What did you think about Series X surprise reveal?

  • It was very hype and smart on Microsoft's part

    Votes: 728 35.7%
  • It was alright I guess? Not sure if I care about how it is revealed

    Votes: 744 36.5%
  • It was pretty anti-climatic, felt like just another ad from TGAa

    Votes: 569 27.9%

  • Total voters


Oct 27, 2017
They showed pictures of the box and confirmed what most people knew about the specs already.

Plenty more to reveal, and hype to generate.


Oct 27, 2017
Danbury, CT, USA
Bearing in mind that this is coming from someone who will never be hyped for an Xbox console as I have a good PC and I can simply buy their games there, I would say that the reveal of how it will look was alright. To me, it seems that this was just one of the initial steps for building the hyped for the console, just like that tweet that Phil posted a few weeks ago talking about him having the console already at home. They seem to be taking a slow approach with it, but it is obvious that they would be more aggressive about it when there are just a few months away from its released date.


Sausage Tycoon
Oct 25, 2017
No, just show us. I think this waiting and hype building is bullshit personally.


Oct 27, 2017
Makes no difference whatsoever. The vast, vast majority of consumers are never even going to know this happened at all. It affects literally nothing in the long run except to get the core audience talking about it. And really it was a much more interesting thing to show than what PS5 got last night.


Oct 24, 2018
It was a short and sweet teaser by Microsoft confirming the thing actually exists, and they are commiting themselves also to singleplayer experiences. They also got their foot in the house, rather than wait for Sony to make the first move. The tease / reveal was done on an event that is watched by a lot of people around the world.

Messaging was on point with games , games , games and power. Not one word , utterance , or glimpse of tv, or entertainment was hinted at. So in my book great reveal cause end of the year was dragging for news.
Dec 10, 2019
Some people are thinking it was a mistake to reveal the console so randomly like that. Like, people kind of forgot about it by the end of TGA
What was shown at TGA that overshadowed the Xbox reveal? What did TGA show anyway?
It was the Xbox reveal and some ads. TGA was extremely week this year with games shown. The Xbox reveal was the only thing that stood out.


Oct 25, 2017
Pencils Vania
It left you to judge it solely on the look and name since they gave no other details.

There's the initial excitement of seeing a new console for the first time, but that faded quickly as nothing else was said or shown. The only other thing was the Hellblade 2 trailer.

If PS5 was revealed this way I'd be just as underwhelmed.
Oct 27, 2017
I think so.

Randomly uploading a teaser trailer, even that exact trailer, on social media/YT like the Switch reveal in October 2016 would have been better.

It was cool but kinda a thud amidst so much other game news. On its own on a random day of the week, maybe with a teaser tweet a day or two before, would have been much better imo


Oct 25, 2017
Pencils Vania
I think so.

Randomly uploading a teaser trailer, even that exact trailer, on social media/YT like the Switch reveal in October 2016 would have been better.

It was cool but kinda a thud amidst so much other game news. On its own on a random day of the week, maybe with a teaser tweet a day or two before, would have been much better imo
It did feel like it got buried being near the beginning of the show. Ending with it would have been a lot more impactful.


Oct 27, 2017
The announcements of both consoles in general have been weird, but I guess it's just a sign of the times. PS5 announced on a random blog and twitter post, Xbox SeX thrown in the middle of the VGAs. The video game industry is in a weird place nowadays lol.


Oct 27, 2017
Must've made some kind of impression on y'all since we get a new thread on it every 5 minute, which makes me even more hyped ;). I doesn't matter when they announce it, at the end of the day that shit caught everybody off guard and people are eating it up. The PS5 was "revealed" in a article, but there's still more to come just like there is for the xsx. This is a great time to be a gamer, and there are literally no downsides to getting next gen info at all...


Prophet of Regret
Feb 22, 2019
This is all completely fucking irrelevant. This forum is gonna be chock full of chatter about all next gen stuff for the next year, and the mass market will get clued in nearer the time.

This shit only matters to marketing professionals.


Oct 28, 2017
It was a bit pants but it doesn't matter. Any reveal has only a very limited audience anyway. You reach the masses with a coordinated marketing campaign (that hasn't started yet)


Oct 25, 2017
What really matters is what's to come, but all signs point to it being an insanely powerful console


Amico fun conversationalist
Nov 4, 2017
Seattle, WA
it was a killer chess move. it arguably made more waves in terms of getting attention this early on in the 2020 hype machine than that Wired article about PS5's preliminary specs.

crucially, the reveal had a controller visible at all times that looks just like Xbox One's. that shouts something pretty loudly to anybody who's not a forum devotee, without requiring extra cumbersome text: this system follows in the last console's legacy and may very well be compatible with older software. (which, as we all know, it is.)

everyone has 11 more months to strike with game reveals, spec reveals, prices, and more. and the Xbox group, under Spencer's leadership, has been cranking on a Scorpio/Series X strategy for a while now. compare that to Sony's scattered current state, with various leaders bailing over the past 12 months. PS5 may very well do fine in terms of marketing and 11 months of teases, but Xbox sure seems poised to control and lead on mainstream messaging this time around.


