What was your first RE game?

  • Resident Evil (1996)

    Votes: 655 46.9%
  • Resident Evil 2 (1998)

    Votes: 234 16.7%
  • Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (1999)

    Votes: 55 3.9%
  • Resident Evil 4 (2005)

    Votes: 222 15.9%
  • Resident Evil 5

    Votes: 55 3.9%
  • Resident Evil 6

    Votes: 7 0.5%
  • Other (Remakes, 7, 8, Spin-off)

    Votes: 170 12.2%

  • Total voters


Nov 2, 2017
First one I saw was Resident Evil 2 at my friend's birthday party.

First one I actually got to play was REmake on Gamecube!

First one I bought with my own money was RE4, first pre-order ever too! :D

Deleted member 16908

Oct 27, 2017
RE2 remake. It's what got me into the series.


Jan 2, 2021
West Coast, USA
REmake. By the time I had a PlayStation console, the only way I could access games was from Blockbuster (used or rented), which I only visited with my mom for the most part—who would never allow such a game. However, my dad eventually got us a GameCube and bought REmake for himself with it, which I snuck in to play with him until I eventually got too scared lol


Apr 24, 2018
Resident evil 1. I believe it was also my first 3d game at the time.


The San Symphony Project
Sep 2, 2019
United Kingdom
I find these really interesting. What were these like if I may ask?

I was in a weird position where, growing up in the UK, the PlayStation was popular but geared towards people slightly older than I was at the time. I grew up playing an N64 primarily around that time. I think as I got slightly older I became more aware of Resident Evil as a series but I deal really badly with horror.

I think I had tried to play the originals when I was slightly younger but found them too scary, but was aware of infamous moments like the dogs bursting through the windows through cultural osmosis and online videos.

Eventually I just had the chance to play Deadly Silence and I stuck with it as the first time I played through the game. It's so long ago now that I mostly only remember the first person slashing mechanic as opposed to anything else in that version. All of my memories of RE1 now are basically from my multiple playthroughs of the PS1 version at this point.

Funny though, Resi is now maybe my favourite gaming franchise and Deadly Silence was the game that helped me get over the initial fear I had of horror games in general.


Nov 4, 2020
Resident Evil 4 on Gamecube. I didn't have Playstation consoles until that gen, and even then, most of what I played was on Gamecube. I got the game because I thought Leon looked really cool lmao. I was right.


Sep 1, 2018
First one I ever owned : RE1(PS1) but since I was to young I mostly watched my older brother playing it on our PS2.
First one I tried : Revelation 2(PS3)
First one Ive finished : RE4(PS3)
Games Ive finished : RE4, RE6 and Revelation 2. All on PS3.


Mar 25, 2021
I think I bought them all at once and played them in order, but I might have played RE4 first. I definitely played the original before the REmake.

I was talking about RE with a coworker the other day and mentioned RE4 wasn't my favourite, but when I tried to figure out which one was or where I'd rank RE4 I realised I actually can't choose. I think I like RE2 and CVX least, but all the others are about equal.
Oct 27, 2017
It was when I picked up a cheap copy of RE7. I bounced off that game pretty early, as the early Jack Baker house stuff was scary shit as far as I was concerned haha.

I have a preference for third person games, so when RE2 Remake came out and I liked the demo, I was super in for it. Turns out I loved that game, and it even got me to go back to RE7 and run through the whole thing.

Of course, I've become a fan of the series and played RE3 Remake at release. With no prior history to draw from, I dare say I liked that game better than some who remember the original, but it's no RE2.

And to top it all off, I had my first taste of RE4 in the last couple of months on PC. Beat it, loved it once I settled into the controls/movement, and am now patiently awaiting the chance to play it again via the Remake.


Mar 28, 2018
I was in a weird position where, growing up in the UK, the PlayStation was popular but geared towards people slightly older than I was at the time. I grew up playing an N64 primarily around that time. I think as I got slightly older I became more aware of Resident Evil as a series but I deal really badly with horror.

I think I had tried to play the originals when I was slightly younger but found them too scary, but was aware of infamous moments like the dogs bursting through the windows through cultural osmosis and online videos.

