
Oct 28, 2017
I think it's kinda gross if a 40+ plus year old is dating an 18-year-old. Especially if he/she is still in High School, but i mind my own business as long as it's all legal.
I don't find it gross or creepy but I would genuinely wonder what the hell they found in common or talk about. Im pretty sure there's zero 18 year olds I would want to date. This would be like dating a friends kid at that point . Although I have gone out with someone ten years younger and they were mature and interesting enough ...


Oct 28, 2017
I've always felt that age as a number is only useful as a rough guide in these situations. Reaching life milestones like living out of home, being independent of parents, working full-time, owning and being solely responsible for pets etc are significant points in the development of a person that normally take place through the early 20s but everybody reaches them at different stages.

I went back to school a few years ago at the age of 29 to study at a reasonably prestigious performing arts academy, and initially the idea of being surrounded by talented/attractive young women certainly held an appeal. After a while though the novelty definitely wears off and I came to realise that someone who's shared similar life experiences and can relate on that level is super important in establishing a healthy relationship.

In some cases where the younger party has hit those developmental points earlier than most, they may be mature enough to enter into a meaningful relationship with someone older. Mostly though I feel it's largely born out of a power imbalance and the older party chasing a feeling of control.

Dynamite Cop

Oct 25, 2017
More than 5 years difference is weird for sure. Maturity levels and judgment change as you age, so get this "two consenting adults is fine" bullshit outta here when we got people in their late 20s or 30s trying to fuck/take advantage of college kids.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
If both parties are legal adults in the country they reside in I don't think the age gap matters at that point.

Jonathan Lanza

"I've made a Gigantic mistake"
Feb 8, 2019
I think we should focus less on the number and more on the position said person is in life.
Part of the reason why people side eye dating 18 year olds is because most of the time 18 year olds are students who just got out of highschool or sometimes still in highschool. A 21 year old very well may be graduating and even starting a career so for a lot of people it looks like the 21 year old is a very independent person who has for whatever reason chosen to go out with someone who just barely is even allowed to live on their own. Why choose someone who is still so reliant on the support of their elders? It's not always predatory of course but it looks that way a lot of the time.


Aug 22, 2018
I've always felt that age as a number is only useful as a rough guide in these situations. Reaching life milestones like living out of home, being independent of parents, working full-time, owning and being solely responsible for pets etc are significant points in the development of a person that normally take place through the early 20s but everybody reaches them at different stages.
Absolutely. My last girlfriend and I had a larger age gap than I normally prefer, but we were both professions with graduate degrees who were working, had our own place to live, etc. and so the age thing was nonexistent.

If I had met her five years earlier, though, I wouldn't have even considered dating her.


Oct 25, 2017
It's a development thing. Don't date below your life stage. If you're a grown ass adult dating somebody in high school (even if they're 18), then that's messed up. You're McConaughey in Dazed and Confused. Don't be that.


Oct 26, 2017
Dallas, TX
I think it's less about absolute number of years and more about crossing certain life-stage thresholds. A 50-year-old and a 28-year-old? Unusual, but good for them. But a much smaller gap with a 25-year-old dating a 19-year-old college student is going to be greeted with some skepticism. I don't care if legally she's 18, if she's still in high school it's creepy for any adult to be with her.


Jan 2, 2019
I think it's less about absolute number of years and more about crossing certain life-stage thresholds. A 50-year-old and a 28-year-old? Unusual, but good for them. But a much smaller gap with a 25-year-old dating a 19-year-old college student is going to be greeted with some skepticism. I don't care if legally she's 18, if she's still in high school it's creepy for any adult to be with her.

i agree. like, most 19 year olds don't own a car, work a part-time vs full-time work, are either just beginning college or haven't even considered post-high school education, still live at home, etc. even though i'm barely 3 years older, the difference between a 19yo and me is HUGE. i don't relate to 19 year olds. i have pretty much nothing in common with them. i would feel like a predator dating one, even if they were ~mature for their age~ or whatever.


