
Oct 31, 2017
fresh in my heart when UBI said that Valhalla will at least hit 4k 30. Its more of a disappointment with the upcoming generation as id hope we at least get 60 fps options in all games.


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
I was still hyped for all these games, but off the top of my head, these things did deflate my hype a bit.
  • Watch Dogs graphical downgrade
  • The Last of us 2 no multiplayer at launch
  • Halo going 60fps (less likely to be a graphical/tech benchmark like older titles)
  • Destiny full game not being far more content heavy than the Beta
  • Cyberpunk 2077 being 1st person instead of 3rd


Oct 26, 2017
RE3R cut content.

I haven't read/watched the leaks about TLOU 2 but every thumbnail and title I see on youtube says its bad.

Cyberpunk no 3rd person view.

Everything surrounding Pokemon SnS.


May 31, 2019
Some of these don't really fit with the criteria of just before launch: we have known that Cyberpunk is first-person only for quite a while now, and most games outside of Bethesda RPGs are either one or the other.

I would nominate the removal of split-screen from Halo 5. This was only confirmed a few months out from launch, and if you were a Halo fan who just watched trailers and didn't follow gaming news sites closely, you probably didn't know that such a series-staple feature had been removed. Friends of mine bought it and certainly didn't.

Jon God

Oct 28, 2017
Always Online. Basically this kills any game I am excited for. This happened for me with Elite Dangerous, which I never picked up.

Person behind game turns out to be horrible. Soulstorm was one of my most hyped games, but finding out that Lorne Lanning sucks was a heart break.

Deleted member 1839

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Left Alive announced to be a survival stealth game with minimal Mech sections. Then showing gameplay example of it where you get destroyed engaging enemies head on.

It really should have been an action TPS with mech sections because even after playing it for myself, the entire stealth part of the game sucks.

John Harker

Knows things...
Oct 27, 2017
Santa Destroy
David Hayter not voicing Snake in MGSV. Still haven't played it.

FF7R being Midgar only, oppressive atmosphere, dark pallete, limited enemy variety and all that. At least it still turned out good but still, hype deflating.

No split screen for halo 5. Haven't played it yet
Oct 25, 2017
Nothing game specific lately, just devs or pubs being scum bags
Any excitement is just deleted; the game may as well not exist anymore

Any future fighting game without rollback is getting a hard pass


One Winged Slayer
Jan 1, 2018
The Dex cuts from Sword and Shield deflated nearly all of my hype for the game, and what we learned about the game in general just prior to release and after release killed my hype for the franchise in general. It's going to take something really impressive for me to get back on board with Pokemon now because of Sword/Shield.

Another one is Paper Mario: Color Splash. When it was first announced, I thought the cards meant there would be a deck-building system in place, which was a really exciting concept to me. However, it was later confirmed that the cards were just consumables like the stickers in Sticker Star, so I went from some hype to zero hype pretty quickly.


Oct 25, 2017
Seriously, I know I already posted it, but SimCity (2013). The always-online, if it had actually worked instead of being a trainwreck at launch, would have been excusable and eventually forgotten.

But this? THIS?



This was the deathblow. And it's made worse because the way they built the game, there's no way to mod around it without massive performance issues.

And it's something that genuinely seemed to be hidden right up until launch, with preview material always focused on these low angle or zoomed in shots with no dotted line. It took so many people by surprise.


Oct 26, 2017
Does it matter how early the info was revealed, as long as I didn't know about it? Because I was close to getting Mario Party 9 until I heard about the car, and then the same thing happened once 10 released because surely they wouldn't bring that back.


Oct 28, 2017
FF7R being Midgar only, oppressive atmosphere, dark pallete, limited enemy variety and all that. At least it still turned out good but still, hype deflating.
I've not yet played the original (I will soon after finishing the remake), but like... oppressive atmosphere is somehow a bad thing? With the story this game is telling?
Oct 27, 2017
Bandung Indonesia
I've been eagerly awaiting the release of Ghost of Tsushima for years since its initial reveal. At times the wait has been painful as my excitement was too much to contain. I'm someone who has been pining for a grounded, ninja-stealth game with AAA production values since forever, and GoT was looking to be the closest thing to that ideal that I was likely to ever get. With each little nugget of information or the occasional trailer my anticipation continually rose to the point of nearly boiling over going into last week's State of Play gameplay demonstration. I watched it and mostly loved what I saw.

But then I came across this thread.

In that thread, the OP points out that GoT appeared to be eschewing the use of procedural death animations altogether. I remember the bow-and-arrow kills in the State of Play video looking pretty wonky, but at the time I assumed it was just some physics playing out in an unintended way. When I first saw the footage, it looked to me like the game was using a blend of keyframed/canned animations that transition smoothly into a ragdoll or procedural animation finish as enemies slump to the ground.

But then I kept reading that thread. People were pointing out how Sucker Punch's previous Infamous game completely lacked any sort of procedural death/impact animations for enemies. It looked pretty bad and wholly at odds with that game's otherwise stellar presentation. Then I went back and watched the State of Play footage again.

