
Oct 27, 2017

This week, after Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) said Tuesday that he would rescind the statewide mask mandate while the vast majority of residents remain unvaccinated, the tough choice to enforce public health guidance fell to business owners, and Picos announced it would continue requiring masks. But, after such a challenging year, the reaction to their decision was disheartening, co-owner Monica Richards said: Several people sent hateful messages through social media and called the restaurant, threatening to report staffers to Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
"It was just horrific," Richards said. "People don't understand unless you're in our business what it felt like, how hard it was to go through everything we went through during covid. For people to be negative toward us for trying to remain safe, so that this doesn't continue to happen, just makes zero sense to us."

Another Houston Mexican restaurant, Cantina Barba, received similar intimidating messages, and staff have been bullied by some screaming customers who refused to wear masks while it was required statewide, co-owner Steven O'Sullivan said.
"This has been ongoing through covid," O'Sullivan said. "We've had threats of calling ICE. I had one guy just stand there and berate one of my bartenders and tell her 'you're an absolute idiot, you don't know what you're doing. If you think these masks are going to save your life, you're stupid' blah, blah, blah. Nobody wants to deal with that stuff."
One employee of Grand Prize Bar in December had to get stitches after he was hit in the head with a glass by a maskless customer he approached, Houston Police said.

Acevedo expressed faith that most Texans will continue to wear masks once the mandate is lifted — a hope shared by Richards. After the threats to her restaurant staff were reported by the Houston Chronicle, she said, a wave of support followed, as people thanked her and her family for keeping people safe. Many customers who reached out told Richards that they favored masks, she said.
"That other side has been wonderful," she said. "We had a wonderful day yesterday. Our staff was thrilled and thankful."

But Richards, whose family has served Mexican food in Houston for over three decades, says she has also seen a less predictable — and in this case, a hateful — side of people in the pandemic that she had not before.
"Being Hispanic, and going through that immigration process, and finally receiving your papers, and then for somebody to start threatening you after you've been through all that, that's crazy," she said. "It's just heartbreaking."


Dec 10, 2018
"Oh no, we have to wear masks"

Hey kids, can you help the person make a good decision in their life? What would you do in this situation?
1) Comply with rules like a normal person and take care of those around you during these difficult times
2) Understand that the restauraunt has these rules in place, but you would rather go somewhere else because of your political/social problems
3) Full blown racism. Call ICE on these people because there's nothing quite like being a bigoted piece of shit.


Oct 27, 2017
It's the kind of people that usually the only thing they have to offer to humanity and the world in general is carbon dioxide.


Oct 27, 2017
This fucking sucks. My wife is in Houston and has had to work the entire time this pandemic has been going on. Her sister is a teacher and has had to go back go in person teaching this year, despite the insane risks to the family at the house including their 92 year old grandmother. People have been bitching for months about schools reopening and sending their kids to their "free daycare" and this is exactly why I didn't care about people who wanted that. It's one thing to do it safely and it's entirely different when you have so many idiots who refuse to comply with basic safety steps that would save lives and allow some kind of normality to exist during these hard times.

People fucking suck, and the idea you would flip out and try to have honest people who are trying to get by and actually give you something you had in normal life before the pandemic, deported and shit because they ask you to do your part to also keep them safe while they give you that is disgusting.

Also fuck Greg Abbot, that little bitch is such a coward and got rid of the mandates and put the role onto businesses because then he doesn't need to take the heat for people who still want to force masks to not die in the shitty situation he got texas into. Never forget last year when texas locked down and the spike went away, Abbot did a press conference to talk about his reopening plan and said it would be phases and not move on unless the current phase didn't cause more cases.....then when phase 1 did cause more cases he decided to move onto phase 2 and 3 with nothing but a time frame controlling it. He didn't care about the case numbers or deaths, his whole plan was based on the time frame he picked.

Also never forget that this mother fucker blocked local judges from being able to mandate masks for weeks and even struck down their mandates they had in place, then when numbers spiked like crazy again and some judges tried to find a way around his awful order, in the end forcing businesses to mandate masks instead of people being told to by the government, he came out and acted like those judges had figured out this great little hidden loophole he left there weeks before and acted like he was glad they finally figured it out. This idiot seriously acted like the covid restrictions judges wanted was a puzzle they had to solve in his order while people died every week it was in effect before they did so.

Fucking awful person and he has always been a coward who refuses to admit he fucked up and take the blame for mistakes like a true leader would.


Dec 10, 2018
I thought they wanted businesses to deny service to whoever they wanted.

