Deleted member 419

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Oct 25, 2017
EDIT: As of Page 3, Dark Souls III and BloodBorne together have been mentioned more than every other game combined. Pretty crazy. Ludwig is also the most mentioned boss by a long shot.

The boss fight is probably my favorite part of playing video games. At its best, these fights are intense, focused sequences testing all of the player's skills and knowledge, a perfect distillation of the game's mechanics into a single, climactic encounter. At their worst...well, they're still fun sequences to commiserate with other players about!

My question to ERA is: What are the best bosses of this gen so far? Feel free to count anything that you consider a boss fight, and feel free to include handheld games as well (3DS/Vita/Mobile).

To get the ball rolling, here are my Top 10 boss fights for this gen. I'm sticking just to PS4/XBO/PC to make it easier to manage (otherwise there would be a bunch of bosses from 3DS RPGs on here). I'm also sticking to one boss per game (so that this doesn't become a stealth Bloodborne thread).

(Note: Please spoiler tag at your discretion. For my list, I'll be spoiler tagging each entry and saying if it's an end-game boss or not.)

10: from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (End-Game Boss)


Calamity Ganon. BotW spends a lot of time building up to this fight, and fortunately it doesn't disappoint. While he can go down pretty quickly if you equip yourself appropriately and take out the other bosses at each of their respective divine beasts, this fight is still a fantastic spectacle and a great final exam for all of the combat skills you've learned in your journey across Hyrule. Now if only the same could be said about the true final boss...

9. from NieR: Automata


Beauvoir. The first major boss in NieR: Automata is a great microcosm of the game's strengths. She has a fascinating backstory, one which is touched on lightly in Route A, and further explored on subsequent routes. The encounter itself is an excellent mix of melee combat, schmup-style bullet hell, and even the introduction of the hacking minigame, which is a pretty big "out-of-left-field" moment when it first happens.

The music, of course, is also stunning, but that goes for almost every moment in the game!

8. from The Evil Within


The Keeper. Both Evil Within games offer a number of excellent boss encounters, but none of them quite touched the experience of the nerve-wracking encounter with The Keeper in TEW1. Juggling environmental hazards like traps and toxic gas, while scrambling around in an enclosed area with this killer is one of the highlights of the game, and one of the sequences that best nails the balance between action and horror - in the high-concept, setpiece-focused style that Mikami is known for.

7. from Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice


Fenrir. For what it's worth, I have played very few boss fights that matched the sheer atmosphere of Senua's climactic duel with Fenrir. Hellblade's visceral combat is arguably put to its best use against this colossal beast, requiring a fantastic mix of reflex, strategy, and simply keeping one's nerves in check. The way that the beast flits in and out of the darkness also plays into the overarching themes of the game, and serves as a fascinating metaphor for the "beast" that similarly haunts Senua's psyche. Special mention to the music and lighting as well. Amazing fight all around.

6. from Nex Machina (End-Game Boss)


Supreme A.I. Talk about a challenge - Supreme A.I. is an insane and insanely awesome battle, a test of pure reflex and your instinctive understanding of the simple but satisfying mechanics at Nex Machina's core. The screenshot above says it all, really. Probably the most intense boss fight I've played this gen, and a perfect way to finish my first playthrough of one of the best arcade games ever made.

5. from Cuphead


Murine Corps. Picking the best boss from Cuphead is like picking the best Dragon Quest game - you might have an inkling of a preference, but there's so much consistency on display that it ends up feeling like a fool's errand. But, if I had to pick one, it'd probably be Murine Corps. The gameplay is solid, there's a great balance between figuring out what to do and then executing it, and - maybe most importantly - the animation is simply incredible. The moment when the cat smashes through the background and eats the mouse is one of my favorite gaming moments of 2017. Literally virtuoso-tier animation.