Jun 9, 2018
I'm 30 dating 25 and one of her friends was asking her why shes dating someone so much older than her, we thought it was hilarious.

Deleted member 176

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017

graduating college has nothing to do with any of this. I graduated at 28.

Also, some people who graduate aren't all that mature. A 21 yo who dates a 19yo is pretty normal.
I think it's super weird. If you dated another college student while 28 that would probably be weird too, unless they were 25+

rusty chrome

Oct 25, 2017
I don't think age matters much when the couple are both adults (21+). At that point, they're old enough to make their own decisions, so it's pretty common to see a 35+ person with a younger 21+ person. My parents are like 10 years apart, and I have lots of friends that have a mom that ended up marrying a *much* older man after becoming adults. Older people tend to have their life more in order than younger people, so some people just want to be with an older no bullshit person. One of my friends is 19 and she's always talking about wanting to be with a guy in his 30's because she doesn't have time for "confused little boys." It's bad assumption/generalization to make but she says it proudly.

My problem is with the creepy rapist dudes (and girls) well into their adulthood that take advantage of a "legal" teenager being attracted to them. Even if they're "legal", that shit still looks bad when they're still that young. These teenagers don't even know what life is yet.


Oct 27, 2017
I think it's super weird. If you dated another college student while 28 that would probably be weird too, unless they were 25+
Do you think it's super weird or do you feel it's super weird?
If you think it's super weird, science has proven than men reach maturity later than women (something like 10 years later) . Thus, it's normal to see couples with age gaps of 5 years. Furthermore, we're talking about sexuality, which is really something relative. Some people will mature faster, some will have more experience even if they're younger, some will face challenges and will be stumped in their development...etc

There are many logical reasons that justify age gaps when it comes to dating. No one develops in the same way.

(However if you're basing this on how you feel, then no arguments will be able to change your feelings.)


Oct 25, 2017
..because it's pretty weird. Why is a 40yo having the social circle of teens, and I think it's a rare teen that's in the right headspace to be in a committed relationship relative to that of the 40yo. I think it's far too open to abuse.
Not that I don't find it off putting. But what is the 'right' headspace. Some people are attracted to older people.

Edit: I see you specifically said 'teens' which is vague. To be clear I'm just saying 18 and 19 year olds are for all intents and purposes adults. There's definitely power balance issues, but if those aren't a factor, let people be.


Mar 18, 2018
Do you think it's super weird or do you feel it's super weird?
If you think it's super weird, science has proven than men reach maturity later than women (something like 10 years later) . Thus, it's normal to see couples with age gaps of 5 years. Furthermore, we're talking about sexuality, which is really something relative. Some people will mature faster, some will have more experience even if they're younger, some will face challenges and will be stumped in their development...etc

There are many logical reasons that justify age gaps when it comes to dating. No one develops in the same way.

(However if you're basing this on how you feel, then no arguments will be able to change your feelings.)

Your pseudo-science would be more accurate if you considered that the age of maturity you vaguely refference actually refers to humans reaching full maturiy at an average age of 32 for a woman and 43 for a man, and would not be applicable to a 28 year old man dating a woman much younger.

Furthermore that does not at all refer to maturiy as many journalists headlines interpreted it, but rather the increasing effiency of the brains connections.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Not that I don't find it off putting. But what is the 'right' headspace. Some people are attracted to older people.

Edit: I see you specifically said 'teens' which is vague. To be clear I'm just saying 18 and 19 year olds are for all intents and purposes adults. There's definitely power balance issues, but if those aren't a factor, let people be.
It has nothing to do with attraction. I said I don't think many teens are going to be in a similar headspace to a 40+yo when it comes to a committed relationship.
There's definitely power balance issues but if those aren't a factor, let them be.


Oct 25, 2017
It has nothing to do with attraction. I said I don't think many teen are going to be in a similar headspace to a 40+yo when it comes to a committed relationship.

