
Oct 25, 2017
Floating Continent, FFVI.


It's got Gestahl and Kefka and Ultima Weapon. You have to fight Ultros just to land your airship there. You also run into behemoths and dragons, plus the drama of the escape after fighting Kefka, and the pain of losing Shadow.

I dunno, all the appeal of the Floating Continent is the narrative framing. I don't remember the level design being anything interesting.


Oct 27, 2017
i like how sprawling something like strange journey is but i would be lying if i said i enjoyed navigating a mess of convoluted trial and error teleporters and hidden one-way gates combined with progression based locks

it's still better than the simplistic corridory bullshit that many rpgs seem to have lately

I'm pretty sure I have Stockholm syndrome re: Eridanus, but I actually grew to love it. Even if I was there for two months.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
I like the Anicent City in FF7, mostly for aesthetic reasons and that conclusion.
Oct 29, 2017
Mars Lighthouse probably.

Basically anything from the original two Golden Sun games. Those games are so far ahead of every other JRPG out there that they should probably be discounted from the vote entierly really.


Mar 3, 2018
Maybe the Shinra Tower section of Final Fantasy VII; it's got great narrative parts, puzzles, different options, and a memorable conclusion with the motorcycle minigame. Dungeon Man and Moonside from Earthbound are also great. The Black Omen and Undersea Palace in Chrono Trigger are among my favourites, too. I like Lezard's Tower and the Seraphic Gate in Valkyrie Profile quite a lot, but the game has good dungeons, in general. Kamoshida's Palace stood out the most to me in Persona 5, although I generally liked all the dungeons in that game. Generally, I like a lot of RPG dungeons, and I'm probably forgetting several that I like (also, I think Zelda games typically have the best dungeons in video games, but I don't count the series as RPG games).


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah gotta go with Ultimecia Castle. Black Omen from CT was also great.

Rodney McKay

Oct 26, 2017
Golden Sun 1+2

I can't pick a specific one, but they are an absolute joy to play with their mix of exploration and puzzle solving.
Golden Sun 2 specifically really ups the difficulty and complexity of them as well. They are just so much fun to figure out.
I've never played a JRPG with more engaging Dungeon design.

Golden Sun 3 sadly dropped the ball and made them way too simple and unsatisfying.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
Tampa FL
I think you have to really be of a certain mettle to properly appreciate the PS2 dungeons but I adore how uncompromising they are along with the fact that they did, in fact, include a map with US copies of the games.

Anything from EO is a great answer for people who aren't such obsessive nutjobs or gluttons for punishment as we PS2 true believers though.

That PS2 hintbook was my bathroom reading material that entire summer LOL!

Deleted member 48897

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Oct 22, 2018
PS2 was the first JRPG I played that wasn't Pokemon (by way of PC Sega Smash Pack), and you never forget your first. Not when it's PS2.


Nov 14, 2018
Costa Rica
Bitterblack Isle in Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen is the single best most balanced literal dungeon ive played ever, it even has its own currency system and the story-line starts when you enter and ends when you get out.
Oct 27, 2017
Came in to make sure the Golden Sun games were mentioned. Their lighthouses are EASILY the best dungeons in any RPG


Oct 26, 2017
Town adjacent to Silent Hill
Typically not a huge fan of dungeons in RPGs, since more often than not they're just combat-dispensers.

I do like the ones that go all-in on the puzzles and environmental interactivity. That'll put the likes of the Golden Sun, Lufia, or Mario RPG franchises in a good spot.


Oct 25, 2017
Hey, at least is not this! :P


Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse Final Dungeon... 1F?

I don't dislike it a lot, but I think the entire dungeon should have been split in two IMHO and be less boring.

I actually liked this dungeon and happened to get through surprisingly easily.


Oct 25, 2017
Steyliff Dungeon in FFXV.

The brilliance of this dungeon is that for 100 hours the game lures you into a false sense of security because you can pretty much stock up on healing items and get yourself out of any dangerous situation. Whenever you get the key to this high level dungeon you see a text box pop up that, for the first time in the entire game, leaves you in a state of panic. The text reads

"Items are not allowed in this dungeon".

Like, oh shit. Imagine you've been doing your line wire act with a safety net underneath you your entire career, then all of a sudden it's taken down without any warning, then they tell you to do your hardest routine you've ever done. That's Steyliff Dungeon, 100 floors of the hardest enemies in FFXV. It makes you utilize every mechanic, use every strategy, and everything you've learned for 100 hours for this dungeon.

The feeling of accomplishment i got from beating this dungeon is matched only by beating raids in Destiny and the hardest From Software bosses.