Double standards only apply and fit the narrative when it is in their favour.

Denial of service to a gay couple who just want a cake for their wedding = "Good it's their right!"
Denial of service for not wearing a mask during a dangerous and life threatening pandemic = "You can't do this to us! We will retaliate!"

Everything tastes better with hypocricy!


Oct 27, 2017
But they still wanted to come there to eat knowing fully well about their mask rule???

Hollywood Duo

Oct 25, 2017
That's the service industry for you. Being forced to put up with the lowest depths of humanity. Terrible people.


Oct 25, 2017
After the threats to her restaurant staff were reported by the Houston Chronicle, she said, a wave of support followed, as people thanked her and her family for keeping people safe. Many customers who reached out told Richards that they favored masks, she said.
"That other side has been wonderful," she said. "We had a wonderful day yesterday. Our staff was thrilled and thankful."
Faith in humanity restored


Wrong About Cheese
Sep 21, 2020
As a non-trash-ass person in Texas, I am surrounded by trash-ass people. Hell, three of my neighbors still have up their Trump 2020 signs.
I feel for you guys. I hope it goes blue in the next decade with so many tech companies moving there. Not that it will erase the trash people, but it would be nice to at least have senators and state government that represent dems or liberals.


Oct 25, 2017
When the mandate it up, can't the city of Houston still mandate masks? According to my mom Florida hasn't had a mask mandate in forever but her county still requires it so majority of people have been doing it.


Oct 25, 2017
The same group that cheers when a bakery refuses to sell to a gay couple because "their business, their rules."

Fuck all these racist idiots.
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Oct 25, 2017
So many vile fools on this planet, if at least they would keep their idiocy burried in their little heads.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
This is the Trump army for yah. He fostered and normalized this nonsense.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
I bet a lot of people down here don't actually know what the governors order actually means and think they can just got up to any buisness without a mask on no matter what. A lot of dumb folk out there.

and it happens all the time but conservatives turn on their core values like "free market no matter what" or "govt can't tell me what to do" on a dime whenever it suits their needs. Just a bunch of snowflake hypocrites.


The Fallen
Nov 12, 2017
As a non-trash-ass person in Texas, I am surrounded by trash-ass people. Hell, three of my neighbors still have up their Trump 2020 signs.
To be fair it's not exclusively a Texas thing. It happens less where I live in Connecticut but we have people with Trump signs here too. Anti maskers and anti vaxers. I go to PA sometimes too and the "covid is an exaggeration" "the vaccine is dangerous" "fuck masks" mentality is kind of rampant there. My sis who lives there keeps giving me anecdotes about how a friend went in because they had a cold and they said it was covid without testing and that it wasn't. It's all BS obviously. She went on a full out screaming match because I said I would vaccine myself if I had the option. She just had a baby too and I'm pretty sure she didn't give him all his shots. It's upsetting that she's putting her kid in danger because someone on Instagram decided they knew more then doctors and she decided to listen to them instead.


Oct 27, 2017
The new mandate doesn't even take effect until next week, but I imagine most people think it was immediate.

I'm honestly waiting for people to start giving me shit after that when I keep wearing my mask to HEB.


Oct 27, 2017
Why do I get the distinct feeling that these fuckers are calling ICE not because they know the people working inside are Hispanic but because they're Mexican restaurants?

Five gets you ten if these were Chinese restaurants they wouldn't be calling ICE but would be accusing them of being CCP sleeper cells.
Oct 26, 2017
As a non-trash-ass person in Texas, I am surrounded by trash-ass people. Hell, three of my neighbors still have up their Trump 2020 signs.

not from Texas, but in Cincinnati I've seen people that once took down the signs now have them back up. Worst offender is the trick waving a trump flag at my kids' school pickup line.


Oct 29, 2017
Abbott basically pit Texan against Texan with his removing of the mandate. Dudes abhorrent and I wish him the absolute worst.


Oct 25, 2017
The same group that cheers when a bakery refuses to sell to a gay couple because "their business, their rules."

Fuck all these racist idiots.



Nov 30, 2017
The governor knows his mask order was giving cover to business to avoid the backlash yet he removed it anyway. He is a terrible person as are most of the elected republicans in the state.


Oct 27, 2017
I really feel for these workers in these times. This is obviously a horrible thing also fueled by racism and these vile people should be thrown away.

Sadly this isn't that uncommon. As someone who works serving the general public, we've had people throw things at us for serving contactless, grab for our masks, and generally be shitty all around to us for having to change our policy to keep both of us safe.

The human race fucking sucks.