
Neo•Geo Saver
Oct 27, 2017
I tried to do RVD's five star frog splash off a diving board into a local pool as a kid. Ended up more like a five star belly flop and knocked the wind out of me from the height I did it at, lol


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
In high school during freshman year, I had video production as an elective. We had to do a short story that had a beginning, middle, and end type deal. I was filming and 2 classmates were the actors. My classmate wrote the script and for the ending he was to give the Stone Cold Stunner to the bad guy, my classmate. This was in 1998/1999 during the height of the Attitude Era. We filmed everything in the school cafeteria. I was filming the ending and my classmate either completely botched the Stunner, changed things on the fly, or did this on purpose. Instead of a Stunner he changed it into a DDT. A DDT onto a cement floor. For one thing, it was the cleanest, most textbook looking DDT I have ever seen. I remember hearing the thud as my classmates head hit the floor. I remember the look of agony on his face. Blood poured out from between his fingers as he held the top of his head. He let out a bone chilling silent scream. I knew this was bad. I put the camera down and ran to get help from the nearest classroom. Paramedics were called and he was sent to the hospital. He broke his skull and had to have surgery. My classmate who did the DDT was suspended and never came back to school afterwards. I later heard his family got sued. I somehow escaped any punishment.
Up to this point i thought you were going to write something like "My classmate that did de DDT now is World Heavyweight Champion on a big promotion".

Nelo Ice

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I don't remember the move but I remember wrestling my cousin and I hurt myself on the table. Had to go to the doctor and everything. Wasn't anything serious but yeah no kid listens to don't try this at home lol.

The Bookerman

Oct 25, 2017
Not a move per say, but I hit my friend in the face with a mean gene interview mic, he "shoot" started bleeding.



Nov 2, 2017
Blackpool, UK
I made two of my cousins cry with wrestling moves. One was a sharpshooter, the other was with an ankle lock. Felt like shit both times as I hadn't meant to put that much pressure on either one, it was play fighting. Chokeslammed my sister on the couch a few times, basically throwing her on to bounce, luckily none of those went wrong. I was a fucking idiot, and I feel shitty when I think back on it now.
The warnings are there for a reason, (though they weren't at the time of the sharpshooter incident), but I sometimes think that makes people want to try it more sometimes.


Mar 13, 2019
A friend German suplexed me in the middle of a road. Luckily I had a rucksack on, with clothes in it, which rode up enough that I landed on that instead of concrete, otherwise I'd probably have broken my neck.


Oct 25, 2017
Not myself but the most memorable one that sticks out for me.

Around year 10/11 in secondary school, my class and one other (both the high performing classes of the year) started holding wrestling matches in empty classrooms at lunch for a little while.

It was all kayfabe and people held their punches but as this went on you could tell people were starting to get stiffer with their hits as their was a unspoken rivalry between our classes (being the top 2).

One day I remember one of the guys from the other class, who was really tall and built, grabbed one of my class mates, got him in the position for a pedigree, took a few seconds to look across 'the audience' and then hit him with it. This was on that hard, almost marble looking style flooring you get at schools. My classmate got up, a bit dazzed and a bloody nose and that was the end of wrestling at school lol. As bad as it was, the way he executed it makes me laugh to this day, 20 years later 😂

Also I remember me and another guy from that class (the other tall and built guy in their class) randomly decided to 3D someone in technology class while everyone was standing around and the teacher was out. Guy wasn't hurt too badly and it was funny as hell.

You do have to remember how dangerous this shit can be though, worst was a thing people used to do while the class was lined up outside a classroom. Someone would run into the person at the back and try to domino the entire class. I remember doing it once but like half the class realised and moved out of the way, I eventually went into one guy, now with more speed and knocked him down. As he fell his back hit a small electrical box on the bottom of the wall and he was screaming and crying in pain. I thought at first I had paralysed him and was shitting myself. He was perfectly fine after but that really scared me straight lol.


Oct 27, 2017
The piledriver is a bog-standard wrestling move but it's simple, straightforward and to the point. It visibly communicates the "damage" and the intention of the move. There's no real acting required from the recipient. It's a classic move, and were you to do it to someone in real life (as in, really do the move in a real fight) you'd kill them very quickly.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I saw someone get 3D'd in a changing room and I think they hurt his back


Oct 30, 2017
I had a friend who flying elbow dropped me into the water while i was chilling in a floating pool chair. Fuck him.


Oct 27, 2017
I was 16 in college and a friend tried to dropkick me in the break room. I fell back onto a sofa and he landed on the floor, clutching his arm. He left early that day in agony and came back the next week with a cast; he'd only gone and landed on the thing, breaking it in the process.


