
Nov 13, 2017

If it hadn't been a musical he would have been fine, if not great as Javert. But it was, and he was not.


Oct 27, 2017
Unpopular opinion: Not among the worst, and the role is iconic now, but I never bought Jack Nicholson as an author in The Shining.

Also agree with King's criticism of the movie, that Nicholson seems crazy right off the bat, and therefore his going crazy isn't much of a transformation.


Nov 1, 2017
Brisbane, Australia
Honestly baffled by all the folks saying lex Luthor, sure he was terrible like most of that film but I'd like to know which actor you think could have pulled off that character with the writing and direction he was given.

The answer is nobody, he's just a terrible character that doesn't work at even a basic level and casting was never the problem.

Most of the other examples make sense though, valerian was especially terrible casting given the way the character could have worked as intended with the right casting and some chemistry between the leads.


Oct 25, 2017
Burt Young in the Godfather Part II.

You have this whole tier of acting with the rest of the cast, then you have Burt Young.


Nov 3, 2017
Portland, OR
Unpopular opinion: Not among the worst, and the role is iconic now, but I never bought Jack Nicholson as an author in The Shining.

Also agree with King's criticism of the movie, that Nicholson seems crazy right off the bat, and therefore his going crazy isn't much of a transformation.
I watched The Shining for the first time a few years back and was like "yeah that was pretty good" and then my friend explained that in the book you're actually supposed to feel bad for the guy and he's supposed to come across as a man who has made mistakes but is trying to make up for them and do the right thing. Casting "I'm always insane" Jack Nicholson to the part is pretty weird, but that's kind of just what Kubrick does. Performances in his movies always prioritize being interesting over being realistic.


Oct 25, 2017
Do you mean Rocky? Because I'm pretty sure Burt Young wasn't in Godfather Part II, hahaha.
Is my mind about to be blown? Who the fuck was playing the guy in Godfather II that the feds thought had flipped for them in court?

Edit: Oh fuck. Michael V Gazzo! Mind blown!

What is my life? I always thought this was Burt Young. And I've seen the film many times.

Oct 27, 2017
In a film with damn near 1:1 PERFECT casting


They fuck up the lead for Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World

I rewatched Scott Pilgrim last night for the first time in years, and I've got to agree. Cera is fine, but he's too likeable for Scott. The whole point of the story is that Scott is a dick, but he doesn't come across that way as much in the movie.

Side note, I think I might have aged out of that movie. It used to be my favorite movie, but the first half felt really awkward to watch now. Once you get to the fights it's fine though.
Oct 27, 2017
Is my mind about to be blown? Who the fuck was playing the guy in Godfather II that the feds thought had flipped for them in court?

Edit: Oh fuck. Michael V Gazzo! Mind blown!

Hahahaha, I just realized he was nominated for an Oscar for that role too somehow.

Coincidentally, I also wonder how Burt Young was nominated for Best Supporting Actor in Rocky even though he is awful in that.

At least you confused it with another middle aged bald white dude with an undeserved Oscar nomination.

ham bone

Alt account
Apr 12, 2018
I'm not a huge Don Cheadle fan for War Machine...Terrence Howard was way cooler. Don Cheadle just doesn't look the military type IMO.

Don Cheadle in any adventure roll doesn't sit well with me. And when he's playing "cool," like House of Lies or Oceans 12. I always picture him as his character from Picket Fences.


Quiet, unassuming, and competent.

Halle Berry as Storm. Angela Bassett must have thought super hero movies were dumb because why wouldn't you get angela Basset?


Anton Sugar

Oct 27, 2017
But that's just it, it's a question of the direction of the film using a book difference to argue against an actor's performance and not was what was asked of the actor for the scene. It's a skewed perspective. It speaks of the change being not savory to book readers but is completely lost on a person like me who only gets to see the performance and direction in film. Heck maybe the script did ask to be calm, it's all on Gabon, or it didn't and asked for a more fanatical response. Just doing a film adaptation results in different creative direction, it's a completely different medium.

To not like the direction I can understand but use it to diminish the actor is harsh, that's the issue.

Yup. The fact that it wasn't just this one scene that was acted in a "wrong" direction, points to (IMO):
  1. Actor who is out of control and won't take direction
  2. Directors who are completely fine/happy with his portrayal
  3. Directors who are scared of coaching the actor (closedly related to point 1)
  4. Any combo of the above, I suppose
Now I'm tempted to watch through Gambon's career in the Harry Potter movies. I can't remember if he was this "energized" or not in Azkaban (his first portrayal of Dumbledore, right?).