I'll be god damned. They've done it again. Ghost of Tsushima appears to rely completely on a handful of canned death animations with little in the way of even inverse kinematics kicking in after the enemy falls to the ground.

Get used to seeing that death animation over and over. Notice the crude re-alignment of the second corpse with the ground after the animation cycle ends.

This... is hard for my brain to compute. Why. Why on earth would they make this design decision in a game all about stylishly dispatching enemies as a badass samurai/ninja protagonist? I'm not saying that I'll be boycotting the game or anything, but this one seemingly small decision has severely deflated my excitement for this game. Maybe that sounds extreme to some of you, but I mean it. It's incredibly disappointing.

Has this happened to any of you with other games?

That the enemy would react as if they were blasted by a shotgun when Jin shot them with arrows is hilarious, lol.

Actually, my answer is the same game as you, albeit for a different reason. It's kinda disappointing to see GoT as yet another seemingly busy-work open world games, although in a novel setting. My hype kinda sank when I saw the state of play presentation with stuff like pray at various shines 1/4 to unlock stuff!, destroy enemy camps!.... things that are dimes a dozen in so many other open world games like these. Even the wind, novel as it is, is just a fancy gps line, basically.


Oct 26, 2017
Oh and this is odd but I was suuuuuuuper hyped about Sains Row the The Third but after an hour of playing it I was yearning for Saints Row 2 again. It was the whole package. Game seemed like saints row but like the McDonalds version of it. Like Sugar Ray's third album version of Sugar Ray. All these lets focus on these few things that made saints row stand out and dial it up to 11.

Just preferred the little things in 2 like going to the shopping mall changing socks, customization. Heck Johnny Gat. The gangs felt more organic and 3 was like a caricature, which I guess was the point.

Oddly enough I loved 4's fuck it lets go Crackdown.

I think I just wasn't expecting what I got in 3. Its not a shitty game, just not what I was looking for at the time. The more ads and videos I saw of three I felt like okay yeah you can do silly things but there's more meat right? Like they were just teasing the wackier aspects and not really being the entire game.


Teyvat Traveler
Nov 9, 2017
Mighty Number 9 is a huuuuge example of this for me.

Super hyped at the initial Kickstarter reveal, backed it, hyped it up to all my friends and stuff.

...yeah, we all know how that went. :(


Oct 29, 2017
The whole SimCity (2013) launch debacle was something else.

I was annoyed that it was always-online, but still really excited because it had been a whole decade since SimCity 4, and the initial reviews were actually quite positive. Luckily I held off because everyone was having connectivity problems, but I figured that would be resolved soon. And then ... I found out how the traffic and workplace mechanics were really dumb. Like game-breakingly dumb. I feel like I dodged a bullet on that one.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Oct 25, 2017
Seriously, I know I already posted it, but SimCity (2013). The always-online, if it had actually worked instead of being a trainwreck at launch, would have been excusable and eventually forgotten.

But this? THIS?

This was the deathblow. And it's made worse because the way they built the game, there's no way to mod around it without massive performance issues.

And it's something that genuinely seemed to be hidden right up until launch, with preview material always focused on these low angle or zoomed in shots with no dotted line. It took so many people by surprise.

Not familiar with sim city 2013, but Is that the max city size?


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Mar 22, 2018
West Blue
That Ghosts of Tsushima actually would have waypoints.

That's one of the biggest let downs I can remember.


Mar 12, 2020
I think buying Crackdown after playing the demo. I though there would be more to it and it was still fun but I was bummed I played a lot of what they game had to offer in the demo. By that I specifically mean that you could raise your skills levels enough that it bothered me in the final game.

That there was nothing to do in No Mans Sky, absolutely killed the hype I had.
I am sincerely curious at what people thought No Man's Sky would be and why they believed it would.

It had tons of the exact gameplay they talked about. They just left out a lot they hyped but never really showed.


Oct 25, 2017
Tripping in brawl and the overall downgrade compared to melee

it was just bad news after bad news those first few weeks. Complete shock after that incredible hype cycle.


Oct 25, 2017
Pokémon Sword and shield leaks

kind of killed my hype for the series as a whole. I didn't even give a shit about the national Pokédex cut.


Oct 25, 2017
Not familiar with sim city 2013, but Is that the max city size?
Yep. It's like a tenth of the maximum size in SimCity 4. The underlying systems they had were a severe constraint on city size, so you were limited to making a glorified large neighborhood. The workaround was that Maxis intended players to work together with other people in an always-online network of several mini-cities in a region that would connect to each other to share commuters and resources, but the network aspect was terrible for the first month or so. It also didn't help that the computationally expensive system (dubbed "agents", which was described as like a massive circulatory AI system that would carry citizens, power, water, services, etc. through your city) was not functioning correctly, causing cars and pedestrians to travel in endless circles, or your city to burn down because all of the fire trucks will filter toward the first burning building and ignore everything further away until the closest fire is extinguished, or power or water to just never correctly route from their source to distant locations (despite having surpluses of production for both) due to some algorithmic quirk.

