
Feb 2, 2018
a Socialist Utopia
I quite enjoyed Primal Light.

Beautiful Desloation is also very good.

And of course the GOTY - 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim on PS4. This is such an amazing game on all levels.



One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Now that I made it through the thread, I'm going with these:
I'm still beating that Biomass drum:

Biomass Is Metroid Fusion Crossed With Bloodborne and It's One of the Best Games of 2020 (Free DLC Announced)

With that out of the way let’s get into that thread title. At the most basic level Biomass takes the linear, but still somewhat open, structure of Metroid Fusion (while expanding on that wonderfully creepy sci-fi dread) with the aggressive pace of combat and world-building of Bloodborne. There’s...

Looks interesting. I missed your thread about it.

There is No Game: Wrong Dimension is sort of a puzzle adventure game and uhh... I don't want to say too much about it. Let's just say if you like games like Pony Island or Hypnospace Outlaw, you may like this.

I keep hearing about this game and I finally bit.

Umurangi Generation is my pick for sure.
Absolutely wonderful game, with great art, music and something meaningful to say.
I knew nothing about this one before I saw it mentioned like 8724968346 times in this thread. Looking forward to trying it out.

How's the Macro DLC?


Other thoughts:
Huntdown seemed to fly a bit under the radar for how good it is.

I've been looking at this one for months but that stupid Epic deal has me waiting for the Steam release. It's not until May.

Troubleshooter: Abandoned Children, a phenomenally designed SRPG that's brings a whole lot if smart, innovative changes to the genre. Has a bit of XCOM in it, but it really has more in common with something like Final Fantasy Tactics or Fire Emblem.

It's one of my favourite games in years. Troubleshooter is extremely good.

I already own this based on an Era thread from a while back. Haven't gotten into it yet. Gotta be honest, the constant Steam updates annoyed me into uninstalling, haha. I'm reinstalling it now.

Hardspace shipbreaker
This game is really cool. I love the cynical corporate slave story framing. It also kinda feels like a Homeworld spinoff which makes sense considering the developer. However, I'm waiting until it's finished before I play more.

Post Void - Psychedelic build engine style FPS
YES. This game fries my brain.

Ultrakill - Devil May Doom, it's the FPS reimagined as a character action game.

I love this one. It just feels great to play. Can't wait for it to be finished.

Disc Room - Mostly by the team who made Minit, it's a game about dodging discs!


I really want to try this. Already bought a few other games so I guess I'll wait for a price drop.[/QUOTE]
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Oct 25, 2017
Murder by Numbers is a really good shout. Exactly what I hoped and expected from a game that mashes up Picross with an Ace Attorney style visual novel.

Ryo Hazuki

Oct 25, 2017

A Monster's Expedition is on par as my favourite game of the year and it's easily one of the best puzzle games ever made. Really loved this and it's a shame it doesn't get more recognition. Everyone needs to play this, especially if you like puzzle games.
Oct 27, 2017
The biggest one for me is without a doubt Deep Rock Galactic. I've spent 50 hours on this game in the past month and it's absolutely phenomenal.

Perfect blend of Aliens, Left 4 Dead, Minecraft and, somehow, Lost Vikings.

It's absolutely incredible if you're craving for a coop experience.

Deleted member 9305

Oct 26, 2017
Thank you for this thread, I missed a ton of good shit D:


Sep 2, 2020
Thanks to everyone who posted! So excited to try some of these. Jumped on Jet Lancer and Umurangi Generation to start.

Kitty Paws

One Winged Slayer
Oct 21, 2019
Treachery in Beatdown City is a turn based beat 'em up rpg (!) with good retro visuals and music:

It's currently on sale on Steam and the Switch eShop too!

I would also like to second
Signs of the Sojourner
A Short Hike
Oh yeah, and have many people played The Last Campfire? If not, add that one to the list too!

Seriously, play these games. Plaaayyy theeeemm.


Writer/Critic at Hardcore Gamer
Oct 28, 2017
Filament - Great little puzzle game that will eat hours and hours of your time. One of those situations where you're impressed at just how many different puzzle types or "rules" a game can come up with using just the simple concept of threading nodes together.



