
Jul 5, 2018
User Warned: Hostility toward another member
He is. He's also a hack who doesn't understand these characters.

They should load every copy of his "cut" into a rocket and launch it into the sun.
Lmfao whatever you say loser. He understands the characters a hell of a lot more then you so keep spouting your idiocy.
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Jun 3, 2019
This thread is taking an embarrassing turn. It's ok to dislike his movies (I do too) but you don't have to ridiculous yourself by claiming he is an alt-right director.


Legendary Duelist
Oct 25, 2017
Costa Rica
Lmfao whatever you say loser. He understands the characters a hell of a lot more then you so keep spouting your idiocy.



Oct 28, 2017
Was Zack Snyder negotiating with WB? I don't see what the point of Snyder and the cast rallying the fans when it was all nothing like it always has been.
Oct 26, 2017
Lmfao whatever you say loser. He understands the characters a hell of a lot more then you so keep spouting your idiocy.
Yeah. You're totally right. He's totally not an edge-lord.
Someone says to me, Batman killed a guy. I'm like, 'f—, really? Wake the f— up. I guess that's what I'm saying. Once you've lost your virginity to this f—ing movie and then you come and say to me something about like 'my superhero wouldn't do that.' I'm like 'Are you serious?' I'm like down the f—ing road on that. It's a cool point of view to be like 'my heroes are still innocent. My heroes didn't f—ing lie to America. My heroes didn't embezzle money from their corporations. My heroes didn't f—ing commit any atrocities.' That's cool. But you're living in a f—ing dream world.

Also I don't have a problem with dark and or edgy superhero stories. My problem is that Snyder sucks. He's all surface level. There's nothing underneath. He's basically what Image became in the 90s after the sheen and newness wore off.

Btw if anyone wants to see dark and edgy superheroes done right they should go watch The Boys.

Fucking Seth Rogen gets it.

(I don't think Snyder is alt-right for those wondering)


Oct 25, 2017
Affleck was a great Batman saddled with a bad script.
It's tough to be a great Batman when you have no material to work with. He barely worked in the movies and only came across as good because it was so radically different than what we were used to. He's still the Batman that stopped what he was doing because his antagonist had a mother with the same name. God forbid this paper thin Batman encounters the joker and his mother is also named Martha.


Oct 25, 2017
Looking good! Hopefully we'll see an announcement by the end of the year from WB for the full 3 and a half hour release, but knowing them I'd imagine they get greedy and try to market a shorter version for us Snyder fans to double dip.

T002 Tyrant

Nov 8, 2018
This is all a massive ploy when they really release it. If Snyder actually cared about getting his artistic vision out there he'd just leak it online or accidentally leave a thumb drive labelled "Snyder Cut" on an intern's desk. It's all marketing.

Uzumaki Goku

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Why can't these people focus on getting something more worthwhile? Like a revival of BTAS or a JLU reunion?

anything that would be better than this


Weight Loss Champion 2018: Biggest Change
Oct 25, 2017
This is all a massive ploy when they really release it. If Snyder actually cared about getting his artistic vision out there he'd just leak it online or accidentally leave a thumb drive labelled "Snyder Cut" on an intern's desk. It's all marketing.
Correct. It makes me kind of hate it because it's being marketed so disengenously to make fans feel like they've accomplished something when it's released.

Deleted member 6730

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
This is all a massive ploy when they really release it. If Snyder actually cared about getting his artistic vision out there he'd just leak it online or accidentally leave a thumb drive labelled "Snyder Cut" on an intern's desk. It's all marketing.
I think this is more keep Zack Snyder's name in the cultural consciousness. After how bad BvS was and how disastrous JL's production was even before he left I doubt he'll direct another blockbuster again.

WB probably wants to forget Snyder's version of the DCEU even happened. Look at how much of a tonal shift Shazam and even WW and Aquaman were compared to BvS, Suicide Squad and Snyder's Justice League. Why would they release the last remnant of a failed experiment?


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah. You're totally right. He's totally not an edge-lord.

Also I don't have a problem with dark and or edgy superhero stories. My problem is that Snyder sucks. He's all surface level. There's nothing underneath. He's basically what Image became in the 90s after the sheen and newness wore off.

Btw if anyone wants to see dark and edgy superheroes done right they should go watch The Boys.

Fucking Seth Rogen gets it.

(I don't think Snyder is alt-right for those wondering)
The funny thing about it is that for all the dark imagery and dour tone of BvS, everything Snyder is describing there occurs in that movie.

