Oct 26, 2017
Didn't the Emperor tell them about the Warp and Daemons though? Reading about Magnus the Red cause I'm trying to figure out if Magnus was always that red for some reason, and this was a passage that came out early.


Surely he mentioned this to the other Primarchs as well?

Eh...kinda? He told them about the dangers of the Warp but neglected to mention Chaos. So none of the Astartes were prepared for demonic coersion and possession.

There's also speculation that Big E made a deal with chaos to create the primarchs in the first place (although we only have the word of demons on that; and they have every reason to lie), which if true means he is a hypocrite if nothing else.

Also, what he did to Angron was borderline stupid and so out of character I'm convinced GW did it just to make the red angel a monster.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
The Emperor of Mankind did create life when he made the Primarchs. So, there is something weird going on there.


Oct 27, 2017
Hey everyone, so glad there's already a 40k thread here!

Re: Magnus, I think he found out about Chaos on his own and felt betrayed by BigE? Regardless, Emps made critical mistakes with the Primarchs and him sitting in his chair is as much his own doing as anyone else's.

Picked up playing 8th in July after not playing in earnest since 3rd, and a couple months of 5th back in 09. Started Blood Angels, I sold all my Eldar years ago. Been using the vanilla codex Salamanders traits thus far. I'm tempted to grab some eldar too after picking up codex Craftworlds. My main opponents play Death Guard, Dark Angels and nids. Leaks and rumours on the nids book coming out in 2 weeks look powerful.


Oct 26, 2017
The Primarchs are test tube babies that had something done to them.
Oh, most assuredly. All sorts of experiments.

Now whether he used warp magic to infuse part of his soul in them (thereby sapping certain aspects of his humanity) or was it simply the power of forbidden tech is a whole different beehive - which is what I thought you were getting at.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Oh, most assuredly. All sorts of experiments.

Now whether he used warp magic to infuse part of his soul in them (thereby sapping certain aspects of his humanity) or was it simply the power of forbidden tech is a whole different beehive - which is what I thought you were getting at.
It could be a little bit of both. But I need to do some more research because I might be confused on something that was said in Master of Mankind.


Oct 25, 2017
Umeå, Sweden
We've had artificial life creation in science fiction before (like cloning) without the use of demonic forces.

They could be based on the genetics of the Emperor, along with some tampering by E. to diversify and give them that certified Space Marine quality of bulk. The Emperor is capable of having offspring or clones or whatever, as the Sensei seem to imply (if it remains canon).


Oct 25, 2017
Hooboy. I've had the Tyranid beginner box for months, and this is all I have done so far.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
We've had artificial life creation in science fiction before (like cloning) without the use of demonic forces.

They could be based on the genetics of the Emperor, along with some tampering by E. to diversify and give them that certified Space Marine quality of bulk. The Emperor is capable of having offspring or clones or whatever, as the Sensei seem to imply (if it remains canon).
I'm pretty sure the Sensei thing is not canon.


Oct 25, 2017
I mostly feel bad that my Tyrant is still just the carapace glued together, with some attempts at filling mold lines. I think I need to get some liquid green stuff. And decided if I want a Flying Tyrant, Swarmlord, or Hive Tyrant.

And play the game. I need to get around to that at some point.

Edit: Also, if anyone could point me to what to buy next for my Tyranids, I would really appreciate it. No idea. Option paralysis going on.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I mostly feel bad that my Tyrant is still just the carapace glued together, with some attempts at filling mold lines. I think I need to get some liquid green stuff. And decided if I want a Flying Tyrant, Swarmlord, or Hive Tyrant.

And play the game. I need to get around to that at some point.

Edit: Also, if anyone could point me to what to buy next for my Tyranids, I would really appreciate it. No idea. Option paralysis going on.
What HQ were you plan on getting?


Oct 25, 2017
What HQ were you plan on getting?
Embarrassingly enough, no idea. Probably Hive Tyrant, because that's the only model I actually have that is an HQ. As it stands, I have 3 warriors, 10 gargoyles, and Hive Tyrant (or swarmlord if I build it that way).

I may have made a huge mistake. I've read good things about the Broodlord, but the aesthetics of Genestealers really don't do it for me. And if I'm gonna be spending hours painting, I'd prefer not to start of hating the model.

War Peaceman

Oct 28, 2017
Thanks for the kind words.

They are actually not too complicated to paint. I have no natural artistic ability (I can't visualise things in my mind, so I can only follow instructions), just a steady hand. If you follow the guides on warhammer tv you will go a long way. The only bit that required any great skill was painting the blue highlights. Blocking in the blue to begin with was time consuming but just painting within the lines - use an appropriate sized brush and be patient and it shouldn't be an issue for the able bodied.
Oct 26, 2017
Thanks for the kind words.

They are actually not too complicated to paint. I have no natural artistic ability (I can't visualise things in my mind, so I can only follow instructions), just a steady hand. If you follow the guides on warhammer tv you will go a long way. The only bit that required any great skill was painting the blue highlights. Blocking in the blue to begin with was time consuming but just painting within the lines - use an appropriate sized brush and be patient and it shouldn't be an issue for the able bodied.

I can attest to this. I can't draw to save my life but the right brush and proper thinning on your paints goes a long way.

Still haven't figured out shading though. Nuln oil confounds me.


Oct 27, 2017


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
Stripping and repainting old minis is great. I've not long finished stripping and painting some of my old 2nd Ed Necron Raiders and Destroyers. I should have taken some before pictures because they looked terrible! I ended up using them in my last game too (as I have more old, metal destroyers than I do plastic).