Apr 19, 2020
Noita, if it counts. It's so good.

edit: To be more descriptive, it's a magical roguelite with wand customization, impressive physics/elemental interactivity, and tons of secrets. It's definitely not an easy game, but its a cool mix of things I love in other games put together in a package unlike anything else I've played before.
I've been watching videos about this game but im still unsure. I love some roguelikes but there are some i really dont like. I didnt like spelunky at all and im not sure if i would like this. I know it has all this physics which sounds cool but i fear that the combat might be too dull for me.

Memory Pak

Aug 29, 2018

In Other Waters
A richly detailed sci-fi/mystery. You play as the A.I. controlling a researcher's diving suit, while they investigate a mystery on an underwater planet, so you mostly interface with the world through menus. Very well-written, recommended to folks who liked the scanning in Metroid Prime, or maybe No Man's Sky. Front runner for my GOTY.
Currently available on Nintendo Switch, Steam, Humble, and GOG. It's on sale right now too!


Artemis' Minesweeper
Saw this on Gamespot and it already made the rounds on Twitter, so maybe it's not really hidden? Simple concept: minesweeper + bullet hell, but if you like both of those things you'll find this highly addictive. I don't love the anime aesthetic, nor the music, but it's a really solid proof-of-concept.
Availabe (FOR FREE!) on Windows, Mac, Linux, or just in your browser via Itch io.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Ok, so I just finished the medium difficulty of this game and have to recommend it in here 5000x over.

Knock Harder.

Play this game. Play this game. Play this game.

It's on sale even right now on steam and worth every penny.

Don't let the game art fool you. It's not really a shooter or horror game, more puzzly.
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
Spiritfarer, which has been mentioned a few times already. Though I didn't play through it myself, I watched as my wife played through it and it was incredible.
Sep 14, 2018
Bug Fables!

Technically Nov 2019 but it released on Switch this year.

It's a really charming, wholesome turn based RPG very much inspired by Paper Mario of old. If it was any more inspired by PM it would be PM.

It has a challenging Hard Mode that brings all the gameplay systems together so that's what I recommend playing it in.

I went in thinking "Oh, bootleg PM" but it really stands on its own and is actually quite good. I only know of 2 other games that are like this, give it a try!
Apr 19, 2018
AVGN Deluxe 1&2 is my personal sleeper hit of the year. Glad I waited this long to experience these polished, more balanced remasters -- and they're a delight on the Switch for portable play.

Nov 2, 2017
Banner of the Maid is my easy pick. It's Napoleonic Wars Fire Emblem, and playing it through on Hard each battle has been a deliciously difficult but satisfying combat puzzle to solve.

It also has the most ridiculous art design, where suddenly a woman is introduced as an artillery commander and she has a crop-top military uniform with a boob window. It's so outrageously over the top that it's genuinely laugh out loud funny, while somehow getting away with it because its so far over the line it's almost magical.

But for real, I started Fire Emblem Three Houses just before this game, but I shelved that and have been playing this instead. My favourite tactics type game since the last Advance Wars.



Oct 26, 2017
Desperados 3 - by far the most overlooked fantastic game of the year, more people need to play it
Wasteland 3 - perhaps not a "hidden gem", but also a game that needs as much loving as possible, utterly fantastic
Lonely Mountains: Downhill - haven't played too much of it myself, but it's super-fun and I barely see any talk about it


Oct 25, 2017
Bug Fables!

Technically Nov 2019 but it released on Switch this year.

It's a really charming, wholesome turn based RPG very much inspired by Paper Mario of old. If it was any more inspired by PM it would be PM.

It has a challenging Hard Mode that brings all the gameplay systems together so that's what I recommend playing it in.

I went in thinking "Oh, bootleg PM" but it really stands on its own and is actually quite good. I only know of 2 other games that are like this, give it a try!

Now this is the sort of the thing I'm watching this thread for. Completely flew under my radar and looks exactly my sort of thing. Thanks for bringing it up.


Nov 23, 2017
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Oct 26, 2017
to be honest something about the aesthetic/atmosphere of being in those little train cars in what little i've seen puts me off that game and is probably the main reason I haven't tried it,just kinda seems too samey in that regard

is that one of those things that is less of a concern in practice?

Not really a concern when playing it. The enemies change every stage, and there are mutators that you can activate in each stage for additional rewards.