Agent 47

Jun 24, 2018
Is Jaffe just trying to say ridiculous and outlandish things to stay in peoples minds?

Just slick out of existence dude, your time has passed. Or keep spouting insane shit and take a beating to your name.


Oct 25, 2017
He (milo) has only been deplatformed on twitter, right? He's been fading away without even being pulled out of much.


Nov 10, 2017
It's interesting how the radical left isn't advocating hate against anyone, yet rarely do people stick up for their right to a platform.

I don't think "The Middle" (if that's what Jaffe is here...) are standing up for free speech so much as guaranteeing they're the only ones in the public sphere presenting an alternative to barbarism. Socialism offers solutions to both big global crises, and restoring a rising standard of living for 99% of people. Yet it is shunned from big public forums because it points the finger at the numerically tiny ruling elite class.


Nov 3, 2017
Who specifically should be forced to give Milo a platform against their will?

Facebook if they do not want to be considered a publisher, or Twitter if they do not want to be considered a publisher. You know these giant social media forums that like to hide behind the law when it comes to liable but also want to pretend it does not apply to them when they start censoring content and people.

I don't like Milo. I think he has a right to his opinion though. He should have every right to say what he wants in a public forum as long as it is not a call to action. You know like yelling fire in a building full of people.

If we do it y'alls way we end up banning all speach because it today's world everyone finds everything offensive one way or another.

Damn Silly

Oct 25, 2017

I'm fine with not providing dipshits like Milo a platform to spout their toxicity on.


Oct 25, 2017
Saying this when even the right told Milo to fuck off after he started defending pedophiles is quite something.

Fuck off Jaffe.


Nov 3, 2017
Define hate speech. The supream court ruled that hate speech is cover under the 1st amendment because their is no way to define it. Anything could be considered hate speech.


Nov 3, 2017
Facebook if they do not want to be considered a publisher, or Twitter if they do not want to be considered a publisher. You know these giant social media forums that like to hide behind the law when it comes to liable but also want to pretend it does not apply to them when they start censoring content and people.

I don't like Milo. I think he has a right to his opinion though. He should have every right to say what he wants in a public forum as long as it is not a call to action. You know like yelling fire in a building full of people.

If we do it y'alls way we end up banning all speach because it today's world everyone finds everything offensive one way or another.
Facebook and Twitter have since their inception been dictating who is and who isn't allowed to post on their sites.

What do you want, exactly? The government to step in?


Oct 25, 2017
Where do people get the idea that the most pure form of freedom of speech is a scenario where all ideas are broadcasted with maximum force at all times?

A version of the marketplace of ideas that is as responsive to bad ideas as it is to good ones is broken. People have a right to choose what kind of nonsense to allow on their platforms. Feel free to seek out Milo's unique brand of nonsense, but forgive those of us who are a little more discerning.
Oct 27, 2017
As society we deem some opinions as having no value. Sexual assault, murder, child pornography, etc. these are extreme cases

I think racism and sexism fit in there too.

Obviously people need to be made aware of their habits that are racist/sexist and then given the opportunity to change.

But people whose whole platform is they hate groups of people, yeah that adds nothing positive to society and while I understand the need to protect free speech, we have to draw the line somewhere


Oct 27, 2017
Define hate speech. The supream court ruled that hate speech is cover under the 1st amendment because their is no way to define it. Anything could be considered hate speech.

Milo is not given a gag in his mouth, he can still spout whatever he wants, finding an audience is his problem. Twitter, Facebook et al. are not beholden to give him a platform.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
Haven't felt the need to consider Jaffe relevant for a long ass time. Thanks for putting the final nail in the coffin, bro.


Oct 28, 2017
Allowing Nazi's to speak is how we got the holocaust, you're are not supposed to let Toxic ideologies spread, I don't know why this is so hard for some centralist or republicans to get


Oct 25, 2017
Shutting racists down and not letting them spread hate speech, USA's 1st problem.

Keep strong my American ERA comrades, my thoughts to your loss.


Oct 27, 2017
I haven't watched the whole video, but I get his point about college. College is where you're supposed to learn to question stuff and judge things for yourself. It makes sense to me that you need to expose people to both good and bad so they can learn to judge for themselves and tell the difference. Surely full censorship or erasure of (bad) ideas is how we get history to repeat itself.


Nov 10, 2017
Is this held in high esteem here?

It's a decent starting point, but it presumes a democratic polity who gets to decide what constitutes an intolerant position. In reality those decisions are made by economic elite TV producers, newspaper editors, and university board members. Why do we deplatform Milo, but not the architects of the Iraq War? As despicable as Milo's statements, he hasn't killed 500k+ innocent civilians.


Oct 27, 2017
I haven't watched the whole video, but I get his point about college. College is where you're supposed to learn to question stuff and judge things for yourself. It makes sense to me that you need to expose people to both good and bad so they can learn to judge for themselves and tell the difference. Surely full censorship or erasure of (bad) ideas is how we get history to repeat itself.

Should The Taliban, ISIS or KKK get to hold a speech at my college then? Y' I can see the bad ideas as well?


Oct 26, 2017
Milo has free speech, nobody is forcing him to wear a muzzler. He just can't spout his bs on private platforms. He can do it in public ones like on the street if he wants. Even then there are consequences.


Oct 27, 2017
What the fuck is this shit?!

America's obsession with giving equal voice and platform to people who are obviously terrible is kind of, well terrible. If your POV is one of racism, misogyny, anti equal rights, pro white nationalism, there should be a concerted effort by the media and society in general shut you out. Period. Point blank!


Oct 25, 2017
Facebook if they do not want to be considered a publisher, or Twitter if they do not want to be considered a publisher. You know these giant social media forums that like to hide behind the law when it comes to liable but also want to pretend it does not apply to them when they start censoring content and people.

That's not how section 230 works lmao


Oct 25, 2017
Define hate speech. The supream court ruled that hate speech is cover under the 1st amendment because their is no way to define it. Anything could be considered hate speech.

It's obvious what hate speech is. Racism, bigotry, sexism, homophobia... speech that is directed to minorities or peoples with the intent to cause harm.

Dark Cloud

Oct 27, 2017
Why would you let people fucking talk. You let them fucking talk and people will listen and take their ideologies and use them.


Oct 25, 2017
Imagine being the asshole that says "our country is suffering" because of trashbags of flesh like Milo getting 'deplatformed'. Imagine the privilege of it all.


Restless Insomniac
Oct 25, 2017
Had to remind myself who this guy was. Hasn't worked on anything I remotely care about or would hint to me that he has any idea what he's even talking about.