What's the best Battle Royale?

  • Fortnite

    Votes: 80 15.2%
  • H1Z1

    Votes: 2 0.4%
  • PUBG

    Votes: 129 24.5%
  • Fallout 76: Nuclear Winter

    Votes: 14 2.7%
  • Apex Legends

    Votes: 256 48.7%
  • Battlefield V: Firestorm

    Votes: 12 2.3%
  • BLOPS 4: Blackout

    Votes: 33 6.3%

  • Total voters


A Big Deal
Nov 2, 2017
Still Apex for me. Though i haven't played in a long time Pubg is a close 2nd.


Feb 5, 2018
I was surprised how much I enjoyed Nuclear Winter, especially as I normally think of Fallout gunplay as 100% trash.
But Apex is still the king for me. Great sized map, great gunplay, hero-based gameplay works really well. Free. It really learnt the lessons from the games that came before it (except for the battlepass I guess)
But I do still love PUBG. I'm not sure anything matches the sheer terror of being alone in a building and hearing a squad outside. I swear that's taken years off my life expectancy. Thanks a lot Brendan


Oct 28, 2017
Blackout for me. So smooth and fun and graphics still look good. I dropped Apex after few weeks and Fortnite I go back and forth too but the building meta gets annoying during battles. Pubg on consoles is meh and janky asf imo.


Oct 25, 2017
I enjoyed Fallout 76's the most because it's smaller and shorter. I really don't like how long the others take and how much more running around there is. The other thing I like about it is that I get to keep experience and caps I earn from the mode into the regular game, which is irrelevant to most people but not for me.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Fortnite is the biggest and most diverse, Apex is the smallest but most polished. It depends on what I feel like playing but honestly Tetris 99 is the most consistently enjoyable for me, so that's what I would vote for


Oct 29, 2017
Apex imo, mainly because it (to me) was the one that did multiple things right, more then any other BR game,
1. Great optimization, seriously out of the gate it ran well with no fps issues, which I can't say for about any other BR game out there.
2. Great controls and gunplay, again it just felt good and tight, no cumbersome controls or menu's, just good simple controls that worked.
3. Ways to get back into the game after you're down. With the ability to revive down team mates and then being able to take someone and respawn them, it's such a great design that solved feeling like "that's it" when you died in most other BR games.
4. Plenty of loot. The loot and the amount of it felt perfect, you didn't feel like you were short-changed or could barely find anything, there was still room to find the REALLY good stuff but overall you could easily find loot in almost any area and felt like you could hold your own against someone else.


Oct 25, 2017
Nothing has ever truly replaced PUBG for me. Fortnite's building and shooting feel turns me off entirely, Blackout felt like "polished" PUBG in the sense that it was sanded down to a tiny boring orb; Apex came by far the closest, since it felt like a really original type of experience that still balanced polish and a high skill ceiling, but after a while every round felt exactly the same.

PUBG will probably never be truly replaced for a lot of people because a lot of its jankiness that other BRs have tried to excise is very deeply tied to its best qualities. Making a game with an overly complicated shooting/damage model and heavy recoil that requires a ton of practice and mechanical skill; a heavier emphasis on survival by having less loot, slower and thus riskier looting, healing, and interactions to the point of feeling clunky; maps so big that you'll rarely go certain places, often need to find a (randomly spawned) vehicle or meticulously plan to keep ahead of the blue, or can get shot from unpredictable angle from a mile away, or have long periods of empty downtime because everyone is so spread out; those are all things every BR since has tried to deliberately tried to tone down, for completely rational reasons, but those are part of what make the game way more interesting.

At its best (for me at least), the BR genre is like a multiplayer shooter roguelike, where each "run" is different and heavily encourages experimentation, making due with what you have, hoping RNGesus doesn't murder you unfairly, and eventually mastering an utterly daunting and seemingly obtuse difficulty curve and tons of variables to be a master at whatever it throws at you.

Deleted member 7148

Oct 25, 2017
When it comes to strictly gameplay, Apex Legends is the best. Fortnite is best when it comes to content but I just hate the building aspect of it.
Oct 25, 2017
PUBG is still the king and I'm not sure if anything can top it. It's got the best pacing and gameplay loop that result in the most intense fights and most exhilarating wins.

Yup, got my first solo since the new season. I'm hooked all over again.

Nothing can match the tension and build up that PUBG provides.

No other game has PUBGs level of intensity. Fortnite was my first BR, but then PUBG got me. I got tired of the jank and dropped it hard for Blackout, but here I am back on PUBG.

I tried to love Apex but PUBG is still king for me.

I only played a few matches of Apex. I wanted to give it a go, but never made the time. What hurt it for me was not having a 4 man or solo option.

Of the three that I've played (Pubblegrounds, Apex, & GTA Online's Motor Wars) PUBG's the best when PUBG's good. When PUBG's bad PUBG's the worst.

