Deleted member 79058

Account closed at user request
Aug 25, 2020
Multiplayer stuff (avoid 95% of it) and roguelite stuff (avoid 70% of it). I would say anime crap stuff, but I always give the game a chance first if the gameplay looks interesting.


Oct 25, 2017
Platformers and 2D sidescrollers.

3D action games? Not sure how to describe this genre, basically anything Platinum makes lol.


Feb 3, 2019
Multiplayer games that have progression that makes you stronger. If you have a life or any non-gaming hobbies you're basically told by the game to quit and do something else.

Can't believe people complain that sea of thieves isn't one of those games.


Oct 27, 2017
Fighting games for me. I just don't find them fun. Oh and I guess the creepo anime games but thats obvious.


Oct 31, 2017
Turn Based RPG's. Any time a new game appears on Game Pass and I check it out, if it is Turn Based, It instantly puts me off.
Nov 13, 2017
Roguelikes are hit an miss for me. I really dislike the start-over-from-scratch mechanics that most of them employ. RTS games aren't my jam, outside of Age of Empires. Something about AoE struck a cord with me. I find hero shooters to be too much, coming from an AFPS background. The mechanic feels tacked-on and unnecessary. The vast majority of modern shooters are really boring to me. I don't understand how it's 2021 and every game still uses an SMG as a weapon, even in space.


Oct 28, 2017
Strong dislike:
Most sport games (only ever liked wipeout and f-zero, they are both dead)
Battle Royals
Survival/crafting/open world (it's basically the worst part of mmo all in one package most of the time)

Mild dislike:
Most turn based rpgs (tactical and drpg like etrian odyssey are fine, stuff with action gimmicks like undertale or mario & luigi are alright too. Everything else is just terrible to me. Most old classic jrpgs are unbearable. Wrpg it's not much better)
Most modern TPS/FPS with a major focus on story and presentation.
I'm inclined to say any action games with dodge rolls as avoidance mechanic at this point. It's not bad and i still go through a few, but i have grown to dislike it. It's overdone and quite honestly gets old really fast. I feel personally offended every time i see bullet hell patterns in a game and... yeah no let's just dodge through this mess instead, that's how all the heavy hitters do it nowadays after all. Make it stop...


VFX Rendering Pipeline Developer
Jun 8, 2020
Online Competitive, because I no longer have the time to git gud.
Anything designed around GaaS and/or Mtx.
Most WRPG/JRPG/MMOs where story pacing sucks because they're a grindfest


Oct 27, 2017
Not really a genre, but PvP anything. I'm not competitive by nature, and I don't enjoy losing enough to feel motivated to try to "git gud". So any game or genre that is primarily or only focused on this is already out. I do generally enjoy any kind of co-op or campaign mode that might exist as part of games that are primarily played for their PvP, though, so it's not really the genre I hate, it's the competition aspect.

As for genres not covered by the above: gachas, realistic sim/management games (e.g. sports games, realistic racing games, Farm Simulator, etc.), match-3 kinds of ""puzzle"" games, and arcade-y games (I already know I suck, I don't want to play a game that will score me and actually show me the C. I also don't really enjoy the idea of replaying the same level over and over to get a higher score.).
Oh, and I'm not a super huge fan of "action" games (or "character action" or "stylish action" or whatever we're calling these now -- I can't keep up). I don't have the attention span (to be able to memorize all of the abilities and their use cases and track my character's place in the state machine, for planning combos and reactions) or reaction times for these. Sucks because generally this is a combat system I can't get into, inserted into a game I would otherwise enjoy.

There will of course be exceptions to this, but generally it's these.


Oct 25, 2017
FPS. Worst perspective by far. Any FPS game I like is speaking volume cause it means I like or love them despite being god awful first person. I never understand how someone can say it's more immersive it just doesn't resonate with me at all.
Sep 12, 2018
Whatever genre Life Is Strange and The Walking Dead fall under. Quasi-Point & Click Emotional Manipulation simulators? Hacky attempts at evoking sadness from the player with no real substance and the illusion of choice.