Eventually I just had the chance to play Deadly Silence and I stuck with it as the first time I played through the game. It's so long ago now that I mostly only remember the first person slashing mechanic as opposed to anything else in that version. All of my memories of RE1 now are basically from my multiple playthroughs of the PS1 version at this point.

Funny though, Resi is now maybe my favourite gaming franchise and Deadly Silence was the game that helped me get over the initial fear I had of horror games in general.
Wow, that's pretty awesome. I don't know many who've played that version let alone that be the intro to a series with do many entries and ports. I have a friend who can't do horror in any form at all so to hear you go through that with DS is quite unique I would think so many kudos to you! Thanks for sharing that.


Oct 25, 2018
Original RE3 a couple years after it came out. I love the series and Village is the next game im playing after im done with Elden Ring.

Also waiting on the PS5 patch to play Remake 3


Aug 27, 2018
I find these really interesting. What were these like if I may ask?
Deadly Silence is RE1 Ps1 souped up and with a multiplayer mode,
It has RE4 control scheme. L for knife is awesome and the quick turn is also pretty good.
Umbrella Chronicles is House of the Dead aka rail shooter but RE 0 , 1 and 3 themed, plus a new story beat showing the downfall of umbrella via Wesker Chris and Jill Shenanigans


Prophet of Regret
Aug 10, 2020
RE5, and it was great (but not the greatest in the series, obviously).

Wong Kar Why

Unshakable Resolve
Oct 27, 2017
OG re2 when i was way too young for the genre haha. whenever my brothers were at school and i had days off, i'd boot up the ps1 and try my best to play. it was hella scary and just way too difficult for me. never got too far back in the day, but i beat it plenty of times when i got older.


Oct 27, 2017
Resident Evil on Playstation - I can still remember my best friend calling me and describing the cover. We didn't get very far, something like to the chemical "puzzle" where the vines are blocking you from grabbing an emblem before we died repeatedly. I think I was hooked on survival horror from that weekend on.
Jul 27, 2020
Re2-Rented it at blockbuster, scratched up claire disc, got to the rook plug sewer, couldnt find the others and gave up until early 2000 when i got it at WalMart.
RE3-Fall 99, Rented it, loved it. Especially Mercenaries.
Re1, april 2000-20$ Dual Shock edition, love the music, idc.
Survivor, still like this game. One of the few who do
Code Veronica, still an OG hit.

Then the rest

Garcia el Gringo

Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I casually spectated some peer play REmake (that left the biggest impression) and 0 and ports on GameCube, Code Veronica on Dreamcast and PS2 spinoffs like Dead Aim and Outbreak. Too intense for me when I was barely in my double digits.

RE4 came out when I was 13/14 and I was finally ready, got my own copy asap. Adored it. Deadly Silence followed at its launch a year later.
Oct 19, 2018
Resident Evil 5

For whatever reason growing up I don't recall hearing anything about the franchise; I suppose my family and most friends I knew had Nintendo systems. Even when we got the GameCube, I don't remember anything related to ReMake at all despite its prestige and fitting snugly in the launch window. I would see Resident Evil 4 at Blockbuster, but for whatever reason it never really drew my interest; I would say the M rating might be part of why, but I played other M games so that wasn't the issue.

It wasn't until the demo for Resident Evil 5 became available on Xbox 360 years later that I got my real first taste. I don't recall exactly why I downloaded it, though it must've been a combo of the logo and how the game looked - still looks great IMO, but I must've ended up replaying it at least a dozen times prior to launch. Even as a co-op game, I treated it as single player and really liked it regardless. Sheva was cool, and while slightly cumbersome to deal with, the AI was never a dealbreaker for me. I wasn't really scared at any point, but it was certainly tense and a challenge. And while I really liked 5, it didn't hook me in to the franchise. While Operation Racoon City looked interesting, I never ended up playing it, and 6 didn't appeal to me either.

It wasn't until years later watching Gametrailers that I paid more attention to the franchise. I started watching them stream a lot starting around the spring of 2015, and eventually they streamed Code Veronica, 4, and 0 which I watched and enjoyed. During 4, Brad and Huber mentioned the demo was that opening village section which struck me as funny as that is the same exact demo situation as 5 that I enjoyed so much. The second game I ended up playing was Resident Evil VIII, and have since played Zero, ReMake, RE2R, RE3R, and Village as well and consider RE to be one of my favorite franchises.

