
Oct 26, 2017
I love spiders and centipedes and they are always free to live in my spaces.

I actually killed a small centipede the other day when he was hiding under my bathmat....

I felt like I hit a squirrel, I almost threw up


Oct 27, 2017
I live in an apartment so I have never seen anything but small house spiders. I let them be in the one or two corners and sometimes have to destroy their webs but we co -habitate nicely. I literally spent 2 hours hunting down a fly a day ago. I cant abide any other insect in my abode.


Oct 26, 2017
Who was this written by? A spider? I ain't walkin into your web, buddy.

For real though this is weird. Its like saying "most people aren't mauled by bears when they go in the woods! Go hug em' up!" freakin pro spider lobby


Dec 25, 2017
I let spiders hang out all around the outside of house and even inside. If they get too close to me they'll die.

Some spiders do get very big. Had this one outside my home. I sprayed it and it actually started coming towards me.

I mostly get the Long Bodied Cellar Spider Size and black jumping spiders inside and outside of my home. The Green Lynx Spider stays outside my front windows. When I leave those spiders along I tend to see less of any other type of spiders and fewer insects.

Wasp are more of a pest than the spiders.


Oct 25, 2017
There is a serious anti spider lobby on the internet. Look at these guys




This is where the anti spider lobby originates. I'm a big fan of house spiders/spider bros. I turned my girlfriend into one too, even if she isn't 100% convinced. She at least won't kill the Sierra she just tried to relocate them around (not outside).

Ethical Hedonism

Permanent ban for creating alt account to troll.
Oct 25, 2017
I kinda love my house spiders, they're always hunting those pesty mosquitoes, whenever I check their webs they have some dinner saved for later.
They're awesome for that, thanks house spiders.

Deleted member 93841

User-requested account closure
Mar 17, 2021


Oct 27, 2017
The media (local in particular) loves and thrives on fear. Spiders are a safe space to generate that engagement without pushback. Spider scientists aren't exactly the same in number as, say, advocates for people experiencing homelessness. And even then, look how badly the media performs.

Can we talk about house centipedes?


You mean the cockroach's native predator? They are our true, disgusting looking allies.

Deleted member 70788

Jun 2, 2020
The media (local in particular) loves and thrives on fear. Spiders are a safe space to generate that engagement without pushback. Spider scientists aren't exactly the same in number as, say, advocates for people experiencing homelessness. And even then, look how badly the media performs.

You mean the cockroach's native predator? They are our true, disgusting looking allies.
I agree. They are horrifying, but pose little risk and, again, kill a lot of harmful bugs.

I ally with my spider and centipede bros to keep out the ants, flys, mosquitoes, and other pests.

Scott Lufkin

Dec 7, 2017
A few years back I stopped killing the creepy wolf spiders I would find in my basement - and I convinced my wife and kids to leave them be as well. They are totally harmless but they hunt and keep the basement clear of other bugs, from centipedes to other unsavory guests, while mostly keeping out of site and to themselves.

A couple of weeks back, I woke up and went to use the bathroom when I saw a big wolf spider curled up and floating in the toilet. I felt bad and was about to flush it when I thought I'd check and see if it was dead - so I took a square of TP and touched the corner to it, and it reacted. So I put the TP under it and it immediately climbed out and up over my arm and onto my deck, where it rested for a bit and I tried not to panic. It was a VERY large spider. But it eventually climbed up to the top of my head (I keep my hair cut short, thankfully), onto the other side of my neck, and then I scooped it up safely (I was trying hard not to squish it after just saving it) and put it back on the bathroom floor, where I haven't seen it since.

I'm growing fond of these little guys.


Oct 25, 2017
off topic, but i watched Hereditary shortly after seeing Midsommar when it first released in cinemas and kinda expected a similar level of psychological horror rather than outright scares. to put it mildly the me who decided to watch this in the middle of the night on my own was very, very unprepared
Hereditary was quite a scary movie for me.


Oct 28, 2017
Seattle, WA, USA
I'll tow the bad line... fuck spiders.

I hate them lol, always have.

Never been bit, never known anyone that had any serious issues with them, I just don't like them. I will generally not kill them if I find them in my house unless they are ON me lol. If they are outside I could care less what they do.


