasn't able to recover it, trophy wise I had like 25 plats and then I moved to PC and stopped worrying about trophies at all. Late last year I got back into consoles and now have been rebuilding my game collection and trophy collection, a lot of old stuff I'll never do again because they require multiplayer or are extremely time consuming but im up to 6 plats atm and have been enjoying going for them again, for the most part.


Oct 25, 2017
Not so much a single trophy for me but my collection in general since most people don't trophy hunt and when someone does its cool. I love seeing who has what. My problem is I had my original account stolen years ago and wasn't able to recover it, trophy wise I had like 25 plats and then I moved to PC and stopped worrying about trophies at all. Late last year I got back into consoles and now have been rebuilding my game collection and trophy collection, a lot of old stuff I'll never do again because they require multiplayer or are extremely time consuming but im up to 6 plats atm and have been enjoying going for them again, for the most part.
Going for a properly designed trophy set can really let your experience more aspects than what the mainstory offers. And trophies are good archives of gaming memory when looking back. I am glad you are enjoying your hunting mate.

Deleted member 31333

User requested account closure
Nov 6, 2017
Xbox 360 launch and I'm playing Geometry Wars as my first game on the system. Sony trophies were still 6 months away from even existing. I'm playing the game and this box pops up telling me I unlocked an achievement. My first though was cool, what is this. I check it out and see one called Pacifist that just requires you to stay alive without shooting. I give it a try and after a few attempts I complete it. That's the one that stands out to me the most... not because it was challenging but because it got me playing in a way I likely would never have if the achievement didn't exist.

Microsoft may have brought a lot good (and some bad) to the console space but in my mind the best thing they did was bring achievements / trophies to video games.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Beating Lingering Will and the Data XIII legit in KH2 on Critical


Oct 27, 2017
This question really made me think about how I view trophies. I like trophies but don't normally go to any great lengths to get them, so they don't often make me feel very accomplished. But sometimes you get trophies for overcoming mandatory difficulty peaks in a game, and that's something I can be highly motivated to do. Defeating Father Gascoigne in Bloodborne is a memorable example of that, as is beating Spelunky for the first time. Getting the platinum for Spider-Man was also memorable, since I made a blunder that made it much more challenging than it should have been. (I misunderstood how many suits remained to be unlocked, so I spent upgrade points on frivolous tech upgrades instead of saving them for suits, making it necessary to complete task master challenges with gold scores.)


Feb 25, 2018
Recently it was the platnium, and beating the oxide times more specifically in crash nitro fueled.

It was the first game i ever played and so being able to say i know a particular game like the back of my hand and have a trophy to prove it is excellent.

Halo 4 and reach solo legendary, aswell as 3 on legendary with friends was such a tough but engaging Challenge. Every grenade throw, weapon, and enemy is so strategically placed that it really is a puzzle in itself to overcome certain areas

Also going for the gnome trophy in left 4 dead adds a hillarious level of challenge with 3 other friends.


Dec 12, 2017

Tactical Challenger Trophy. Probably the most difficult trophy I've gotten. I did it as a challenge to myself. I don't usually care for really difficult content and wasn't good at playing shooters and on top of that wasn't super into Vanquish's combat (as much I thought I would). On a whim I decided I would get the platinum for Vanquish. Was it worth it? Eh. Do I regret the time I put in for it? Eh. Am I proud of myself for getting it? Yes.

It was kind of random, but whatever, I got it.

Damn Silly

Oct 25, 2017
Getting all the achievements in Spelunky, particularly the ones like Low Scorer (picking up no gold) or Speedlunky (beating the game in 8 minutes), or beating One Life Mode in the definitive edition of Ori.


God help us the mods are making weekend threads
Jul 30, 2018
United States
Definitely the Dark Souls 3 Plat, crazy item hunting, "quests" for gestures, and grinding out those clan marks helped me catch up on a lot of podcasts.


QA Tester
Oct 25, 2017
building stone people

Bloodborne. This and the platinum, because I generally don't like Souls games and I'm extremely bad at them. These chalice dungeons took me some time and it's been a while that I had to stop playing and come back the next day to beat a boss. It was an infuriating experience.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Getting all the trophies in MGS4, especially for Big Boss Extreme mode and the platinum.


