
Oct 27, 2017
United States
N64. My Dad waited outside Walmart to get it. Christmas morning my Mom gave us a present from my Grandma and it was Mario64. She's like "oh she must have gotten the wrong game" and then my Dad pulls this shit and is like "well hold on what's this last gift here?"
My brother and I went absolutely nuts. We didn't have a SNES so going from NES TO N64 was legit mind blowing.


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Dec 3, 2019
#1 for me: PS2 with THPS1 (PS1) game. I didn't had a PS1, but didn't want one when the PS2 was literally out that same year.

#2. Ocarina of Time


Oct 25, 2017
The only consoles I ever got as presents were NES and Genesis, rest I had to buy on my own...I'd say I was equally hype for each. I was a pretty shrewd kid money-wise, I mean I mainly asked for a Genesis because the system and games were significantly cheaper so I thought I had a higher chance of actually getting one. Also knew I had easy access to an SNES via my cousin and friends.

Most stoked I ever was for a game as a kid was Sonic and Knuckles. My parents trolled the fuck out of me with it too, they knew I wanted it real bad for months so they hid it in a box of clothes (after a parade of socks n shit beforehand).


Got it with Samurai Showdown, Need 4 Speed, Road Rash, and Return Fire.

damn check out richie rich up in here

(renting one wasn't too expensive here so we did it a bunch - Myst and Road Rash were fucking mindblowing to me at the time)


Oct 27, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
not the best but most surprising was my british grandparents getting me Darkseed for xmas, would love to meet the ebgames clerk who talked them into that!


Aug 10, 2019
The only game console I have ever received for a Christmas gift was a ps2, and what a gift to receive, I played so much madden and watched so many dvds!


Oct 27, 2017
I have two answers for this one:

1. Based on actual quality it would be PS3. Complete surprise from my wife. Came with Uncharted 2 and I immediately got the first one and the third and played through the trilogy.

2. In terms of most excitement. Me and my little brother were absolutely floored and stoked to get the TG16 CD add-on. Due to the cost it was completely unexpected and a great Christmas memory. Y's was the first RPG I ever played through thanks to that.


Oct 25, 2017
It would have to be a tie between getting a snes with mario world+f-zero+ a mail in for mario all stars and a N64 with Ocarina of Time and a preorder of Harvest Moon 64.


Oct 25, 2017
Legend of Zelda NES

I asked Santa for Double Dragon and my brother ended up getting that. I had never heard of Zelda and I was so mad that morning.

That night my dad put it in and sat with me teaching me how to play.
We spent a month of evenings in front of the TV u til we beat it.

That was the true beginning of my games love affair and for sure what made RPGs my absolute favorite type of game. Great memories :)


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Chicago, IL
A N64 bundle at Sam's Club that included the console, an extra atomic purple controller and Ocarina of Time. Literally best Christmas present that my brother and I got to this day.


Oct 25, 2017
My mom worked a second part time job to afford Christmas the year PS1 came out, which I got. I'll always be grateful for that gift.

Opposite story: we were too poor to have a Christmas the year 32x came out, which I asked for. But my mom did eventually buy it for me a couple months later. Worst Christmas, and gifted console, ever.


Oct 26, 2017
I bought Final Fantasy IX the day after Christmas with money I received as a present. I remember waking up in the morning, eating breakfast, then driving to a nearby Walmart to buy the game, then coming home and playing it for 6 hours straight. Good times.

Deleted member 79517

User requested account closure
Aug 31, 2020
I was very happy with my Nintendo DS when I got it for Christmas the year it launched. Mario 64 DS was flawed, but as a kid I was too busy being amazed at having the game on a handheld to notice.

Another one I have fond memories of is Donkey Konga. My brother and cousins and I had so much fun with that game immediately after we opened all of our other gifts.

The best game, though, was Elite Beat Agents. I remember playing through it on the trip home after Christmas and nearly coming to tears over the "You're the Inspiration" stage.


Apr 22, 2019
I finally got a Wii for Christmas 2008, and it was fantastic. I was ecstatic after years of loving my GC, GBA and DS. Got the system with WALL-E, Super Mario Galaxy and Smash. Spent hours and hours just playing it. I remember naming the system Awesome during set-up because I was too overjoyed to think of anything else.