Superman did end up being innocent. Batman stopped before he went too far. Nobody lied to America but Luther. Corperations don't come up in the stories at all. And the heroes were cleared of all atrocities. The worst Batman does is attempt to murder Superman for selfish, paranoid reasons, which is presented as a growth moment rather than an absolute evil.

Part of the insanity of BvS is how, when you actually look at it comprehensively, it isn't a deconstruction at all. It's notably cynical in it's tone and certain plot points compared to other movies, but the overarching narrative is how Batman and Superman really are straight up heroes stopping a very blatantly evil and insane asshole from enacting a plan that has no moral ambiguity.

And it's hard to know if this was always the plan, maybe studios forced him to have a generic happy ending to the story, but other than the sheer disconnect from waht superheroes are, I still have to wonder what the fuck he's talking about even in terms of BvS specifically.


Oct 25, 2017
If this isn't a marketing ploy I'm guessing WB doesn't want to spend the few million to actually polish the unfinished cut to be something watchable just to appease some people on the internet


Oct 25, 2017
I would endure years of your multi-page diatribes against the movie for a chance to see the Snyder Cut. I think we are actually due for another masterful breakdown of the failings of Man of Steel or BvS, aren't we?
Man, I haven't written anything up for BvS in literally years. I've either said everything I have to say on it, or else it's just like minor addendums to already made arguments.

And I also feel I am like the only superhero fan on earth that might not even bother watching the Snyder Cut if it was released.


Don't Watch the Tape!
Oct 27, 2017
Man, I haven't written anything up for BvS in literally years. I've either said everything I have to say on it, or else it's just like minor addendums to already made arguments.

And I also feel I am like the only superhero fan on earth that if the Snyder Cut was released, I might not even bother seeing it.

Oh, you'd see it, and we'd all hear about it for years afterwards. LOL


Oct 27, 2017
I'm starting to think this is like some Brewster's Millions thing with Snyder.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh, you'd see it, and we'd all hear about it for years afterwards. LOL
It's really not as sure a thing as you think. The DCEU has moved on from his control and are in the hands of people who are not interested in following his style or plot points. Because Cavill and Affleck are out, that means we're gonna be getting a soft reboot for the two characters and the only reason that the Snyder Trilogy of MoS, BvS, and JL aren't just decanonized is because Wonder Woman and Aquaman were the only characters worth a damn from them (or Aquaman's actor, in his case).

So I ask you this: At this point, what would the Snyder cut even do if it was released? Like, for the superhero subculture? All it'd be is a bone thrown to the very niche sub-fandom that Snyder has cut out for himself, but it's not like it'd be canon, and WB sure as hell wouldn't consider letting Snyder take the reins of another major DCEU character like that again.

At this point, all we can realistically expect of the Snyder Cut of JL is that it'd be a bad movie by...lets call it, most people's standards, but one that probably has all the stuff that Snyder's fans valued in MoS and BvS. But I honestly think even Snyder fans would be disappointed in JL since snyder feels like he has an extreme disinterest in other superheroes, so they'd be side lined but you'd also have to be forced to spend time with them while he's writing his way through them as fast as he can so he can get back to Batman and Superman. And what else is there? Fucking Steppenwolf? You think he's a better character in the Snyder Cut? For me, it seems pretty clear that JL was never finished in any sense of the word to be a satisfying movie. Any version of JL would effectively have to be a totally different movie to be good.

In addition to that, the film certainly wouldn't even look as good as MoS and BvS do. WB isn't going to waste any significant amount of money to do the special effects right or anything else. If a Snyder cut is released, it's gonna be on a very small budget. If they take the trailer footage, then it might end up looking rather frankensteinian, finished in some shots while looking like a PS3 game in others.

Look, Snyder lost. He lost his final movie, lost the DCEU, and he went through some rough shit in the midst of that. As far as I'm concerned, the overall DCEU is better for it. But if the Snyder Cut was released today, it'd be as a good will gesture to the people who did like his movies. I wouldn't feel the need to shit all over that for 3 reasons.
  1. I wouldn't feel the personal disappointment I felt from BvS at release. Part of the reason BvS hurt like it did is because I really like these characters and I don't feel BvS did them justice when I expected them to do so. Knowing Snyder's complete philosophy on these characters, there's no expectations I'd have regarding them to be let down. It's just more sensible to not bother.
  2. I wouldn't feel the need to respond to push WB to make better movies since they're already doing that now. Aquaman was a fun romp and Shazam was genuinely heartfelt goodness. WB is clearly done letting Snyder run the show, so it's not like them releasing it would mean we're getting Batman v Superman 2: Twilight of Vengeance or anything. Snyder Cut or not, he's done.
  3. I just think it would be kind of a shitty thing to do when it's a thing that studio is just doing to be nice to a bunch of genuine fans. I mean, maybe "nice" is the wrong word to use here, since it's still a capitalist move and they'd just be serving a niche market, but still it'd be effectively just a goodwill gesture, and I don't think it'd be right to just tear that down. I'd feel like an asshole

