

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
What's the point of starting a discussion if you aren't able to convince 100% of the participants and know you never will?
This thread wasn't to convince others it was for others to convince me and it's not working

I already expected the main response in here to be because it's fun before I even posted, that's not good enough for me

Cokie Bear

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
I just focus on winning the match I'm currently playing. I don't really care about long term progression


Oct 27, 2017
Houston, TX
That title actually me made laugh. I don't know if that was the intention or not but thanks for that. But seriously, I love multiplayer games, especially fighting games. I feel like I'm learning and improving with every game even if I don't win.


Oct 25, 2017
I am gonna leave this here
You're never gonna make it, your're not good enough, there is a million other people with the same stuff, you really think you're different, then you must be kidding, you think your gonna hit it, bu t you just don't get it. It's impossible it's not probable, you're irresponsible , too many obstacles you got to stop it yo, you gotta take it slow you can't be pro!


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
For fun.

And I can guarantee you that you aren't in the top 1% of smash players


Oct 25, 2017
This thread wasn't to convince others it was for others to convince me and it's not working

I already expected the main response in here to be because it's fun before I even posted that's not good enough for me
If it's not fun for you then it's not fun for you and you have a ton of single player games.

You want other people to tell you how to have fun? Make a decision bruv
May 18, 2018
This thread wasn't to convince others it was for others to convince me and it's not working
You've accidentally thought other people need you to have fun. Go do something else. No one cares at all

Edit: Oh you're a Smash player....my bad. That explains everything including your replies. Every time I give that community the benefit of the doubt....
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Cokie Bear

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
I've been playing Hearthstone FTP for the last 4 months and am having a blast. I am rank 19 and realize I will never be top tier, but I win a bunch an enjoy experimenting immensely with new cards and classes.

Ive been playing it almost daily since it was in Beta and have never got above rank 10. Most of my fun in hearthstone comes from meme decks, and more recently the Battlegrounds mode


Oct 27, 2017
Jesus OP, what a weird, simultaneously defeatist and elitist attitude. Never thought I'd see it. I feel bad for you if you ever get into weightlifting; you'll be that guy in the gym who's progressing well, getting stronger and faster every day, and then suddenly the guy next to you deadlifts 455 for reps and you'll just give up forever lol.

"What's the point of getting stronger if I'll never be the strongest?"
The answer is because it's worth it to know that you'll be a better you tomorrow than you were today. That is satisfying. Stop comparing yourself to others, only compare you to your past self. Progression is beating who you were, not beating the world.


Mar 13, 2018
imagine asking this about any competitive activity lol

why do people play basketball, run marathons, play little league
I hear it often regarding drawing/art, which is a bit sad. Not everything has to be a competition.
Heck, I play Puyo and other similar puzzle games with chill because I know it's the only way it'll be fun if the other person isn't experienced.


Oct 30, 2017
Technically he said he's in the top 1%. There's an enormous difference.

Yeah, top .01% flies around the country in airplanes.

This thread wasn't to convince others it was for others to convince me and it's not working

I already expected the main response in here to be because it's fun before I even posted, that's not good enough for me

Why do you need "convincing" now? This thread was about people's reasons, they've given their reasons, why are you the arbiter of what's valid or not?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Orlando, FL
Every match is a win or loss, if you don't care if you lose and just enjoy moving your character around a map you don't have to be in a competitive game to do that
You're trying to apply a binary result to your worth as a competitor, when there's much more to it than that.

A match is more than just who wins or loses, it's about how players react and try to outplay each other. So many things can happen in a game that will make you have to engage in what your opponent is doing. This is what makes playing competitively interesting and fun, not the result. There are millions of things you can be the best at, but if you don't care for those things then there is no point.

A person with a competitive mindset can have fun even with losing. This is why so many people go to tournaments despite literally half of them going 0-2 by design. They play to test the limits of their abilities and see how they stack up. If they get destroyed, then they'll know that they have a lot to learn in order to improve. If they have close games and still lose, then at least the games they played gave them a rush of adrenaline and pushed them to their limits, and they can look back at their performance with little regrets.

When you reduce things to just results, then all that does is foster a toxic mindset. You'll keep asking yourself "why do I keep losing?", when what you should be asking is "what should I do to improve?". You don't think about that cool combo you did mid-match and instead say "why did I get hit by that?". You stop enjoying the moment-to-moment gameplay, and you won't learn from your losses and start assigning blame on something, anything.

And eventually, you'll reach a point where you realize that you're no longer having fun.

Which is literally the entire point.

(Also, you are definitely not in the top 1,500 players or so if you don't even go to offline tournaments. Probably not even top 15,000.)


Oct 30, 2017
Because making everyone in my team feel miserable is satisfying enough. Having all this power in changing someone else state of spirit just by playing some game just make me feel powerful.

Nov 8, 2017
Stockholm, Sweden
Because it's a videogame, and videogames are fun, and people like having fun.

Also why do you even bother living if you can't be the emperor of earth and the undisputed champion of everything?

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Nov 2, 2017
Nottingham, UK
I've pretty much stopped playing all multiplayer games except for smash bros because I'm decent at it, I would guess I'm in the top 1,000 or 500 maybe but even then I think sometimes I'll never be in the top 10 or top 100 so should I keep playing it

multiplayer games have millions of players but out of those millions only the top 10-500 players are truly good at the game, arent all those millions below those top players just wasting their time? Why do they keep logging on every night to lose and not keep progressing?

you can say because it's fun or whatever but how is it fun not progressing and knowing you will never be at the top unless you play for 8 hrs every day and it's the only game you play?
Fucking hell, Ninja. Calm down.


