Comrade Grogu

Jun 20, 2020
Since I don't know what the hell is going on at the New York Comic Con in terms of Star Wars, I'm interested in having this thread since we're at the beginning of the new decade and I wanted to make this for some time now.

What do you want to see in Star Wars going forward? Maybe up till the end of this decade, which would be at the beginning of 2030?

As for me:

The Second Clone War, or Clone Rebellion Led by the Bad Batch. Basically, exactly what it says on the tin. I want to see the Bad Batch eventually lead a rebellion against the Empire and even (at least almost) win for a time before they're suddenly setback by Palpatine's plotting, maybe through a biological agent that kills most of them off or maybe they try desperately to escape to the Unknown Regions like Spartacus and his forces trying to escape out of the Roman empire during the end of the Third Servile War. It would certainly help flesh out the early empire and give it more character, I think. In addition, it would show that the Empire could not establish peace in its time. It was built on the betrayal of the Jedi and then the Clones, mostly at the same time.

A Crimson Dawn Terrorist Insurgency Throughout the Galaxy. This could happen sometime after the Second Clone War, possibly in the time-jump between Rebels season 2 and season 3. It would give a different rebellion, a "dark rebellion" that's twisted and horrible in its origins, and goes about everything the wrong way (morally speaking). It could even strengthen the Empire in terms of its support in time for the Galactic Civil War between the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire. I would imagine that Maul would still be the leader of the Crimson Dawn by this point. Maybe he loses control of the organization to Kira and goes to find Obi-Wan and Luke in a potential gambit to one-up Palpatine? Maybe the Crimson Dawn survives past the fall of the Empire (or the end of the Galactic Civil War)? This would go along with a Kira/Maul TV show.

An Obi-Wan Series Where He Has a New Apprentice and Where He Meets Commander Cody Again. I hope that Obi-Wan gets his own apprentice in the upcoming TV show starring him. Maybe one that survives past the Galactic Civil War. And yes, I mean another apprentice besides Luke. I also hope he finds his own "flame," so to speak, and has his own progeny. But more than that: I hope that Cody and Obi-Wan meet again. I've wanted this ever since I saw ROTS back in 2005, all the way back when it first came out. Here's hoping that we see this in live-action as well and not in the Bad Batch series. I would like Temuera Morrison to reprise his role.

A Sequel Series That Takes Place After The Sequel Trilogy (So After The Rise of Skywalker) That Takes Place Hundreds of Years Into The Future. Basically, a new galaxy to explore with a character based off of the one in the Journal of the Whills scripts (so basically the original Star Wars scripts that made up the original trilogy). Something like The Star Wars comics that were based off of the original scripts. The character would use a blaster instead of a lightsaber but know how to use the Force. Maybe have him have his own crew and style it as more of an adventure story than a story that's deeply political or war-like..

A High Republic MMO Like The Old Republic MMO By BioWare But Improved Upon. I want a Droid class, a Pirate class, and the original classes that you see in The Old Republic MMO. I love MMORPGs like The Old Republic and Final Fantasy XIV so let's have more of that. Maybe make it into a hybrid between The Old Republic and Star Wars Galaxies, which I think was arguably their best MMO and one of the best MMOs ever done in the West, imho. In addition: have it either set during the time-period between the end of the Sith Wars and the Clone Wars (so 1,000 BBY to 22 BBY or whatever the calendar is supposed to be like) or during the Sith Wars itself (so we can actually explore that time-period and be able to play as the Sith, much as I find them to be boring).

A New KOTOR Game But In Line With the New Canon Starring Either Revan Or His Apprentice Or Both. Basically, a new KOTOR game either made by BioWare (not that I expect much from them) or by Larian Studios. Maybe even Owlcat Games could get the go-ahead to do a game similar to the previous KOTOR games. Or maybe even CDProjekt Red, though to be honest, I have my reservations about them nowadays. Even so: I hope that they eventually take a crack at the KOTOR era and make a classic RPG in line with the previous iteration in Legends. For example: I want to see more "low-tech" technology to show that there's a progression from 3,000 years before the Clone Wars to the Sith Wars (where technology was presumably at its height) to the High Republic (where galactic civilization was presumably most at peace). Also, again, have it more in line with the new canon (so perhaps with see the Lasan here and there). And bring back Revan's apprentice and if you're going to kill off her/him, don't do it in a way that's anti-climactic (like in that book by Drew Karpyshin).