Fans should remember that actors not only audition for a part, but go through rehearsals and numerous takes. Mike Newell could have been like "okay, one more but maybe try it...angry? this time?" and/or the editor (and director) could have reviewed every take and felt that fit better than all the others. I mean, clearly they did do that, or it wouldn't be in the movie.
Oct 30, 2017
And least we forget

To add a non-offensive one


Speaking of Godzilla casting, does anyone else think its funny they cast Elizabeth Olsen and Aaron Johnson,
the loving couple of husband and wife from Godzilla, as Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch known to be really "close" brother and sister characters in Age of Ultron? Someone must have been winking real hard from Ultimates from the comic books.

Ignatz Mouse

Oct 27, 2017
I like Michael Gambon as Dumbledore and I like Goblet of Fire. But I'll grant it's a departure from his portrayal in the books (for the better).


Oct 25, 2017
Unpopular opinion: Not among the worst, and the role is iconic now, but I never bought Jack Nicholson as an author in The Shining.

Also agree with King's criticism of the movie, that Nicholson seems crazy right off the bat, and therefore his going crazy isn't much of a transformation.

I wouldn't say unpopular, as most people familiar with The Shining know now that Kubrick and King had very different visions for the story and it's characters.

Nicholson being his usual monstrous self played exactly into what Kubrick wanted out of his character, so from that angle he's damn near the best cast at the time for such a role, whereas if you were to slot him into King's own televised version of the story, he'd be completely out of his element as there is literally no redeeming qualities to him.

I think it's harder to outline who gave good performances and bad ones, when creative minds behind each version of the story are such polar opposites.


Oct 25, 2017
Gary Oldman in Tiptoes.


What in the fuck was anyone involved thinking?

edit: Seriously....


Deleted member 14377

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017

Also I'm going to get crazy hate for this but

for me


Christian Bale has never been a good batman or a good bruce wayne
Heath Ledger was never a good joker

Now before people go fucking wild

I think those movies are solid as a rock I really like them for the most part. But they are not a good Batman/Wayne or Joker. They are good if you ignore who batman and joker are and focus on their acting and aspects of the character they bring themselves but I don't think they are a good representation of the clown prince of crime and the dark knight ideals


I don't consider him a part of the Who universe, nor will I ever.

Maybe the movie sucks sure. But his audio dramas are incredible and is amazing


Oct 27, 2017
You monster. The Eighth Doctor is a treasure, even if his movie is garbage. Some of his audio stories are phenomenal.
To be fair, this thread is about film miscasts, albeit I have not actually listened to the audio adventures, so I can't speak to those.

I'm sure they're much better considering they were created well after the debacle that was the movie. XD

Deleted member 14377

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Christian Bale has never been a good batman or a good bruce wayne
Heath Ledger was never a good joker

Now before people go fucking wild

I think those movies are solid as a rock I really like them for the most part. But they are not a good Batman/Wayne or Joker. They are good if you ignore who batman and joker are and focus on their acting and aspects of the character they bring themselves but I don't think they are a good representation of the clown prince of crime and the dark knight ideals

I agree 100%. And on that note, I'm going to leave you to defend yourself lol


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
To be fair, this thread is about film miscasts, albeit I have not actually listened to the audio adventures, so I can't speak to those.

I'm sure they're much better considering they were created well after the debacle that was the movie. XD

If you've never seen it, watch the little short minisode they made about Eight in the leadup to the 50th Anniversary special. McGann is delightful in it - he's the perfect middle-ground Doctor between the classic style and the modern style.


Oct 27, 2017
If you've never seen it, watch the little short minisode they made about Eight in the leadup to the 50th Anniversary special. McGann is delightful in it - he's the perfect middle-ground Doctor between the classic style and the modern style.
Yeah, I'll probably have to get around to those eventually.

The film experience was just such a downer, it sort of ruined that Doctor for me in general. I feel the way they written him too made him feel fairly out of place as a Doctor, and in general, just didn't really appeal to me.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
I thought Micheal Cera was great in Scott Pilgrim. And yes he was a dick in that movie, just a likeable, charming dick.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I'll probably have to get around to those eventually.

The film experience was just such a downer, it sort of ruined that Doctor for me in general. I feel the way they written him too made him feel fairly out of place as a Doctor, and in general, just didn't really appeal to me.

That's not weird at all. Some of Smith's episodes were so bad that they completely poisoned him as the Doctor for me for like three years. It's only now that he AND Capaldi are gone that I've been able to go back and appraise him less emotionally. He's still not my favorite or anywhere close to it, but I don't hate him as much as I used to.