Deleted member 19533

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
fresh in my heart when UBI said that Valhalla will at least hit 4k 30. Its more of a disappointment with the upcoming generation as id hope we at least get 60 fps options in all games.
I actually think that's what they're indicating. At least 30, meaning 30FPS resolution mode with a 60FPS performance mode. No one knows for sure.

Either that, or they're saying it's going to be a variable frame rate. Please, god, no.


Feb 28, 2019
United States
Not sure if it counts as "close to launch," but first thing that came to mind for me was the quiet announcement around E3 last year that there would be no national dex in SWSH.

Beth Cyra

Oct 26, 2017
Early leaks that their was basically no FF in KH3. I play the series for the FF Cameos so I was mainly looking forward to the chance of Cloud, Aerith and Squall.


Dec 4, 2018
RE3R went from game of my dreams to insult to the original in a week lifespan.

They really got the original wrong. How could they cut the areas they cut and managed Nemesis the way they did. It was, honestly, idiotic.
Nov 19, 2019
Kind of stretching the limits of "close to release date", but the game had so many release dates.

Anyway, I died a little inside with every new announcement regarding Kingdom Under Fire 2.

I discovered KUF:Crusaders well after the original Xbox generation had ended, and was blown away at what an incredible game it was. The sequel changed developers and genres more times than I could count. It came out 15 years later a bog-standard Korean MMORPG. Heartbreaking.


Oct 27, 2017
Hearing Ghost Recon: Breakpoint was adding rpg like elements to the game like The Division, yes I know about the update but I'mma wait for a deep sale.


Feb 4, 2020
That the enemy would react as if they were blasted by a shotgun when Jin shot them with arrows is hilarious, lol.

The feedback on the bow was the one thing in the Tsushima video that really made me kinda unconsciously cringe. You'd think a bow in a game like that would be this quiet, elegant, piercing thing. Instead the screen shakes and the enemy reacts like you hit them with a boxing glove glued to the end of a wooden dowel.

I exaggerate of course, but it just felt... off.


use of an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Angola / Zaire border region.
The animations for those few deaths by bow and arrow in the State of Play made my laugh out loud. A guy gets hit in the side of the head by an arrow and an instant later he has rotated 90 degrees to face the player and fly backwards.

But by far the worst were the back to back deaths by kunai throw. They both use the same animation of the guy gripping his throat, which looks hilariously bad on the first guy as the kunai appears to hit him in the knee.


Jun 22, 2018
My hype slightly deflated for GoT when after repeatably saying it had no waypoints and markers it just meant they have replaced it by a summonable wind and animals pointing you somewhere. Just let me explore damnit.
I'm impressed that they somehow found something more distracting. That wind is hilarious

You can just not use them?

That's not really a good solution since the game was built around said wind and animals. Assassin's Creed Odyssey had a "no waypoint" mode and even that was awkward to use and the game prompted you to use your tracking sense if you were decently close to the target due to the vague instructions and it looks like Ghosts doesn't even have that

A game needs to build their world around a "no waypoint" system


Nov 1, 2017
Sonoma County, California.
Thinking back to Destiny and the hype around its Beta... only to find out that we had just experienced 1/4 of the the full game's locations was just... gut-punching. Still, we had no idea even then just how threadbare the experience would be.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Pretty much anytime a cool indie game I find out is a roguelike it kills all hype. One Step To Eden is the most recent one I can think of.


Oct 31, 2017
I actually think that's what they're indicating. At least 30, meaning 30FPS resolution mode with a 60FPS performance mode. No one knows for sure.

Either that, or they're saying it's going to be a variable frame rate. Please, god, no.
yes im hoping for this personally. btw feel free to vote in my recent Poll

Poll: Do you want FPS options for PS5 and Xbox Series X games this year and beyond?

We have capable CPUs and GPUs with excellent storage coming this holiday on console. If you were to play on a similar spec or even lower PC you would have the option to lower graphical settings to hit 60. I think it's time we ask nicely for this option in all console games. Will Most Devs...


"This guy are sick"
Oct 31, 2017
I don't think I've ever been more betrayed by a game than "Left Alive".

It had such a strong first impression as far as a reveal goes, but the issue was that impression left out nearly all the gameplay aspects.

First, it was the Front Mission franchise coming back finally and in a way which looked to be borrowing the political thriller style tone and presentation of Metal Gear, and even went so far as to get Yoji Shinkawa on board for designs and an extremely slick poster.

It actually had one of the better collectors editions I've ever purchased too, with an extremely high quality mecha model that is way above average compared to other special edition games of higher caliber.

Everything about it on the surface seemed like it'd be an awesome return to form for the Front Mission franchise.

But the closer and closer we got... well.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Paper Mario on the 3DS. That first trailer they showed off was the reason I bought a 3DS. I was hyped beyond belief and then we got closer to Sticker Star and what they had first showed off was no more.

I would post the original trailer but, it doesn't seem to be on Youtiube anymore? Unless I'm missing something... It had a Chain Chomp partner and a section where Mario was walking with Wiggler.