
Patient hunter
On Break
Oct 27, 2017


Oregon tag
Oct 25, 2017
Bolter and chainsword has a discussion over a brand new xenos line being added, that got locked eventually.

I do wonder if we will get a new faction in 9th or will they finally fix the ranges that need to be fixed.


Patient hunter
On Break
Oct 27, 2017
Bolter and chainsword has a discussion over a brand new xenos line being added, that got locked eventually.

I do wonder if we will get a new faction in 9th or will they finally fix the ranges that need to be fixed.
I think we'll almost certainly get a new faction. I don't think it'll be in January though


Patient hunter
On Break
Oct 27, 2017
A new faction should be introduced early in the new edition, so it might be that...along with alienating the xenos players already pissed off that they have to wait half a year at least to get a new codex.
Hah, yeah, who knows. I hope they keep up a high release rate. Obviously the marine supplements are coming out all at once but even a new codex a month is still gonna take 18 months to get through the rest


Oct 30, 2017
If theres new Xenos I'd be excited, though I imagine in a universe as thoroughly "documented" its be hard to just randomly insert something completely new so I'd wager Exodites or Vespid


Patient hunter
On Break
Oct 27, 2017
Exodites I've been waiting for for 30 years, instant choice from me. Space elf ranger knight cavalry on dinosaurs with laser lances. What more do you want! :D


Oct 30, 2017
It's a very appealing proposition for long time fans and new hobbyists alike. It exists in the lore, even turning up fairly prominently in The Infinite and the Divine which is excellent by the way


Patient hunter
On Break
Oct 27, 2017
It's a very appealing proposition for long time fans and new hobbyists alike. It exists in the lore, even turning up fairly prominently in The Infinite and the Divine which is excellent by the way
I used to make them out of eldar scouts and Dark Elf Cold One knights, back in the day. There have been some wonderful golden demon entries over the years too, all based on like one piece of concept art. It's obviously something that people have a lot of fondness for given it's mentioned in every single rulebook and eldar codex since 2nd edition, not to mention some of the novels.


Oct 30, 2017
There is an element of feel bad having four (five?) Aeldari factions in the game but Bracciosaur artillery is such a no brainer lol


Patient hunter
On Break
Oct 27, 2017
There is an element of feel bad having four (five?) Aeldari factions in the game but Bracciosaur artillery is such a no brainer lol
I think they'd have to fantasy them up like they did with the lizards and make them look more agile and alien, just so they can defend the IP more easily. Ultimately 'Exodite Dragon Knights' was the original term, I'd love to see fantasy pterodactyl beasts like in Avatar, or cavalry beasts that are like velociraptors but looking even more elegant, like the riders.


Oct 25, 2017
Norn Iron
I don't believe that rumour at all, it states:
They are called the Anerith or something similar, and are apparently connected to one of the unknown Xenos species on that unique artwork in the latest rulebook.

GW staff already said 2 months ago that this artwork wasn't a hint of any new Xenos models, it was just a piece of art their artist made for the rulebook, nothing more - this bit here:

It's coming from The Long War too, who are connected to Rob Baer and Spikeybits, a very unreliable source.

So it's not going to be a new Xenos race in January. It'll probably be something like Codex Orks or Codex Drukhari because we've seen new models for those two already in that recent preview video.
Last edited:

Sneaky Gato

Oct 27, 2017
I've always wanted them to flesh out the wierd Shade demons that the Mandrakes are a part of. What is Arlindrach and what is Kheradruakh up to.

Though they maybe AoS do that first since the recently revealed Underworlds card feature shadow creatures.


Oct 25, 2017
It would be so weird to release a new xenos line when pretty much all of them are old and desperately in need of a refresh..but it would also make sense for GW to sell new stuff, despite the success they've had with the Sisters reboot.


Oct 25, 2017
Norn Iron
Really liking these Slaanesh minis from Warhammer Underworlds:



Oregon tag
Oct 25, 2017
Really liking these Slaanesh minis from Warhammer Underworlds:


I like and dislike the elves. Like the sentinel and warden leader, I still think bull headed two handed hammer elves are wtf stupid, and not a fan of the mage pose.

Lumineth are the biggest hit and miss for me ever.

Dawn riders

Everything else


Nov 8, 2017
That bloodbowl trailer was fantastic. Interested in picking up the kit. Is it a hard game to get into, if you were to play casually with family?

Been interested in Blitz Bowl for a while. Seems silly that it is only available in USA and Germany. Not willing to pay the customs and shipping for an English version.


Patient hunter
On Break
Oct 27, 2017
That bloodbowl trailer was fantastic. Interested in picking up the kit. Is it a hard game to get into, if you were to play casually with family?

Been interested in Blitz Bowl for a while. Seems silly that it is only available in USA and Germany. Not willing to pay the customs and shipping for an English version.
Bloodbowl is really easy to get into. You've got a dozen models out of only four or five different types with four stats each, once you've read how to move, block, catch and throw, that's pretty much it. Much like Space Hulk it's an absolute classic of an asymmetrical board game that's timeless for a reason- it's not overly complex and still allows plenty of room for creative painting and every game to be different.


