What difficulty

  • I'm Too Young to Die

    Votes: 90 7.5%
  • Hurt Me Plenty

    Votes: 459 38.3%
  • Ultra Violence

    Votes: 500 41.7%
  • Nightmare

    Votes: 129 10.8%
  • I've stuck with my choice

    Votes: 379 31.6%
  • I lowered the difficulty after starting

    Votes: 100 8.3%
  • I raised the difficulty after starting

    Votes: 11 0.9%

  • Total voters


Oct 27, 2017
Ultra Violence was the top difficulty available on your first playthrough on DOOM 2016, right?

I remember playing it on that and was sweet.


Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
Started on Ultra-Violence before bumping down to Hurt Me Plenty. Hurt Me Plenty feels far better balanced.

lol, this game is "balanced" perfectly, even on nightmare...and it plays beautifully on controller.

i think people playing this on anything under UV are doing this game a disservice, this needs to be at least a bit challenging.

On gamepad hurt me plenty. Imo ultra violence is only viable on kb/m

Feb 13, 2018
New Jersey
Played and beat on Hurt Me Plenty, but not without using the Sentinel Suit option twice because of AoE boss attacks and that I can be fine one minute, then cornered and beat down the next.

Most encounters didn't give me much trouble though, except for Mauraders; fuck those guys.

Iron Eddie

Nov 25, 2019
Hurt Me Plenty.

Amazing job with how well this game runs. Feels incredible 1440p and pretty much locked 120fps on the highest settings.


Nov 10, 2018
I played Doom 2016 on Ultra Violence and found it easy so doing Nightmare this time. It feels fair and tense I'm liking it a lot.


Oct 25, 2017

I did my first playthrough of 2016 on Ultra-Violence, so I felt ready to jump it up. No doubt that it's the most difficult FPS campaign I've ever played.
Oct 26, 2017
Hurt Me Plenty and I'm genuinely finding it a bit overwhelming. Doom 2016 is easily one of my top games this gen but this one misses the mark in terms of my personal preferences.
Jan 4, 2018
Hurt Me Plenty and I've stuck with it, though it hasn't been a cakewalk.

Not really interested in being super challenged in Eternal simply because the whole aspect of being an unstoppable force of destruction makes me want to play towards that power fantasy, and dying a dozen times each encounter would be at odds with that.

It's a game about playing an absurd badass, so I don't want to feel particularly threatened except by hardcore enemy types.
Oct 31, 2017
I'm on Ultra-violence playing with an Xbox Elite controller. I do think the game would be very hard on the higher difficulties without a paddle controller/gaming mouse with extra buttons.

Just completed the 5th slayer gate and it was quite tough, but I've also started to get into such a rhythm with the game that I think Nightmare wouldn't be as bad as I'd thought it could be. Will probably start a Nightmare run once I get through UV.


Good Vibes Gaming
Oct 24, 2017
Los Angeles, CA.
Haven't gotten it yet but I intend to, and when I do it's going to be I'm Too Young to Die. I've always been horrifically awful at FPSes, I'm still horrifically awful at FPSes, and I happily accept that fact when I'm in the rare mood to blast through the occasional FPS campaign with as little resistance as possible. 😄


Oct 25, 2017
"Hurt me plenty" because I always go for normal difficulties on my first run but I was debating if I should play it on "ultra violence" because I thought "hurt me plenty" was too easy in Doom 2016. I'm glad I didn't because the game's hard enough on "hurt me plenty". I already started replaying missions on "ultra nightmare" though and I'm loving the game so much I can see myself doing "nightmare" once I have all the upgrades.

I'm dreading fighting the Marauder's on "nightmare" though. Jesus fucking christ.
Oct 25, 2017
Milwaukee, WI
The hardest part of Wolf2 for me was the court room battle, and I'm sure I died more to the first Slayer Gate in Eternal than I did in that part of Wolf2.