4. from Resident Evil VII: Biohazard


Marguerite. Another boss where the screenshot pretty much says it all. In VR, this was legitimately one of the most terrifying experiences I've ever had in a work of fiction - possibly the most terrifying. Your heart rate shoots up into the stratosphere as soon as she smashes through the window on the stairs, and from there it's pretty much pure adrenaline until she finally goes down. Creepy body horror, spiders, being attacked from every direction...what a ride. The first time I came running around a corner in the boss area, and she started climbing onto the wall to circle around and cut me off...I couldn't even handle that shit.

3. from Dark Souls III (End-Game Boss)


Soul of Cinder. Though it certainly has its critics, I thought Dark Souls III was a fantastic, consistent entry in the series, and nowhere is this better reflected than in the boss lineup. If you only count base games and not DLCs, this is probably my favorite set of bosses in the series - Champion Gundyr, the Dancer, the Twin Princes, Nameless King, etc. All amazing. While Soul of Cinder might not hit the same pure gameplay highs as something like the Dancer or Champion Gundyr, it more than makes up for it with the atmosphere. If the Souls series really is over (at least as we know it), then this fight was a hell of a way to go out - the eclipse, the concept, the field of flowers and ashen remains, the MUSIC. Literally got chills at the transition when Gwyn's theme kicked in.

2. from Horizon: Zero Dawn


Stormbird. This is, full-stop, my favorite boss fight from a game not made in Japan. This ferocious encounter with a Stormbird atop a snow-capped mountain is the highlight of the entire game for me. The animation, the weather effects, the various tools at your disposal. It's the same thrill that I imagine Monster Hunter gives you at its best (never played one though, looking forward to trying World!). This fight, and the fight against the Thunderjaw back in the Nora homeland, were the absolute proof-of-concepts for what Guerrilla wanted to pull off with the combat in this game. And they nailed it completely.

1. from Bloodborne


Lady Maria. Pack it up, folks. This is the best boss fight of the current gen, and even stands a cut above the other masterpieces it's flanked by (Ludwig and OoK - let's just pretend Living Failures isn't there...). One of the best character duels in video game history. Music, amazing. Concept, amazing. Setting, amazing. I died on purpose so many times just so I could keep fighting her, and the BL4 fight with her was one of the most intense battles I've ever played. A masterpiece and probably in my Top 5 boss fights of all time.

Well those are some of my picks. What are yours?
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Oct 30, 2017
While your example for Nier Automata is probably the correct option, for me it's ending C/D. It doesn't necessarily do as you say in distilling down the game mechanics, but it is definitely the most memorable boss fight in a long time to me!

Deleted member 419

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Oct 25, 2017
Murine Corp and not Sally Stageplay? Whatchu doin?
She was a good one too! I honestly found it really hard to decide which Cuphead boss to include. I ended up basically just going with the one that had my favorite animation.

Toxi Bloodborne was basically THE reason I decided to do one boss per game. I think Ludwig, OoK, and Maria could've been my Top 3 for the gen if I didn't!


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Damn, that's a good list.

I would go with Ludwig instead of Lady Maria though. BEST BOSS CUTSCENE EVER.

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Oct 25, 2017
I'm not even a big fan of boss fights in videogames, but Kuze from Yakuza 0 was done really, really well.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Toxi Bloodborne was basically THE reason I decided to do one boss per game. I think Ludwig, OoK, and Maria could've been my Top 3 for the gen if I didn't!
I definitely think sticking to one boss per game was the right move. Not just because of Bloodborne; you could probably throw half the bosses from Cuphead on there.


Self Requested Ban
Nov 12, 2017
Maria might be the most impacting, and the location and music are awesome, and the surprise of fighting a boss the next room for the previous one makes her appearance very surprising, but her attacks are too easy to read, and parrying just obliterates her. I'd go with Kos from the DLC and the Shadow of Yharnam from the base game.

I'd also put Pontiff Sulyvahn and the Dancer of the Boreal Valley above any of the BB bosses.


