
Oct 29, 2017
I've got a pretty good job, a boss that really cares, and I managed to get a whole 3-seater to myself on the train this morning.

What are y'all grateful for today?
Oct 27, 2017
Loads to be honest. Bought a house and got the keys this week, wife is 29 weeks pregnant and she's doing great, work going well enough, I'm in a good spot right now.


Dec 3, 2017
This thread is timed well. I have a dry socket from a wisdom tooth extraction, and I've been writhing in pain and feeling sorry for myself, so it would probably help to be a little more positive.

I'm thankful for my wife and my two cats. The three of them are my entire world.
Oct 27, 2017
I'm grateful that I have a job that supports my family. Grateful that my wife and kids are great. Thankful that I have the day off today lol


Oct 25, 2017
I bought a flat and moved in yesterday. No internet, tethering my phone but its nice to be in a brand new apartment and feeling fresh.

Deleted member 412

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I bought a flat and moved in yesterday. No internet, tethering my phone but its nice to be in a brand new apartment and feeling fresh.

This is me in two weeks.

I'm grateful for having a family who genuinely cares about me. Also grateful for the nice spring weather today (and seemingly for at least the whole next 7 days).


Oct 27, 2017
Lots of things, I suppose, including having a great wife, a decent job where I can work from home a lot, and having a house in a quiet neighborhood on the outskirts of town that most people don't even know exists.

But today also happens to be the day that we settle the sale on our old house. We lived there for 7 years, but then moved out and started renting it out (couldn't sell it for anywhere near what we owed on it at the time). We are not cut out to be landlords, and we were still losing money on the place each month. Put it on the market 2 weeks ago, and got an offer the next day. That albatross is off of our shoulders at 11:00 today, so today I am particularly grateful for having an excellent realtor who knows how to get shit done.


Oct 25, 2017
I bought a flat and moved in yesterday. No internet, tethering my phone but its nice to be in a brand new apartment and feeling fresh.
That was me four days ago haha. I moved into my first apartment with a good friend from college and my girlfriend's moving in within a few months. We've been slowly putting everything together and it's really coming along. I still need a desk and night stands but it's really exciting making so many decisions for myself finally. My job isn't going too great but I'm getting a raise soon so that's good too. I feel like I'm finally moving forward in my life, which I'm really thankful for.


Oct 26, 2017
Lots. Among others we've got a long weekend since today and Monday are off and I'm also moving to a new apartment in less than two weeks. Still renting, but it's much, MUCH nicer than the one I'm living in currently, plus I'll finally get to live by myself without roommates for the first time in quite a while. It's also much closer to my GF's apartment and since I'll have room for a bigger bed, she can also start staying over at my place and I won't have to always go to hers.

I'm also drinking an incredible cup of coffee and playing MHGU which is relaxing.


Nov 3, 2018
For being born in a beautiful area in a beautiful country. For being healthy. For working a job I love, not worrying about money and being finally debt free. The summer is approaching so I'll be collecting an additional yearly salary from rents to fund some fun activities. For meeting some great people over the years and having a supporting family.

Life is pretty nice. Only thing I'm missing is a serious relationship but I feel ok with just messing around for the moment. But I'd like to change that soon.

Deleted member 23850

Oct 28, 2017
Austin, Texas, of all things. Fuck I need to get there someday...


Oct 25, 2017
That was me four days ago haha. I moved into my first apartment with a good friend from college and my girlfriend's moving in within a few months. We've been slowly putting everything together and it's really coming along. I still need a desk and night stands but it's really exciting making so many decisions for myself finally. My job isn't going too great but I'm getting a raise soon so that's good too. I feel like I'm finally moving forward in my life, which I'm really thankful for.

Glad to hear it, I know how you feel about the job I'm not a huge fan of mine either. I'm living alone with my cat, I've been living like this but in a 150 year old rented flat which while it wasn't so bad, I had no space what so ever and it was always freezing cold. This is a huge upgrade for me and although it came at the cost of my mum passing away (she left me some money I never even knew she had so I could afford a deposit); I know that she'd want me to be happy and secure which I am. So thanks Mum.


