
Dec 3, 2017
Tomb Raider 2013 was awesome. I know people give it grief for being an Uncharted clone, but that style of gameplay fit the series so well. They ruined the next two games with the pseudo-open world settings and should go back to linear action.

Donato Andrea

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Jan 2, 2020
Funnily enough, I just started Underworld for the first time and man do I miss old Lara.


Dec 16, 2018
Just finished Shadows and that game is a slog. Loading is a huge problem and will really benefit from next gen ssds.

That said I think it needs a total reenvisioning. I think that applies to a lot of games. Gears of War, Uncharted as examples. Those types of games will feel really outdated next gen.

I personally enjoyed the isometric Tomb Raider games much more than this last trilogy. Don't know if that's the way to go but what they're doing now just isn't it.


Oct 27, 2017
While we are waiting for the next trilogy, maybe re-release Anniversary with updated visuals.

Deleted member 9486

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Give it back to the team that made the first two rebooted games. Team B didn't do the greatest job with the third.

I'm of the controversial opinion (on this forum anyway) that the first reboot and Rise were both excellent games. I really loved the open world area in Rise and couldn't put it down.

Same. I just finished Shadow and much preferred the first two more action oriented games. I never liked the old games. Not a fan of puzzles, and love Uncharted style, cinematic action-adventure games.
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Chocobo Blade

The Wise Ones
Oct 29, 2017
I think the franchise will go dormant for a few years until they figure out where to go with it. Personally I'd love if they made it more like the classics with a campy tone and the focus on puzzles/exploration but I'm not sure it would sell well in the modern market. I think it's more likely they'll just continue with nuLara games but simply go bigger by making it open world.

Damn Silly

Oct 25, 2017
Make it first person next time around and focus on the puzzles and platforming as the primary form of danger again, instead of tons and tons of enemies to shoot.




I've thought for a while now that Tomb Raider becoming Mirror's Edge but non-urban would be great.

Glad to see there are others!


Oct 26, 2017
This I agree, as I said as much as I like NuLara design the character herself it's not as charismatic and the new trilogy takes itself too seriously. The side cast and the villains are just boring.
Not to say it should be Legends tier of camp, but they need to find a better middleground.
You can do serious Tomb Raider and be good. I'd say the original games were closer to horror than fun adventure most of the time, but Lara was a sassy and witty character in the cutscenes instead of the personality vacuum Laura Kraft is.

Really they just need to stop trying make the games story and character driven. Let the levels do the storytelling and don't let the story go beyond Last Revelation in terms of amount and tone.


Oct 25, 2017
reboot it again. this trilogy had poorer planning than the star wars sequel trilogy.

Not wrong 🤣

The TR reboot trilogy story is like if they spent three movies hyping up Rey finally leaving Jakku and becoming a jedi and then ending as soon as she did that, and a random side character is literally the only one they bring back for the sequels.

I feel like the series will need another major rethink whatever happens at this point, and I feel a new developer would be the best catalyst for doing that now, but I guess if Crystal actually got time to work on follow-ups rather than pumping them out as soon as possible they could prove me wrong.
Oct 25, 2017
Funny enough for me, I'm playing through TR: DE again right now. The characterization and shift to focusing on combat do not serve it well; the platforming, puzzles, and searching for collectibles is excellent, on the other hand.

I think that in terms of characterization, I'd like Lara to be a veteran of the game, but less focused on avenging her father with gunz and more focused on just finding cool shit.

The game that most captured what I think is the spirit of Tomb Raider in the past decade is Lara Croft Go. The puzzles are one of the two best things about TR. Focus on that, please.


Oct 26, 2017
Not wrong 🤣

The TR reboot trilogy story is like if they spent three movies hyping up Rey finally leaving Jakku and becoming a jedi and then ending as soon as she did that, and a random side character is literally the only one they bring back for the sequels.

I feel like the series will need another major rethink whatever happens at this point, and I feel a new developer would be the best catalyst for doing that now, but I guess if Crystal actually got time to work on follow-ups rather than pumping them out as soon as possible they could prove me wrong.
Rey gets the lightsaber in the final scene of Episode VII. Never uses it again for rest of trilogy.


