
Nov 17, 2017
I hope they change the aesthetic. Not a fan of mk11 on that regard. And the move to a loot based system where you can customize your character has impacted how unique and iconic your character is supposed to look.

Which MK games do you prefer aesthetically? Honest question, because MK11 is the first one I actually like the look of.


Aug 22, 2018
Your title is misleading and is going to leave people to give answers to things that aren't relevant to improving the FGC "image" of the game.

For starters, I think there's a lot that is going to just not click with particular modern audiences within the community. It has a realistic artstyle, this game is more grounded and slow than the prior entry where long combos, it's mechanically pivoting towards being closer to SF5 in a genre where Anime-styled fighters are affirming themselves as the standard.

In terms of other matters, I think variations in this game could've been handled way better. The third variation update adds a little more variety that should've been there, but many of them still don't feel cohesive or still as massive downgrades to other, more functional character variations. Plus, an unfortunate byproduct of that is creating variations that obsolete other legacy characters, or outright reference them. Mileena and Rain in particular seem to be the two loudest and most openly frustrated character communities. The focus on giving 25 characters in particular extreme amounts of customization and player creativity is hindered by the fact that you need to stick to 3 presets creates issues that I'm not sure they want to deal with again, especially as the cast of characters grows ever larger and people are still clamoring for ninjas and X Fringe Favorite 3D Rep that doesn't normally have a chance. (Give Hotaru a second chance)

I think MK has to suffer from the same issues in the FGC that certain games suffer where it's treated as a 'lesser' product despite boasting superior netcode and prize support, both for its execution barrier (or lack thereof) and its origin in the West. You have people still trying to challenge Fox's status as a GOAT player as a whole despite their continued success in other games because their home game is NRS product.

Deleted member 15395

Unshakable Resolve
Oct 27, 2017
MK11 is a step in the right direction, gameplay is really good. The only real problem I have with it is they made a game hyper-focused on normals/footsies and then filled it with characters that can say "fuck neutral, I do what I want" while having other characters adhere stricktly to the core tennets of the game. If the character you like happens to be on the second category...well good luck once its time to face a Geras player.

Other that than, this is the MK game. It's drop dead gorgeous. The animations are much improved (still a ways to go but miles better than Injustice 2) and the character models are outstanding.

-ps- Actually, they could stand to hire a composer of renown a-la Mick Gordon to give their OST a fucking identity. It's not that its bad, it just feels generic and they can afford to go the extra mile there.

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
I would play a third person open world action game like God of War starring Scorpion or Sub Zero. So much potential.


Dec 18, 2017
Mk11 makes millions. I think mkx made like 11 million or something? So they should keep going with how they're making itimo. And who cares about what the fgc thinks , fgc is capcom games anyways and those are kinda.....yea


Oct 28, 2017
After a few solid months with MK11 I left highly dissatisfied with its gameplay. I know many people love it and I'm not in any way trying to shit on those opinions..that said here's what I want.

First and foremost DITCH THE VARIATIONS..they're awful. I want to play Sub-Zero with all his God Damned moves is that too much to ask? Make all the characters robust with tons of options for player creativity because of the full move set and balance the game from there.

All new animations built from the ground up for next gen..take the time and do it right. It's time...yes it really is finally time to ditch the janky animations that (while highly polished and certainly improved of late) are still based on a rig built for MK9 which had move animations carried over from fucking MK Deadly Alliance. Make the gameplay much faster and more fluid.

And visually stop over designing characters, just make the classic looks as beautiful as possible. MK11s graphics are FANTASTIC.. but the character art direction is hit or miss. The stages are fantastic however and have always been a bright spot of these games.

That's my 2 cents.
Aug 26, 2018
Bring back fan favourites people and not only NRS wants. Sick and tired with the same MK1-3 characters but ignoring the 3D Era characters.
Well, this doesn't make sense. lol

They had Tricia Helfer ALREADY. Not a soul alive was complaining about her voice work on Sonya.
Um, Helfer was pretty flat as Sonya. You can still not like Rousey (WELL within your rights) but Helfer's performance wasn't great.


Otherwise, if they could adjust combos where they'll work if you dial them in, but they also allow for slight delay to hit confirm, that would be ideal.

The animation complaints seems kind of outdated at this point. It's not perfect, and I can post examples of jank. But, I can also post an equal amount of jank from other FGs that everyone is fine with for some reason.

And anyone saying that MK11 is visually ugly is just...what?


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Deleted member 9486

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
It's selling great. I imagine they're fine letting Capcom, SNK etc fight over the niche FGC diehards while they sell millions more copies to a more mainstream audience while still getting publicity at the fighting game tournaments for a couple years until their next Injustice/MK game is ready.
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Oct 28, 2017
The few outspoken personalities in fgc I follow still like mk so I don't get the op perception of the sentiment.