Oct 27, 2017
None really... there's a game in every genre that I have enjoyed. I tend to play fighting games less than others though.


Shinra Employee of The Wise Ones
Oct 27, 2017
Multiplayer based games. Doesn't matter which genre, any game with focus on MP I'm out.
Feb 8, 2018
FPS. Worst perspective by far. Any FPS game I like is speaking volume cause it means I like or love them despite being god awful first person. I never understand how someone can say it's more immersive it just doesn't resonate with me at all.

One possibility is some FPS just happen to be set in more immersive worlds or generally more realistic with Rpg elements and whatnot.


Apr 26, 2018
Do not like real-time strategy, tower defense, MOBAs or anything that requires me to handle a bunch of little fiddly things in real-time (Pikmin being the one exception). I'm also terrible at competitive shooters -- I don't mind them in theory, but playing online is a misery.


May 25, 2018
Point and click is the only one that comes to mind but even those are more tolerable on handhelds.
Oct 31, 2017
- Anything "looter shooter" or strongly focused on gathering/filtering randomized loot is almost inherently garbage in my eyes. Even if part of macro-genres I should supposedly like.

- I don't exactly hate JRPGs in principle, but I loathe the overwhelming majority of them in terms of execution. I particularly dislike how they seem to focus mostly on grinding and repeatable content and then switch to completely non-interactive story setpieces.

- I came to terms few years ago with the fact that I'm utter trash at playing any sort of "RTS" anywhere near competitive levels (and this extents implicitly to MOBA), but I don't exactly hate the genre. I just prefer the ones strongly focused on the story campaign and base building and avoid anything demanding in terms of micro-management like a bubonic plague.

- I don't hate sport games either, but MAN if it isn't hard for any of them to catch(and keep) my attention for more than a passing try once every few months.

- I don't even bother with MMOs. Haven't really paid attention to one in years. Too time consuming and relying on relentless farming BY DESIGN. I recently went back after YEARS to WoW for a couple of weeks when Shadowlands launched and as soon as I realized I was done with the basic content and I was hitting the ceiling of the "I'm now in farming status for stuff" I ejected once again.


Oct 25, 2017
My love or hate relationship with a genre changes with the times. It's very easy for a genre to fall victim to lazyness or its own tropes and feel unrewarding to play, but at the same time a new game might come along with fresh ideas and an interesting take on the genre that will make my interest increase again.

Right now, my most hated is the open world genre because most devs see it as an excuse for sub par world design and copy-pasted content. I know "open-world" isn't a genre in itself but it is popular enough that it could be considered one.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Chicago, IL
I definitely don't care for a lot of franchises and genres.

Yearly franchise games
Tactical games (XCOM, Fire Emblem, FF Tactics, etc)
Looter Shooters
Grindy games
Tower Defense
Sports (EA, 2K)
Most JRPGs
Most MMOs
1st Person RPG (Elder Scrolls, Fallout, etc)
Massively open world games
Crafting (No Man's Sky, Minecraft, etc)
Management simulator games


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 31, 2018
I rarely venture out of racers, shooters, or fighters but when I do, I not a fan of, or games that has elements of, MOBAs, visual novels, puzzles, most SRPGs, RTS, Tower Defense, most action-adventure games, platformers, non-arcadey sports games, MMOs, and gacha games.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Platformers, shooters, and roguelikes. I can think of a handful of examples of these I've enjoyed, but overall I'm at the point where I'm not buying them.


Oct 27, 2017
Not a genre but I really struggle with 95% of first person games.

I find them souless.

They're have been exceptions here and there like ut99 but on the whole they just aren't for me. Can't connect with them at all


Jan 24, 2020
Turn based games
Visual Novel
Open World games
Souls Like
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Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Looter shooters

GAAS are huge nope for me. Instant turn off.


Nov 16, 2017
Platformers. Can't stand them, there's nothing more tedious.

It may be a little bit of childhood trauma from them being the only kinds of games available and forcing myself through them.