So at this point, I'm know what, if you get it, good for you guys. I have little interest in it, but you do you. But I really don't think your gonna get it
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Oct 25, 2017
Man, I haven't written anything up for BvS in literally years. I've either said everything I have to say on it, or else it's just like minor addendums to already made arguments.

And I also feel I am like the only superhero fan on earth that might not even bother watching the Snyder Cut if it was released.

Veelk. You LIKE writing dissertations on BvS. Don't lie lol.

Oh, you'd see it, and we'd all hear about it for years afterwards. LOL
Don't goad him! He may actually do it...

Oh... nevermind:
It's really not as sure a thing as you think. The DCEU has moved on from his control and are in the hands of people who are not interested in following his style or plot points. Because Cavill and Affleck are out, that means we're gonna be getting a soft reboot for the two characters and the only reason that the Snyder Trilogy of MoS, BvS, and JL aren't just decanonized is because Wonder Woman and Aquaman were the only characters worth a damn from them (or Aquaman's actor, in his case).

So I ask you this: At this point, what would the Snyder cut even do if it was released? Like, for the superhero subculture? All it'd be is a bone thrown to the very niche sub-fandom that Snyder has cut out for himself, but it's not like it'd be canon, and WB sure as hell wouldn't consider letting Snyder take the reins of another major DCEU character like that again.

At this point, all we can realistically expect of the Snyder Cut of JL is that it'd be a bad movie by...lets call it, most people's standards, but one that probably has all the stuff that Snyder's fans valued in MoS and BvS. But I honestly think even Snyder fans would be disappointed in JL since snyder feels like he has an extreme disinterest in other superheroes, so they'd be side lined but you'd also have to be forced to spend time with them while he's writing his way through them as fast as he can so he can get back to Batman and Superman. And what else is there? Fucking Steppenwolf? You think he's a better character in the Snyder Cut? For me, it seems pretty clear that JL was never finished in any sense of the word to be a satisfying movie. Any version of JL would effectively have to be a totally different movie to be good.

In addition to that, the film certainly wouldn't even look as good as MoS and BvS do. WB isn't going to waste any significant amount of money to do the special effects right or anything else. If a Snyder cut is released, it's gonna be on a very small budget. If they take the trailer footage, then it might end up looking rather frankensteinian, finished in some shots while looking like a PS3 game in others.

Look, Snyder lost. He lost his final movie, lost the DCEU, and he went through some rough shit in the midst of that. As far as I'm concerned, the overall DCEU is better for it. But if the Snyder Cut was released today, it'd be as a good will gesture to the people who did like his movies. I wouldn't feel the need to shit all over that for 3 reasons.
  1. I wouldn't feel the personal disappointment I felt from BvS at release. Part of the reason BvS hurt like it did is because I really like these characters and I don't feel BvS did them justice when I expected them to do so. Knowing Snyder's complete philosophy on these characters, there's no expectations I'd have regarding them to be let down. It's just more sensible to not bother.
  2. I wouldn't feel the need to respond to push WB to make better movies since they're already doing that now. Aquaman was a fun romp and Shazam was genuinely heartfelt goodness. WB is clearly done letting Snyder run the show, so it's not like them releasing it would mean we're getting Batman v Superman 2: Twilight of Vengeance or anything. Snyder Cut or not, he's done.
  3. I just think it would be kind of a shitty thing to do when it's a thing that studio is just doing to be nice to a bunch of genuine fans. I mean, maybe "nice" is the wrong word to use here, since it's still a capitalist move and they'd just be serving a niche market, but still it'd be effectively just a goodwill gesture, and I don't think it'd be right to just tear that down. I'd feel like an asshole

So at this point, I'm know what, if you get it, good for you guys. I have little interest in it, but you do you. But I really don't think your gonna get it
To answer the bold...

