What is the best numbered Resident Evil title?

  • Resident Evil 1 (1996/2002)

    Votes: 86 12.4%
  • Resident Evil 2 (1998/2019)

    Votes: 218 31.5%
  • Resident Evil 3: Nemesis

    Votes: 23 3.3%
  • Resident Evil 4

    Votes: 257 37.2%
  • Resident Evil 5

    Votes: 26 3.8%
  • Resident Evil 6

    Votes: 37 5.4%
  • Resident Evil 7: Biohazard

    Votes: 44 6.4%

  • Total voters


Oct 28, 2017
I love them all. Even 0 and 6.

But the real god-masterpieces among are the original Re2 and Re4.


Dec 12, 2018
There's not a single mainline RE title I haven't enjoyed. One of my all-time favourite franchises.

It's a toss-up between 2 and 4 for me. But in the end, I have to give it to 2. The game, from start to end, is just brilliant and though I love 4 just as much I played 2 when I was very young and it'll always have a special place in my formative gaming years for that.


Oct 25, 2017
After replaying a chunk of the series earlier this year, I think RE2 is probably the weakest of the PS1 games. Compared to RE1 and 3, it's just too easy and gives the player too much ammo (which is definitely a weakness for a game that's all about resource management and conservation), and doesn't really have the benefit of RE3's harsh ranking system to make up for it. I honestly think the first Resident Evil (not the remake) is a better game.
Nov 8, 2017
Resident Evil 4 is an extremely comfortable game that I can fire up and play whenever. Even after completing it twice, RE2r is a very stressful game that I don't think I would come back to readily. It's clearly a more effective horror title but I don't think it would take my top spot.

RE7 was quite scary, but also sort of uninteresting and I didn't finish it. The slow gameplay and first person perspective didn't feel like what I wanted.

RE6 is totally awful.

RE5 is decent but some steps back from 4 in certain ways and the coop focus makes it worse for me.

RE3, RE2, RE1 (+ RE1r), CV and RE0 are all in the camp of old resident evil's I've never played to completion. I did get a few hours into RE1r, briefly played RE0, and played a few hours of RE:DS, but the old style of gameplay never felt good to me and I struggled to make progress in the games. I would generally get stuck on something progression wise, then just never go back to the game. I intend to play at least a few to completion even if that requires the use of a guide at some point, but haven't done that yet.


Oct 24, 2017
I want to know what heathens voted RE6.



Oct 25, 2017
WOW! RE6 proved it was the best but you couldn't accept it so you closed the other thread and opened this one just so you could RIG the results!

Shameful display here, absolutely shameful....


Oct 25, 2017
GOAT Tier: Resident Evil 2 (2019)
God Tier: Resident Evil 1 (2002), Resident Evil 4
Great Tier: Resident Evil 7, Resident Evil 3
Okay Tier: Resident Evil 5, Resident Evil 0
Meh Tier: Resident Evil 6

Yep, this feels right to me.

Edit: Forgot to mention RE0


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The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
It's between 4 and 2 for me.

Really I love all of them including 6.

Deleted member 419

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
It's RE4. Most games I think long and hard about potentially giving the 10/10; RE4 is the only game that made me think long and hard about other 10/10s I've given because when the bar is set so high, some games might have to get nudged down to 9s.

RE7 in VR is likely my game of the generation but it almost feels unfair comparing it to all the other non-VR entries. Still, I'd say right now the top 5 is RE4 > RE7 VR > RE2 (2019) > REmake > RE6. RE6 doesn't have to be a perfect game, if you want that you can play pretty much any of the other 4 entries. But in a series with so much quality, it differentiates itself enough with the exceptional combat which I consider virtually peerless in the TPS genre.


Oct 25, 2017
The city beautiful
I voted for ReMake.

That mansion, those characters, that music. Absolute perfection beginning to end.


4 is very good but it peaks too early and never gets back to that height. It's good for memes though. Matalooooooooo!


Oct 27, 2017
RE6 is my favorite. Followed by 5, then 4. Then RE2make. Then maybe REV2. I have fond memories of classic RE, and will always love them, but I don't enjoy playing them anymore if I'm being honest. I appreciate classic RE but prefer action RE these days. Blame RE4 and its OTSV and suplexes and RPGs.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Resident Evil 4 greatest action horror game, Resident Evil 5 greatest co-op game, Resident Evil 6 greatest disappointment, Resident Evil 7 greatest VR game.
Oct 28, 2017
How in the hell does the best game in the series have even less votes than RE5? Yeah, some of you are gonna try to be funny and suggest it's either RE4 or RE2, but deep inside each and every one of you knows RE3 is peak Resident Evil. Great gameplay, extremely varied areas (the most varied in the whole series, imho), some kinda non-linear sections, an interesting risk versus reward system with the Nemesis fights, a killer soundtrack...
Just kidding, guys. I fully understand why anyone would consider either RE2 and RE4 as the best in the series, but RE3 is my favorite by far and I wanted to play the crazy fan. Seeing it in the tail end sorta hurts, but I still love you guys.


Dec 10, 2018
2, 4 and 7 are my favourites. Not super over the moon about 4 like some are, but it is a good game.

The rest I am middling on.


Oct 25, 2017
Resident Evil 3 because it has the best systems in the entire series by far and every game since has took several steps back.

Like seriously, why has no game since had puzzle randomisation on repeat playthroughs? Same solve it once, never again crap every game.


Oct 25, 2017
Hmm, 6 still has way too many votes. For me it's easily 4, one of the best games every made, followed closely by 2 in either incarnation. But really every RE is good in one way or another.


Oct 27, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
man, so I've own 6 for awhile and never even finished the tutorial, but the other poll made me play it today, did chapter 1 of ada and tiny bit of chapter 2. i remember ada was locked orig and was patched to be available at start and some folks said it was the best bit. if so...

this game is not good.

anyway RE4 is one of the best games of all time, but RE1 remake is the best RE Game.

Quality is non linear.


Always bets on black
Oct 25, 2017
If RE6 had VR, no one would talk about 7 anymore. Can you imagine the pure tension of scenes like Chris slowly shimmying across a wire while a group of awesome looking guys in masks are shooting at you! The tension! The intensity! The heart racing from rapidly tapping that button, to go fast! But no, instead we have to look for keys and items in VR, instead of suplexing monsters with a squad, or fighting tanks on bridges T_T. Man RE used to be so great. It's clear that Capcom forgot what made RE so good back then.