Dec 10, 2017
Under a week until my most anticipated movie ever, wonderful girlfriend who supports everything I do no matter how insane, I've just got to my ideal weight after 10 years of trying, good job that isn't difficult, own every video game system, good groups of friends, I kicked pop habit and addiction to nose spray, and going to Chicago next week to Medieval Times :)

....Wow, when I write it all out like that, my life sounds amazing.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
My family -- loving wife and wonderful little baby. Small family on my side, but my wife's family is huge and while everyone's in-laws drive them nuts sometimes, they're good people.

My friends -- have a large group of tightly knit friends who are all great in their own ways. People (my family, my in-laws) often remark to us about how we have lots of friends, and we do. We're thankful for them.

My job -- I have a good paying job that I'm good at, respected at, with good colleagues, and it allows me to enjoy life in ways with my family and friends that I wouldn't otherwise.

My wife's job -- she's a teacher, which is a very fulfilling career for her that she loves and she's good at.

My healthy and my family/friends health -- my wife and I are at a point in our lives where our grandparents are dead, but our parents are still relatively young (60s), our siblings are in good health and are young (30s, 40s), and we're in good health. It's a sweet spot at the moment. In a couple years my parents will crest 70 and then their health will be at more risk. When one of them dies then the responsibility of my siblings and I will shift. Right now it's a sweet spot.

My wife and I, and most of our friends, are in their early to mid 30s, and we all have our health. We haven't had a close friend die or get very sick, we've been blessed with that. Someday that'll happen. But we're in a good spot now.
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Deleted member 14887

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I am thankful for the friends and family I have around me that are helping me through fairly rough period atm.

I am thankful that I am still alive and have the ability to finally improve myself and get healthier after a long time of denial.

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
Eh, can't find a good spot on this chair so i'm not particularly thankful right now.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
My familiy, my girlfriend, my body and my mind.

All good shit


The Wise Ones
Oct 27, 2017
Spring weather; I feel like a new man.

I don't know how many more Pittsburgh winters I can handle...
Oct 27, 2017
I may have health problems, but I get free healthcare.

I have a roof over my head that I don't have to pay rent for (inherited house) and food in the kitchen.

Money in my pocket and a stack of books I can see from where I'm sitting that I haven't read yet and am looking forward to.

I have some movies on google play to watch for the first time.

This warm fleece blanket covering me.

Even having the internet, connecting me to other people, and all the resources it has.


Oct 27, 2017
My wife, she's been sick and I realized I definitely need her because I am way too busy and way stupid when it comes to getting things done around the house lol.

Also my new job.


Nov 2, 2017
This is gonna be weirdly specific but I got a new iPad so I downloaded a few reading apps including TIME magazine, and when I logged in with a new account I seem to have full access to every issue of the last four years including the latest ones, all articles, no restrictions, and I've triple-quadruple checked that I didn't accidentally subscribe or anything so I'm thankful that I apparently have this free content for no apparent reason unless I'm being really dumb about something!


Oct 27, 2017
Loads. Right now, my girlfriend. We've been together almost 24 years now.
Yesterday i danced with her in the living room to "Rose of my Heart" (Cash version). Made me cry of gratitude. Haven't cried in decades. That was nice.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Getting to sleep with someone from my neighborhood who's somewhat older than me and her actually initiating.
Oct 27, 2017
Loads. Right now, my girlfriend. We've been together almost 24 years now.
Yesterday i danced with her in the living room to "Rose of my Heart" (Cash version). Made me cry of gratitude. Haven't cried in decades. That was nice.

Aww, congrats. 24 years is amazing.

Personally I wold say my SO, she's my rock. Had a rough month now when I had to put my cat to sleep. She was there for me, supported me.

I love her so much.


Oct 25, 2017
My friends, my fiancée, the fact that I have a job that I enjoy thoroughly and the fact that my start up is receiving amazing feedback that's making me improve my product substantially


Oct 27, 2017
Aww, congrats. 24 years is amazing.

Personally I wold say my SO, she's my rock. Had a rough month now when I had to put my cat to sleep. She was there for me, supported me.

I love her so much.
Thanx :)
And sad to hear you had to put your cat to sleep. Had to do that myself a few years ago. Sad stuff. But a great partner makes life a whole lot easier.