I know people have issues with 5 but I stand by it.


Oct 27, 2017
My uncle first showed my brother RE1 for the Playstation at his house. This was before my brother got a PS1 for himself (we still had an SNES). I didn't find it interesting at the time. My brother was hooked. Then a couple of years later, my brother let me play a short mode in RE2 for the PS1 (I can't remember what it was, I think I played as Hunk?) I struggled with the controls, so it took me a while to beat it (my brother was telling me what to do, my youngest brother just said I sucked). Didn't have any interest after that.

Finally, I bought RE4: Wii Edition (it was $20 at Walmart). I saw my brothers play RE4 on the Gamecube, and once again, for some reason, I was not interested. It looked too violent! I saw a video on YouTube on all the ways Leon could violently die, and I was like nope! Well, I ended up LOVING RE4! That game just feels so good to play! I always wanted a new RE game with the gameplay of 4, but with a new setting a new scenarios. Never happened.

My brother let me play RE5 on his 360, and I hated it. The gameplay didn't feel right to me. I could not stop playing it, though! Lost In Nightmares was my favorite part of RE5. The last RE I've been able to play is Revelations 1 on the Wii U, and I love that game! That game feels as close to RE4 as it gets, plus it's way more spooky. I still play it constantly. Raid Mode rules!

I really want to play the remakes, though!
Last edited:


Oct 28, 2017
Played Resident Evil 2 on PS1 at my cousin's house back when it came out. We rented it and played through A and B in the same night, staying up really late.

First Resident Evil game I owned was the GameCube remake of 1, which is still in the top 3 for me in the series.


Mar 23, 2020
My first RE was OG 3. I got into it after playing the demo that came with Dino Crisis--this was a few years into the PS2 life cycle, when I got DC cheap used. Dug it, although it took until the Gamecube version came out that I was able to play the full game (the used PS1 copy I found was nonfunctional, unfortunately). Played through it a bunch, played 4 and REmake. Played 5 a few years after launch, then 6 a few years after launch. Rev 2 on launch, then all of the RE Engine games I picked up at launch.

Hero of Winds

Oct 28, 2017
Technically it was RE4 - I used to watch my cousin play it a lot when I was a kid (in retrospect, maybe wasn't the best idea to let a 12 year old watch RE4, but I turned out alright... I think), and one time he offered to let me play in an area without any enemies. I ran around for a few minutes before giving the controller back to him, afraid that an enemy might pop out. The first game I actually played and finished was 5, with REmake coming shortly after. After that I was hooked and went on to finish every mainline game... except Code Veronica. Need to get on that eventually


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
I find these really interesting. What were these like if I may ask?
UC is a pretty by-the-numbers rail shooter retelling of RE0, RE1, and RE3. It leaned into the cheese and wasn't all that spooky, and the stories were pretty truncated (on top of being kind of messed up since Chris and Jill were always together in its retelling of the original game, and I believe it was the same for Jill and Carlos in its retelling of RE3), but it was fun enough, and seeing many of those games' locations in full first-person 3D was cool at the time, though the game wasn't a stunner with its looks. Plus, it had extra stories not seen in the main games, such as Chris and Jill finally eliminating Umbrella for good, and I believe I remember it letting you play as Wesker during his escape from the Spencer Mansion.

I liked Darkside Chronicles a lot more. It focused on RE2 and Code: Veronica, with their stories being recounted by Leon during his mission with Krauser that's alluded to in RE4. The game looked much better than Umbrella Chronicles, and I feel like it did put a bit more emphasis on horror, or at least I think I remember it being like that. It was a lot more interesting and fun to me.

EDIT: D'oh, really sorry for the double post. I forgot to edit this message into my previous one. :(


Oct 27, 2017
The PC port of RE1 was my first. Unforgettable experience that cemented a lifelong love for the series.

Empty Your Head

Alt Account
Feb 1, 2022
Mine was Resident Evil 4 on the PlayStation 2.

So, I got an original PlayStation when my dad got the PS2 so for a few years I was a generation behind. Didn't matter to me because I was a very young child.