It's really not complicated. His vision, good or bad, was butchered. People know Snyder is done. But they want to see what his Justice League movie would have been if nothing else but for closure. I don't think anyone is expecting a masterpiece, however a lot of people think it would be more interesting than what we got.

WB shouldn't have even let him shoot one frame. But since he did, I'd like to see it. It's really simple.

Please keep your response under 150 words lol.


Oct 25, 2017
Veelk. You LIKE writing dissertations on BvS. Don't lie lol.
I like writing dissertations about things I'm interested in. BvS was not the first, only, or last property to get this treatment from me. BvS was a rather prolonged extension of arguments from me maybe because it was the hot, new, wildly divisive thing I was into at the time, but it wasn't unusual in itself.

Collectively, it's very possible I wrote 400,000 words analyzing Legend of Korra over on gaf from season 1 to season 4. I certainly wrote a lot on Star Wars and I've recently wrote a bunch of different threads on Harry Potter. Most recently, I wrote 2000+ words on some random episodes of BB I rewatched on a whim after El Camino, not even rewatching the whole series. Idk what to tell you man, this is just what I do.

It's really not complicated. His vision, good or bad, was butchered. People know Snyder is done. But they want to see what his Justice League movie would have been if nothing else but for closure. I don't think anyone is expecting a masterpiece, however a lot of people think it would be more interesting than what we got.

I have two responses to that:

1. Do you not think that the studio didn't meddle with BvS? Because I feel it's transparent that they did. The line where they established that they are on an uninhabited island following the MoS controversy feels very pointed to appease those fans (which I feel Snyder wouldn't do any only did so sloppily because he was made to do it), but more substantially, I still feel that them fighting a big evil baddy at the end while they're all revealed as heroic is contradictory to the themes Snyder espouses to believe in (heavily flawed heroes that commit atrocities). So either Snyder didn't commit to those ideals or else WB forced him to resolve the plot in a traditional superhero manner. I'm guessing it's the latter.

2. If you do assume that WB didn't compromise his vision in BvS, then I still don't know what you think will be different about JL. The plot is very transparently the same: Steppenwolf shows up, collects the motherboxes and the JL spend the film resurrecting superman. What is expected to be different within those confines?

Like, one clear indicator is Batman's meeting with Aquaman, where we were shown a lot about it in the trailers but we see was heavily edited to be more comedic ala Whedon's jokes. I feel that Snyder's encounter between Batman and Aquaman would be more gritty machismo..but it wouldn't be functionally different. Batman will say "Hey, we need your help >:(" and Aquaman will reply "No, I don't give a shit >:(" only to be later convinced by Mera that he needs to do it, so he comes back but still is all ">:("

That's how I feel the entire movie would be. Still justice league, but with more ">:(" instead of ":D"

Please keep your response under 150 words lol.
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Oct 25, 2017
I like writing dissertations about things I'm interested in. BvS was not the first, only, or last property to get this treatment from me. BvS was a rather prolonged extension of arguments from me maybe because it was the hot, new, wildly divisive thing I was into at the time, but it wasn't unusual in itself.

Collectively, it's very possible I wrote 400,000 words analyzing Legend of Korra over on gaf from season 1 to season 4. I certainly wrote a lot on Star Wars and I've recently wrote a bunch of different threads on Harry Potter. Most recently, I wrote 2000+ words on some random episodes of BB I rewatched on a whim after El Camino, not even rewatching the whole series. Idk what to tell you man, this is just what I do.

I'm well aware of your posts, even back on gaf. I'm just teasing you, Veelk. Especially the Star Wars posts and I enjoyed reading them even if I differ in some areas. But when it comes to Snyder, MoS, and BvS... I sigh when I see your posts. Because for as much as you don't like these films, you never get tired of writing about it. And it's not a dig against you... I'm just not wired that way.

For example, I love X-Men. I have a box full of X-men comics. But the movies are fucking terrible, especially the last one. I paid to see it even. But I just don't have it in me to write thousands of words about it.

1. Do you not think that the studio didn't meddle with BvS? Because I feel it's transparent that they did. The line where they established that they are on an uninhabited island following the MoS controversy feels very pointed to appease those fans (which I feel Snyder wouldn't do any only did so sloppily because he was made to do it), but more substantially, I still feel that them fighting a big evil baddy at the end while they're all revealed as heroic is contradictory to the themes Snyder espouses to believe in (heavily flawed heroes that commit atrocities). So either Snyder didn't commit to those ideals or else WB forced him to resolve the plot in a traditional superhero manner. I'm guessing it's the latter.