Oct 30, 2017
Some of the most fun I've ever had in "competitive" videogames has been just dicking around. Trying to drive the warthog into the bases in Blood Gulch. Doing a roll and jump in a particular spot and soaring across the level in Jedi Outcast. Finding interesting places in the stock Quake maps with the Team Fortress grappling hook.

OP's missing out on a lot of fun because of his weird hangups.


Zeboyd Games
Oct 26, 2017
Technically he said he's in the top 1%. There's an enormous difference.

He said "I would guess I'm in the top 1,000 or 500 maybe" in regards to Smash Bros. In a game with over 17 million copies sold, that would put him in the 0.01% percentile if true. Thinking you're in the Top 0.01% percentile of players in a game without the tournament wins (or in the case of a 1P game, the leaderboard score or the speedrunning time) to back you up is either incredibly arrogant or incredibly naïve.


Aug 19, 2018
To GET to the top. I'm in the top 3% in Street Fighter 5 and I get matched with the top players on earth.

But I wouldn't have gotten there if I quit at the lower levels.


Oct 27, 2017
I actually feel bad for anyone who thinks like this.

They're missing out on so much that gaming, and honestly, life has to offer.


Oct 30, 2017
He said "I would guess I'm in the top 1,000 or 500 maybe" in regards to Smash Bros. In a game with over 17 million copies sold, that would put him in the 0.01% percentile if true. Thinking you're in the Top 0.01% percentile of players in a game without the tournament wins (or in the case of a 1P game, the leaderboard score or the speedrunning time) to back you up is either incredibly arrogant or incredibly naïve.

Hey, I'm pretty sure I was in the top 1% of Super Street Fighter II players. I could beat both my brother and sister, at least 95% of the time (sometimes my controller didn't work).


Oct 27, 2017
He said "I would guess I'm in the top 1,000 or 500 maybe" in regards to Smash Bros. In a game with over 17 million copies sold, that would put him in the 0.01% percentile if true. Thinking you're in the Top 0.01% percentile of players in a game without the tournament wins (or in the case of a 1P game, the leaderboard score or the speedrunning time) to back you up is either incredibly arrogant or incredibly naïve.

I re-read the initial post and ... yikes, I stand corrected.

And I agree with you!


Oct 27, 2017
Just outside Holtburg
I know it's already been said, but for fun.

I'm not great and I've definitely never been anywhere near the best player, but if I enjoy the moment to moment gameplay of a multiplayer game then I continue playing even if I'm not the best. You seem to suggest that I could just play single player, but that's wrong. It being multiplayer entirely changes the dynamics and can bring out completely different things than single player.


Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
I've pretty much stopped playing all multiplayer games except for smash bros because I'm decent at it, I would guess I'm in the top 1,000 or 500 maybe but even then I think sometimes I'll never be in the top 10 or top 100 so should I keep playing it

multiplayer games have millions of players but out of those millions only the top 10-500 players are truly good at the game, arent all those millions below those top players just wasting their time? Why do they keep logging on every night to lose and not keep progressing?

you can say because it's fun or whatever but how is it fun not progressing and knowing you will never be at the top unless you play for 8 hrs every day and it's the only game you play?

I'm not top 1% in anything in life.. yet i still enjoy it.

What a thread!

Progressing is fun.. but it's not the only dopamine release most people get out of MP gaming.

Why does a kid go outside and play basketball if he doesnt plan to go to the nba... what a waste of time.


Designer at Iron Galaxy Studios
Oct 29, 2017
Orlando, FL
People play for different reasons.

Some people play because they want to be the best. They want to climb a mountain and wont feel satisfaction until they reach the top.

Some people play because they want to be stronger than they were last time, and any self improvement is enough to feel satisfaction.

Some people play to make others angry and feel satisfaction if they can annoy or frustrate their opponents. They don't even care if they win.

Some people play to remain social with friends who also play. It gives them a common thing to talk about together.

The list goes on.


Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
This is such a weird humblebrag on how good you are while not actually being at the level you describe. By your own words you shouldn't be playing smash either.
Nov 8, 2017
Stockholm, Sweden
Single player games aren't competitive, going out to eat isn't competitive, going to
Movies isn't competitive etc

Speedruns, speed eating, who has seen the most movies.
Go forth and be the best OP, win at life.

I actually feel bad for anyone who thinks like this.

They're missing out on so much that gaming, and honestly, life has to offer.

Seriously, what a joyless way to look at things, i feel kinda bad for OP.
Oct 25, 2017
I think you're dismissing the "it's fun" responses without thinking enough about it. It's not just that people are mindlessly pressing buttons and laughing like morons, it's that competition itself is fun. Improving is also a ton of fun. It's why speedrunners also try to go for PBs (Personal Best) instead of only ever caring about World Record.

My best time so far in getting the Immortal Severance ending Glitchless for Sekiro is 1h14min. According to the speedrun.com leaderboard, that would put me in 22nd. The WR holder did it in 45 minutes. I doubt I'll ever get that good, but it's fine. I'm happy with my 1h14min. I love the game, and I love being able to finish it in a little more than an hour whenever I feel like playing that game. It was really fun learning it in enough depth to get to that time in the first place.

You seem to only enjoy the results, going by the premise of your thread, but the road to get there is worthwhile by itself, even if you never become the best.


Jan 11, 2018
Because you enjoy the game? You don't need to be the best to have fun. This is like asking why go outside and play sports if you're not good enough to play them at a professional level. It's because you enjoy playing.