I agree that was for sure the hardest part of Wolfenstein 2. But for some reason, Doom just makes more sense to me. I see an enemy and I already have a weapon in mind. I see some resource going down, so I use the attack that refills it. Don't get me wrong, I still die a bunch, but I always know what I did wrong.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I've bumped it down to Hurt Me Plenty and the game is still too hard.

I'm feeling very disappointed with this game. The ball was dropped just like Wolfenstein 1 to 2. The creators took anything that was great and Doom 2016 and ruined it by complicating it.
It's overwhelming and overbearing in a way Doom 2016 never was. There's so much shit to keep in mind and keep track of. Even if this game doesn't share its faults, because of the noticeable increase in difficulty I find your Wolf2 comparison kind of apt. Again I was super hyped to a sequel for a FPS game I loved and I've been let down. I fully admit I may be a wack FPS player, but this game is throwing too much shit at me and demanding too much of my ever-diminishing reactions.


Oct 30, 2017
I played Doom 2016 on Hurt me Plenty and now playing Doom Eternal on Ultraviolence. I feel like Ultraviolence is the perfect difficulty for me.

Oh and I died wayyy more on the courtroom on Wolfenstein 2 on Normal. I took down the first slayer gate on my 3rd try on Ultraviolence.


Oct 26, 2017
Hurt me Plenty since I found out that are no difficulty trophies. I played 2016 in Ultra Violence but I'm not in the mood for heavy resistance right now


Oct 27, 2017
Hurt me plenty

i don't know how in the hell you can play it otherwise but i'm getting old. nerves are fried even as a "quake dad"


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I started on Hurt Me Plenty based off my experience playing through Doom 2016 (PC) a few weeks earlier, but the one-two punch of spammable air dashes with gameplay systems that really cater hard to people like me who don't like to stick to a weapon for more than two shots before switching, I really started feeling like I needed more resistance halfway through Exultia and started a new run with Ultra Violence.

Having gone through Nightmare on a New Game+ file (And working on a fresh Nightmare run now), I do wish there was a difficulty that made some of these guys a bit spongier. The Master Levels help, but there's only two of them so far and it'll be a while before they put everything out. I'd be happier if they made the Ripatorium into a direct Bloody Palace style combat experience that let you chain a ton of combat scenarios. I just want more of that combat, man.


Feb 28, 2018
Ultra Violence as I had beaten Doom 2016 several times at this difficulty....had to drop it down.
Oct 25, 2017
Played 2016 for the first time this year, and started on Ultra Violence. But I didn't really like the game that much, I thought it wasn't engaging enough, and I was on autopilot 90% of the time. So this time around I went straight for Nightmare, since in this game the description didn't mention infinitely respawning enemies, and it also mentioned that Nightmare would kill me all the way through, instead of the typical Western Game Difficulty Curve where it's hard early on and then becomes a joke, which the game itself describes the other difficulties as being.

It's really challenging, I'm constantly struggling and having to rethink my approach to a lot of encounters, and I'm not very good at FPS, but it's so rewarding, so engaging, I'm constantly using all of my tools and reacting to what the game throws at me in a very intuitive way. I'm having a blast. Definitely sticking with it.

leng jai

Nov 2, 2017
I agree that was for sure the hardest part of Wolfenstein 2. But for some reason, Doom just makes more sense to me. I see an enemy and I already have a weapon in mind. I see some resource going down, so I use the attack that refills it. Don't get me wrong, I still die a bunch, but I always know what I did wrong.

That's because Eternal is well balanced for the most part and has great gameplay whereas TNC was atrocious in both respects.


Nov 17, 2017
Playing on Hurt Me Plenty and getting really annoyed on level 2 or 3 I think. The game just feels much more frustrating than Doom 2016, and my reaction times are probably worse now as well. I feel like I'm getting too old to play super fast-paced games like this now.


Oct 25, 2017
Started on Nightmare and got through the first two levels on Nightmare. The next time I fired up the game I lowered it to Ultra Violence because I realized it's just going to ramp up and I didn't want to put myself through that.