Apr 29, 2019
"Spiders almost never bite people" yeah tell that to the 8 spider bites I have all over my left foot, sounds like this was written by a spider to me

It's probably technically true in the same way that it's technically true that mosquitoes almost never bite people. After all, there are over 100 trillion mosquitoes in the world, and only the females drink blood. So half of them are out of the picture already. Then there's the fact that even most bloodsucking mosquitoes will go their entire life without ever encountering a person - instead likely drinking the blood of birds, frogs, mice, or whatever other animal that venture near water sources - making it all the more true that technically, they almost never bite people when compared to the size of their overall population. But still, even if only 1% do actually bite, that's still over a trillion of them on the attack. And that doesn't seem so rare when you put it like that.


Oct 25, 2017
"Rarely biting people" my ass. I have almost more spider bites than mosquito bites a year (3-4). I hate those house spider shit, especially when noticing them in my bed after a sudden attack!

Deleted member 93841

User-requested account closure
Mar 17, 2021
A few years back I stopped killing the creepy wolf spiders I would find in my basement - and I convinced my wife and kids to leave them be as well. They are totally harmless but they hunt and keep the basement clear of other bugs, from centipedes to other unsavory guests, while mostly keeping out of site and to themselves.

A couple of weeks back, I woke up and went to use the bathroom when I saw a big wolf spider curled up and floating in the toilet. I felt bad and was about to flush it when I thought I'd check and see if it was dead - so I took a square of TP and touched the corner to it, and it reacted. So I put the TP under it and it immediately climbed out and up over my arm and onto my deck, where it rested for a bit and I tried not to panic. It was a VERY large spider. But it eventually climbed up to the top of my head (I keep my hair cut short, thankfully), onto the other side of my neck, and then I scooped it up safely (I was trying hard not to squish it after just saving it) and put it back on the bathroom floor, where I haven't seen it since.

I'm growing fond of these little guys.

"Your kindness towards my children has pleased me, mortal. You have earned your eternal place in my nest."


Dark Knight

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Spiders are creepy but super cool. I like spiders and wish I had more tolerance for the grosser ones.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd wager that mosquitoes kill more people in a year by spreading malaria than all the fatal spider bites in human history.

So I'm on the team that thinks spiders aren't all that bad.


Jul 1, 2020
I kill all spiders in my home on sight. The life or death situations they may face could be me putting my foot into a shoe they're occupying. I'd rather them all die than me face any non-zero percentage risk of being bit. The only bug I haven't exterminated on sight is a ladybug, I've released them outdoors in the past.


Oct 27, 2017

I don't usually see them much anymore in my house, but let me tell you I've seen a few really juicy fuckers in my time. 🤢

That just means they've eaten a lot of cockroaches, doing their job of protecting your house. They're one of the most beneficial creatures you can have in your walls.

I kill all spiders in my home on sight. The life or death situations they may face could be me putting my foot into a shoe they're occupying. I'd rather them all die than me face any non-zero percentage risk of being bit. The only bug I haven't exterminated on sight is a ladybug, I've released them outdoors in the past.

The vast, vast majority of spiders encountered in a house will not bite even when strongly provoked. Very silly reason to kill something.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I never kill spiders in my house if I can help it. I always try to use a red Solo cup an scoop them up and then cover with a paper plate. Then I take them outside and say "You're free!" and then they say "wtf bro??"

As long as they aren't in my way I leave their webs alone. Outside my house at least. If they come inside I bring them outside.

I never kill spiders. Sometimes if they are annoying, I'll catch them at let them outside. But mostly I just leave them. Would rather them be around than ants, mosquitoes, or flies.

Don't put spiders outside if you want them to keep living, it will probably kill them because most species of indoor spiders can't survive outside manmade structures.

This is where the anti spider lobby originates. I'm a big fan of house spiders/spider bros. I turned my girlfriend into one too, even if she isn't 100% convinced. She at least won't kill the Sierra she just tried to relocate them around (not outside).

Are you a witch? And did you at least turn her back, or is she still scuttling around eating bugs?


Oct 28, 2017
Spiders and House Centipedes I let live their lives so long as they don't set up shop in a bad spot.

