
Oct 25, 2017
People saying Metal Gear Survive oughtta check out how much Operation Raccoon City sold.

Anyways, I don't see Darksiders 3 doing too well.
Oct 25, 2017
Spider-man has been mentioned, I never understood why people were so keen on this in the first place but they do seem keen so,...

It's not hard to see, is it? One of the biggest comic-book properties in the world, getting the AAA treatment from a well-respected developer. It's the same reason people flocked to the Arkham games, even though Rocksteady had less of a reputation than Insomniac before Asylum.

Deleted member 5535

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I don't know, depends on the expectation of the publisher. Until then we can't really know if it flopped or not.

But I'll save this thread to compare in the future haha
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Oct 29, 2017
I'll take a flyer and say Madden '18 will be well down on expectations and series history. It feels like the NFL has a bit of an engagement problem at the moment and the game itself is as dry and stale as a week old dog turd.


Oct 27, 2017
Far Cry 5 feels like it has 'Debuts at like #3 on the NPD in its release month, quickly falls out of top 10' written all over it.


Oct 27, 2017
Crackdown 3 will stumble in every way possible .

Fighting EX Layer will struggle hard .


Permanently banned for usage of an alt-account.
Oct 27, 2017
Inappropriate Behavior: Unnecessary Name Calling/Hostility
Ahh I sense a strong presence of idiots, continue saying Shenmue 3 ahh.....


Oct 29, 2017
Detroit can go either way. I think Beyond sold less then HR, and now we live in an era where single player games are struggling.

But then, David Cage has a cult fanbase. So the game could still do well.


Oct 27, 2017
It's not hard to see, is it? One of the biggest comic-book properties in the world, getting the AAA treatment from a well-respected developer. It's the same reason people flocked to the Arkham games, even though Rocksteady had less of a reputation than Insomniac before Asylum.

The Batman games looked amazing from the first reveal, everyone was like "What the fuck, this looks great! Where did this come from?" Spider-man just looks like a Spider-man game. To me anyway.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Days Gone, I think the zombie fad is over.
Crackdown 3 because yeah....
Sea of Thieves can go either way
God of War will bomb with the fans I think. It will be critically successful but it won't be what anyone actually wanted.
Oct 28, 2017
Here are some of my guesses...

Sea of Thieves will do pretty well, but Skull & Bones will definitely flop.

Anthem won't flop but I'm expecting sales to be noticeably lower than Destiny 2 despite being a technically superior game. The mtx/lootboxes will be exclusively cosmetic and they'll include that as part of their advertising.

Days Gone will have sales around that of Evil Within 2/Wolfenstein II. Almost a flop but not enough to close Bend down.
Oct 27, 2017
Sea of Thieves and Crackdown for sure.

Dreams and Days Gone are going to be entirely dependent on how Sony markets them.

Detroit should do fine, standard David Cage numbers.

GOW and Spider Man are going to do gangbusters, I can't see how anyone thinks they're potential flops.


Nov 1, 2017
I'm feeling Sea of Thieves and Crackdown 3 could flop hard.

I'd love to see Sea of Thieves having a great reception, It would be nice to see another hit for Rare.
Oct 25, 2017
The Batman games looked amazing from the first reveal, everyone was like "What the fuck, this looks great! Where did this come from?" Spider-man just looks like a Spider-man game. To me anyway.

Well, mainly because it came from an unknow dev. There was a real element of surprise there. I think Spider-Man looks exactly what people want to see in a Spidey game. Web-slinging, dynamic combat, big set-pieces. Look at how many votes it got in the Most wanted games of 2018 thread.

That game is gonna be massive.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
I think God of War will disappoint, but more because it won't be a God of War game in many fans' eyes. It will still sell well and be decently reviewed.