Oct 25, 2017
I liked the thunder-jaw in the cauldron the best in that game. It was my first time fighting one and it almost got me a bunch of times but I cleared it my first time.

I always was a bit disappointed a bit with the storm bird behaviors tbh. I wanted more from them.


Oct 25, 2017
3DS is still current gen I guess, right?

Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon

Grouchy Possessor, the first boss, was quite awesome and memorable.


You face off against a giant, possessed spider who shoots mini spiders at you. You have to light a web with a torch and use it to attack the spider. As one review mentioned it's reminiscent of a Rube Goldberg contraption. It's very smooth and playable and any error feels like it's on the part of the player and not the game. It doesn't hurt that this is one of the best-looking games on the 3DS.

Mario & Luigi: Dream Team

I recently finished up this game. As a big fan of the previous entries in the series that I've played, I really didn't mind the much-maligned tutorials much, and I found the game to be a lengthy and wholly charming adventure. Two of the Giant Luigi boss battles in particular stuck out to me.

The first of these is the epic struggle against the Zeekeeper.


These Giant battles consist of stylus attacks and dodges and gyroscope sections. When the Zeekeeper attacks, you have to dodge out of the way or send his attacks back at him. The real fun starts though when he rips open a tear in the dimensional fabric (!) and you have to dodge his attacks using the gyroscope and hit him when he's dazed. It doesn't hurt that the music in this battle is epic.

The Giant Bowser battle is even more epic in some ways.


God DAMN, this battle was a real nail-biter for me. Unlike the non-Giant battles, there's no leveling up for Giant Luigi, so the battles increasingly put your skills to the test and there's no grinding to be done to help you increase your stats and give you a better chance in these battles. You fight Giant Bowser in the middle of a volcano (of course!) and he starts out charging against you. If you dodge him, he falls into lava. The goal is to keep knocking him into the lava, but it's not very easy to do so. You also can jump away from his attacks, onto his airship, and charge into him, and an army of Shy Guys will try to poke at your feet and serve up delicious, regenerating meat to Bowser. There's also a second phase requiring traversal on a massive Star across a gyroscopic obstacle course to deliver a finishing blow. Oh, and of course if you dodge an attack successfully, you get to execute that ultra-satisfying Bowser tail spin, a la Mario 64. The whole game is bursting with creativity--truly the Mario 3D World of RPGs--and these battles are an excellent example of this.


Fat4All Ruined My Rug
Oct 26, 2017
Wonder Jergingha is the best. The fight escalates in several scales in outer space. And the ending sequence is the best.


Oct 26, 2017
Lake Titicaca
Don't know if this counts, but The Last Guardian...

when Trico has that major scuffle with Evil Trico and you as the boy have to use various environment hazards to save your bud.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Fenrir has a fucking awesome monster design. I should try Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
My favorite fights have been Blood-Starved Beast and Orphan of Kos. The former only took a few tries but it felt incredibly intense. The latter took over 50 tries...
Oct 25, 2017
I have to say that the OP has excellent taste. That might be my favourite Cuphead boss as well. Though I also have a soft spot for Grim Matchstick, his final form in particular.

Mory Dunz

Oct 25, 2017
3DS is still current gen I guess, right?

Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon

Grouchy Possessor, the first boss, was quite awesome and memorable.


You face off against a giant, possessed spider who shoots mini spiders at you. You have to light a web with a torch and use it to attack the spider. As one review mentioned it's reminiscent of a Rube Goldberg contraption. It's very smooth and playable and any error feels like it's on the part of the player and not the game. It doesn't hurt that this is one of the best-looking games on the 3DS.

Mario & Luigi: Dream Team

I recently finished up this game. As a big fan of the previous entries in the series that I've played, I really didn't mind the much-maligned tutorials much, and I found the game to be a lengthy and wholly charming adventure. Two of the Giant Luigi boss battles in particular stuck out to me.

The first of these is the epic struggle against the Zeekeeper.