Oct 26, 2017
Fighting games
Twin stick shooters
Racing games
Platformers (some exceptions)
Strategy games
Looter shooters
Visual Novel
Rogue likes
Tower defense
Survival stimulators
Simulators in general
Probably a lot more genres
Anything that is flat 2D

Basically anything that doesn't have a narrative or isn't cinematic, I have no interest in.
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May 1, 2018
I don't like but have played: WRPGs (most of them).

Outside of Dragon Age most of these just haven't really caught my imagination

I just don't like the look of: Musou games.

They always like look like character action games with no actual danger/skill as the main character always seems obscenely overpowered. Appears style over sunstance.
Oct 17, 2018
Probably fighting games. I like the idea of them, pure 1v1 mechanical skill, but when I tried getting into them back in like 2008/9 the multiplayer was so fucking bad because of lag it just put me off entirely.

Also driving/racing games cause yawn.


Oct 27, 2017
MMO - I do whatever it takes to play these solo. Like Fallout 76 (if you count it). I pay to be separated from other people. I just couldn't care less about random people when playing games, which is funny I guess coming from an extrovert.

Survival Horror - I don't want to be scared an entire game, I want to feel empowered. I want more Parasite Eve, less everything else. SH2 was the last survival horror game I enjoyed to some degree.

Gacha - Not a genre I guess, but fucking just a lame ass mechanic that feeds on people want for specific pulls. These gotcha by the wallet.

Rogue-anything - These often feel like a time suck on top of feel repetitive. Maybe I just got my fill of die and start over back on the NES?


Oct 26, 2017
Sports unless it's tennis, racing unless it's wacky racing and even then only a little bit, stealth because it makes me nervous, anything where I have to spend more than 30 minutes in a tutorial.


Oct 27, 2017
I automatically dismiss any game that is polluted with gacha mechanics, but that can happen within any genre.

Speaking of more specific genres, I never liked strategy games, but at least I respect those. Similarly fighting games. I get why people love them, but it's far removed from what I want out of a game. I'd much rather play a beat 'em up; it feels much more purposeful. I dislike any kind of competitive game anyway, so that's probably why I don't like fighting games and pretty much anything multiplayer.

I used to like rhythm games, but have fallen off them hard. I generally can't stand any of the music in them these days, it's just garbage to my ears. I do like stuff like Theatrhythm though and I played a lot of Guitar Hero back in the day.

Puzzle games I have a similar dislike for as fighting games; I don't see the purpose and I need more structure and a clear ending in my games.

Rogue-likes too. I actually would like a bunch of games within the genre, but I feel they are ruined by being rogue-like. Similarly with procedurally generated games or levels.

I'll also never touch anything military, it's one of the least appealing settings to me.

And I think lastly: sims of any kind. Be it racing, flight, sports, what have you, it's not exciting in the least.


Jan 15, 2019
Platformers and stealth games; anything with an 'instant-fail' state. I find it really compelling in a game for a poor decision or bad timing to leave you in a worse-off position and having to re-strategize with a new limitation. That's super interesting. So when a game comes along and says, 'fuck that just make 30 jumps in a row', I get bored and wander off.

The yiga clan bit in Breath of the Wild made me stop playing an otherwise wonderful game. I think the only platformer I've really enjoyed was Super Mario Maker, and really only because of the puzzle maps or the speedrun 20 second ones, where there's not much time lost if you fail.

Deleted member 91227

Feb 4, 2021
RTS, MOBA, Sim games, 4X games, online PVP shooters etc. Big reason I fell off PC gaming as I just really didn't like many exclusives aside from some indies that mostly eventually ended up coming to consoles.

Also can't seem to get into turn-based RPGs these days, unless it's a blended system like FF7R and not big on puzzle games or racing sims.

Mostly third person action adventure games, some FPS campaigns, WRPGs, some coop games like Borderlands and occasionally a platformer are all I like these days.


Aug 22, 2020
The only genre I'd say I don't like are MOBAs, but that's just because no one has made the right one for me. I would have said RTS years ago but Halo Wars was fun enough.

I don't like modern sports games either, but that's not an issue with the genre but rather the poor quality of the games.