
Oct 27, 2017
So watching Mary Poppins Returns with the extended family and halfway through there's a camera flash aimed in my direction. I think "that's weird, maybe the guy is trying to help his kids and pressed a wrong button?". Nope. 30 seconds later, another camera flash, guy is standing there in front of his kids with the phone in picture taking pose. Give the usual loud, firm but polite "could you please not do that?" and thankfully there wasn't another.

I thought I had seen it all but apparently people are still busy finding ways to plumb new depths of being rude as fuck during a movie. What is it about the movies that turns people into leading edge innovators in being a giant asshole?


Oct 27, 2017
I'm confused what exactly were they taking a pic of...just being at the theater for an insta post or...

And yes people are dicks. Rarely go the theaters anymore but when I do it's almost always a matinee during the week to cut down on the chances of having to put up with any crap.


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
People are always inconsiderate fucks, just look at how people drive. The difference is the movies is an experience that can be ruined by that sort of behaviour so it just stands out more.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm confused what exactly were they taking a pic of...just being at the theater for an insta post or...

And yes people are dicks. Rarely go the theaters anymore but when I do it's almost always a matinee during the week to cut down on the chances of having to put up with any crap.

That's the thing I don't understand. It was the very middle of the movie. Maybe there's some brand new hashtag about seeing how many instagram pictures you can take in the middle of the movie with your flash before someone calls you out for being a giant asshole.


Oct 27, 2017
i dont think it has anything to do with being at the movies, people are just straight up fucking inconsiderate idiots.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm confused what exactly were they taking a pic of...just being at the theater for an insta post or...

And yes people are dicks. Rarely go the theaters anymore but when I do it's almost always a matinee during the week to cut down on the chances of having to put up with any crap.

I have a few people I follow on insta that post pictures of them sitting in the theater seats, with shitty lighting or shitty flash. I don't know why this is a thing. At the very least it looks like it is way before the movie starts and not in the middle.

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
I text and browse the Internet during boring movies too. A lot of people do. Theatres aren't some holy sanctum. Even eat chips sometimes. I don't know, it's never bothered me so I never really notice or care.


Oct 25, 2017
Not the movies.. people are just stupid.

Could easily wait until after the movie to do that or outside in the lobby.

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
Recently went to watch Spiderverse and it was the first big movie i've watched in a long time. Went ok. Mostly i watch movies in a local theater that's used by a small cinema club. Shows more artsy stuff so it's def not the same kind of people watching. Absolute difference and it improves the experience tenfold. Complete silence, no food or drinks, smaller room with regular theater seats instead of those ultra comfortable reclined movie theater chairs that make it so easy to fall asleep. Just amazing. It's almost like a church. Wholesome, shared dedication to the movie.

Great movie tho, Spiderverse.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
I text and browse the Internet during boring movies too. A lot of people do. Theatres aren't some holy sanctum. Even eat chips sometimes. I don't know, it's never bothered me so I never really notice or care.

You're the exact type of person people are complaining about in here. Just because it never bothered you doesn't mean it doesn't bother 90% of the other people that go to the movies. We pay to watch the movies, not to see the brightness of your screen in the dark.


Oct 25, 2017
I text and browse the Internet during boring movies too. A lot of people do. Theatres aren't some holy sanctum. Even eat chips sometimes. I don't know, it's never bothered me so I never really notice or care.
You know that you are allowed to leave, right? No one is forcing you to site through a movie you find boring.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I rarely go to the theater any more because people are just rude and bizarre. 5e movie will have started and there's a group of five people just having a conversation at normal
volume behind me.


Nov 4, 2017
I text and browse the Internet during boring movies too. A lot of people do. Theatres aren't some holy sanctum. Even eat chips sometimes. I don't know, it's never bothered me so I never really notice or care.
That's pretty rude. Screens really stand out in a dark theater and are very distracting. If it's a boring movie just go out to the lobby.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
But it bothers everyone else around you.

You'll be thrown out of the screen for this eventually.

I use to manage movie theaters back in the mid 00's and we threw people out consistently for this (talking, not so much cell phone use obviously). Our staff were trained very well on what to look for and would regularly warn people, if it went beyond that myself or other management would step in and ask them to leave.

Granted this was before how smart phones are now, they existed but nothing like now. I can't imagine how many people we'd have to throw out in this day in age.
Oct 29, 2017
One of the reasons I hate going to the movie theater and when I do, I try to wait like two or three weeks to hopefully get an empty theater. Or one I can switch seats easily.

People are the fucking dumbest.
Oct 25, 2017
I went to see Once Upon a Deadpool last week and this guy had his phone ring go off 3 times before he put it on silent :|

Same guy also kept talking to his buddy until someone yelled at him


Does not approve of this tag
Oct 25, 2017
It also kills me when I get up after the movie ends and see the people around or in front of me turned the floor into their personal food dumping ground, like jfc. Just cause the theater has staff to clean up after you doesn't mean you forget how to eat.


The Fallen
Jul 28, 2018



Oct 26, 2017
South of San Francisco
This entire family was being super loud at a screening of Avatar once.