You're saying a lot about how it's the wrong headspace and mindset but that's pretty vague and judgemental of the younger person.

As for the other part. Power balance issues can arise if the person is a mentor/boss/etc or in some other way has power over the other person. That to me is a separate issue.


Jan 28, 2019
I think it's super weird. If you dated another college student while 28 that would probably be weird too, unless they were 25+
Not sure why. I didn't even finish college, but I'm dating someone 2 years older than me who graduated college two years ago, and have been since I was 19 and she was 21. There's like zero maturity difference even if she has graduated college and I have not. Being further along in college doesn't just suddenly make you more mature, nor does being further along in college mean you shouldn't date people younger than you, especially considering you're both consenting adults in the same exact environment.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
You're saying a lot about how it's the wrong headspace and mindset but that's pretty vague and judgemental of the younger person.

As for the other part. Power balance issues can arise if the person is a mentor/boss/etc or in some other way has power over the other person. That to me is a separate issue.
It's not at all. It's a pretty vanilla thing to suggest most people who have just turned an adult aren't going to be in a similar place to relationships to that of someone that's been one for 20+ years.

If you think the only concern for abuse between an 18yo and a 40+yo when it comes to a committed relationship is between that of a teacher and student and similar roles then I don't know what to tell you.
Oct 25, 2017
My father met my mother when she was 18 and he was 40, she had her first kid at 23, it's no big deal. Somw of you need to mind your business, there's nothing wrong with an age gap as long as both are adults. hell, lots of women prefer dating older men.

Deleted member 176

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Not sure why. I didn't even finish college, but I'm dating someone 2 years older than me who graduated college two years ago, and have been since I was 19 and she was 21. There's like zero maturity difference even if she has graduated college and I have not. Being further along in college doesn't just suddenly make you more mature, nor does being further along in college mean you shouldn't date people younger than you, especially considering you're both consenting adults in the same exact environment.
for whatever reason, I definitely think it's less weird if the woman is the older one


Mar 18, 2018
You're saying a lot about how it's the wrong headspace and mindset but that's pretty vague and judgemental of the younger person.

Young adults are absolute dumbasses and easily impressionable. Have you ever spoke to one?

I've seen a guy say "She's so mature for her age" about a girl who didn't even know what council tax was or how to mop, as kept on falling over herself when talking to people because she was that anti-social.


Oct 29, 2017
Mainly on twitter, I've seen people have gross overreactions to small age gaps in dating. For example, I saw this person who runs a podcast claim on there that a 21 year old dating an 18 year old is predatory behavior and that they have no business dating a child and this like confuses me. I mean, 18 is not the most mature but there is nothnig wrong with two university students going out and the age gap is small. Even worse, I've seen people say things like 20 and 18 itself is weird or how as a 20 year old the idea of dating an 18 year old makes them cringe. And I'm again confused as it's only like 2 years or something. I understand there is still maturity and growing in these ages but I think there is no need for reactions like this. So what is it with these gross overreactions to small age gaps?
Sounds like some posters here, I was referring to previous topics but seeing more comments here... Yep.

Excuse me

Oct 30, 2017
Would be interesting to see if men and women see this question differently. Feels like everyone who are against age caps are picturing older guy dating younger girl. But older woman with younger guy is not so suspicious for reason or other... I don't know if that's the case but that's the feeling i'm getting.


Mar 18, 2018
Can we add ages to the usernames so we know who is just young and who is actually a dumbass? This "All young people are dumb and impressionable" cliche is insulting and ignorant.

Dumbass was perhaps harsher than I meant it to be but I'm reffering to people aged around 18. I've rarely met an 18 year old who had it all together is what I meant.

I have known many 18-22-ish year olds who have dated men in their 30's and the imbalance in maturity was always the same no matter how often the guy tried to say otherwise.

Blue Skies

Mar 27, 2019
personally never dated or even been physical with anyone past 2 plus or minus years from me.