Of course I do. But not for the reasons you listed which are... bizarre.

The studio wanted more Batman in the film and was made to cut it's length. That's why it's all jumbled and has a lot of editing issues.

I think the studio let Snyder make the film he wanted to make. The line about the uninhabited island did feel like a response, I'll give you that lol. But the Doomsday fight? The one where the trinity team up? Of course that wasn't studio meddling; that was all Snyder. ZS likes to follow the rule of cool. He likes flashy fights, swelling music, and slick camera movements. And he thought it'd be cool to put the Death of Superman in the last third of the movie. I'm not a big fan of that but I don't think for a second that was studio interference.

Sigh. "heavily flawed heroes that commit atrocities" is such a bizarre reading of his themes... why? Snyder's themes in MoS and BvS are really easy to read. Arguably too easy and straight forward. And not always well executed. Snyder was always building torwards a heroic Superman... he just wanted to have Death of Superman and evil Superman before that lol. Not sure if that was the right choice but hey. The heroism of fighting Doomsday with Batman and WW was something Zack thought would look cool... even if it was a bit unearned. I thought WW should have had her movie come out before this. Same for Batfleck. But hey, hindsight is 20/20.

2. If you do assume that WB didn't compromise his vision in BvS, then I still don't know what you think will be different about JL. The plot is very transparently the same: Steppenwolf shows up, collects the motherboxes and the JL spend the film resurrecting superman. What is expected to be different within those confines?

Like, one clear indicator is Batman's meeting with Aquaman, where we were shown a lot about it in the trailers but we see was heavily edited to be more comedic ala Whedon's jokes. I feel that Snyder's encounter between Batman and Aquaman would be more gritty machismo..but it wouldn't be functionally different. Batman will say "Hey, we need your help >:(" and Aquaman will reply "No, I don't give a shit >:(" only to be later convinced by Mera that he needs to do it, so he comes back but still is all ">:("

That's how I feel the entire movie would be. Still justice league, but with more ">:(" instead of ":D"

Well, we know a bit of evil Superman was going to make it's way in there. He was building up to that, in a mis timed dream sequence (but really well shot). And there were other differences we know. Cyborg was more of the heart of the film. A lot of Lois' scenes were cut. A lot of scenes were cut with the Flash. Batman was suicidal at the last fight of the movie. Junkie XL's score was complete for it. From what it looks like, Snyder shot a completely different movie than what we got. So yes, some of the plot beats will be the same. But Joss reshot most of the movie. Snyder didn't even know about the Russian family at the end!

Whedon was only brought on to rewrite dialogue in reshoots. But after Zack left because his daughter passed, the studio used that as an opportunity to finish the film in their vision via Joss. All because delaying the release of the film would jeopardize the studio exec bonuses. It was a dick move.

And look... I'm not some Zack Snyder zealot and I'm not a Snydercut fanatic. I largely didn't care about a Snydercut because I didn't think it'd have any chance of seeing the light of day. I moved on a long, long time ago. I just love DC comics and seeing them come to the screen. I think his movies were interesting. I don't think they were the correct launching pad for a cinematic universe but oh well. That's already behind us.

But given the chance to see what his JL would have been like? Yeah, I'd love to see it and I fully expect it to be flawed but enjoyable.

Well damn lol.


Oct 30, 2019
Mankind is introduced to the Snyder Cut.
3 and 1/2 hours, damn son. I always assumed that such an embarrassment of riches would have been reserved for an assembly cut or a workprint when I heard the number in 2018 but no, it´s another of those home media cuts Snydra is cursed with. I´ll assume that he would have cut it by at least half an hour for the cinema. BvS lost it´s pacing and somehow turned into a mystery film (how Superman was set up) when that happened and Watchmen arguably lost it´s heart.

It´s the actual film stock and he has access to it. Makes sense though, he screened this bad boy to people. Things are moving on up. Just use this to promote WW84 or something WB but it´s a shame that we couldn't have seen this on a big screen.


Oct 25, 2017
Sigh. "heavily flawed heroes that commit atrocities" is such a bizarre reading of his themes... why? Snyder's themes in MoS and BvS are really easy to read. Arguably too easy and straight forward. And not always well executed. Snyder was always building torwards a heroic Superman... he just wanted to have Death of Superman and evil Superman before that lol. Not sure if that was the right choice but hey. The heroism of fighting Doomsday with Batman and WW was something Zack thought would look cool... even if it was a bit unearned. I thought WW should have had her movie come out before this. Same for Batfleck. But hey, hindsight is 20/20.
I'm going off by his response to an interview he gave.