Oct 27, 2017
MS is clearly veering towards a "phone model" type console tier, for better or worse

i'd go far as to say it works to their advantage to be quiet about it. let the common folk keep buying Xbone iterations while nerds dork out and drop $500+ on the new thing


Oct 25, 2017
Pencils Vania
MS is clearly veering towards a "phone model" type console tier, for better or worse

i'd go far as to say it works to their advantage to be quiet about it. let the common folk keep buying Xbone iterations while nerds dork out and drop $500+ on the new thing
I mean it's still a year out. A full out marketing campaign will come.
Dec 31, 2017
Don't really understand these threads as while both PS4 and Xbox One has events in 2013, none of them were hype at all. The February PS4 meeting was actually quite boring and MS did much better at E3 that year than at their reveal event.

So I'd say this was a smart move. Barely anything was revealed except for how the system looks, and a game. Plenty of time left, and little bits of news here and their keeps them in the spotlight imo.


Nov 26, 2017
I think it's good. It helps to further legitimize, and hopefully cement, the game awards. It's a good way capture the attention of a gaming audience hungry for trailers, and there's no real reason to build hype to reveal that particular design. That's one less question they'll get as they push talking points in interviews.


Oct 28, 2017
They haven't revealed anything though. They are mostly generating hype. We don't know the specs, or the games or the features/services or the price. it's just a few meaningless comparisons to the current generation and a few teasers. Same goes for the PS5 btw. They are just buying time.


Oct 27, 2017
It was a nice surprise, more direct than Sony. But the way Sony have dripped info via Wired is an interesting approach, and it also give the impression that they have a plan for the long run.


May 14, 2018
They have plenty of time to string us along until launch.

Microsoft is very good at pre-announcing, announcing and then announcing that its shipping.

I feel like they've announced something about new Xbox hardware for the past 4-5 years.

Microsoft announced Project Scorpio, showed the One X the following year, announced Project Scarlet the following year and now we're getting the first reveal a year before release. Expect them to hype things up again at E3 and then again right before launch.


Oct 27, 2017
it was a killer chess move. it arguably made more waves in terms of getting attention this early on in the 2020 hype machine than that Wired article about PS5's preliminary specs.

crucially, the reveal had a controller visible at all times that looks just like Xbox One's. that shouts something pretty loudly to anybody who's not a forum devotee, without requiring extra cumbersome text: this system follows in the last console's legacy and may very well be compatible with older software. (which, as we all know, it is.)

everyone has 11 more months to strike with game reveals, spec reveals, prices, and more. and the Xbox group, under Spencer's leadership, has been cranking on a Scorpio/Series X strategy for a while now. compare that to Sony's scattered current state, with various leaders bailing over the past 12 months. PS5 may very well do fine in terms of marketing and 11 months of teases, but Xbox sure seems poised to control and lead on mainstream messaging this time around.
Don't read too much into the PS5's marketing strategy.

Lady Gaia

Oct 27, 2017
It was fine, and even a little gutsy. It's the kind of move you can't really justify when you're the front runner and still raking in revenue from the current generation, but when you're looking to make up ground and build early momentum it can work out just fine. The fact that there's still a full year before anything launches does mean it can be hard to sustain that momentum, though.


Prophet of Regret
Sep 28, 2018
lol the PS5 was randomly announced on a fucking article. This was miles better. I get the bias against MS is strong in here but c'mon.
Man when you consider the last reveal of the Xbox One and compare it to this one during the TGA, this reveal and the timing were pretty much destiny and perfection! They killed this showing. The messaging is clear, the hardware is bold and unique and the game shown really pushed the message forward about what next gen means for Xbox. This reveal will be talked about for years to come.
Oct 29, 2017
Definitely yes. It was buried in a series of announcements, it made no sense to announce it here (right before Christmas, what Microsoft was thinking), and it should have been in its own event. Console announcements are special, they are exciting and get people to dream and get excited. We had none of that yesterday. It doesn't feel like a lot of hype is happening right now too.

