
Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Got a long day tomorrow, so I will likely not stay up to watch the final episode tonight (especially if it a long episode). D:

It has been a fun month and a half, and I really hope the show sticks to the landing well. Still, at the very least, it got me to finally check out the follow up to House of M, along with the kids overall. Billy especially is such a great character.
Oct 27, 2017
I'm ready for mutants to finally be mentioned...


do we know the context of this gif?


Oct 28, 2017
It could definitely be nothing, but in episode 6 Monica specifically says "just gotta meet my guy over the ridge"
It really is so weird how they show played that if it was nothing. I really wouldn't have read into the original line, but her delivery and the way she practically looks into the camera and smiles and then it following up an episode later with her saying she is meeting her "guy" and then when we meet the contact it is neither a guy nor does she appear to be an aerospace engineer.

Throw in Teyonah's comments about looking forward to seeing people's reactions and I went from "maybe this could actually be a character who plays a role in the show" to "this must be a hint for some character comic fans would know".


Nov 3, 2018
AAAARGH I hate the last couple of hours before something like this. It's already past midnight damnit, come on!


Oct 25, 2017
So yeah the rewatch of Age of Ultron was even better after going trough WandaVision. I just have to say that I don't care what shenanigans take place for it to happen but would like for ATJ Quicksilver to come back cause man he was such a treat in that movie. Also note that when he died Wanda did a mini version of her WV breakdown just destroying the Ultrons around her.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
My top three favorite season finales:

Number 3: The Office - Casino Night (Season 2)
Cold open: Jim pranks Dwight into believing he has telekinetic powers. Michael invites two dates to the warehouse Casino charity event where Kevin loses all his money to Phyllis, Bob Vance (of Vance Refrigeration) awards Creed a mini fridge, and Jim professes his love to Pam before kissing her. We're left to wait a whole year to learn what happens next between them.

Favorite quote: "Why are you the way that you are? Honestly, every time I try to do something fun or exciting, you make it not… that way. I hate so much about the things that you choose to be."

Number 2: Lost - Through the Looking Glass (Season 3)
The crash survivors go to war with The Others, Desmond watches Charlie heroically drown in the underwater Dharma observatory, and a new narrative mechanic is introduced into the show: a flash forward into the future where we learn that crash survivors Jack and Kate have made it off the island. We're left to wait a whole year to learn who else made it off the island and how.

Favorite quote: "If you say 'Live together, die alone' to me, Jack, I'm gonna punch you in your face."

Number 1: Breaking Bad - Face Off (Season 4)
Walter lets Jesse think he almost accidentally poison his girlfriend's son, then teams up with Hector Salamanca to kill Gus by planting a bomb in his wheel chair after convincing Gun that Hector ratted him out to the Feds. We get a brutal shot of Gus' face blown off before learning that Walter actually did poison Brock. We're left to wait a whole year to see the fallout of the power vacuum created by Walter and Gus' final confrontation.

Favorite quote: "I won."

Your turn.

In no order Supernatural Season 5, Buffy Season 5, Angel Season 5... swear I didn't plan that.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
It's funny, season finales usually aren't my favorite episodes of most shows. Maybe the Community season 2 finale?