The House Centipedes are a bit freaky and fast, but they'll generally stay out of sight and eat most any bad bug you'd have in your house. The can have a painful (but harmless) bite if you straight up touch them but like spiders they'd rather run away.

Some of our spiders end up in the vacuum if they set up shop in a corner and we vacuumed up their conveniently placed victims but accidentally get them too. Unless it's a Black Widow (the only venomous anything we *might* see but basically never do) then they get to chill as long as they want.

Outside we might clear out old webs from time to time, or any in a doorwalk/walkway, but otherwise we appreciate their insect slaughterfest.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Hey, if spiders stay out out of my living space we can coexist. Shit, i'll even concede the basement to them but the second I see one in my bed room its fucking on.


Oct 25, 2017
It's probably technically true in the same way that it's technically true that mosquitoes almost never bite people. After all, there are over 100 trillion mosquitoes in the world, and only the females drink blood. So half of them are out of the picture already. Then there's the fact that even most bloodsucking mosquitoes will go their entire life without ever encountering a person - instead likely drinking the blood of birds, frogs, mice, or whatever other animal that venture near water sources - making it all the more true that technically, they almost never bite people when compared to the size of their overall population. But still, even if only 1% do actually bite, that's still over a trillion of them on the attack. And that doesn't seem so rare when you put it like that.
Oh I know haha my post was meant to be tongue in cheek. I mean, I did get bit like 8-9 times on my foot (the first time I've ever been bitten so many times, and the first time spider bites have ever made me itch like my skin was on fire) but I mainly wanted to make the joke that a spider wrote the article :p


Oct 25, 2017
Sorry, still won't be liking them. We have a truce: you're outside? Cool, I'll keep my distance and won't kill you. You're in my home? You fucked up there, buddy.


Aug 18, 2018
And what about the primarily vegetarian spider Bagheera kiplingi?
Can we talk about house centipedes?

House Centipedes have it rough. One of the biggest bros to have running around your house taking care of pests, but because they apparently hired a terrible PR team they also happen to look like something H.R. Giger rejected for looking "too horrifying"


Oct 28, 2017
I tend to leave spiders alone in my house and consider most of them helpful. That said, I've seen what a brown recluse bite did to an ex's stomach region a decade back - so those and black widows will always get an instant death sentence from me.


Oct 27, 2017
Sorry, still won't be liking them. We have a truce: you're outside? Cool, I'll keep my distance and won't kill you. You're in my home? You fucked up there, buddy.

The good Indoor spiders prey on ants, cockroaches, and mosquitos though, which I assume you'd much rather not have and also not have to deal with the annoyance of getting rid of.

Having a few indoor spiders is actively good for the wellbeing of the place, tbh.

There's definitely a few you should kill on sight but just blindly killing all spiders is a net negative for you.


Oct 27, 2017
New York
As someone who absolutely loves spiders, yeah. This is how it's always been.

Spiders are great to have around and, so long as you don't have a complete infestation, there's no reason not to have some living with you. I've got tons of jumping spiders (unfotunately none as big or adorable as the one in that video in the OP) and orb-weavers here, but also black widows and wolf spiders. Been living here almost 30 years and have yet to ever be bitten by any of them.

Can we talk about house centipedes?

They're hideous, disgusting, and I absolutely hate them…. But they do a great job of killing any actual pest insects the spiders don't catch, so I'd still never kill one if I come across it.


▲ Legend ▲
Jun 23, 2021
Does it matter if they do or don't bite people? People kill em because they're creepy,or they don't want bugs around. Deadliness is almost secondary.


Oct 27, 2017
Oklahoma, USA
I'm slowly getting over my irrational fear of spiders. I've never been bitten or even harassed by them yet I instinctually recoil when I see one that's larger than a dime. However, now instead of killing them, I've been mustering up my courage to capture and release back into the yard so they can keep eating the other stuff.

House centipedes can fuck right off though. I know it's ok and even good for them to clean up the house of pests for you, but geez. They really freak me out.


Oct 27, 2017
New York
Does it matter if they do or don't bite people? People kill em because they're creepy,or they don't want bugs around. Deadliness is almost secondary.
Plenty of animals are creepy yet aren't killed on sight or presented in anywhere near the massively negative light spiders get though. It's an awful excuse for killing a totally non-harmful or even beneficial creature…