
Oct 27, 2017
I just hope they patch out those awful always online requirements. Who cares if some people cheat themselves to what's in the game at launch, they paid for the game, let them do what they want. Myself I want to play Towers of Time for a long time and see cheating more as skipping over the playing the game part, but to each their own.

If they absolutely must have a online only single player component then have it be something like time limited towers that have new costumes and gear. Fold the new stuff into the offline loot drop pool after some months time.
Jan 11, 2018
I just hope they patch out those awful always online requirements. Who cares if some people cheat themselves to what's in the game at launch, they paid for the game, let them do what they want. Myself I want to play Towers of Time for a long time and see cheating more as skipping over the playing the game part, but to each their own.

They seriously seem to think people who would hack the game count as lost microtransactions. There is no other reason for them to police offline content like this, if it wasn't about making more money.


Oct 25, 2017
If they absolutely must have a online only single player component then have it be something like time limited towers that have new costumes and gear. Fold the new stuff into the offline loot drop pool after some months time.

Yeah, if they want to add stuff to the game for events and things and make it online only, that's reasonable.

Requiring online for "validation" is ridiculous for content in the base game. The reasoning it transparent as hell. It's all about driving people to microtransactions out of frustration and they need to be online to sell their magic crystals.
Oct 25, 2017
I wonder if it's just Krystals they will be selling. Just look at this from that youtube video.


I thought Injustice 2 was bad having 4 currencies in it (Coins/Guild Coins/Regen Tokens/Source Crystals) but this game has 7 Currencies. MKX sold the Skip Fight and Easy Fatality Tokens before,, I would not be surprised if they do that again se as well as sell Gear Tokens and the Time Krystals (Just like Injustice sold it's Source Crystals).
The fact there are 7 types of currencies in a 60 dollar game makes me want to vomit.


Oct 25, 2017
The fact there are 7 types of currencies in a 60 dollar game makes me want to vomit.

I'm convinced their mobile team developed this mode...and someone forgot to tell them it's and a f2p game and people paid $60-$100 for this content.

What's so bad about earning coins by playing the game, and just using those coins to open boxes? Simple and easy with no BS. People still get the satisfaction of rewards. (of course the answer is you can't drive people to pay that way)


Oct 30, 2017
Here is another perspective on towers of time grinding from someone who has been playing the game foe 2 days from MK reddit:

Give me a break lol

Usual coping you see on the eve of disastrous launches. WB has not earned any of our benefit of the doubt, especially when this guy is still in the early honeymoon, where the rewards are tuned easier to get you hooked.


Oct 25, 2017
Give me a break lol

Usual coping you see on the eve of disastrous launches. WB has not earned any of our benefit of the doubt, especially when this guy is still in the early honeymoon, where the rewards are tuned easier to get you hooked.

Browsing reddit is funny. Any seemingly critical take on the game gets downvoted to hell by rabid fans.


Oct 1, 2018
Give me a break lol

Usual coping you see on the eve of disastrous launches. WB has not earned any of our benefit of the doubt, especially when this guy is still in the early honeymoon, where the rewards are tuned easier to get you hooked.
Let's wait until the game is out. I hope reviewers make this topic a significant part of their reviews.

It's a little difficult to believe what this person is saying considering what everyone else so far has stated.


Oct 27, 2017
Browsing reddit is funny. Any seemingly critical take on the game gets downvoted to hell by rabid fans.
Except in this case it was a more positive take on the game and it still got attacked by the angry mob. It goes both ways.

Ah, so I guess it varies depending on the person. Cool, guess I'll see when I play my copy.

What I wanna know is how it stacks up to Tekken 7's grinding in Treasure Battle.

Absolutely, It's not some subjective fact what is considered too much grinding.
I'm not saying the grinding is not bad in MK 11 mind you, I have not played it yet.


Oct 27, 2017
Jim Sterling and Angry Joe are gonna have a field day with this.. lol.

The only question I have about all this is whether they change it later. I can see squeezing as much blood from the stone at launch, but what if I buy it for five bucks years from now? Would you still have to grind all that shit out?


Oct 28, 2017
Man, the Krypt is so random... I don't really like it. I still don't know what gear does cause it takes a while to unlock gear slots, lol.

Also, please remind me - do different dangers in Multiverse in I2 also hurt the enemy...? Because in MK11 in Towers of Time if there's some hazard (poison, rockets, whatever) then only YOU are taking the damage from it. Quite frustrating, really.


