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Deleted member 3812

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Oct 25, 2017
WaPo has just reported that Senator Cory Booker will be in the U.S. Presidential race for 2020:

Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey said Friday that he will seek the Democratic nomination for president, adding his name to a growing and increasingly diversified field of 2020 candidates intent on taking on President Trump.

Booker made his announcement via an email and video to supporters, and he had interviews scheduled throughout the day.

"The history of our nation is defined by collective action; by interwoven destinies of slaves and abolitionists; of those born here and those who chose America as home; of those who took up arms to defend our country, and those who linked arms to challenge and change it," Booker said in his video, which made repeated references to Trump and his actions as president.

"I believe that we can build a country where no one is forgotten, no one is left behind; where parents can put food on the table; where there are good paying jobs with good benefits in every neighborhood; where our criminal justice system keeps us safe, instead of shuffling more children into cages and coffins; where we see the faces of our leaders on television and feel pride, not shame," he said.

Booker joined a race already occupied by three other senators — Kamala D. Harris of California, Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Kirsten Gillibrand of New York — as well as several other candidates.


Oct 27, 2017
Booker seems more like VP material.

I don't see him beating out Kamala at the very least, let alone if Biden, Bernie, or Beto runs.


Oct 25, 2017
Nervous about the lack of charisma on the Democrat bench.

At least it's not a coronation.

Lys Skygge

Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
I like how passionate Booker can be, but I still have some issues with him. Kamala is definitely my #1 choice.


Oct 26, 2017
Dunedin, New Zealand
Why does no one ever run from the get-go on a P/VP ticket? Is it so that the Presidential candidate can shore up weaknesses with a specific VP pick further down the road?


Oct 25, 2017
Will be interesting to see how this all plays out and how long some candidates stick around since most dem contests (all?) are proportional


Dec 26, 2018
Why does no one ever run from the get-go on a P/VP ticket? Is it so that the Presidential candidate can shore up weaknesses with a specific VP pick further down the road?

Primaries like this are generally like auditions in the nominee's government, VP being the lucky second place's prize. However, that's not guaranteed.

Deleted member 5666

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Why does no one ever run from the get-go on a P/VP ticket? Is it so that the Presidential candidate can shore up weaknesses with a specific VP pick further down the road?
You can't run as ticket on the primary ballot. And often times the VP pick is someone who also ran in the primary but lost.

Biden, Edwards, and Gore are recent examples of that.

Jon Carter

Oct 27, 2017
He's likable, but he's always seemed too "weak" compared with how ruthless Trump can and is going to be.


Oct 25, 2017
With Kamala in the race, I feel like she's the superior candidate that replaces much of what Booker could bring to the table, especially in regards to fierceness. Not interested.


Oct 29, 2017
Cool video

But I think that he wouldn't be able to handle the GE election against Trump as well as Kamala Harris would. I am taking no chances.


Oct 27, 2017
Lots of posts in here and peeps worried more about demeanor and biting back at trump than what the dude stands for.


Oct 27, 2017
Fuck no, this guy is a sleazy sellout and Wall Street shill. He's a smooth talker but one of the absolute worst candidates running. I almost think I'd rather have Hillary again.

Booker, Biden, and Tulsi should be unacceptable and nonstarters for anyone even remotely progressive. Fuck those three. Everyone else is either good or acceptable. I really don't trust Gillibrand as far as I can throw her based on how nakedly opportunistic she's been on so many issues though her "transformation" from a goddamn blue dog, but she seems to floundering anyway so hopefully she's not a final contender either.


Nov 2, 2017
The Left
Is anyone really excited about Booker at all? I think he's corny as hell.
After mentioning Bloomberg, Wall Street executives who want Trump out list a consistent roster of appealing nominees that includes former Vice President Joe Biden and Sens. Cory Booker of New Jersey, Kirsten Gillibrand of New York and Kamala Harris of California. Others meriting mention: former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, former Maryland Rep. John Delaney and former Texas Rep. Beto O'Rourke, though fewally know his positions.

Bankers' biggest fear: The nomination goes to an anti-Wall Street crusader like Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) or Sanders. "It can't be Warren and it can't be Sanders," said the CEO of another giant bank. "It has to be someone centrist and someone who can win."


Oct 25, 2017
Lots of posts in here and peeps worried more about demeanor and biting back at trump than what the dude stands for.

To be fair the last election proved that people don't actually give a shit what they stand for so long as Trump acts as he does. After 2016 there's been a lot of people even on era that would say something like "why didn't hillary talk about x" or "she should have talked about x", only for people to point out that she actually did talk about that in great detail. However it got completely drowned out by all the controversial shit Trump was spewing out his ass

That said I think Booker would do far better at "biting back" than other candidates like Warren or Gillibrand


Oct 27, 2017
Dude's a charter school advocate who thought Obama was too mean to Wall Street and was a big Pharma shill for years. He's fucking terrible.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
What are his policies?
probably his most notable proposal is his universal basic wealth/'baby bond' plan, which IMO is one of the better anti-poverty proposals so far:

Booker's plan would offer all newborns $1,000, and then add up to $2,000 annually for children in low-income households. By age 18, that could add up to serious money; Booker's team estimates that for kids from lowest-income families, the nest egg would average some $46,000.


The baby bonds' effect is striking. In a baby bonds scenario, the median white young person would have had a net worth of $79,159. The median black young person would have had a net worth of $57,845. A gap remains, but the ratio has been reduced to 1.4.

In other words, Booker's proposal comes close to eliminating the racial wealth gap entirely for young adults.
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