Watch Sony capitalize on this and announce an event 3 weeks in advance and build hype just like they did with the PS4. Much more people will talk about it, articles and speculation will come out every single day until the event, everybody will talk about PS5.

I'm sure MS will have multiple events as well to build the same type of hype


Oct 27, 2017
There are literally a dozen threads on the front page of resetera, the Xbox reveal has over 3300 replies last time I checked, Hellblade is nearing 1,000 replies, and the specs have impressed everyone. It's also trending on twitter and every major outlet has picked it up. I literally do not know what you're getting at. It stole the show.

And outside of resetera?

I mean, what "stole the show" is subjective. And as for twitter Series X is not trending. It stopped trending soon after it started trending because there were other announcement divvying up the spot light. My thoughts on the reveal are not to disparage the console. I'm personally glad we can put a form factor to the device instead of the endless spec lists carted around the forums.

My point is that the reveal would have had more reach if revealed outside the onslaught of info and via it's own event.


Oct 27, 2017
everyone has 11 more months to strike with game reveals, spec reveals, prices, and more. and the Xbox group, under Spencer's leadership, has been cranking on a Scorpio/Series X strategy for a while now. compare that to Sony's scattered current state, with various leaders bailing over the past 12 months. PS5 may very well do fine in terms of marketing and 11 months of teases, but Xbox sure seems poised to control and lead on mainstream messaging this time around.

Wtf, this definitely has a "sinking ship" metaphor implied in it. Seems a bit irresponsible for a tech site like yours to spread rumors like this.


Jan 10, 2018
It's a mix of all three answers: it was hype because it was totally unexpected, but at the same time it felt like a regular ad, plus the lack of buildup made the surprise factor less that what could have been? Dunno if that makes sense.

It would have been much better if they had made it the last announcement.

I can't remember where I saw it but I read a post that pointed out they revealed it during peak viewing figures, if they had revealed at the end of the show it's likely it wouldn't have made as big an impact because of the viewership drop off (also didn't help TGA was a 2 and a half hour slog fest this year).


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
I was surprised they fully revealed it but then it was over so quick, I think it would have behoved them to do their own reveal and kept showing more stuff for a more lengthy presentation.


Oct 28, 2017
Thought they nailed it. Came off as incredibly confident and bold, without having to reveal too much.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
And outside of resetera?

I mean, what "stole the show" is subjective. And as for twitter Series X is not trending. It stopped trending soon after it started trending because there were other announcement divvying up the spot light. My thoughts on the reveal are not to disparage the console. I'm personally glad we can put a form factor to the device instead of the endless spec lists carted around the forums.

My point is that the reveal would have had more reach if revealed outside the onslaught of info and via it's own event.

I expect they're doing both, right now they've dominated gaming airways.


Oct 27, 2017
Very smart move I think, they have taken the narrative going in to the new year, helps build interest early.


Oct 25, 2017
Eh, only speaking for myself but it didn't feel that hype to me. Full disclosure: I'm unlikely to buy an Xbox anyway because I have a decent gaming PC so that might affect how I feel about it. But just my gut feeling after the show was that the reveal felt a bit flat.

Hellblade 2 trailer was really cool though. Almost feel like it would have been cool to just show that trailer as a game for the "next gen Xbox" and save the name and design reveals for another time.


Art Director for Videogames
Oct 25, 2017
The mistake is thene and it looking like a PC tower or the subwoofer you hide next to your couch.
Oct 31, 2017
it was a killer chess move. it arguably made more waves in terms of getting attention this early on in the 2020 hype machine than that Wired article about PS5's preliminary specs.

crucially, the reveal had a controller visible at all times that looks just like Xbox One's. that shouts something pretty loudly to anybody who's not a forum devotee, without requiring extra cumbersome text: this system follows in the last console's legacy and may very well be compatible with older software. (which, as we all know, it is.)

everyone has 11 more months to strike with game reveals, spec reveals, prices, and more. and the Xbox group, under Spencer's leadership, has been cranking on a Scorpio/Series X strategy for a while now. compare that to Sony's scattered current state, with various leaders bailing over the past 12 months. PS5 may very well do fine in terms of marketing and 11 months of teases, but Xbox sure seems poised to control and lead on mainstream messaging this time around.
😂 I love this forum.

😋 I wonder if anyone will take this bait


Feb 20, 2018
I think the console looks great and Hellblade was the perfect game to announce with it, but to be honest the buzz around the reveal has been lower than what I would have thought. Twitter, Youtube haven't exactly been set on fire but I guess people will mainly get excited once more games are shown off


May 11, 2019
It was sorta there, definitely like just like an ad. Should have been revealed in its own, separate show.