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User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Mental health issues and general douchebaggery and sexism can coexist. And that's who Noah was/is. He needs to seek proper help and accept those help which he pretty much never does, but also learn to be a better person.
You don't need to justify why it's okay to talk about a real human being like a cartoon character.

Like, being a better person by the standards of Dark_Castle on resetera probably isn't something that should be a priority during your mental health crisis.

Maybe harping on the moral character of actual real life human beings that tangibly exist and have complex inner working lives beyond what they share on the internet while they suffer from their own brains working against them is, in fact, purity testing.


bork bork
Oct 25, 2017
There doesn't seem to be much to discuss here beyond the misfortune of someone no longer in the public eye and mental health speculation. As such, this thread is locked.
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