A New Timeline Set After ROTJ That's More In Line With George Lucas's Original Treatment For The Sequel Trilogy. I would also have George Lucas head this project, if he's willing to, as I really respect him and his work. I know this idea will no doubt be controversial with the series going all "Legend of Zelda" and having split timelines but after reading what was going to be in the scripts and seeing how it would deal with the Whills of the Force, I definitely want to see this sometime. I don't think it'll ever happen, but it would be nice if George Lucas gave us one last adventure, though it will likely be controversial, knowing Lucas.

More Exploration on the Whills and the Prophets of Whills and The Various Organizations Based Off Of Them. Basically, like what we'd get in George Lucas's original story treatments and scripts for the sequel trilogy, at least in terms of the original scripts for Star Wars Episode VII. I'd also like to see that "Cold War" between the "New Republic" and the new "Confederacy" like entity that was hinted at in the story treatments with the threat of the fascist Imperial Remnant looming in the background. It would be nice for both sides to come together to fight the Space Fascists and I think that would be pretty poetic in this day and age.

An Enemy Besides The Sith (Or Yuuzhan Vong For That Matter). It's not that the Yuuzhan Vong were that bad per se, but they aren't good enough to hold their own as villains, as I think was evidenced by The New Jedi Order series of Legends fame (or infamy) in my honest opinion. All that said: the Sith should also be retired, at least after ROTJ (or after TROS in this case). Palpatine should be the last Sith Lord and the most powerful one to have ever lived. Let him stay that way. All that said: we definitely need new villains and I'm hoping that we'll get them with either the Whills or whatever the new villains will be in the High Republic series of books, comics, presumably games, etc.

The End of Ahsoka Tano. Now, I know what some of you may be thinking, and no, I'm not someone that hates Ahsoka, certainly not blindly or otherwise. I really like her. I hope we get more of her on-screen. But also: she really has overstayed, I think, in terms of her life-span. Yes, she's Togruta and she could be living for up to a couple hundred years for all I know. But I think that it beggars belief when she survives past The Rise of Skywalker. I mean, yes, I get it, she's popular, and I like her too. And I really like Dave Filoni and hope that he becomes the new head of Lucasfilm. But at the same time, I hope that her exploits in the post-TROS era are her last, whatever they may be.


That's all I have for now. I'll let you know if I have anymore. But please, tell us what you want in the Star Wars going forward. Thanks! Go wild with what you want.

Also, Honorable Mentions:

-More aliens in general; too many human characters running around.

-More Duro like Cad Bane.

-More Cad Bane in general.

-More explorations into the Confederacy of Independent Systems (what's left of it) after the Clone Wars during the Cassian Andor series (which I'm lowkey excited about)

-Maybe an Aphra series that explores the history of the GFFA and leads into more eras, possibly from before the KOTOR era.

-More synergy between the comics, TV shows, books, and ESPECIALLY the movies; the sequel trilogy felt too much like its own thing and not in a good way, in my honest opinion.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Small-scale narratives that have absolutely nothing to do with the Empire, the Rebellion, the Mandalorians or anything prominent in any of the trilogies.

Tell new stories, unburdened by reliance on the past. The universe is too big to be so small.


May 30, 2019
I just want a new Jedi Order instead of the "last Jedi in space" thing done again.

Also give me more Cal he's rad.


Oct 27, 2017
Space Battles. It's the thing I love the most about Star Wars and it was so underutilized in the sequel trilogy. That Space Battle in Rogue One was almost as good as the Battle for Endor though. That was brilliant.

And yeah, big-scale ground battles as well. Rogue One was also the best here from the new movies. I want more stuff like Hoth, Geonosis, Scariff, Endor. Full war scenarios woven into the story where air and ground troops work to support each other. It's best when they mix space battles with ground battles.

And of course, a Vader movie that is like the last 5 minutes of Rogue One :D


Oct 27, 2017
Sequel trilogy follow-up (an epilogue, if you will) written and directed by Rian Johnson

Or you know, whatever they'd originally planned for him to do


Oct 25, 2017
Me being hired to be a member of the Lucasfilm Story Group.

Lucasfilm going hog wild with releasing Episode VII stuff. I'm talking the George Lucas/Michael Arndt treatment(s), Arndt's "work-in-progress" draft from August 2013, the shooting script for the movie that was different in all kinds of ways, and the cut footage they still haven't released. I'm talking the more adversarial take on Rey and Finn's relationship, characters calling the lead "Kira" instead of Rey since the name was changed after filming began, any footage of the cut Resistance Sledgehammers subplot, and the original "Forceback" with a lot more about the lightsaber and Luke and Vader's fight in Cloud City.

