
Oct 25, 2017
I find myself coming back to Rocket League over and over again. I love the fact that I can get in a match in just a few seconds, and matches can be done in just a few minutes. It makes getting in for a few matches a breeze, and it feels good since I didn't waste an entire day playing just a handful of matches.

What about you? What game do you default to when you have some spare time, or which game (or games) do you come back to time and time again?

Mine is also Rocket League. You can fit a couple matches into small windows of gaming opportunity. Even when I'm not REALLY playing Rocket League (like right now, when I only have access to my Switch), I still will pop on for a game or two because I have like 15 mins to kill.

When I have a big window of gaming ahead of me and there isn't a new release to hop into, I tend to default to Skyrim (+ a bajillion mods), Mount and Blade 2, or whichever Romance of the Three Kingdoms game I feel like most at the moment, usually 2, 7, or 8.


Aug 3, 2021
I've been using nex machina as a game that I play while waiting for something to download or just to kill time. Other than that I'll probably start a replay of a single player game I've beaten.


Oct 28, 2017
Absolutely FFXIV.

I love my character. The story is great. Soooo much side content. A bajillion jobs and classes. Always something to do. So comfy.

I can sometimes just wander Limsa for an hour and check out glams.


Nov 1, 2017
United States
Gears 5
Diablo III
Forza Horizon 5

I love doing horde runs in Gears. Still do them multiple times a week. And if I need a quick hit I can do escape maps. Love that you can change your builds and attributes in a very gamey third person shooter. Hope Gears 6 builds on this aspect and maybe makes a 8-10 person horde mode or even brings some of these aspects into the campaign.

Diablo III is just like mindless fun. You can get out there hammering on baddies for an hour straight without paying too much attention to the screen except when you need to check the new gear you're getting or possibly switch up your builds. It helps that they are still running modified challenges in new seasons to this day. Can't wait for Diablo IV to bust this open even further.

Forza Horizon 5 is just fun to drive around in and maybe do a race or two. If I don't want to go killing things, this is my go-to.


Well, Tosca isn't for everyone
Oct 31, 2017
Apex Legends and Doom, those are my two constant go-to games that I keep coming back to even if I say I wanna play new things


Oct 30, 2017
I usually return to Diablo 3 at the beginning of a new season. I know the game was shit when it first released, and it hasn't changed much in years, but dammit if they haven't turned the game around a long time ago. The end game to so damn satisfying to go through every so often. Rifts, greater rifts, legendary gems, bounties, key wardens, challenge dungeons, set dungeons, and now Echoing Nightmare. There are a lot of fun things to do, and I love the grind. I usually create a new character, and play the game a ton for a few weeks, and then drop it until the next season. It's just so well tuned at this point, it hits all the right buttons for me.


Mar 2, 2020
Stellaris has been mine for the past four or so years. The moment Stellaris 2.0 came out, I was hooked.


Dec 17, 2020
Conquest of Elysium series has been that for me since 3, when I used to work exclusively from home last year I usually kept CoE4 (and 5 once it came out last May) on in the background and play few turns every once in a while.
Crusader Kings 2 used to be it, but nowadays I feel like I have experienced it, and CK3 didn't really grab me the same way.


Oct 27, 2017
Lately, it's been RDR2 after getting it on PC. I put probably 200 hours into it on PS4, but It's unbelievable how good it looks on PC and i can spend a really long time just wandering around the world. Every time I play it is a reminder of what an achievement it was.
Nov 14, 2017
Usually a multiplayer game like Halo Infinite or Apex Legends. In the single player space it's usually a run-based game like Hades, Slay the Spire or Bloodroots.


Oct 31, 2017
Default with Friends online : Call of Duty/ Fortnite/phasmophobia.

When it's Just me chilling: Planet Zoo/Monster Hunter
Oct 27, 2017
Phantasy Star Online 2, and now PSO2 New Genesis. It's easy to hop in, manage my shop, and take 15 minutes to do my dailies. Then I can either spend a little time doing random activities, or if I want to play longer I can go farm for something. However much time I have to play, I always have fun and feel like I've made progress towards something.


Oct 28, 2017
Seattle, Washington, USA
Racing games are often games that I can pickup and play over and over, especially when I'm just looking for a video game "quick fix". In the last 5 years or so, it's been Mario Kart 8 (Deluxe). Other Mario Kart games (64, 7, DS, Double-Dash, Wii) have also been that for me in the past, especially MK64.