Oct 30, 2017
Browsing reddit is funny. Any seemingly critical take on the game gets downvoted to hell by rabid fans.

I expect it from the MK sub, I've been guilty of optimistic thinking with games I was hyped for. Not gonna judge them too harshly.

But this ain't an MK fan site. We can live in reality I think.


Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
Jim Sterling and Angry Joe are gonna have a field day with this.. lol.

The only question I have about all this is whether they change it later. I can see squeezing as much blood from the stone at launch, but what if I buy it for five bucks years from now? Would you still have to grind all that shit out?

does it matter? this is about the game at launch , not the game down the line

Man, the Krypt is so random... I don't really like it. I still don't know what gear does cause it takes a while to unlock gear slots, lol.

Also, please remind me - do different dangers in Multiverse in I2 also hurt the enemy...? Because in MK11 in Towers of Time if there's some hazard (poison, rockets, whatever) then only YOU are taking the damage from it. Quite frustrating, really.

all the shit in the towers only affect the player, the only thing were the AI is affected is the stage that tilts left/right. in Injustice the AI was also affected by negative modifiers, in MK11 only the players are affected.

the whole Krypt is like straight out of from a mobile game, it is a randomized loot cave, nothing more

the gear slots, well...each slot takes 25wins to unlock, you can put gems into the slots, in theory ok but you have to grind out the sockets on every new gear piece and the gems may be not so good for the current tower, so you have to resocket the gear which costs Koins lol

it is a completely fucked up gear system, everything is just there to push people to buy those time crystals to unlock stuff directly with money

Ah, so I guess it varies depending on the person. Cool, guess I'll see when I play my copy.

no,it doesn´t vary per person, the system is shit, don´t believe some fanboys on reddit
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Oct 25, 2017
Absolutely, It's not some subjective fact what is considered too much grinding.
I'm not saying the grinding is not bad in MK 11 mind you, I have not played it yet.
Right, we'll have to see. For me it depends on the game. If it's similar to Tekken 7's Treasure Battle (where you fought numerous opponents for treasure chests and everything was at random as to what you'd get including the legendary items for the characters) then I'm ok with it since it didn't matter much to me. This seems to be more about the difficulty aspect. Guess we'll see.

From all the impressions I've read this seems to be the only problem with the game which is interesting. That in itself still has me hyped. I'm mostly a single-player guy so yeah this affects me but at the same time if this is the game's major issue then that's something I can look at and say "ok they'll probably address it but hypothetically if not they did a great job on the overall package."

I'm just ready to throw down.


I like the chili style
Oct 26, 2017
This game could have been great, but of course they had to do this.
7 different currencies.
Either getting this after it's patched out, or at a STEEP discount


Oct 25, 2017
Joe will at least cover it in his review, especially after how Boon tried to make things seem all good on the mtx front, during his interview with Joe.

Just re-watched that interview, and Joe asked him if there would be microtransactions and mobile game type of stuff:

Hm, we shall see.


Oct 27, 2017
7 currencies, JFC. The Krypt and story mode may reward a bunch of this shit though so who knows, could be a day 1 patch as well. They'll get deserved shit if it's as bad as it looks though - Shadows of War part 2.

bbq of doom

Oct 25, 2017
Right, we'll have to see. For me it depends on the game. If it's similar to Tekken 7's Treasure Battle (where you fought numerous opponents for treasure chests and everything was at random as to what you'd get including the legendary items for the characters) then I'm ok with it since it didn't matter much to me. This seems to be more about the difficulty aspect. Guess we'll see.

From all the impressions I've read this seems to be the only problem with the game which is interesting. That in itself still has me hyped. I'm mostly a single-player guy so yeah this affects me but at the same time if this is the game's major issue then that's something I can look at and say "ok they'll probably address it but hypothetically if not they did a great job on the overall package."

I'm just ready to throw down.

Yup. I've spent hours scouring for info from those who got it early and this has been, consistently, the only real negative. That and the story ain't exactly written by Charles Dickens.

But still, WB/NRS needs this mode to last and if they don't fix it, it'll be...dead in 2 weeks (at least for the folks for which this type of thing was created).
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Oct 27, 2017
Wait wait wait, P2 cant use any costumes you unlocked on your profile in local multiplayer? That sounds like horseshit!


Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
and another character specific tower which even the AI can´t beat...modifier is an unblockable big red laserbeam which zooms around the stage every 10 seconds(only hits the player character, not the AI) and the enemy can also summon another fighter every 5 is the last enemy of the tower, if i stop now i have to do the tower again

this shit is so cheap and unfair, seldomly i was so annoyed at a game in the last time

i give it up for now, towers of time is literally unplayable

bbq of doom

Oct 25, 2017
and another character specific tower which even the AI can´t beat...modifier is an unblockable big red laserbeam which zooms around the stage every 10 seconds(only hits the player character, not the AI) and the enemy can also summon another fighter every 5 is the last enemy of the tower, if i stop now i have to do the tower again

this shit is so cheap and unfair, seldomly i was so annoyed at a game in the last time

i give it up for now, towers of time is literally unplayable

Another user (either here or reddit) mentioned this laser, seems to think it could be a bug? Who knows. Hopefully they get it sorted.


Oct 25, 2017
Dot Matrix with stereo sound
This is looking like the next Battlefront 2 scenario, and the fact that this is even a possible point of comparison should be a red fucking alert for WB and NRS to fix this shit *now*

And I say that as a Battlefront 2 fan


Oct 1, 2018
This is looking like the next Battlefront 2 scenario, and the fact that this is even a possible point of comparison should be a red fucking alert for WB and NRS to fix this shit *now*

And I say that as a Battlefront 2 fan
It's not as bad as that, but yeah the outrage needs to be loud for them to change anything sooner rather than later.


I like the chili style
Oct 26, 2017
I wonder when reviews go up...I hope reviewers don't ignore this. This sounds like a mess.


Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
7 currencies, JFC. The Krypt and story mode may reward a bunch of this shit though so who knows, could be a day 1 patch as well. They'll get deserved shit if it's as bad as it looks though - Shadows of War part 2.

there was already a 2GB patch, this was the day 1 patch. there won´t be another day one patch, people have to stop this day 1 patch BS, in no game in the last months did the "day one patch" anything good or altered the game significantly. these are real good times for all publishers, gamers shielding companies with the thought of day one patches, they must be popping champagne bottles these days

and yes, it is bad, i am playing since 2 days and can confirm it is a ridiculous grind and the towers of time are completely overtuned difficulty wise. the core fighting is really good but they crippled the game in every way imaginable to sell the people these microtransactions.

hopefully the shitstorm will be coming to them like a boomerang when this game officially releases.

It's a game. Just don't buy it.

this doesn´t change anything, people have to complain loud and clear to the publisher AND developer and not ignore it.

if this goes on at this rate, gaming will be completely fucked by the middle of the next console generation, it is already on the verge imo.
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I like the chili style
Oct 26, 2017
What's everyone's thoughts on Mortal Kombat 9 vs Mortal Kombat X?
Comparing gameplay/mechanics, story and characters reviewed differently? And then, an overall pick on which game you prefer.
I am pretty nostalgic for 9, but I feel if I went back to it, MKX would likely be the better game (I am just considering X, not XL, and not Komplete edition).


Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
Another user (either here or reddit) mentioned this laser, seems to think it could be a bug? Who knows. Hopefully they get it sorted.

i don´t think so. there are many effects and combinations which are unblockable, doesn´t affect the enemy and which are downright unfair.

imho they have to do a few things:

1) provide a difficulty slider for towers of time, let people play them on easy if they want to, it is their time
2) don´t give enemies super health( 3 times the amount of the player character) while the player character has reduced damage
3) don´t combine negative status effects with buffs and is overkill
4) tune the difficulty spikes to be much lower

what is even more ridiculous, the game has a tooltip about "brutal diificulty" which gives more rewards....nice, when players and the AI can´t even beat medium difficulty, how are they supposed to tackle brutal difficulty? i was thinking that the game maybe is on brutal difficulty the whole time, would be the only explanation for this mess but yeah, no one knows at the moment.

there are also team fights were you fight with 3 players against one super enemy, as soon as one player is down the next jumps in. i tried this for 5 tries with a group of people, we didn´t make a dent in the enemy at all.

it is unbalanced, overtuned and near impossible to win these towers.

i play games since 87, i was there in the 90s for all major fighting games (had a Neo Geo) and not even the arcade SNK fighters had bosses this hard. here you have input reading psychic AI enemies which have support buffs AND negative effects on the player. frankly, i have never seen such a mess in a fighting game before.
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