
Oct 29, 2017


2 minutes of the most aimless noodle-y jazz interspersed with random quotes from the show and real life quotes from intelligence officials and also the visuals are people in masks in a maze sometimes turned upside down to be S P O O K Y

Ugh yeah this is a bad one. So bland and somehow is absent of mood despite having sound & visuals. It's like a mood vacuum.

Yep. Two awful cartoons. I genuinely can't understand a single word from the Loonatics OP.


Can't stand the song. Don't @ me.
I can't help but groan even when I hear the song absent of context. Doesn't help that I dislike the show as well.


Oct 27, 2017


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
DS9 and Voyager were both meh openings.

But some of you let them take the sky from you and it shows.


Oct 25, 2017
You, me, outside. Now

Seriously... buffy intro is PURE HYPE and it gets better with each season ... around season 3~4 it reached opening awesomeness and it only keeps fitting more awesome moments culminating in season 6 (season 7 kinda looses a bit because of specially the last shot)

But seriouysly anything with that song would be pure hype
I knew I would be stepping on some toes. I'm only in Season 2 right now... I watched the intro once in each season and then have skipped it every subsequent time because I do find the music incredibly grating.


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The French opening of DBZ. Some other European countries translated the series directly from French instead of Japanese, and these aberration song was even translated.

Was this song really in the original japanese show? I've seen a bunch of japanese openings for DBZ over the years, but never this one. I thought this one had been written and composed specifically for the French dub.

Gaia Lanzer

Oct 25, 2017
I say shit like Maniac Mansion's intro are the most boring.
It's so funny, that reminds me of a LOT of tv show/sitcom intros in the 80s. There's a YouTube channel that has nothing but 80s tv show intros (even intros from the 60s, 70s and 90s, but I think they first specialized in 80s). They've got 'em up by year and timeslot (sometimes they will even show a TV Guide-esque schedule of which timeslots each were on and which ones were running against each other). There were a lot of tv shows with slow, boring intros, but the shows themselves were pretty good or funny.


Oct 30, 2017
Are you nuts? This intro is classic.
Idk man, I just know how I felt about it as a kid coming off a Pokemon/DBZ/Simpsons high. I don't doubt that the show itself is good, I've thought about checking it out as an adult multiple times.

I hated the Cheers intro as a kid, too, but now it's one of my favorite all time intros for my favorite all-time TV show. I hated Cheers as a kid.

when i was a kid that mash theme meant it was time to go ride my bike


The song's lyrics were also written by Altman's 14 year old son which I find interesting.

Holy shit. I do love Altman, maybe I should check the movie out.

Also, my other submission would be The Wire's intro. That shit is so fucking bombastic and annoying.


Oct 25, 2017
Hated The Sopranos intro song for it's entire run. BORN UNDER A BAD SIGNNN BABBYYYYYYYY. Just nails on a chalk board for me. Just also want to say that any time music became a thing in that show it was traumatic. Especially Janice's brief venture into christian music. Meadow had some awful music plots too.


Jun 19, 2019
Im gonna get dunked on I know but I absolutely hate the "rock the dragon" music in the American dbz intro

As opposed to the best version imo the Canadian intro

Lost Lemurian

Nov 30, 2019

My sister went through a long phase of liking this show and I absolutely couldn't stand it, especially the awful, saccharine theme song.

blame space

Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
Hated The Sopranos intro song for it's entire run. BORN UNDER A BAD SIGNNN BABBYYYYYYYY. Just nails on a chalk board for me. Just also want to say that any time music became a thing in that show it was traumatic. Especially Janice's brief venture into christian music. Meadow had some awful music

the sopranos has some great use of music. the in universe music is supposed to be bad. oh god visiting day.

i've always loved the intro but i'll give you that one, just don't conflate music storylines with actual music choices, which the show has many amazing examples of.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Cleopatra 2525 makes me sad because Jennifer Sky almost died after fighting with insurance companies to get them to cover her health issues. Obamacare literally saved her life.


Editor at Nintendo Wire
Oct 27, 2017

I hate-love it

In before someone says Star Trek Enterprise.

I love the Enterprise intro.

as someone who is slowly making my way thru all of Star Trek (in a very weird order, just recently finished TNG and I'm going back to TOS which I wish I watched first) I am excited to get to Enterprise solely for the intro. Well, that and the dog.