The other game I've come back to so many times over the years is Super Mario World. It feels like half the time when I play it though, a quick 15-30 minute play session turns into another entire playthrough of the game (although not in one sitting).
Metanoia Prime
Oct 26, 2017
Gears 5
Diablo III
Forza Horizon 5

I love doing horde runs in Gears. Still do them multiple times a week. And if I need a quick hit I can do escape maps. Love that you can change your builds and attributes in a very gamey third person shooter. Hope Gears 6 builds on this aspect and maybe makes a 8-10 person horde mode or even brings some of these aspects into the campaign.

Diablo III is just like mindless fun. You can get out there hammering on baddies for an hour straight without paying too much attention to the screen except when you need to check the new gear you're getting or possibly switch up your builds. It helps that they are still running modified challenges in new seasons to this day. Can't wait for Diablo IV to bust this open even further.

Forza Horizon 5 is just fun to drive around in and maybe do a race or two. If I don't want to go killing things, this is my go-to.
FH is pretty fun. I need to get me a copy of one of the games on PC now that I no longer have an Xbox console.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account.
Oct 24, 2018
Over the years, my comfort food go-to games have been:

Super Mario World
MGS 1, 2, 3, 4
Silent Hill 2
Halo 1
Assassin's Creed 2
GTA 4, then 5

These days... Watch Dogs 2 and Control


Oct 28, 2017
Rocket league.... Great that I can be in a game pretty quickly...
Sucks that i'm trash though... I still can't do ceiling shots or resets or anything... Still fun.

Matrix XII

Oct 27, 2017
World of Warcraft / Classic

I've realized it's just a comfort game for me and I always come back to it at some point.


Oct 27, 2017
Original DOOM. it's my "comfort food" game.

Specifically the first episode of Doom, better with the two new Romero levels mixed in.

I never really liked the levels much in episode 2 or 3. I need to get around to getting good at SIGIL, I guess.

I do like playing the first 8 or 9 levels of DOOM II, too. The rest of the game can jump in a lake though, lol.
Sep 29, 2020
My forever GOTYs: Jungle Strike, Road Rash 2 and Streets of Rage 2. I honestly think I could be happy just playing those three and nothing else if it came to that.


Mar 20, 2019
Used to be Total War Warhammer 2 for a long while but I stupidly uninstalled it in anticipation of Warhammer 3 and have been too stubborn to download it again once I got bored of the new one. Hoping that Immortal Empires in a couple of months will pull me back in.

Also Diablo 3, there's just something so comfy about it.


Oct 25, 2017
None...I just play whatever I'm in the mood for at the moment from my huge selection of games on many different consoles going back 40+ years and PC.

I do have nothing but free time myself, though...


Oct 25, 2017
It was Apex but went on vacation and got out of that lol. Kinda want to uninstall so I don't get hooked on it again


May 11, 2018
Diablo 3
The Division 2
Monster Hunter World
Whatever the most recent NBA2k game i own.

These are the games i play between games, they're almost like comfort food.


Oct 27, 2017
Lately mine has also been RL(PS5) for the past several months. Plus BF 2042(PC), the epic scale of that is still unmatched, and can just jump in and do a few rounds.

Doskoi Panda

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Til 2010 - Pokémon
2010-2017 - ArmA 2/3, Street Fighter 4, Melee/Project M
2017-2018 - PUBG and Project M
2018-2019 - Battlefield 4/5 and Halo MCC
2019-2020 - Vermintide 2, Halo MCC, and Smash Ultimate
2021-now - no default, backloggin'. Would have been BF and Halo, but... yeah...

Where the fuck is a PUBG-like tactical slow paced BR when I need it?

I imagine that ArmA Reforger will become my go to game very soon.


Oct 30, 2019
Racing games and shmups are the 'purest' genres to me. I can boot them up and get enjoyment near instantly. Hitting laps and the attention required for shmups put me 'in the zone' like nothing else. I want to get more into beat 'em up games because I had a very similar feeling when playing Streets of Rage 4.


Apr 24, 2018
Super street fighter 2 or pacman. Usually, when I need a quick 10-minute break, I'll just turn on my arcade machine and have a few fights.


Oct 27, 2017
Dragon Quest XI S and Forza Horizon 5, both are huge games that you can 'chip away' at.

I've finished DQ's story (mostly) before, so I'm not as focused on it as when I did my first playthrough.