One day my dad took me to Blockbuster and I really wanted to rent Dino Crisis. He warned me that I wouldn't enjoy it because it would be too hard.

It was and it was also too scary for me. We went back the next day and I got Simpsons Wrestling 😅

Because of that I never wanted to play the Resident Evil games because he said they were the same and worse.

Fast forward a few years to October 2005. It was a few days after my birthday, I had my own PS2 and my dad took me to EB Games and I decided to get Resident Evil 4 because it had just come out and I felt more 'mature'

I also got Nightmare Before Christmas: Ogie's Revenge. It was a Capcom birthday that year I guess. My dad ruled. Miss him.

Resident Evil 4 was great. When my dad got my sister and brother the Wii, I requested RE4 on the Wii and played it there too. And both of the Chronicles games.

I wanted the Resident Evil 5 Red Xbox 360 so bad but had to settle for the standard elite. Played the hell out of RE5. Didn't like RE6. Love 7 & 8.

Need to play the RE2 and RE3 remakes. Revelations was good; Haven't played the second one. Operation Raccoon City fucking stinks.

Have never and will never finish any of the tank control games. Just not my thing.


Prophet of Truth
May 30, 2018
5 was my first game
I enjoyed it a lot
I've tried REmake1 , RE2R, RE3R, 4, 6, 7VR a couple of hours each
Too spooky for me


Nov 8, 2017
I played the Directors Cut Dual Shock version of RE1 which had the new music in it.

Never knew the difference until after the fact but enjoyed it to play RE2 and the later games released throughout the years.


The one who likes mustard
Nov 1, 2017
The first one. My cousin brought his PlayStation over and he had rented it. He didn't even have a memory card so I could only get so far, I think I only got to the part where you go underground, but man I was hooked. It easily became my favorite game series and made me want to get my own PlayStation.


Mar 23, 2019
PC demo for Resident Evil. Didn't get the full game until much later and played on PS2.

Big Powder

Oct 25, 2017
Resident Evil: Director's Cut. I begged my parents to get it for me after seeing a commercial for Resident Evil 2, and they relented on my fifth birthday. Still one of my favorite games of all time.


Oct 25, 2017
Resident Evil: Director's Cut. I begged my parents to get it for me after seeing a commercial for Resident Evil 2, and they relented on my fifth birthday. Still one of my favorite games of all time.
lol that's wild. I couldn't imagine playing RE1 or RE2 at 5 years of age.

My first one was RE2 in 1998, played back to back with Metal Gear Solid.


Aug 29, 2019
Thought RE1 was cool before it came out (i was around 15-16 years old). Rented a PS1 system from Blockbusters just for RE1 (consoles were helluva expensive back then XD). Loved it. And showed it to old friends.

Big Powder

Oct 25, 2017
lol that's wild. I couldn't imagine playing RE1 or RE2 at 5 years of age.

My first one was RE2 in 1998, played back to back with Metal Gear Solid.
It was terrifying. I will never forget running away from the TV crying after the dogs jumped through the windows. Something still kept me fascinated with the series even though it also freaked me out and probably contributed heavily to just about everything I was scared of at that age.


May 24, 2021
Technically it was 4 but I wasn't mad into it and dropped it, so RE2 Remake is my real first love, went back and played the whole series after that, including original 2. Still wasn't mad about 4 after going back and beating it, good game and I respect its legacy but I prefer the other games, felt it was a little too long and that island bit? Load of shite, hopefully thats fixed. Didn't care for 5 and 6 was dog water. The rest though, all Gucci.


Oct 27, 2017
The first one, and I had no idea what all the fuss was about. Alone in the Dark did it first and better.


Jun 20, 2020
  • The cool kid in the neighborhood got the OG 2001 PC release of RE3 Nemesis. It was terrifying and confusing (we were figuring out controls as we played)
  • Up until I didn't get a PS2, the first game I finished was the Java phone RE Uprising, which is kind of an RE2 demake
  • My first actual RE was RE 4 on PS2
I've yet to play classic RE proper

RE Uprising, first RE that I play

Astro Cat

Mar 29, 2019
I've played most of them since the original. 2 is definitely my favorite but I've never beaten a single one. Closest I got was in 4 and Code Veronica.