It generally takes me a while to feel comfortable around someone, and it's easier when they've had a similar life to mine.
Oct 25, 2017
Would be interesting to see if men and women see this question differently. Feels like everyone who are against age caps are picturing older guy dating younger girl. But older woman with younger guy is not so suspicious for reason or other... I don't know if that's the case but that's the feeling i'm getting.
You're not wrong, "High five I totally banged that MILF/Cougar!", cause when your THE MAN you're totally in control. /s


Oct 25, 2017
Western Canada
The bigger issue regarding dating an 18 year old is where they are in life. Are they still in high school? Have they moved out of their parents' house? Do they pay bills? If the answer to all of these is yes, then I see no issue with and 18 year old dating someone in their 20s. But if you're 28 and dating someone who is still a legal dependent of their parents and planning their prom... yeah, you're a fuckin' creep. Question what you're doing with your life if you're dating someone with a curfew.


Oct 25, 2017
The Stussining
If it's two consenting legal adults then I try not to give a fuck. Hell my boss at work has a 20 year age difference between his wife and himself. And they've been happily married for about as long as I've been alive. The numbers are meaningless after a while and you should be with who you want to be with.

Excuse me

Oct 30, 2017
personally never dated or even been physical with anyone past 2 plus or minus years from me.

It generally takes me a while to feel comfortable around someone, and it's easier when they've had a similar life to mine.
Personally I feel like age doesn't have that much to do with having similar life. Well, you are usually on the same page when it's about pop culture references.
I mean, could you date foreigner? Who would most likely have totally different life due to different upbringing.
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Oct 26, 2017
Personally I feel like age doesn't have that much to do with having similar life. Well, you are usually on the same page when it's about pop culture references.
I mean, could you date foreigner? Who would most likely have totally different life due to different upbringing.
It's a vague guideline, sure, but it was never designed to cover all cases, just to be a convenient filter to cut down on abuse.

The only reason we have the concept at all is because of investigative work into child prostitution in England in the 19th century.
English common law had traditionally set the age of consent within the range of ten to twelve years old, but the Offences Against the Person Act 1875 raised this to thirteen in Great Britain and Ireland. Early feminists of the Social Purity movement, such as Josephine Butler and others, instrumental in securing the repeal of the Contagious Diseases Acts, began to turn towards the problem of child prostitution by the end of the 1870s. Sensational media revelations about the scourge of child prostitution in London in the 1880s then caused outrage among the respectable middle-classes, leading to pressure for the age of consent to be raised again.

The investigative journalist William Thomas Stead of the Pall Mall Gazette was pivotal in exposing the problem of child prostitution in the London underworld through a publicity stunt. In 1885 he "purchased" one victim, Eliza Armstrong, the thirteen-year-old daughter of a chimney sweep, for five pounds and took her to a brothel where she was drugged. He then published a series of four exposés entitled The Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon, which shocked its readers with tales of child prostitution and the abduction, procurement, and sale of young English virgins to Continental "pleasure palaces". The "Maiden Tribute" was an instant sensation with the reading public, and Victorian society was thrown into an uproar about prostitution. Fearing riots on a national scale, the Home Secretary, Sir William Harcourt, pleaded in vain with Stead to cease publication of the articles. A wide variety of reform groups held protest meetings and marched together to Hyde Park demanding that the age of consent be raised. The government was forced to propose the Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885, which raised the age of consent from thirteen to sixteen and clamped down on prostitution.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Portland, OR
I met my wife when I was 29 and she was (barely) 20 - I worked with her stepmom and she introduced us. It worked because she was mature relative to her age and I was relatively immature. I'm now 40, she's 31, and we've been married for 2 years.

(It does lead to some weird mindfuckery though - when I just started my (current) job just out of college, she had only just turned 12. Of course, we didn't meet until 8 years later, but still...)