This is so true. There's nothing like the close wins in PUBG. There's nothing worse than the jank or frustration with crap like hitting an invisible bump in a vehicle and then be stuck running the circle.

As much as it pains me to say, I would probably lean PUBG.

It really is a love/hate relationship. I truly hope they go for PUBG2 and scrap the crap code they have for this game.


Oct 25, 2017
Apex has been my favourite of the bunch mostly for being one of the least BR-y of them and feeling more like a large scale deathmatch. PUBG is way too slow for my tastes, and everything I like about it is negated by having some of the worst sound design in a shooter, most of the encounters relying on spotting pixels and shuffling around tree trunks, as well as your character controlling like a sack of potatoes. Fortnite was fresh for a time but the building is completely out of control now. Blackout I had some fun with, but the interface was the worst of the ones mentioned and it died pretty quickly on PC, also the character challenges were atrocious.

I think, though, that I'm mostly done with BR as a concept. They were fun as a novelty, but the more I played them, the more I began to appreciate more traditional modes and I think I'd rather stick to something quicker and round based.


Oct 28, 2017
Pubg has the most amount of content right now so I'd say that. Followed by apex and then blackout. If shooting isn't your main thing thatn obviously fortnite is #1. Fallout is great fun but why would anyone pay to get that game?
Oct 26, 2017
PUBG is easily the best. It's the only one that really does the BR concept right IMO. You make a BR fast paced and arcadey, the circle stops being an issue. Positioning and intelligent movement stop being an issue. You make the rounds shorter, or put in fewer players and there's not as much on the line at the end.

I'd give second place to Apex. It's a good game, the mechanics are fun. The legends are a nice spin. I could do without 3x Longbow squads camping on top of the dino bones though. The biggest problem with Apex is there is almost zero tension. 60 players, 20 teams, 10-15 minute games... If you die you can get respawned... And something isn't quite right with the weapon balance for me. I don't even have a loadout I prefer. Sometimes I think maybe two r301s might just be what I go for since you need a lot of bullets to spray someone down. I would enjoy it more I think if they just said fuck it and put in Titanfall wallrunning and double jumps. Even though it's a decently fast game I always feel slow in it because the Titanfall trappings are telling me I should go faster.

Third place goes to Blackout. Biggest problem (on console) is too many fights just turn into aim assist DPS races, the armor system eventually got into an ok place, but I'm of the opinion that level 3 armor and probably trauma kit health levels just shouldn't exist. Aside from that the way they did the map with classic BO maps built-in was clever. The perks were pretty fun. The weapon balance was decent. The gunplay isn't anywhere near as good as PUBG but a Paladin battle is still actually pretty fun. Also the map is actually pretty good, but a bit small and the rounds just a tad short.

Blackout was at its best though when they had the Hardcore mode. No HUD. No map. You needed to know your shit. The next circle would be indicated by helicopters dropping flares, but you wouldn't know exactly where the border was going to be. So incredibly cheesy stuff like hiding in the one corner of some building that is just barely in stopped being a thing. The lack of armor and perks also made it a lot more tense. If this was the base mode I'd probably put it at #2 on my list. But instead they focus on nonsense like Alcatraz. Ugh.

Fourth place to Fortnite. I don't like it. I don't like the buildling. The gunplay is so-so. The pace of updates and all that is pretty cool but it's just not for me. The game is barely recognizable to me from the last time I seriously played.

And finally, Firestorm. DICE making a BR seemed like it should have been the easist win in gaming history. But nope, it totally sucks. Lifeless, uninspired garbage. How they showed up this late to the party with that... I just don't know what to say. And the stupid thing is Frostbite is still some of the best tech for making this kind of game, and things like the V1 can be pretty epic but... my god... playtest and iterate until it's fun. Get the loot system right. Rethink the armor shard system. Shameful.

I haven't really played H1Z1. Fallout looks pretty goofy. shroud seems to be having a lot of fun with it... but it seems like it's squads only right now, so I'm probably not trying it anytime soon.

Doskoi Panda

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
How did you play 100 hours of a game you thought that was boring?

That's pretty much impossible for me, I would tap out at the five hour mark.
hope. it's always hope. hope that the experience of playing the game will improve over time, or that the game will reveal itself to you in a way it hadn't before.

ask people who played a hundred hours of fallout 4 and say they hate it, and they'll tell you as much

Doskoi Panda

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
At its best (for me at least), the BR genre is like a multiplayer shooter roguelike, where each "run" is different and heavily encourages experimentation, making due with what you have, hoping RNGesus doesn't murder you unfairly, and eventually mastering an utterly daunting and seemingly obtuse difficulty curve and tons of variables to be a master at whatever it throws at you.
Now I want a BR take on modern roguelites that let players carry some degree of progression forward
or I guess a modern roguelite take on BR


Nov 6, 2017

- Stole all the good stuff from Apex.
- Game is kept fresh with regular updates, Limited Time Modes and Events


Oct 30, 2017
Personally, the one I've spent the most amount of time and the one I consider the most fun would be Tetris 99

Sheng Long

Oct 27, 2017
Of all the ones I've tried, Apex was the most fun, with Fortnite second but I can only play these for a little while. Not my cup of tea really.