Deified Data

Oct 28, 2017
Stripping and repainting old minis is great. I've not long finished stripping and painting some of my old 2nd Ed Necron Raiders and Destroyers. I should have taken some before pictures because they looked terrible! I ended up using them in my last game too (as I have more old, metal destroyers than I do plastic).
I'm working on a couple 3rd ed. Drukhari Ravagers right now from Ebay, both bought from the same store and coincidentally painted by the same dude. It's a weirdly sad yet cathartic experience stripping away all of someone's hard work on a model, even if it wasn't painted all that well. I'll post pics of my progress once I'm done - it's been through quite the transformation so far.

Sneaky Gato

Oct 27, 2017
Sounds like we are going to be getting our first look at what is coming next year at Blood and Glory tonight. Any guesses as to what will be shown? I suspect we will see the first look at Shadespire expansion teams, the long rumoured nurgle book, and Adeptus Titanicus.


Oct 25, 2017
Norn Iron
My wishlist of things to show: Sisters of Battle, more Necromunda gangs and the new Battlefleet game (OK very unlikely to be shown) :D


Oct 25, 2017
Norn Iron
Next three codexes:

"Both of these Chapters are firm fan favourites in the Warhammer 40,000 community, and their new codexes are packed with all sorts of awesome content designed to bring them up to speed with their brethren who adhere more closely to the Codex Astartes. You'll find Stratagems, Warlord Traits and updated lore, as well rules for including the arsenal of the Primaris Marines in your Blood Angels and Dark Angels armies.

Not to worry, servants of Chaos; 2018 will be kicking off with a new codex for Chaos Daemons, all the better to slay the servants of the Corpse-Emperor (or just anyone who gets in your way) with."


They also announced some non-40K stuff including a new darker Age of Sigmar logo hinting at a new storyline, revealed a new AoS female model called a Darkoath Warqueen, and showed a Skaven warband for Shadespire:
Last edited:


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
It will be interesting if we will see if the rules for Blood Angels transferred to the Primaris Marines.


Oct 26, 2017
Finished reading Ruinstorm. Felt so different than anything I've read from 40K. It was more of an Odyssey-like where Roboute, Sanguinius and The Lion needing to solve puzzles to advance their journey.

Sneaky Gato

Oct 27, 2017
Ruinstorm feels to me like the endgame has really started to kick in for the Heresy.

Hmm, looks like that deamon release kind of puts the kibosh on the rumours that sisters will be the first book of next year. On the other hand this does mean we are getting most of the marine releases out early. Though I still feel that a nurgle is coming soon next year.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I feel like Praetorian of Dorn is pretty much the start of the endgame. Path of Heaven and Ruinstorm feels like they would've been earlier but did not come out in time.


Oct 25, 2017
I've got a lore question for anybody that might know. I'm going to be converting an Abhuman Imperial Guard regiment with the majority to be comprised of (you guessed it) Squats. So I was wondering, what are the Mechanicums stance on Abhumans? Would they allow them join their ranks? Or do they view them as abominations and an affront to the Omniessiah? I ask because I wan't to convert a Squat Techpreist Engineseer and I wanted to know if it would make sense lore wise. Otherwise I won't. I've already decided to make my Commissars and Psykers human (are Psykers considered Abhuman?) so It wouldn't be a big deal I just wanted to be sure.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think they actually said a lot about that subject. I know that Admech experiments on human and turn them into abhumans. Whether or not an abhuman can be a techpreist hasn't been said yet, but frankly it doesn't matter at a certain point with what people turn into in the Admech.

Sneaky Gato

Oct 27, 2017
I'm not sure. On one hand Admech is all about purity of the machine and purging the flesh. On the other hand the Admech is dogmatic enough that I could see that being a real issue. Especially is some of their tech is set up to reject flesh that is too different from baseline human. Of course that brings up the point that given the time, area, isolation, and warp exposure are significant factors what really is baseline humanity at this point. If anything Squats would be one of the more stable variants in opposition to something like say beastmen or spacers. I say go for it. Though I guess an issue that might be there was that the Squats were mercantile and rejected the Admech dogma so an interesting backstory might be required or you could just say that following the destruction of the Squats homeword the remains now had to rely on Admech support to survive.


Oct 25, 2017
Hrmm. Well I'm glad my question was at least food for thought. I'm probably going to convert myself one anyway regardless/ just in case/ for fun.

My idea for my Squats was that they existed as a small settlement on the western fringe of the galaxy and was largely uneffected by the Tyrannid swarms. They had then had this world annexed by the Mechanicum to become a forge world. They were able to maintain a level of autonomy because they had boughten it by essentially selling several STC's to the Mexhanicum. Though their world is still a forge world.


Oct 27, 2017
A size comparison between the Redemptor Dreadnought and one of my old metal minis from the 90s.

edit: Hid it behind a spoiler tag as the image is bigger than I thought
Oct 26, 2017
So, im trying to find ways to break up the all the red armour colouring and im struggling (still got a lot of work to do I know).

Anyone got any recommendations for Blood Angels transfer sheets?


What exactly do you not like about the red? I see a few spots like the Aquila (sp?) that you could paint gold I suppose. You could also try some edge highlighting with a different shade of red to make it pop.

Also some shading couldn't hurt either. A little nuln oil to seep into the recessed areas helps them to stand out.


Oct 25, 2017
So, im trying to find ways to break up the all the red armour colouring and im struggling (still got a lot of work to do I know).

Anyone got any recommendations for Blood Angels transfer sheets?

You could always make a section or two of the armor plating black. You could paint the rivets gold or silver as well. Rational Ginger probably has the right of it that even if it is all red, some bold edge highlights could make it pop if you want that Heavy Metal feel.