Deleted member 9971

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Oct 27, 2017
Hyrule Castle in BotW if it counts.
Love how you can approach it how ever the fuck you want. Otherwise insomnia royal addition from FFXV is awesome shame the base game version was kinda trash but the updated verion is AMAZING.


#1 Waluigi Fan! Current Status: Crying
Oct 25, 2017
Hyrule Castle in BotW if it counts.
Love how you can approach it how ever the fuck you want. Otherwise insomnia royal addition from FFXV is awesome shame the base game version was kinda trash but the updated verion is AMAZING.

OOoooh yeah, BotW Hyrule Castle is soooooooo good. Just the amount of options you have for getting to your goal make it a super fun dungeon to tackle.


God help us the mods are making weekend threads
Jul 30, 2018
United States
Futaba's Palace in P5. It threw me for a loop and the music is sooo damn good.



Dec 23, 2017
Even though I absolutely hated that trash game ffxv
Pitioss was the first thing that came to mind


Oct 25, 2017
I do like the ones that go all-in on the puzzles and environmental interactivity. That'll put the likes of the Golden Sun, Lufia, or Mario RPG franchises in a good spot.
Same. I guess that would also include Wild Arms' dungeons in this lot.

I have to give props to Earthbound's Dungeon Man to how unique the concept it.


Oct 27, 2017
Baten Kaitos dungeons look amazing. Cloud Passage and the one that takes place inside a book are my favorites.

I also am fond of Skies of Arcadia's dungeons, particularly Rixis, Glacia and Daccat's Island.


Shamed a mod for a tag
Oct 27, 2017
The Black Omen in Chrono Trigger is a standout. A gauntlet of the toughest enemies in the game followed by boss fights against Queen Zeal and all forms of Lavos.


Oct 28, 2017
Ultimecia Castle is easily number one due to it's RE like level design inspirations.

Tower of Kagutsuchi (Nocturne), Tower of Geddon (Chrono Cross), Cathedral Ship (Xenosaga I) are good contenders as well.


Losing is fun
Oct 28, 2017
Probably something from Lufia 2. That game had actual good puzzles in most of its dungeons, which gave them another dimension.

I also liked Infinity in Breath of Fire 2 for being absurdly long with multiple boss fights and a whole town hidden inside.

Edit: now that I'm thinking about it, that sounds a lot like the Void in FF5. So I'll also nominate the Void from FF5.


Oct 27, 2017
The last dungeon of Skies of Arcadia was pretty awesome. The way the platforms/paths flip under themselves put a whole new 3D perspective that's never been done before..


Oct 27, 2017
Osaka, Japan
I wasn't massively keen on Pitioss because it was a platforming dungeon in a game that wasn't made for platforming and it showed. Unique, but went on for way too long.

Now, Ultimecia's Castle, that's superb. Fantastic music, atmosphere and so much to do, a lot of it optional.

This person gets it.

I like puzzle-heavy dungeons, so Golden Sun and Lufia II instantly come to mind.
Oct 26, 2017
The South Shrine in Shining The Holy Ark.
You had to navigate the map both rightside-up and upside down. One of the most satisfying moments of realization once the hook to navigating the map clicks with you.

Annoyed you stole my answer, pleased this game is getting recognition here. The dungeon also finished off with a maths based logic puzzle of the kind you just don't see in games anymore. Holy Arks dungeons in general are top tier.
Modern players will likely be put off by the fact you can't save in a dungeon however,


Oct 25, 2017
It has to be something from Lufia 2. I'd have to figure out which ones have my favorite puzzles, but off the top of my head, Ruby Cave and Gordovan Tower have good setups.


I love pineapple on pizza!
Oct 28, 2017
Earth, 21st Century
DQ8, Trode Castle.
The setting and the music, seesh.
This is a good choice.

I gotta give it to City of the Ancients from Final Fantasy VII. You hear about the Ancients for the entire game leading up to this point, and you arrive at their abandoned city to find it completely intertwined with nature, houses made of coral and shells and in tune with the environment.


A few interesting tidbits about my personal experience with this dungeon:

-I didn't even realize it was the city the Ancients lived in until looking up the dungeon's name and putting two and two together much later on.
-I didn't originally connect the dots that it was commentary on Shinra's planet-killing modernization of the world until much later, too. The juxtaposition between its organic environment and the dirty, fuel-filled, smoggy slums of the rest of the world is entirely intentional.
-Because of this, I totally missed out on the symbolism of Aerith returning to her ancestral homeland to pray for the planet's protection.

In short, it's a dungeon that I originally liked because it looked cool, but upon further examination, became more and more poingnant. A dungeon of exponential returns, if you will.