Oct 25, 2017
-If they could fix matchmaking wait times, make it F2P, and improve the lame looting and add in duos, Battlefield V's Firestorm would be one of the best. The battlefield gunplay, team mechanics, and vehicles allow for some of the most interesting variety in gameplay for a BR game.

No other BR game has Battlefield's variety, and it's largely thanks to the vehicles and objectives that encourage some memorable moments. It's too bad they botched it so bad as it seems cursed to succeed thanks to a late launch, tying it behind BFV and its reputation, and making critical mistakes with its design in a post Apex world.

-Games like Apex have come off like flavour of the month for me. There is little variety on that small map and tying everything to Hero abilities makes the updates feel far and in between. I think Apex would benefit huge from a solo mode without heroes, and a new map that has scale/distance.


Oct 28, 2017
Mexico City
I'm surprised by how unpopular Blackout is. I've played it since launch and it's easily my favorite of the bunch.

Gameplay + Production values + Love the map + Great weapons


Oct 25, 2017
I haven't played the game in more than a year (I'm into R6 Siege these days) but PUBG concept is still unmatched, with how the pacing being whatever how you want it to be, from slow to ultra-fast depending where you drop off. I love how if you land in an empty area the pacing goes in crescendo and you become ultra-aware of your surroundings to not fuck up and the tension slowly rises.

Apex, I played it from launch till the first Pass. It's good, very polished, but I don't like the core concept. All areas feel pretty crowded and the gunplay remembers me I should be playing Quake 3 or Unreal instead.


Designer / Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
I'm surprised by how unpopular Blackout is. I've played it since launch and it's easily my favorite of the bunch.

Gameplay + Production values + Love the map + Great weapons
I wanted to love Blackout, but the asinine armor system design and stuns+9Bangs completely killed it for me.


Oct 25, 2017
It's still PUBG and nothing comes close. It was the best game released that year and the game of the generation.


Prophet of Regret
Dec 7, 2017
I've been playing a ton of Apex Legends lately and in terms of gameplay is certainly the best. But it's lacking SO MUCH in terms of everything else... No idea why it doesn't have a ranked mode for example, it really shouldn't be that hard.


Apr 3, 2019
Having played battle royal in a while but Apex legends (especially the ping system) is still the best to me.


Oct 25, 2017
Probably Apex Legends, with Fortnite really close just due to how much better they are at putting out content, and due to how polished the game is. Fortnite's ranked mode is fantastic. Fortnite would win if its gunplay wasn't so intentionally garbage.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Apex is the most fun for me by far. I think It'd be destroying Fortnite if they could keep up with the pace of Fortnite content and cosmetics being added to the game.

Fortnite is fine but I think the building thing is lame. Almost killing someone for them to just summon a skyscraper out of nowhere is annoying to me. Ill never get into Fortnite because I don't have an interest in the building. If it had a mode with limited supplies (that wasnt just an event every once in a while) then I'd give it a better chance. Right now I just randomly play on my iPad but I'd never spend a penny on it unless we had a mode like that.

Blackout is decent too but hideous, I'd play more if it was F2P. I can't talk my friends into buying that game just for Blackout.

Firestorm would also do better F2P.

Havent tried the rest of them
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Apex then Blackout.

I loooove the moment in Apex. Thank you for letting me slide down a hill, lol.

Blackout was my #1 before Apex. It's still a great game but I want them to make searching for a game much faster. Between the loading then the pre lobby, nah. Get that fixed and I'll put more time into it. Hell, make a day and night cycle or weather effects and I'll come back.

If they make a Modern Warfare BR, I'll jump on that, too.

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Mechanically it's Apex that trumps it all, too bad their progression system and post-launch support has been weak. Fortnite has amazing support but the actual battle royale aspect is subpar thanks to horrible bloom in shooting and wacky challenges that have 70% of the players ignore the objectives. PUBG probably has the best approach out of the popular BRs but it's way too janky to be the best. Blackout brought a lot of great little additions to the formula and COD's controls feel lovely in a BR, but its shooting is surprisingly inconsistent compared to multiplayer. Other BRs I tried ranged from terrible (The Culling 2), not interesting enough long term (Realm Royale) or simply do nothing better enough than the competition to bother (BFV: Firestorm).