Even farming 8 hours for the Bladestone in Darkest World Tendency while offline wasn't as memorable in Demon's Souls.
Beating the chalice dungeons in Bloodborne was a pain too. I had so much trouble with the defiled dungeons, especially Amygdala. You have to play perfect or you die. Eventually beat the Queen too and came back and did it with Orphan of Kos years later. I'm glad its over.


Oct 27, 2017
Mine is probably the Platinum in Transistor. Not the hardest trophy by any means, but it really felt like I got the most out of that game, and I loved every second of it.

Also getting the No Guns Trophy in my first run-through of Mirror's Edge was pretty memorable as well.


Oct 25, 2017
Getting all the trophies in MGS4, especially for Big Boss Extreme mode and the platinum.


This is actually one of my favorite trophies of all time. It seems simple at first glance, probably just another collectables trophy.... but then you actually list out what you have to do to earn all the songs...


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
This is actually one of my favorite trophies of all time. It seems simple at first glance, probably just another collectables trophy.... but then you actually list out what you have to do to earn all the songs...
Yep. Everyone was like, I don't have to do Big Boss Extreme mode when the trophy list was first revealed rofl. Easy. Then they go through the list what's actually required. Surprise, surprise ;)


Oct 25, 2017
The "Guardian Lord" (Destiny Platinum) trophy is probably my proudest because of pretty personally special reasons. It represents a lot of personal growth and triumph for me.


As someone with previously so much difficulty interacting with people online, with sometimes pretty bad social anxiety, but who loved Destiny's moment-to-moment gameplay, and someone motivated by collecting loot and achievements/trophies in games, it sucked thinking I would never be able to get the platinum trophy in destiny. I was terrified of what might happen if I locked up with anxiety as I have in that kind of situation before. I tried to lean on my brother to help me find groups of people to raid, but he kept encouraging to find my own groups. He had found a ton of people in just the tower social space that he played with regularly. Finally, I went to the destiny sherpa subreddit, which is full of incredible, wholesome people. They were great in teaching me and others how to raid, and that constructed environment made it way easier to handle interacting with strangers. I completed every raid, some multiple times, and got every exotic, some of which involve some extensive work with other people. For the flawless raider triumph I found a random guy who posted a youtube comment saying he had taken several people through flawless raids, and I decided to hit him up. Crazily it worked, and we scrounged up some people and got it done. I made sure to not just get the platinum, but the full 100% trophies with all DLC as well (how could I not? Both DLCs with trophies are great and have great raids).

I still suffer some amounts of social anxiety, but sometimes it's hard to believe how scared I was of interacting with strangers at all. Now I just shift into LFG gear, use a few small icebreakers, and get 'er done. Some LFGs have been miserable, but others have been great fun. Just the other day me, a friend I met through our clan, and a group of randoms completed the Petra's Run (no deaths for anyone) challenge of Last Wish in Destiny 2. It was loads of fun. Stressful, stressful fun. Our only failures were glitches.

As a recent thing, I have always wanted to solo, flawless a raid. But it is no longer feasible to do that in the raid everyone soloed in Destiny 1 anymore due to changes in one of the encounters on PS4/Xbox One. So like a crazy person I grabbed the game on Xbox 360, which ended support on a much older patch, and played through it again. Even somehow managed to slave my way through a heroic king's fall with the scraps of a community still playing on 360 for all achievements (there's like, 4) associated with doing so. I kinda got carried away replaying the game and getting all the achievements (it was a lot of fun, focusing on the optimal way to acquire them), and now all that is left for me is for me to solo Crota's End.

I keep putting it off. I'm not good at not dying. Even hard stuff I solo I normally have to recklessly bash my head against until I get through it.

But one day I will get flawless raider. All by myself. I am hoping to do so this summer. I finally got the Sunbreakers exotic arms armor for my Warlock, although I would like to experiment with Don't Touch Me for Hunter.


That'll probably be my proudest for some time I think.
Oct 25, 2017
Definitely Hardcore Risette Fan.

That seems to be the gatekeeper for the P4G Plat.

One day I'll finish a second playthrough and get the plat.