Someone says to me, Batman killed a guy. I'm like, 'f—, really? Wake the f— up. I guess that's what I'm saying. Once you've lost your virginity to this f—ing movie and then you come and say to me something about like 'my superhero wouldn't do that.' I'm like 'Are you serious?' I'm like down the f—ing road on that. It's a cool point of view to be like 'my heroes are still innocent. My heroes didn't f—ing lie to America. My heroes didn't embezzle money from their corporations. My heroes didn't f—ing commit any atrocities.' That's cool. But you're living in a f—ing dream world.

So, it seems to me that he was interested in going all the way to having his heroes be really, really questionable. But then we have the actual movies that, regardless of what happens, end with rather traditional endings for heroes. They're venerated, validated, celebrated, etc.

It's difficult to reconcile someone who says that about heroes and someone who made BvS end the way it did, so my assumption is that WB made Snyder write a typical superhero ending to the movie rather than follow that vision through to the end.


Oct 30, 2019
The Snyder likes Ayn Rand, is secretly alt-right, etc. riddle was finally and definitively solved in 2019:

Exclusive: An Interview with Zack Snyder

I had the opportunity to interview Zack Snyder about how women are portrayed in his filmography. Not only did I get extensive answers to my questions, I was also able to have a conversation with hi…

Zack Snyder: "With Army [of the Dead], it's difficult not to do to a social statement because the movie is about building a wall for refugees and veterans but it's also fun to do a zombie heist in Vegas. It makes it richer and better. I can't help myself. I've always worked in a self-reflective way. Cinema is a reflective art form."
Snyder has multiple projects he wants to work on even while he films Army of the Dead in the summer of 2019. For years, he's wanted to adapt Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead. For a while, it was thought that that would be his next project. Although it's on hold for now, Snyder still has a script in development, not for a feature length film, but for a television series.
Zack Snyder: "The Fountainhead… It's still important to me, but it's a really touchy subject right now. People will think it's hardcore right wing propaganda, but I don't view it like that. I just think the story is super fun and crazy and melodramatic about architecture and sex." He added, "It's about time we get a different president so we don't take shit so seriously!"
He told me about a conversation he had had with a woman who wrote a book about Rand, and how the woman told him that during conservative regimes, Rand became very unpopular but during liberal regimes, she became popular again. "Not because they're looking for it, or afraid of it, it's because of the seriousness with which Rand is viewed varies in regime and power."
Zack Snyder: "I think she's incredible and insane and she's always said story first, not regarding her politics. But it was easy for her to fall victim to her own popularity, and she drank her own Kool-Aid." Snyder starts laughing. "She didn't give a fuck. If she was alive right now she would've fucking murdered Donald Trump. She didn't even like Reagan! She thought he was a nationalist. But I'm rambling now, sorry!"
In addition to The Fountainhead, Snyder has also finished the script for The Last Photograph, a war movie about a correspondent who survives an attack in Afghanistan and ends up teaming with a special ops soldier. There's even a script written by his screenwriter friend for a Napoleon movie "in the form of Scarface" being considered. "I think it's fucking awesome.

Napoleon as Scarface. Now that´s a movie! I couldn´t have Stanley Kubrick's Napoleon but I would like this consultation price.
It´s highly unlikely that Synder´s The Fountainhead (i saw the 40s version and despise Rand) would have torn down Objectivism brick by brick, Bioshock certainly didn´t for example, and the book does have a rapist protagonist but the sadly misassembled Sucker Punch and his fight with the MPAA certainly shows his strong stance on the later topic. Sell the rights WB or grow some balls, I want to see this most glorious of combos. Zack Snyder´s Howard Roark! What a though.

PS: Snyder never said the Batman should get raped in prison thing. He compared the world of the then-upcoming Watchmen to the PG-13 Batman world of Nolan´s Batman and guess who has to fight off rapists in prison. It´s his favorite objectivist superhero (his favorite superhero is actually Superman) Rorschach.

'Watchmen': A chat with director Zack Snyder

The filmmaker talks about what it was like to follow up ''300'' with an adaptation of Alan Moore's classic comic -- and spills some details along the way
Both Dave Gibbons and Damon Lindelof like his Watchmen btw.