Crackdown and Anthem are my choices. Crackdown just won't make a splash and will be forgotten a week after it releases. Anthem is too deep in the weeds to get off of the path EA is currently on, so I expect a destiny clone that doesn't hide from its insidious practices. It will get all of the bad press of Battlefront 2, but without the Star Wars license to save its sales. As such, it will sell only ok and will lose fan support so fast there won't be any future content beyond the stuff that was already in the works before launch.
Oct 25, 2017
I think God of War will disappoint, but more because it won't be a God of War game in many fans' eyes. It will still sell well and be decently reviewed.

Isn't that exactly why so many people are looking forward to it though? I mean, I like GoW but that series became incredibly stale. This is the breath of fresh air that might make it the biggest GoW of the series.


Oct 26, 2017
Sea of thieves is a shaky pick because it's gaas. For some reason it's typical to release those a little premature. Several good ones have built up from troubled beginnings.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Dreams has flop all over it imo, zero hype. Also Crackdown unless the multi is spectacular. Anr perhaps Days Gone.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Skull and Bones.

I don't think Anthem will be next year but if it is, and EA keeps on their bullshit, Anthem.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
I have bad feeling about Days Gone, but I also had a bad feeling about Horizon last year, so what do I know.

Detroit I think will review decently, but it will largely be ignored and be a commercial flop.

Anthem is going to be yet another microtransaction-fest by EA, albeit maybe not as bad as Battlefront 2. It will sell well though, thanks to the no doubt Destiny-levels of marketing.


Nov 8, 2017
So many bad predictions in here.

Spiderman? Flop? k. Not even a fan and I know that's stupid.
Detroit? You may not like David Cage's games, but there's an audience for them and they've all done well.
Anthem? Marketing will make that game succeed.
Oct 25, 2017
God of War will bomb with the fans I think. It will be critically successful but it won't be what anyone actually wanted.

Like that acclaimed and massive hit Star Wars The Last Jedi you mean? Yes, there is an incredibly annoying part of fandom that belives they own the series and are vehemently against any kind of change, but I think way more people will embrace it.


Self-requested ban.
Oct 29, 2017
people saying dreams are you guys following the game o is just guessing game?

also days gone when was last time a "zombie game" bombed ?


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Sea of Thieves, unfortunately.
Looks really great from videos... also those water physics!

Days Gone is another candidate.
I really don't like this game and it seems totally unoriginal. I don't know if people want "another zombie game".


Nov 2, 2017
So Anthem is currently carrying a strong degree of toxicity surrounding its reputation, given that:

1. Bioware's previous release being Mass Effect: Andromeda, and how that was handled overall, plus overall unhappiness/frustration on how Mass Effect franchise wound up being shuttered because of it

2. EA's recent debacle with Battlefront 2, and its ill intentions to kill us with overbearing mtx that are clearly "pay to win", plus the fact that a game like Anthem (aka EA Destiny) is a product basically designed from the ground up to up-sell us constant DLC expansions (which typically enable an increase the level cap, and will likely also have some form of in-game currency buyable with real money, to buy various equips.

3. The game itself represents a major change from Bioware and their usual model of making single player RPGS with strong story/characters/elements of choice/romance, etc. for an online loot shooter.

As such, this game will have a big target on it, and will probably attract tons of negativity as it nears release, and early and often monetization plans beyond the initial $59.99 become clear.
Oct 25, 2017
People are going to hate hearing this but I think the Switch itself is going to flop next year.


It's a brand new console but in stock everywhere in its first December? What was the last console to experience that?

Release Smash and Pokemon and that thing will do gangbusters.

people saying dreams are you guys following the game o is just guessing game?

It is a guessing game mostly. As pointed out earlier, the big winner last year was Horizon. We all know how that went.


Oct 29, 2017
Calling any game that's a GAAS a flop is premature. Sea of Thieves already has 200k playing the game, and there is a lot of demand for the Alpha.

Spiderman, with a really good critical reception could sell 7-8m easily. With a poor critical reception, you're looking at 3-5m. Either way it wont flop.

There is a lot to take into account for this.

Doskoi Panda

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017