Oct 26, 2017
Pensacola, Fl
Mk11 is a lot better received than X. I mean Go1 has been playing it and many other countries have great players competing so its appeal in the fgc has widened.


Oct 27, 2017
I liked Mortal Kombat since the very first installment on Sega Genesis, and I did play MK in the arcades too. however, I want to be very honest here... MK never felt to me as good, smooth, and fluid as Japanese fighting games... almost all of them do feel better to play. still, MK always had its charm.

Maybe it is not too bad to have something different.


Dec 8, 2017
Mk11 gets boring fast and I blame the variation system for this. Give all the tools to the character and let people go ham. *insert no fun allowed robot*

Also no Rousey, damnn it's painful every time Sonya shows up.

Dogo Mojo

Oct 27, 2017
I personally wouldn't want NR to ever pander to the FGC. Their focus on strong SP features, unlockables, and not making the games needlessly complicated is part of what makes them so successful.

there are plenty of games that aim for the FGC crowed and that's ok. MK clearly doesn't need to do that.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbia, SC
-Stop killing the games they have out just to push the new game. This isn't about MK11 specifically but what NRS/WB does with its game is move ALL of its resources to the new game effectively strangling the old one whether or not it still has life in it. Its not some impossible task to have 2 or more concurrent FG's from the same publisher having active support literally every other major developer has done it. It doesn't even have to be full on support either.

-Stop grabbing b-list celebs to be voices in your games when they aren't even capable of doing the job well. Rousey's terrible acting makes any scene with Sonya in it just suck because her delivery is beyond flat. At least the DJ guy who is a skin for sub is at lea optional. I cant select my way around Sonya when I actually want to play her.

-The only other thing that NRS does that drives me up the wall is not treating the MP part of the game separately from the story half. Treat the vs as non-canon so you can stop dropping characters left and right because of the story. I just wanna play fuckin reptile I don't give a shit about the SP story so much that I feel it has to rule everything in the game. If you wanna get technical MK11 cant hide behind story reasons for not including characters because the entire story revolves around a character that changes the entirety of history at her whim so any one at any point can come back for ANY reason.


Jan 12, 2018
I think for entrants and viewers outside of Evo MK is ahead of SamSho. In terms of online playerbase it is far ahead of SamSho.

We are talking FGC here.

-Stop killing the games they have out just to push the new game. This isn't about MK11 specifically but what NRS/WB does with its game is move ALL of its resources to the new game effectively strangling the old one whether or not it still has life in it. Its not some impossible task to have 2 or more concurrent FG's from the same publisher having active support literally every other major developer has done it. It doesn't even have to be full on support either.

This is the reason NRS games barely have any prestige among the FGC. They are disposable as soon as a new entry is released.

Deleted member 19533

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Mortal Kombat 11 was many steps in the right direction, but also had huge missteps.

The dial-a-combo system absolutely needs to go. It sucks, it's always sucked. The idea that some combos need to be rapid fire input to even work is bad design. You should be able to react, cancel, and more strings should divide into other variations with separate endings.

The custom variations are terrible. The variation system in general needs to go away. Just make one good, complete version of each character.

The game had a huge issue with the krypt and unlockables. It actually killed the game for me. You spend so much time using AI bots rather than playing just to unlock stuff, and then you have to farm for WEEKS just to get currency for a chance at good items from the loot shrine. Honestly, take it a few steps back. Have things unlocked in story mode, have a simpler krypt where other things are unlocked (Think Deception simple), no loot shrine, and let people play. Also, arcade mode and online matches should give much better rewards. Having AI play towers for you should not be the only feasible way to get things.


One Winged Slayer
Dec 28, 2017
I personally felt MK11 was pretty disappointing and nowhere near as fun to watch or play as X but overall the competitive scene is healthy. Do not forget it is based almost entirely in the US. Mortal Kombat having no presence in Asia hurts the scene more than anything else

rusty chrome

Oct 25, 2017
Honestly, I don't know anymore. I feel like the only reason their games get attention is for the casual side of things, like people being interested in the story, intro dialogues, fatalities, blah blah.

But their animations are still weird, fatal blows and other stupid cinematic shit that happens during matches is lame and tiresome, their post-launch support is trash, soundtrack is bad, etc.

I feel like NRS does a good job of masking their failures by making a pretty game, and it works almost every time (for the people that don't know better).


Oct 28, 2017
We are talking FGC here.

This is the reason NRS games barely have any prestige among the FGC. They are disposable as soon as a new entry is released.
Yes I understand we're talking FGC.
It has plenty of talent playing it, online is thriving and it's tournament series is doing well. It's the third biggest title around after SF and Tekken. It has almost no presence in Asia though. The Mk series is doing very well in the FGC.


Oct 27, 2017
Tournament numbers for MK11 are better than previous NRS games. As you pointed out, the game sells like hot cakes as well. They are more than fine.