Oct 25, 2017
it's going to go to sleep for a bit

i am not optimistic about the CD avengers game, given it's appearances so far and someone on the waypoint podcast (can't remember who) implied that the situation seems a bit rocky.

i could see CD picking it up again after avengers if that really tanks hard, but i think it will be twilight for the PS5 / XSX when (if) we see a new tomb raider game. probably what TR2013 was to the PS360 era.


Oct 27, 2017
Unpopular opinion but I want Crystal Dynamics to make the next one. Just jumped into Rise of the Tomb Raider on Stadia and it's much better than both Shadow and TR2013, which I've just played through. It's not perfect but CD had a great thing going there, I liked the smaller hub levels with metroidvania unlockable tombs, and the wild life. Unfortunately the timed exclusivity deal made the negativity bury it and CD got kicked out, or so I assume. But it looks absolutely stunning and plays great, even better at 60fps. I want more focus on exploration and puzzles and lots of tombs. Less shooting. More verticality. And less running or sliding into insta death.



Oct 25, 2017
Unpopular opinion but I want Crystal Dynamics to make the next one. Just jumped into Rise of the Tomb Raider on Stadia and it's much better than both Shadow and TR2013, which I've just played through. It's not perfect but CD had a great thing going there, I liked the smaller hub levels with metroidvania unlockable tombs, and the wild life. Unfortunately the timed exclusivity deal made the negativity bury it and CD got kicked out, or so I assume. But it looks absolutely stunning and plays great, even better at 60fps. I want more focus on exploration and puzzles and lots of tombs. Less shooting. More verticality. And less running or sliding into insta death.
not to be rude, but why did you play shadow before rise? 😂


Oct 27, 2017
not to be rude, but why did you play shadow before rise? 😂
Oh sorry if that came out strange, I played Rise at the launch, but that was 4 years ago. Then played Shadow at it's launch and replayed TR2013 when Stadia launched and now Rise again when it came up for free on Stadia.


Oct 25, 2017
There are over 20 tomb raider games. How many more do you need?

Let it end, let them make something new.


Mar 18, 2018
It's either dead for a while or a low budget nostalgic reboot.

Can't imagine another triple A title in the vein of the last 3.
Oct 25, 2017
London, UK
I have played every Tomb Raider game from.the Saturn original to the most recent.

The key to the good games is exploration and accurate but limited combat

I think it would work well if it was a bit more Metroidvania

So... How about Retro studios? (I'd want it to be multiplat though)

Princess Bubblegum

I'll be the one who puts you in the ground.
On Break
Oct 25, 2017
A Cavern Shaped Like Home
I say do a reboot, heavily rework the characters and find a good writer. Also make Lara and Sam a couple, goddamn it. They should just borrow heavily from Uncharted and make Sam an adventurous filmaker who can hold her own even when things get dangerous.

I know they will most probably go full open world for the next game but I'd prefer the current formula.


Oct 25, 2017
the edge
I had a lot of fun with Tomb Raider 2013 but looking back at Rise, it felt like a map pack at best. I think it has two new weapons and one new ability (breathing under water)? Something like that. It ended up being one of the most forgettable games I've played this generation and that fact is the only reason I remember playing it at all. Like, I 100% completed the single player over one weekend and completely forgot that I played it the week after. It really put me off Shadow for good, despite being in a different setting.

It's sad because I still enjoy the gameplay and her new design is great but it seems like they put everything they had into the reboot and ran out of ideas for the sequel.

The key component from the old games that I missed the most in the two games I played from this trilogy is the globe-trotting nature of the adventure. Starting in India, going to the pacific, then the USA, London and finally Antarctica was amazing. Same with China, Venice, an oil rig(?) and back to China. That's the aspect that I want to most from a new Tomb Raider, that it's not stuck in one semi-open-world.

But it probably would be too expensive to realize these days.


One Winged Slayer
Jun 17, 2019
Hopefully whoever develops the next titles will once again go all in on the supernatural--I miss shooting up dinosaurs and demons.


Oct 26, 2017
Finished the reboot trilogy last month,really fun games with beautiful art direction but the story and characters were beyond boring for me.
Hopefully Jonah never comes back again,i know the lame trinity arc is over at least.
Jonah was like the 'Jason!' meme from heavy rain,Lara is always screaming his name when she has to save his sorry ass for the millionth time.
Rise was my favourite,i guess the jump in visuals/animations/art direction left me really impressed after playing the first game.
Shadow is beautiful and had the most interesting premise,mayan apocalipse sounds exciting as hell but it didn't deliver in the end imo.
Storywise they can do anything and i don't care that much tbh.
Maybe turn her into a super athlete that can do some crazy stunts/acrobathics with some fast paced prince of persia gameplay,like shooting while wall running or something.
Maybe deviate a little bit from the hunting/survival/sneaking and standard-ish tps gameplay for something more original.