Deleted member 1627

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I enjoy most of them. But nothing touches PUBG in the genre IMO. No other game gives you the suspense and tension PUBG offers. It also the hardest to win at. So satisfying getting that chicken dinner. I win in Apex and fortnite pretty easily in comparison. Especially Apex.
This rings true for me, too. PUBG feels untouchable in terms of atmosphere, mechanics and encounters. Apex is a pretty close second and I really like what Fortnite does in terms of everything outside of the game itself, but neither is as nail-biting or exciting as PUBG.


Oct 27, 2017
Toulouse, France
Nothing come close to the adrenaline rush you get when playing PUBG, especially in solo.

I love how rewarding the gameplay is from positionning to gunplay mechanics. I'm mostly a solo player but the strategic aspect playing in duo/squad is really fun too.

Apex would be my second choice, fun fast-paced BR, the ping system is fantastic and the legends where a great addition to the BR genre. But I had too many issues with cheaters and servers performance the last time I played.

I only tried Fortnite and Blackout after that, and Fortnite building mechanic was fun at first but it was just impossible for me to mix with the shooting. Blackout was just in instant nope.


Oct 31, 2017
It's gonna be the one that makes winning a game rewarding, I kinda fell off battle royals because winning a match didn't give me much and made me not care about winning a match.


Nov 28, 2017
After nearly 1000 Hours played, it's still PUBG for me. I've got a great group of people to play with and I really love the Shooting mechanics. Yes, the jank can sometimes be rage inducing, but Overall it's still the best BR experience for me. Also played Blackout and Apex, thought they were fun, but after some time I returned to PUBG. As I love the tacticshooters of the past, the more slow gameplay, which can get quite hectic in certain situations is just my jam :D Although I can absolutely understand, if someone doesn't like it.


Oct 25, 2017
Nothing has ever truly replaced PUBG for me. Fortnite's building and shooting feel turns me off entirely, Blackout felt like "polished" PUBG in the sense that it was sanded down to a tiny boring orb; Apex came by far the closest, since it felt like a really original type of experience that still balanced polish and a high skill ceiling, but after a while every round felt exactly the same.

PUBG will probably never be truly replaced for a lot of people because a lot of its jankiness that other BRs have tried to excise is very deeply tied to its best qualities. Making a game with an overly complicated shooting/damage model and heavy recoil that requires a ton of practice and mechanical skill; a heavier emphasis on survival by having less loot, slower and thus riskier looting, healing, and interactions to the point of feeling clunky; maps so big that you'll rarely go certain places, often need to find a (randomly spawned) vehicle or meticulously plan to keep ahead of the blue, or can get shot from unpredictable angle from a mile away, or have long periods of empty downtime because everyone is so spread out; those are all things every BR since has tried to deliberately tried to tone down, for completely rational reasons, but those are part of what make the game way more interesting.

At its best (for me at least), the BR genre is like a multiplayer shooter roguelike, where each "run" is different and heavily encourages experimentation, making due with what you have, hoping RNGesus doesn't murder you unfairly, and eventually mastering an utterly daunting and seemingly obtuse difficulty curve and tons of variables to be a master at whatever it throws at you.

Its weird that the only BR game that truly showcases the importance of positioning and planning is PUBG. We've had 10-15 BR contenders, and none of them bother with it.


Senior Game Designer
Feb 6, 2018
Tetris 99 was robbed. Other than that I'm still siding with Fortnite, Apex Legends is not doing/evolving enough.


Apr 20, 2018
Hunt: Showdown. It has the tension of being in the last 10 people in PUBG fromstart to finish every round. Of the listed ones tho, my vote goes to PUBG


Oct 25, 2017
Another vote for PUBG. I have almost 1700 hours played, which I think eclipses even my total playtime in all Counter-Strike games combined...and the game's only ~2 years old...

There's just nothing like it in the current line-up of BR games, it's easily the most hardcore of what's out there right now and I absolutely love it. I've never seen as much random shit in a videogame as in some games of PUBG, and the intensity once you're in the top 10 and then winning a chicken dinner is hard to describe.

What BR game is 45 mins long? Pubg the longest of them all caps out at 25mins.

Uhh no way. I've had plenty of games on Erangel that have lasted ~36 minutes, which is right until the end of the very last circle.


Oct 25, 2017
Another vote for PUBG. I have almost 1700 hours played, which I think eclipses even my total playtime in all Counter-Strike games combined...and the game's only ~2 years old...

There's just nothing like it in the current line-up of BR games, it's easily the most hardcore of what's out there right now and I absolutely love it. I've never seen as much random shit in a videogame as in some games of PUBG, and the intensity once you're in the top 10 and then winning a chicken dinner is hard to describe.

Uhh no way. I've had plenty of games on Erangel that have lasted ~36 minutes, which is right until the end of the very last circle.

its map dependent - Sanhok finishes in 25 mins, while Erangel is around 32. Also, i think the map circle changes dependent on player numbers.