Oct 28, 2017
The one that said it was for experienced fps players. I believe it was ultra violence. It's kicking my ass but I'm getting the hang of it.


Oct 25, 2017
Finished this afternoon playing at Ultra-Violence on PC with KB/M. Very tense experience and used all of the 1-ups the game gave you, but overall didn't find it frustrating at all aside from one part where I was resource starved and had low hp vs. a Marauder. For reference I played 2016 on PS4 also on Ultra-Violence.


Oct 25, 2017
Started on Nightmare because I played through 2016 that way, but switched down to UV after struggling for about half an hour on one of the really long fights on the second level. I feel like I could have gotten that room if I picked the right runes and upgrades, but eh.

I'm a parent and playing at midnight after a long day. I'm usually already super drained by the time I fire up the game. I don't have it in me to power through high difficulties like I used to.

Having said that, I might still turn it back up once I understand the systems better because I feel pretty salty for having to turn it down. That depends on how fun I find UV. So far I'm liking the wider margin for error. Nightmare was mostly a bunch of trash mob bodyblock deaths and failing to get refills because I shot something too many times to glory kill when I really needed it. Not exactly satisfying ways to die.


Oct 27, 2017
Ultra-Violence and having a blast so far. Almost beat the first slayer gate but got toasted pretty far into it, can't be mad though cause it was a rush. I can see myself losing countlessly to those and still enjoying the chaos.

I don't get any similarities to Wolf 2 and it's apparent lack of playtesting.
Oct 25, 2017
Started on Nightmare and have stuck with it. Playing on PS4 with a gamepad.
It's much harder than 2016.
One of the fights in level 3 took me like, 2 hours of retries to clear. It was much harder than even the Slayer Gates.
Level 4 was much easier though, and I'm upgrading pretty quickly.
Currently on Level 5.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
UV. On gamepad.

I feel like the time slow rune is breaking the game lol. It does have a cool down but when it is up, and used sparingly, you can go a whole fight with it. Landing easy headshots/weakpoint shots all day. It is fun af tho!!!!!
Oct 25, 2017
UV and it's been probably the perfect difficulty for me. Do fine most of the time and every once in a while run into something that pushes me really hard, but nothing is frustrating either.


Oct 27, 2017
I actually started on Nightmare by mistake and decided to just finish the game rather than bump it down just 'cause it's handing me my ass. The game becomes a LOT more agreeable when you have a good set of upgrades and have a good handle on weapon switching and juggling cooldowns for your equipment.


Oct 27, 2017
Started on Ultra-Violence before bumping down to Hurt Me Plenty. Hurt Me Plenty feels far better balanced.

I made the same transition, I'm almost embarrassed to say. It's not that I couldn't manage UV, but I didn't quite feel like the absolute bad-ass that the Doom Slayer is meant to be. Once I get gud, I'll probably crank up the difficulty again. Also, this is the type of game that I likely will play through multiple times.


Oct 27, 2017
Ultra Violence with no changes. Playing on PC with mouse and keyboard. A lot of running the arena searching for zombies to chainsaw to get health back. Challenging but not hard.


Oct 27, 2017
Hurt me Plenty because I don't want to play hide and seek or stop and pop in a Doom game.

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Oct 27, 2017
Started with nightmare then bumped it down to UV because I wanted to progress through the game's story a little quicker. DOOM 2016 UV was way easier than this. The game wasn't too difficult until closer to the end.
Oct 25, 2017
Played 2016 on Ultra Violence no problem but with this game I'm usually on Hurt Me Plenty.
HMP on 2020 is harder than UV was on 2016. The difficulty levels are not equivalent at all.
On PC with KBM maybe I could handle Ultra Violence but not on console with controller, this game isn't very sympathetic to controller players. Aim assist could be more helpful.


Dec 10, 2017
Ultraviolence and stuck with it. I die a lot, but once I settled into the rhythm of it all, it's not too bad. Having a blast so far.