Oct 28, 2017

Kids will always imitate, I doubt many of us got that talk outside a mocking of wrestling being "fake". Just got to go the right way about talking about it.

Yeah but I remember doing this as a kid, despite having that talk from my parents and there's plenty of stories in here of parents giving kids a good telling off.

It's not like it's a big issue, we are not big into wrestling here but you can't trust a kid's judgment, no matter what talks you've had with them. Despite being a paper thin waif in my youth, I felt invincible.

All these stories are just one piece of bad luck away from life changing disaster.
Oct 25, 2017
I loved jumping across my room from my dresser to my bed to do a frog splash on my pillows, surprised I never hurt myself because that was a bit of a jump and couldn't possibly fathom doing that today.

But one time I "played wrestling" with someone else, they put me in a Crossface and that shit hurt.


Oct 25, 2017
When I was like 10 I tried to do an Eddie Guerrero frog splash off of some playground equipment at school. The other kid stuck his knee up and I landed right on it, lmao. Didn't break any bones thankfully, but I did bruise up my ribs a lot.


Oct 27, 2017
Frog Splash. I would pull a foam mattress from my bunk bed into my mom's room when she wasn't home. I'd put a pillow down on the mattress to represent a person and to cushion my fall as I'd jump off her bed to the mattress below to practice my Eddie Guerrero version of the splash. One time I slipped and missed the mattress completely. That hurt and had the wind knocked out of me. Nothing broken, but scared me from ever doing it again.
Oct 25, 2017
Frog Splash. I would pull a foam mattress from my bunk bed into my mom's room when she wasn't home. I'd put a pillow down on the mattress to represent a person and to cushion my fall as I'd jump off her bed to the mattress below to practice my Eddie Guerrero version of the splash. One time I slipped and missed the mattress completely. That hurt and had the wind knocked out of me. Nothing broken, but scared me from ever doing it again.
Man, Eddie had that impact on a lot of us. Think I was also doing triple suplexes to my pillows.

Ocean Bones

Oct 29, 2017
This thread has me laughing hard as fuck.

I think I've taken some painful figure 4s. Some rough choke slams when I was little where I went flying off the mattress to hit the floor or nearby dressers.


Oct 27, 2017
New York, NY
We stupidly experimented with the Frankensteiner...

I was the bigger of our friends, so I was always the one taking it... I would grab the person and essentially flip them back and take the bump... I'm pretty sure a lot of my back problems come from that.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Nothing messed me up personally but I was banned from watching wrestling for 2 weeks after an episode of raw is war when I just off a chair and my knee clipped the glass table to shatter it.

Also had a buddy give someone else a pedigree in the pool, cut his chin up and he had to get stiches.


Oct 27, 2017
Boston Crab/Walls of Jericho

Didn't get "injured" but that hurt like hell fully cranked back.


Oct 26, 2017
Oh yeah, our group of friends that wrestled once a week all had signature moves but we all had the same signature submission, the Crippler Crossface.

Also, the biggest guy in the group had the Rikishi signature pin where he just sits in you. But his character was a chicken, and he clucked just before dropping all his weight on you. Dude was undefeated.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I was the bigger older brother so nothing really but i fucked up my little brother up a lot. I did let him get the weapon shots in though. Not wrestling related but we do have a homevideo him giving me a wicked head shot when were little and i cried like a little bitch.


What year is this?
Oct 25, 2017
I let a friend "DDT" me on the playground which consisted of him pulling my face down as hard as he could into his knee which resulted in a broken nose.


Nov 2, 2017
We were playing wrestling at the park, was lying down on the woodchips around the play area. My friend proceeded to do the Eddie Guerrero Frog Splash on me, jumping from the wooden play area itself (it wasn't that high). He landed poorly with his knee in my testicles and his forearm on my face. He had scratches on his face and everywhere pretty much, and I was rocked pretty solidly + never had any hit to the testicles that hit as hard as this ever again in my life.

Also had one incident that could have been catastrophic where we had the brilliant idea to do a Vertebreaker jump into the pool, I picked up my friend but while I was picking her up I slipped and fell on my ass. My ass was really hurting, ngl. Seeing how slippery it was, and the position this fucking move puts the person on the receiving end in that could have been the worst thing. Bad thing, we were teenagers so we should have known better from the start. Good thing, we were teenagers so we realized it could go wrong once I slipped and hurt my ass.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
I remember when a friend and I were goofing around doing wrestling moves on each other after school, and I jackknifed powerbombed him onto the hood of my dad's car at the time. I was trying to hold him up so that he wouldn't fall that hard, but nope. It left a dent in the car, and my dad damn near left a dent in my ass when he found out.