Tennel Ka. She deserves a glorious return.


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
How about this: a brand new story that has no pointless cameos from Yoda, Leia, Boba Fett, Vader, Darth Maul, or any of the other 20 or so characters that've popped up in everything Star Wars for 40 years.


Oct 26, 2017
A crime-noir/cyberpunk series set in the lower levels of Coruscant. Jedi and other Force-users obviously wouldn't be the focus, but I don't mind if they make an appearance here and there - I really liked how
they were viewed with a mix of disdain and wonder in those episodes of The Clone Wars after Ashoka left the order, almost like mythical creatures

Otherwise, of course I want to see more Old Republic like everybody else.


Oct 31, 2017
A Rebels sequel series with Ahsoka & Sabine searching for and finally catching up to Ezra and Thrawn.


Oct 28, 2017
That Pod Racing Disney+ series idea that was bounced around awhile back. Make it the Speed Racer of Star Wars. Give me lush colorful planets, intense destructive races, drama around the corruption of the sport, etc. Have it follow a new lead chasing after Anakin's mantle as the only human to ever win a race or something.

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
I want a drama about parents leading with moving from planet to planet job hunting and their kids adapting to the changing environments and the space travel.


Jul 6, 2019
Very little to no jedi/force powers/lightsabers, a-la Rogue One and Solo. Have the rebels shut down other (non-deathstar related) super weapons and Imperial plots.

Lucas M. Thomas

Editor-in-Chief of Nintendo Force Magazine
Oct 30, 2017
Podracing for sure. That could be the basis of a story that isn't about bad guys trying to kill good guys for once. Give me Star Wars content that isn't life and death. Just fun adventures in this weird alien galaxy.
Comrade Grogu

Comrade Grogu

Jun 20, 2020
Small-scale narratives that have absolutely nothing to do with the Empire, the Rebellion, the Mandalorians or anything prominent in any of the trilogies.

Tell new stories, unburdened by reliance on the past. The universe is too big to be so small.
Fair enough, and I agree completely; there should be more small-scale stories that don't have anything to do with the Empire, Rebellion, Mandalorians, or any such things.


Weight Loss Champion 2018: Biggest Change
Oct 25, 2017
Pretty much this.

And frankly, let's go with a completely different story, a completely different world, completely different characters, a completely different era, but just have it take place in the same universe.

Let's keep the same magic, the same aesthetic and tone and rules, but reset everything else.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
Empire troopers doing Empire trooper shit. Kinda like that scene in The Mandalorian when those 2 scout troopers who sat on their bikes shooting the shit, whilst waiting to be told to come back to the town.

A full feature of that fan anime where a team of Imperial pilots were blowing up Rebels.

Of course, I'm never going to get either of those because it's not about the good guys so I'd like to see Kyle Katarn back in some fashion. It'll be a bit difficult now, what with Jyn Erso and Kanan Jarrus pretty much taking the things that made him who he was, but it'd be cool to see a mercenary/smuggler with force powers climb from being a scummy nobody to helping rebuild the Jedi Order.


Oct 28, 2017
Completely different era going forward. I'd love for the creative team to say, okay, we're either propelling the universe thousands of years after the galactic civil war or thousands of years before it (pre-old republic) and see what kinds of stories we could tell.

I don't want or need them to place these new stories in some kind of timeline, I don't care where these events fall in relation to the prequels and the original trilogies, i just want them to use this as a means to get creative design and story wise.

EDIT: Also, a Tag and Bink series, please.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
If we're talking about games I want a new RTS. Empire at War is still one of my favorite RTS games.
Comrade Grogu

Comrade Grogu

Jun 20, 2020
Empire troopers doing Empire trooper shit. Kinda like that scene in The Mandalorian when those 2 scout troopers who sat on their bikes shooting the shit, whilst waiting to be told to come back to the town.

A full feature of that fan anime where a team of Imperial pilots were blowing up Rebels.

Of course, I'm never going to get either of those because it's not about the good guys so I'd like to see Kyle Katarn back in some fashion. It'll be a bit difficult now, what with Jyn Erso and Kanan Jarrus pretty much taking the things that made him who he was, but it'd be cool to see a mercenary/smuggler with force powers climb from being a scummy nobody to helping rebuild the Jedi Order.
A reminder that I have to play that Kyle Katarn game and yet still haven't!


