Slim Action

Jul 4, 2018
It's technically not "between saves" since the game is always autosaving, but I've been going through the endgame of Darkest Dungeon lately and it asks you to endure some loooong gauntlets of very tough enemies and bosses.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Doesn't Final Fantasy 3 make you go through the entire final dungeon with no save points at all?
That "final dungeon" is actually more like two dungeons with a total of six bosses to deal with. All without saving. It's ridiculous. FFXIV split this single dungeon into two alliance raids and had enough bosses to not reuse or create any of them.
Oct 25, 2017
Las Vegas

Jan 4, 2018
The 4 Arthrosaurus towards the end of Lost Odyssey that you have to find and beat (each one of them) before the timer ends as well. It was extremely hard and very long.
Nov 19, 2019
There's that one amazing bonfire run in The Ringed City of Dark Souls 3...and I mean that in all honesty. It's a brutal trip but it's probably one of the biggest non-boss triumphs the series has to offer. Every corner and every door feels like it's gotta be the bonfire, and it never is. But not only is it not the bonfire, it's yet another harrowing enemy encounter, over and over.

I'd generally give a shoutout to the PST Era SMT games (DDS 1 and 2, SMT: Nocturne) which had great, tense save-to-save journeys as a general rule. I love when a JRPG demands that I be both tactical in fights and strategic over a long haul, which sadly seems to be increasingly rare in the genre.

If you don't know the shortcut route, the path between the start of the level and the Flamelurker in the World 2-2 of Demon's Souls is brutal.
This was one of my most standout memories of the phenomenon as an adult. I got stuck in this self-defeating loop of losing to the flamelurker because I would play too cautiously, because I was afraid of making the trip back, and on respawn would play even more cautiously on the next encounter only to die again. My DGAF younger brother beat him on the second try or so. I would be like HOW and he would be like "I dunno he's not that hard, just run up to him and beat him up"...but I was afeared.

Cat Party

Oct 25, 2017
With Bed of Chaos, I hope people know you can quit the game after each step and reload and it will spawn you in front of the fog gate.
Oct 25, 2017
A huge dungeon with the Crystal Tower, ending with a boss.
Then ANOTHER dungeon, with 4 bosses, followed by the final boss.
And at any time you can get back attacked by a Xande Clone who will immediately cast meteor and wipe you, unless you're ridiculously over leveled.
If it weren't for Meteor, it wouldn't be so bad really.


One Winged Slayer
Most recently, the Phazon Mines in Metroid Prime. After that first save room it's a LONG time before the second, with a ton of difficult enemies along the way.

Also yeah, I have no idea how I had the patience to finish FF3 DS. That last dungeon is brutal.


Oct 25, 2017
Final dungeon in Yakuza 7. Endlessly long and as soon your main char KOs, it means doing it all over again. It broke me and I never came back.


Jul 14, 2019
Gradius and R-Type games suffer a lot from this. If you die at any point other than maybe in the first stage, recovery becomes impossible and you may as well start over from the beginning. Gradius III is particularly notorious.
Oct 25, 2017
Mega Man II's final boss gauntlet is really annoying too.
You need Metal Blades to damage Wily, but your Weapon Energy doesn't refill upon reloading the checkpoint.
So you basically just get 1 attempt, and then have to force a game over, and refight all the bosses to try again with ammo.


Feb 10, 2021
fucking bed of chaos

Lmao, it's not even the worst one in Souls let alone videogames as a whole. You can easily run past literally everything with zero risk of danger or need for any juking skills whatsoever.

The final stage of Boletaria is far more painful for example, as well as the run to Dirty Colossus in Defilement. In fact there are at least a dozen runs to the boss that are far worse in Souls than BoC.

The final stage of Driver was the one for me. Fuck that shit, it's hard as hell, long, and you have to do the whole thing again if you fail, which is an inevitability. Medal of Honor Frontline was a bastard in general as due to zero checkpoints at all.


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
The Martyr Logarius boss run in in Bloodborne was godawful. Rather bafflingly it even included unavoidable fall damage.

Nioh 2 also had a bunch of tough ones. The first half of The High-Spirited Demon mission (the one where you fight Koroku and Daidara Bocchi) was tough as hell, forcing you to wade through a dark realm infested with yokai including a Karasu Tengu and a Magatsu Warrior (new, end-game yokai) defending a chokepoint and several other monsters patrolling the area, including several ones with projectiles. Make it past them and you have to deal with a Biwa Boku-boku, the instrument playing "monk" yokai that continuously summons more demons. And he's sitting next to a crystal that emits shockwaves that interrupt and knock you back. Meanwhile you're still in a dark realm, so your ki regeneration is fucked and enemy damage is increased. Dispose of them and you still have to fight another Magatsu Warrior before you've earned the privilege of reaching the second checkpoint. Fuuuun times.
Dec 6, 2017
I know exactly which boss you're talking about. It's the Spider Guardian AKA one of the worst bosses ever designed.