Nov 6, 2017
I was very fortunate in that I basically got every console for Christmas as they came out. The most excited was dreamcast followed closely by ps1. Dreamcast absolutely blew me away. The sonic adventure orca chase and nfl 2k were just too incredible.


Oct 30, 2017
MGS2 for my birthday around Christmas.

Got a PS2 with Gran Turismo A-Spec but that wasn't during Christmas.
And I have no idea who bought the household Gamecube or when but I want to thank them.


Oct 27, 2017
I think I've had a few systems as Xmas gifts: PSOne (the revision), N64, SNES but when I was very young and the Atari 2600 was 'the shit,' my brother asked our parents for an Atari for Xmas. They went to a store and asked for an Atari and bought us an Atari 400 home computer with Tape deck (for loading/saving games) with carts for Space Invaders and Asteroids (The 400/800 versions of those games were vastly superior to the 2600 versions). So thanks to my folks not knowing how much a 2600 cost in 1982, we got our first home computer. Result!

Except they didn't come with controllers, so we had to wait for a few days after christmas to buy some controllers (back when stores closed longer for Xmas)


Apr 19, 2018
I've received every Nintendo for Christmas (not Virtual Boy) up until Game Cube (which is when I started buying them myself). Despite both SNES and N64 being nuts for me, I still think most fondly of the OG Gameboy w/ Tetris. I think I got Mario Land as well, but that handheld travelled from room to room as Tetris got almost everyone hooked. None of my family are gamers (only boy, 6 and 12 years younger than my sisters) so there wasn't any interest in gaming until that point, or quite frankly after.


Oct 27, 2017
N64 along with Mario 64, Goldeneye, Ocarina, and Banjo. Definitely the best gaming haul I ever got on Xmas. Runner up was Saturn with Nights into Dreams, Virtua Cop, and Daytona USA. Soon after on that Xmas vacay I picked up og Tomb Raider. sogood.gif


Jul 3, 2018
as an only child I got pretty much every console I wanted for Christmas up until the ps3 (which I bought myself, Chuck E. Cheese paid me decent after school šŸ˜‚)

I gotta say though, I really loved getting my first Playstation. It was Christmas of 98 ao i was almost 11. I got one of the newer ones with Dual Shock. For games I received Tomb Raider 3, Parasite Eve, and Rugrats

I had some great times with the original PlayStation!

Pancakes R Us

Oct 27, 2017
Nintendo 64 is the only console Ive recieved for christmas. Me and my brother got Banjo & Kazooie which I have fond memories of. Although I thought it was quite scary (lol) and I never made it past the sewer level with the fish.

Also we got NHL 99 which we played countless hours of.

Game wise MKDD is up there for me too. Only game my brother enjoyed as much as I did part from NHL and pokemon silver/gold. Was a nice christmas holiday :)
This post made me laugh. Love that you found BK scary. How old were you at the time?
Jan 10, 2018
I had 4 siblings and only one working parent. Thinking of getting a console was like dreaming of going to the moon. I think I got one video game once and it was a Lego game called Rock Raiders for the PS One. I remember it being a disappointment but I was extremely happy when I got it.

Le Dude

May 16, 2018
Mario Kart Double Dash + a Gamecube for my Grandma's house.

She had a NES there that we would play and it stopped working. Once we got the GameCube we would play Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Star Fox, and plenty of others against each other during family gatherings. So many good memories.


Oct 30, 2017
Las Vegas
PokƩmon yellow
Kirby's dream land 2
Or Mario land 2

Or you know what
The game boy/links awakening combo pack


Oct 28, 2017
Gruntildaā€™s Lair
From the SNES to the GameCube, I received all of my consoles for Christmas. I remember them each very fondly, but Christmas 1997 with Diddy Kong Racing and the SNES were the two that were the most special. The SNES in particular was a huge surprise.

I remember my parents telling me I should look around to make sure I didn't miss anything. And sure enough, behind the couch, was another big box and it was the SNES with Super Mario World. But there was more! They told me they thought they heard Santa drop something outside and that I should go and look. I open the front door and there on the porch, slightly buried in the snow, was a copy of Street Fighter II. I'll never forget it.


Oct 27, 2017
My mom got a PS2 the year it came out as a complete surprise to my younger brother and I. We were blown away by Ridge Racer and Tekken Tag as well as Madden. Nostalgia hits hard around that time.