Oregon tag
Oct 25, 2017
Bloodbowl is really easy to get into. You've got a dozen models out of only four or five different types with four stats each, once you've read how to move, block, catch and throw, that's pretty much it. Much like Space Hulk it's an absolute classic of an asymmetrical board game that's timeless for a reason- it's not overly complex and still allows plenty of room for creative painting and every game to be different.

There's also a variant called sevens that's smaller in scale like blitz bowl, but more faithful to blood bowl.

Variants – The NAF

That bloodbowl trailer was fantastic. Interested in picking up the kit. Is it a hard game to get into, if you were to play casually with family?

Been interested in Blitz Bowl for a while. Seems silly that it is only available in USA and Germany. Not willing to pay the customs and shipping for an English version.
It is super easy to play it just have a lot of rules that you probably have never seen in your life lol.

Casually in a league (family) is were this game shines you will be developing your team and create a narrative that will be a blast.


Oct 25, 2017
Happy to see Kill Team is still being supported. It's the only thing 40k related I actually play so I was getting worried it was all but abandoned honestly. I hope it's essentially a second edition as well. There's a lot of stuff they learned from Warcry that would really make a 2.0 of Kill Team shine.

Also, that Slangor model fucking owns. I'm really happy Beastmen are getting the love they deserve lately. Now I just gotta work on a Warcry Warband of them now!


Oct 25, 2017
I wish they'd hurry up and show more characters on bikes. I really want a captain and ideally a librarian outrider

would love to see the primaris equivalent to my librarian dreadnought too - maybe a librarian in an Invictor


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
Rather than another undersupported Eldar faction (looking at you, Harlequins) I'd really prefer they go for the T'au Auxilliaries. I loved that idea/rumor that got posted a while back that they go into more of a full Covenant mode due to the Chaos invasion and the Startide Nexus combining to make them a hub for galactic refugees. Move traditional T'au units into more of an elite army role and fill out the holes in the list with a bunch of different aliens, maybe one or two units per species but tied together with some obviously T'au equipment on top. Like, get Kroots some armor pieces with Sept symbols or something like that, so they'd look like a cohesive force even with a ton of different species and their specialty equipment on the table. That's an aesthetic we just don't have in 40k right now.

War Peaceman

Oct 28, 2017
I wouldn't describe harlequins as undersupported. They are just innately a small faction. There's only one model I think they are missing and that's a great harlequin.


Nov 8, 2017
Maybe my bias but I think Tau are quite under developed. If you look at the releases over the last few years to update lines (i.e Death guard, Necron, second wave GSC, second wave Ad Mec), I feel they need a second wave to flesh them out.

They lack character models for HQ and Elite slots compared to the above armies that were updated. For the character models they do have, outside of commanders, they are finecast and Sept locked. They need some generic non Sept locked characters instead of Darkstrider and Longstrike being T'au only.

Could do with a good Ad Mech and GSC style second wave of new auxillariy units and character/HQ models.
Oct 25, 2017
I've said it in this thread so many times- the prospect of Tau being expanded and having numerous existing lines redone is the most exciting release prospect for me in 40K.

Kroot need new characters, new units (giving the Tau more CC options?), bring back plastic versions of the old Forgeworld units, revamp the existing Kroot Mercs kit, and redo the Krootox and Kroot hounds (probably some of the worst 40K sculpts still on sale).

Tau need more character models, and sniper drones replacing with a plastic kit (and any other lingering resin kits).

Vespid need plastic versions (perhaps with a troop kit that makes two different units), and some sort of character/HQ.

Human allies needs to happen (in conjunction with a new Guard codex and accompanying kits).

Dream material would be miniatures for one of the mentioned (or even new created) other allied xenos fighters.


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
I wouldn't describe harlequins as undersupported. They are just innately a small faction. There's only one model I think they are missing and that's a great harlequin.
Eh, they're supposed to be an army - they're really very limited in that context. Not to mention there are more named Harlequin characters in the Imperium than in the Harlequins.
I've said it in this thread so many times- the prospect of Tau being expanded and having numerous existing lines redone is the most exciting release prospect for me in 40K.

Kroot need new characters, new units (giving the Tau more CC options?), bring back plastic versions of the old Forgeworld units, revamp the existing Kroot Mercs kit, and redo the Krootox and Kroot hounds (probably some of the worst 40K sculpts still on sale).

Tau need more character models, and sniper drones replacing with a plastic kit (and any other lingering resin kits).

Vespid need plastic versions (perhaps with a troop kit that makes two different units), and some sort of character/HQ.

Human allies needs to happen (in conjunction with a new Guard codex and accompanying kits).

Dream material would be miniatures for one of the mentioned (or even new created) other allied xenos fighters.
Personally, more than fleshing out existing auxiliaries, I'd prefer if we got a bunch of new ones. Kroot and Vespid and Gue'Vesa should be present, but I'd like to see most of the models be new species.

Sneaky Gato

Oct 27, 2017
Someone on bolter and chainsword did a count back in June. There have been 126 new space marine kits since the last tyranid release in 2014 :D
Was that when the Sporocyst released? I could have sworn that released more recently. Though I guess one could technically count the Patriarch as a new model if they were being pedantic.