You have to do such an absurdly long boss run all to fight a boss that is just so terribly designed and incredibly frustrating.

That'd be it. I remember it taking me several months to actually beat this section because I'd get so fucking pissed off, I'd drop the game for a month at a time, try twice, drop it.

Jetsun Mila

Apr 7, 2021
Yakuza 7's final dungeon was like 2 hours straight with no save point

Final dungeon in Yakuza 7. Endlessly long and as soon your main char KOs, it means doing it all over again. It broke me and I never came back.

Yeah I finished it not too long ago and this is a good example. Man what were they thinking with this?
For these who don't know:
The dungeon has six floors full of enemies which takes ages.
Then you have to fight a boss which has so much health that even being overleveled it takes ages.
The best part? Halfway through he gets an attack that one-hit KOs anyone, no matter their health.
If the main character Ichiban gets KO'd, the fight ends and if you don't have enough money it's back to square one. He has a skill that allows him to survive such an attack but if you forget it or the boss does this attack twice in one round, good luck.
The final cutscenes, credits and stinger clock in at almost one whole hour so make sure your Steam Deck is plugged in.
And then you can save.

Lmao, it's not even the worst one in Souls let alone videogames as a whole. You can easily run past literally everything with zero risk of danger or need for any juking skills whatsoever.
But that is the problem. You will run past everything and it still takes too long to get there.


Oct 31, 2017
I prefer a sprint to a boss instead of a checkpoint right before dialogue and animations.


Oct 27, 2017
Mega Man II's final boss gauntlet is really annoying too.
You need Metal Blades to damage Wily, but your Weapon Energy doesn't refill upon reloading the checkpoint.
So you basically just get 1 attempt, and then have to force a game over, and refight all the bosses to try again with ammo.

Yes, the Megaman gauntlets from 1 and 2 were brutal to me.

Fuck the Yellow Devil.


Jun 23, 2022
For better or for worse, the N64 version of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. In that version, true saving can only be done by resetting the game's three-day timeloop cycle. Temporary checkpoints can be made by using some owl statues here and there in the game world, but those checkpoint saves are deleted when you resume playing.

If you use the secret ocarina song to slow down the game's clock at the very start of a cycle, then you're potentially facing three hours until your next save point. Speaking from experience here... That can be pretty damned brutal. I suffered a game freeze right at the end of a cycle, literally as I was going to open my menu and equip the ocarina. It suuuuuucked.


Dec 3, 2018
The Second Kalpa in SMT3 was horrible. I lost so much progress thanks to bs rng. From poison rooms to insta kills, and the cold sweat realization of having to hike all the way back to the start to save. I got killed on the way back and lost so much progress.


Aug 31, 2019
Everett, Washington
In Hollow Knight the run up to the Mantis Betrayer (or whatever it was called) boss is a massive pain in the ass. It's an agility gauntlet check, that is not very hard but it's really annoying.

You can get that optional teleporter thing but I am just talking pure game design.

This run/fight was one of the biggest hurdles in the game for me. But the reward makes everything else more manageable.


Oct 31, 2017
Most of the examples in here are like thirty seconds long or the best parts of their respective games lol.

The Mantis Betrayer runback was as long as it was because it was supposed to be an optional story boss you weren't likely to lose to. For some reason it got patched straight from one of the easiest to one of the hardest bosses in the game at some point. Not really sure why, it was fine as it originally was.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Nov 17, 2017
Not a save point exactly, but I remember finding a cool horse in Breath of the Wild, and I was getting stressed because I had no idea where to find a stable.


Feb 22, 2018
In Hollow Knight the run up to the Mantis Betrayer (or whatever it was called) boss is a massive pain in the ass. It's an agility gauntlet check, that is not very hard but it's really annoying.

You can get that optional teleporter thing but I am just talking pure game design.

This run/fight was one of the biggest hurdles in the game for me. But the reward makes everything else more manageable.

For real, the run to Traitor Lord was painful. Although in the end it was worth it because it made me considerably better at platforming. Something that would be of great help later in the game..