These Giant battles consist of stylus attacks and dodges and gyroscope sections. When the Zeekeeper attacks, you have to dodge out of the way or send his attacks back at him. The real fun starts though when he rips open a tear in the dimensional fabric (!) and you have to dodge his attacks using the gyroscope and hit him when he's dazed. It doesn't hurt that the music in this battle is epic.

The Giant Bowser battle is even more epic in some ways.


God DAMN, this battle was a real nail-biter for me. Unlike the non-Giant battles, there's no leveling up for Giant Luigi, so the battles increasingly put your skills to the test and there's no grinding to be done to help you increase your stats and give you a better chance in these battles. You fight Giant Bowser in the middle of a volcano (of course!) and he starts out charging against you. If you dodge him, he falls into lava. The goal is to keep knocking him into the lava, but it's not very easy to do so. You also can jump away from his attacks, onto his airship, and charge into him, and an army of Shy Guys will try to poke at your feet and serve up delicious, regenerating meat to Bowser. There's also a second phase requiring traversal on a massive Star across a gyroscopic obstacle course to deliver a finishing blow. Oh, and of course if you dodge an attack successfully, you get to execute that ultra-satisfying Bowser tail spin, a la Mario 64. The whole game is bursting with creativity--truly the Mario 3D World of RPGs--and these battles are an excellent example of this.

i saw that video a few years ago, but dang.
I need a new Mario & Luigi on Switch.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Do we really need to hide spoilers?
The thread is totally spoilery by nature.


Oct 25, 2017
I loved Soul of Cinder for many reasons, but I also have to nominate Sister Friede from the DLC for just having one of the most beautiful fighting styles ever rendered in an action RPG (which makes me incredibly jealous and pining for a Souls game that lets us move like that on PC).

Her fighting style plays really well against Slave Knight Gael's fighting style from the Ringed City. Beautiful stuff.


Oct 26, 2017
The Mario Odyssey Boss of Seaside Kingdom that you fight using the whole stage you just traversed as the arena.

That was cool.

Deleted member 4346

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Oct 25, 2017
I haven't played Cuphead or Nioh yet, but I'd say between Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 you could probably pull at least 5 or 6 of the 10 best bosses from this generation. I'd argue that the Slave Knight Gael fight is the superior Dark Souls 3 boss fight to Soul of Cinder, and include:
  • Pontiff Sulyvahn
  • Sister Friede
  • Dance of Boreal Vally
  • Orphen of Kos
  • Ludwig
That last is probably the best boss fight of this generation. He's well-designed, punishing, with an incredible theme and that cutscene, it's From at their best. Lugwig also doesn't suffer from the same hitbox/camera issues that certain other large From bosses (Midir!) does, from my experience.

I would also include Beauvoir in my top 10. Not sure what else.


Oct 30, 2017
IMO Innocence & The Brine King from Path of Exile were awesome boss fights.

They should have map tier versions with the next league so I'm hype.

Ballpoint Ren

Oct 25, 2017
Soul of Cinder for sure, that moment when
Gwyn's theme
starts playing made that boss fight perfect. Nameless King, Gael, and Darkeater Midir were just as great.

Yabbadabbadoo from Persona 5 was great too. One of the few bosses outside of Dark Souls 3 that I had a hard time with.

Deleted member 4067

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Oct 25, 2017
The Nameless King from Dark Souls 3

Ebrietas and Father Gascgoine from Bloodborne

Molduga from Zelda: Breath Of The Wild

Tappin Brews

Oct 25, 2017
Sunset overdrive's fizzie, in all his incarnations. Hell, all the boss battles were good. Terrific game (MS, sequel pls)


Oct 26, 2017
Bloodborne has so many of my GOATS.
Lady Maria
Orphan of Kos
Father Gascoigne

Dark Souls 3 had some goodies too. Especially liked (haven't played the latest DLC, it probably has something great too)
Nameless King
Abyss Watchers
Soul of Cinder
Sister Friede

From are something else honestly.