Aug 22, 2018
PS One would've been it for me, the memory is too hazy to remember exactly what games we got with it the day of but Crash, Spider-Man, and Spyro ended up being a huge part of what library I could muster as a single-digit child. We ended up with a few pieces of shovelware, but for the time it wasn't like I was able to be much of a discerning force. Action Bass was the only game I think I can firmly say everyone in the household, including my mom, were able to play and compete over.

Honorable mention would probably be the 360? I remember really wanting to finally experience online games and it was amazing my family was even able to foot the bill considering we were in a pretty bad situation financially when we got it, and getting my parents to finally relent and let me run an ethernet cable into my room let me experience something that would introduce me to my most important friends and my partner. For all the games we got bundled with I think I ended up spending the majority of the weekend playing Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 off XBLA.

Both of my parents (divorced) made the collective decision to buy Wii's the same year, pretty late into console's lifespan without communicating with one another, and I always find that one funny to look back on too since they both felt like they were copied.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm having some trouble trying to remember which year was what. Like, I know we got our N64 on Xmas after it'd already been out a couple years, but what year? We didn't get all the best games with it though, that took more time.

I recall one Xmas morning receiving Majora's Mask (the year it came out) and retreating to the basement to play it until I was told to get dressed so that Xmas may continue.

That would be untouchable, but--

A few years later I received a "flame" red GBA SP along with Metroid Fusion, A Link to the Past, and Super Mario Bros. 3 all at once. So...


Oct 27, 2017
I have lots of amazing memories of receiving games at Xmas, but the best one has to be when I got Xenogears. The game was already a few years old, but it had never been released in France, and as a kid I didn't have the money to import it. I dreamed about having it for like a year or two, looking everywhere for it, until my mother asked a distant relative living in the US, who bought the game and sent it to her. I knew about it so it wasn't a surprise, but man opening the wrapping and finally having the game in my hands was pure joy.

It went on to become my favourite game ever, only beaten many years later by the Mass Effect trilogy.


Oct 27, 2017
I dont remember if we got our SNES for Christmas or for a birthday, but I know I got my PS2 for Christmas, along with Final Fantasy X. So that.


Oct 27, 2017
PS3 60 GB in 2005. My mom was a boss and managed to get one despite the shortages and ridiculous cost. Came completely out of nowhere and was amazing. However, I also got Bully and played it way more than any of the PS3 launch games lol.

Honorable mention to getting a PS1 with Crash 2 from "Santa" about a month after my parents donated our NES. Been a PS fan ever since.


Jan 15, 2019
Absolutely nothing, my parents never really 'approved' on Console gaming especially when I was a kid. Had a pc I shared with my bro tho.

But no game systems got on Christmas or such, got lego toys etc instead.


Oct 28, 2017
PS2. Christmas 2002. 16 years old.

Not only was it amazing to finally get my hands on GTA III/Vice City and MGS2, but it was the first console/DVD player I had set up on a TV in my room.

Also pretty sure that's the only console I ever got or even asked for Xmas lol


Oct 26, 2017
OG Gameboy with Ducktales on christmas 1990 (on european release basically). Shit was tiiiiiiiiiiggghhhhht.

Bingle Bango

Sep 13, 2018
OG Xbox with KOTOR. My parents struggled to pull me away from that thing for the rest of the holiday. It was also the first console that was "mine" and not a gift for the family. I also fondly remember getting the PS2 and Star Wars Starfighter with it for Christmas the year before and the PS1 with Jet Moto 2 well before that.We got a puppy the week before the Christmas that we got the PS1, and I recall struggling to decide if I wanted to play games or hang with the dog. But the peak was Xbox for sure.


Oct 27, 2017
I guess the best game I got for Christmas would be:


Didn't actually get my first video game console until I was thirteen, and that was an Atari that I actually saved up to get (that I got bored with six months in since I'd already mined out my aunt's Atari for the previous three years). I ended up buying a special controller and additional game with some Christmas money. After that, I bought all of my consoles and all of my games with money I saved up over the year, or when I finally got a job. I very likely could have gotten an Atari earlier, or even something like an Intellivision, but I was dumb and amassing a huge collection of Transformers and G.I. Joe. šŸ˜†