I'd argue that the Soul Sanctum is worse though. It's way earlier in the game with early game equipment (you can actually get at least 2 nail upgrades before this but not everyone would know on their first playthrough, I sure as hell didn't) and the teleporting enemies were a nightmare lol


Oct 27, 2017
It's technically not "between saves" since the game is always autosaving, but I've been going through the endgame of Darkest Dungeon lately and it asks you to endure some loooong gauntlets of very tough enemies and bosses.

I just use map/guide for the third level of the titular dungeon.

Ain't no way I'm going to do it manually with the whole teleporting shenanigan lol.
Jan 20, 2018
Ninja Gaiden (2004) that intro level was just brutal and the fact that you had to beat the first boss first was even more difficult. It was an accomplishment just to get to the checkpoint haha...


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Sep 12, 2019
Someone please confirm whether I'm remembering this correctly because I feel like I may be remembering this wrong, but if I recall, Paper Mario: TTYD had you fight Bowser and Grodus before even getting to the final boss, without allowing a save in between any of them, and for that reason I ended up giving up as a kid when I couldn't beat the final boss


Nevermind, I just watched a youtube video and I was wrong and there were save points in between, I just apparently sucked at fighting the final boss.
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Oct 25, 2017
I think the one I hear about a ton is the final dungeon in Final Fantasy III; I guess it's not so much of a "gap" between save points so much as the player being unable to save inside the (apparently very lengthy and challenging) final dungeon whatsoever.
You got the first example I could think of lol.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
in ffx dying to yunalesca isnt a long trip back

but you're hit with a 6 minutes unskippable cutscene ( feels longer than 6 mins tbh) and you have big odds on dying on ur first playthru to her because of her gimmick
and she snot a very easy boss so you die 2-3-4 times. everytime a 6 mins cutscene in your nuts


Oct 26, 2017
A classic example of something like this is Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link. When the player game overs they will lose all of their xp and always start back at the very beginning of the game in the castle. They'll keep their progress through the game but will otherwise need to backtrack through the highly lethal world map back to wherever they died. This also includes if you die in a dungeon, something that wasn't the case in Zelda 1.

Strangely enough, the final dungeon in the game doesn't have this issue. If you game over in the Great Palace, you respawn back at the beginning of the dungeon rather than at the beginning of the game.
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"This guy are sick"
Dec 16, 2017
On the Japanese version of Valkyrie Profile you don't get to a ave point until after the (literally) 45 minute intro. You have a couple of small action sections during it, but no way to save until you're ready for the first actual dungeon. They actually added a save point to the US version about halfway through (along with some bug fixes and more QOL fixes like paging between menus with the shoulder buttons, which are gone from the PSP version).


Oct 28, 2017
Yeah I finished it not too long ago and this is a good example. Man what were they thinking with this?
For these who don't know:
The dungeon has six floors full of enemies which takes ages.
Then you have to fight a boss which has so much health that even being overleveled it takes ages.
The best part? Halfway through he gets an attack that one-hit KOs anyone, no matter their health.
If the main character Ichiban gets KO'd, the fight ends and if you don't have enough money it's back to square one. He has a skill that allows him to survive such an attack but if you forget it or the boss does this attack twice in one round, good luck.
The final cutscenes, credits and stinger clock in at almost one whole hour so make sure your Steam Deck is plugged in.
And then you can save.

But that is the problem. You will run past everything and it still takes too long to get there.

Which is all based on the Dragon Quest save process (which is actually even more brutal).


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
That long cutscene before Yunalesca in FFX was traumatising, at least the game is turn based so I could do something around the house waiting for it to play out and not have to rush back before it ended
Nov 13, 2017
If you don't drop your Save Crystal somewhere good in the Northern Cave in FFVII, dying to Jenova or Sephiroth can be quite brutal. I have to imagine that's why they let you turn off random encounters in VIII w/ Diablos's junction. I remember my first time through, I didn't realize that the item literally dropped a save point, so I used it right away LOL.

Smelter Demon runback in DS2 is just annoying, given how logic-defyingly fast the Alonne Knights can run at you, let alone the snipers. You also are still vulnerable while walking through fog doors in DS2, so even if you run past them all, the chances of getting through that door without getting hit aren't great. Blue Smelter Demon in the DLC is even worse, come to think of it.

People complain about Placidusax in Elden Ring, but his isn't bad at all, IMO.


Nov 3, 2022
Holoholo Bird in Baten Kaitos Origins. Happens when you switch disks, and if you aren't leveled enough you are fucked.