Someone eventually asked them to be quiet, and the dad legit got up and turned to the guy in a "you want to fight?" pose.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
Every movie theater by law should have Alamo Drafthouse rules. I haven't dealt with that shit once since going there. Well, there was the one time the guy next to me kept pulling his phone out during Last Jedi. I told the servers once, and they took care of him real quick.


Nov 8, 2017
User Warned: Inappropriate language
Man, I seem to always sit next to fucktards, one girl kept texting throughout fantastic beasts and it took me completely out the movie, at one point I literally just leaned over and read her texts, and she looked over horrified and I'm like oh sorry was that rude? I thought that was it and ten minutes later she straight up was listening to voice messages, she's glad my wife was there and begging me to not make a scene.


Oct 30, 2017
That's a great question. Just the other day I was sitting near a guy in an almost empty theater and every single time there was a humorous part he would guffaw at high volume, and make other noises to express his opinions about various scenes. The reactions were truly over the top, like he was the only one in the room.

I'm pretty sure the three other people in the theater were just as taken aback by this obnoxious slob's one man show. In hindsight I should have stepped out and texted my friend on staff, who could have ejected his ass, but it didn't hit me at the time.

People can be dumb selfish assholes.
Oct 25, 2017
One of the weirdest moments was when I saw the Beauty and the Beast remake and some high school girls just started taking pictures with the flash on when the ballroom scene was happening. It's stunning how inconsiderate people can be


Oct 25, 2017
Man, I seem to always sit next to fucktards, one girl kept texting throughout fantastic beasts and it took me completely out the movie, at one point I literally just leaned over and read her texts, and she looked over horrified and I'm like oh sorry was that rude? I thought that was it and ten minutes later she straight up was listening to voice messages, she's glad my wife was there and begging me to not make a scene.

You could make an effort to not instigate with reactionary behavior shit like this, ask her to put her phone away. Your wife is the hero in this story, tolerating your behavior. And using fucktard is lame dude, like not cool or shocking, just embarrassing.
Feb 13, 2018
I text and browse the Internet during boring movies too. A lot of people do. Theatres aren't some holy sanctum. Even eat chips sometimes. I don't know, it's never bothered me so I never really notice or care.
They straight up tell you it's against the rules before every damn movie. Do you also bang on the glass at aquariums, throw stuff at animals in the zoo and leave your garbage on the beach too?


Oct 27, 2017
I text and browse the Internet during boring movies too. A lot of people do. Theatres aren't some holy sanctum. Even eat chips sometimes. I don't know, it's never bothered me so I never really notice or care.

Eating chips should be banned during movies and classroom lectures, period

Do you realize how fucking loud and obnoxious it is?


Oct 30, 2017
Phone Camera shouldn't have flashes. It should be illegal.

But yeah I had a little old lady sit in front of me with a thermos. She poured the thermos in a small cup and then a heard a loud tang tang tang tang!! She was making fn tea in the theater!


Oct 27, 2017
I feel like people have gotten worse in theatres. It's a literal gamble if you'll be sitting near some assholes.


Oct 27, 2017
Buffalo, NY
I text and browse the Internet during boring movies too. A lot of people do. Theatres aren't some holy sanctum. Even eat chips sometimes. I don't know, it's never bothered me so I never really notice or care.

More movie theaters should adopt Alamo Drafthouse's Zero Tolerance policy and immediately kick people out (without refund) if they use their phones.


The Pyramids? That's nothing compared to RDR2
Oct 27, 2017
I went to see I, Tonya some months ago when it was in theaters. There were two drunk 20 or 30 something women having a conversation about random shit for the whole fucking movie. And not a whispered conversation, they were yelling over the movie audio. Like what the fuck!? Not only was this supremely annoying, but why the fuck would you even buy tickets if you just want to talk the entire time?? This was a while ago and still makes me angry. It was basically the equivalent of throwing $20 in the trash for me. Totally ruined the experience.
Oct 27, 2017
It also kills me when I get up after the movie ends and see the people around or in front of me turned the floor into their personal food dumping ground, like jfc. Just cause the theater has staff to clean up after you doesn't mean you forget how to eat.
This is honestly the thing that gets me the most upset.

People become pigs at theaters. Fully dumping half eaten tubs of popcorn on the floor because, "someone else will clean it up." I really don't get this mentality. Similar but unrelated, its also why I can't wrap my head around people who leave dirty dishes in the sink, when out at a friend's house.

Matrix Monkey

Dec 30, 2017
I had two movies ruined for me this year.

The Post had a group of old white women that wouldn't stop yakking. I left 30 minutes into it.

Bladerunner 2049. Some guy kept talking about how he hated the movie. Then fucking leave, dick.

In regard to the OP. You went to the movies during the Xmas holiday. Never go to the movies during Xmas. It's the worst.


Oct 30, 2017
I was in a movie theater recently with my kids and my son started having an asthma atack, like literally gasping, so much so that he fumbled with his inhaler and dropped it. I had to turn on the light on my phone to look around him for it while he was wheezing and some guy across from us told me to stop, I guess the movie was more important

I didn't want to upset him any further so I turned the light off and held my son close to my chest and tried to help him with his breathing, it was quite the scary experience for our family and we sat quietly and in tears for the rest of the film
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