Oct 26, 2017
I'm 34 and I date 18~24 mainly and I don't really give a shit what anyone thinks. I'm not trying to have a real relationship, I'm honest I'm just looking for physical and most girls those ages want the same and at least the ones dating me also claim to prefer older guys so it works out. It's mutually beneficial and not hurting anyone. Let people live how they want.


Mar 18, 2018
You got stats for that rarity or are women in my experience more discrete about these things?

I've repeated the phrase "anecdotal" throughout most of my posts in this thread so far, and mostly described anecdotal situations, do I need to repeat it every second line?

And given that men dating decade younger women is incredibly normalised and common in mainstream media, yeah I'm gonna stand by the assertion I'm making.

Edir: To be clear, if someone says to me some verient of "oh, it's fine, he/she is mature for their age", whatever the gender or sexuality involved, they're getting the sids-eye. Because so far, anecdotally, that side eye's never been wrong.
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Deleted member 48897

User requested account closure
Oct 22, 2018
let's not pretend that age is a nebulous thing that society made up. Shit ages

Here's my advice to the OP then: The theory of relativity implies this relationship is not creepy as long as you are at or nearly approaching the speed of light

But I mean 18 vs. 21 isn't inherently super creepy, but I guess it depends on how long the parties have known each other. It isn't too creepy if, like, they met in college or something, but it's hard to shake the question of potential grooming behavior at that age.

Excuse me

Oct 30, 2017
That's fucked too, just much, much rarer so it won't get talked about as much.
At what point does it become fucked up and why? I get the argument that rich man/woman flashes wad of cash for young "poor" person and that can create situation with power balance in relationship.

But I doubt that's what most cases are. Usually people meet at same social circles...or at bars. So there isn't that much of a difference. I mean, you are a student so you usually have very little of income, but at the same time if the older person is regular blue-collar/office worker, they aren't exactly in situation of enticing anyone with money either.


User-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
But I mean 18 vs. 21 isn't inherently super creepy, but I guess it depends on how long the parties have known each other. It isn't too creepy if, like, they met in college or something, but it's hard to shake the question of potential grooming behavior at that age.

That's a very big gate you're keeping, there. Why would any intelligent woman of 18 want to deal with the insecurities of 18-year-old men when she has a chance with very slightly older men who have seen a little more, done a little more and grown up a little more? Don't use the word grooming unless you know what it means.
Aug 14, 2018
You don't see anything wrong or suspicious with a 40+yo man being in a serious relationship with someone that's just hit 18?

You mention adult, which sometimes doesn't align with age of consent. In the case of the above but 16 and in the UK; does that change anything?

I think everyone should mind their own business when it comes to relationships between two adult people that you don't know. We have no idea if the relationship is healthy or not, and it's certainly not up to us to judge it based purely on optics.

A few years ago I went on a holiday to Thailand with my wife who's Asian, and we were getting angry stares by white tourist all the time who assumed that something fishy was going on between my wife and myself. It was ridiculous. People who had no idea who we were would judge us just based on what we looked like. Don't be like those people.
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Oct 27, 2017
Basque Country
18 to 21 is a relatively small age gap and I don't think it's nothing to panic about.

However as others are mentioning, large age gaps are very often troublesome. Usually due to different power dynamics and very often lead to abuse.

I myself am 26 years old and I personally would not date anyone younger than 22 (20 being the lowest limit). I don't think there's anything wrong morally with someone in their late 20s dating someone in their early's, but younger than that it is definitely suspicious.
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Excuse me

Oct 30, 2017
18 to 21 is a relatively small age gap and I don't think it's nothing to panic about.

However as others are mentioning, large age gaps are very often troublesome. Usually due to different power dynamics and very often lead to abuse.
How often there are such power dynamics that do lead to abuse? I think most data I have seen, in various articles about dating/marriage and such suggest that people often date within their own economical class. If you are 33 old plumber and date 19 year old uni student, what is the drastic power dynamics in this case that could lead to abuse?