Nov 1, 2017
Get a detailed opinion from J.J. Abrams on the direction Star Wars should be headed in, and then do the exact fucking opposite.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
I also want something new. Aliens who use the force differently. Different cool weapons. Boomerang Saber Gremlins who jump around like Yoda. Maybe a force sensitive virus is infecting the force, causing possession of light side users and the only way the Jedi order can protect itself is by turning to the dark side to fight the hive-mind zombie Jedi. Yes, I know. It's why I'm an accountant and not a writer.


Oct 25, 2017
Top gun D+ show set in the SW universe.

Last edited:


Oct 29, 2017
In another galaxy long and distant from the OTs...

Mecha suits battles with f̶o̶r̶c̶e̶ shine powers.

Same space adventure/opera feel and tone, but applied to a completely and wildly different setting basically
Oct 29, 2017
Small-scale narratives that have absolutely nothing to do with the Empire, the Rebellion, the Mandalorians or anything prominent in any of the trilogies.

Tell new stories, unburdened by reliance on the past. The universe is too big to be so small.
And frankly, let's go with a completely different story, a completely different world, completely different characters, a completely different era, but just have it take place in the same universe.

Let's keep the same magic, the same aesthetic and tone and rules, but reset everything else.

These for me.

I want them to use the universe as a springboard for new ideas to expand it. Not constantly sacrifice writers, directors and actors at the altar of the Skywalker Saga in ritual blood sacrifice.


Feb 24, 2018
Honestly I just want something character driven and well written, with a plot that isn't full of inconsistencies. Something that isn't the hot garbage I've been peddled the last 30 years.

But if I could choose?

I want a hard R WW2 style movie set in the OT era. Like Saving Private Ryan, but Stormtroopers and Rebels. Something that deals with the horrors of war. Would love to see something from the perspective of the family members of the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people who lost their lives when some Rebel Terrorist blew up the first Death Star.

An action Space Flight movie from the perspective of a TIE Interceptor pilot, where the Empire are the good guys. Like Top Gun, but in space and with TIE Pilots.


Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
No more incestuous "everyone is related" sentimental bullshit. It's so lazy. Family isn't everything. Let people just be people without constantly tethering them to the past.


Oct 25, 2017
More live action media or video games with non-humans as the main star and way removed from the OT and prequel eras. Looking forward to High Republic stuff.

Deleted member 7051

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I would love a high fantasy take on Star Wars, which is kinda funny since the original trilogy was a medieval fantasy in space.

Stick to one planet and an evil wizard's attempts to take over the world. No space stuff at all and, instead, go all in on the fantasy side of things. Tombs with the ghosts of ancient warriors, lost civilisations, rituals that allow one to summon or command great monsters.

Maybe the dark knight that serves the wizard has a flaming sword, which is obviously a lightsaber, and everyone would know about the Force but it's treated more as a magical or spiritual thing than usual.
Oct 28, 2017
I want to see a show about bounty hunters and the underworld in the Star Wars Universe. Give me something like Goodfellas with Jabba or another Hutt as Paulie.


Oct 27, 2017
I want AotC-levels of groundbattles and Revenge of the Sith-levels of space battles.
Lots and lots of lightsabers. Fuck that "only 1 living jedi" crap.

But most of all I'd like well written characters and some planning for the plot and those characters.


Oct 27, 2017
I would love a high fantasy take on Star Wars, which is kinda funny since the original trilogy was a medieval fantasy in space.

Stick to one planet and an evil wizard's attempts to take over the world. No space stuff at all and, instead, go all in on the fantasy side of things. Tombs with the ghosts of ancient warriors, lost civilisations, rituals that allow one to summon or command great monsters.

Maybe the dark knight that serves the wizard has a flaming sword, which is obviously a lightsaber, and everyone would know about the Force but it's treated more as a magical or spiritual thing than usual.

They, uh, kinda did this with the Ewok movies.



Oct 26, 2017
Beautiful Chapel Hill, NC
I would like a trilogy of films that has a single screenwriter and where the story has been completely plotted out in advance.

I'd also like a screen version of Doctor Aphra to make an appearance soon. Film adaptation of the Kieron Gillen comics, TV series with all new adventures, animated series, more comics, I'll take 'em.


Oct 27, 2017
Very early prequel. Exploration of the Galaxy after lightspeed has just become wildly available. The origins of the Jedi (when they truly were stuff of Legends),

But I am happy with compelling stories, no matter the style or era. Good story, good characters = me happy.

But above all I want...