Oct 8, 2019
Personally speaking, I think the franchise will be dormant for a while, just like Deus Ex and come back mid-to-late next generation. With Uncharted likely being dormant now too, this would've been their chance to grab hold of the market but both Crystal Dynamics and Eidos Montreal are busy with Marvel now.

I'd rather they rethink and go back to the drawing board when they do bring it back. Focus more on the survival aspect of the game and exploration like Rise and Shadow did but with more to it than going A to B. Then again, I personally was super disappointed with the reboot and only got to like the games more with each new entry.


Jan 14, 2018
As long as they take it away from Crystal Dynamics and never let them touch it again I'll be happy.


Jan 24, 2019
Please just unreboot Tomb Raider and bring the series back to its roots with more games like Anniversary and Underworld. And lots of exploration, puzzle solving, platforming, and outfits!


Feb 24, 2019
This Lara was gonna be so interesting after game one. She was going to be the Lara we all knew but more nuanced with a past that would certainly be haunting her. She would be fun, brave, talented, and charming, overcompensating for the fear and trauma she felt.

Nope. We got boring sack of a protagonist origin story part two and three. The most fun this Lara ever had would be when I made her throw pumpkins around in the second game. She was like a person who went into the family business of tomb raiding because it's what her dad did and "well gee whiz I dont have anything else on my resume so I guess I ought to as well. Might as well see what got him murdered"

I never got the feeling that new Lara was doing anything because she wanted to. She only did it because the game needed her to.


My ass legally belongs to Ted Price
Oct 17, 2019
3 games in and I honestly do not care one bit for Lara, or any of the supporting characters that went through the revolving doors.
Partly because the writing has been only okay (the first game) to horrible (Shadow). And also because the characters don't even have aesthetic consistency from one game to the next, fucking Jonah changed ethnicity between each game ffs.


Oct 29, 2017
She was like a person who went into the family business of tomb raiding because it's what her dad did and "well gee whiz I dont have anything else on my resume so I guess I ought to as well. Might as well see what got him murdered"

I never got the feeling that new Lara was doing anything because she wanted to. She only did it because the game needed her to.

Lara has pretty clearly communicated interest in history and finding relics. She has enthusiastic commentary for every collectible, and in Shadow there is even a playable flashback sequence from when she was a little girl making it clear that she was naturally interesting in adventuring from a very early age.


My ass legally belongs to Ted Price
Oct 17, 2019
It really is a shame, you can take your pick. Aloy, Max, Chloe (Uncharted or LIS), Nadine, Kait Diaz, Elena, Ellie, Kat and Raven, Senua, Zelda. Pick a stand out female character from this generation, and odds are they will have been
A) Better written than Lara
B) Had a more insteresting storyline than Lara
C) Where more charming/memorable than Lara
D) All of the above

Our girl deserved much, much better.


Jan 7, 2020
Let the IP rest for a gen.
Maybe they should go back to basics and have a Lara who likes tombs, I dunno, I'm not a Tomb Raider expert.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
Open world Egypt with motorbikes and jeeps.


Oct 28, 2017
Seriously, and I mean this with the utmost respect for the staff at Crystal Dynamics and Eidos Montreal, I'd like a UK Dev to have a crack at the franchise again.
The newer games are missing some of the "DNA" that Core Design gave the game.
Sumo are a talented bunch, some great technical staff and designers there, and their work on the Sonic Racing games shows they know how to get under the skin of an I.P to see what makes it tick.
It would be a "big ask" but I have a gut feeling they would deliver the goods.


Oct 25, 2017
Make it like TR1-3, essentially.

Exploration, platforming, a silent world, sporadic action, supernatural camp.

Damn Silly

Oct 25, 2017
ueah but st least there's have been good Metroid

both mirrors edge were bad
Ah, thank you for the truly intelligent insight of "game bad"

Even if that was the case -- it ain't -- it has nothing to do with the concept of a new Tomb Raider game perhaps trying a similar style, which would bring it more in line with classic Tomb Raider.