
Oct 25, 2017
I don't buy this, but we'll see.

Like I don't buy Mephisto hiding as Pietro but throwing around "demon spawn" and "charming as hell".

Too on the nose.
Technically he doesn't have a reason not to. I mean, nobody even knows he's even around in the MCU (if it is him), the quintessential "devil's greatest trick is he convinced the world he doesn't exist"


Nov 15, 2017
My theory is that anything created inside of the Hex has it's own conscious and free will independent of Wanda. Which explains why Vision, the twins and Pietro all have their own free will.


Oct 26, 2017
Watched it again. How is anyone saying that Evan Peters is literally just Quicksilver from the X-Men movies, there's so much to directly state it's not just literally that character plucked from those movies and inserted into WandaVision. If it is him here's maybe under some kind of control, he's been given false memories, or something else that would justify the things he's saying and doing. Or could be someone else appearing as him. It's obvious that there's more to it than just they brought that character into this show.


Oct 25, 2017
Watched it again. How is anyone saying that Evan Peters is literally just Quicksilver from the X-Men movies, there's so much to directly state it's not just literally that character plucked from those movies and inserted into WandaVision. If it is him here's maybe under some kind of control, he's been given false memories, or something else that would justify the things he's saying and doing. Or could be someone else appearing as him. It's obvious that there's more to it than just they brought that character into this show.
It's definitely not him. Or at least this manifestation of him isn't him.


Oct 27, 2017
Watched it again. How is anyone saying that Evan Peters is literally just Quicksilver from the X-Men movies, there's so much to directly state it's not just literally that character plucked from those movies and inserted into WandaVision. If it is him here's maybe under some kind of control, he's been given false memories, or something else that would justify the things he's saying and doing. Or could be someone else appearing as him. It's obvious that there's more to it than just they brought that character into this show.

More than likely it's a swerve and I think the best that people are going to get is that Evan Peters will say something along the lines of "I don't remember where I came from" at the end of the series. I was pretty shocked that he actually remembers everything that his counterpart knew.


Nov 27, 2017
More than likely it's a swerve and I think the best that people are going to get is that Evan Peters will say something along the lines of "I don't remember where I came from" at the end of the series. I was pretty shocked that he actually remembers everything that his counterpart knew.
And then he takes on the moniker Speed Demon


Dec 19, 2017
SWORD are just a bunch of dicks. Handcuffing Darcy, then leaving her to maybe die? Dick move. Big dick move.

Yeah, SWORD basically sucks, which is a shame, because I loved the comic book version headed by Abigail Brand. Lots of amusing hijinks to be had with her crew, cameos from Beast and Jessica Drew, good times.

Also, now that we know it's been around a while, I'm confused about what Fury was doing in that Spidey post-credit scene... so much for the theory he was founding SWORD up in space!


Oct 30, 2017
I don't think you show Beekeeper Guy's safety line actually turning into a jump rope, then show Monica's clothes actually changing to be 80s, even after she leaves the Hex, then have the characters talk about the nature of the reality changing, unless you're really really trying to hammer home that these aren't illusions. Vision is really alive again. It wouldn't make sense for him to revert or turn back into a corpse after he escapes.
There is a big difference between altering something materially and breathing new life into a person. The power to change clothing to different clothing is not at all the same as restoring life to an individual

It is implied that Wanda does not have the power to raise the dead, so there must be another entity involved. A Faustian bargain seems likely, where a person trades something important for something else. This kind of bargain originates with the Devil.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, SWORD basically sucks, which is a shame, because I loved the comic book version headed by Abigail Brand. Lots of amusing hijinks to be had with her crew, cameos from Beast and Jessica Drew, good times.
Well this is technically only Hayword's branch of it. Could be some good parts but yeah, not a good look so far


Oct 27, 2017
Whatever the deal with Pietro is, he knows things that either the original one, or presumably the Fox one, wouldn't know, namely that Vision had died before. Not sure if that means it's Mephisto in a Fox!Pietro suit, but whatever's up with this Pietro, he knows the general history of the MCU, which MCU Pietro didn't get too much of, dying as he did half way through.


Oct 26, 2017
Oh and "I got shot in the street like a chump for no reason at all" kinda serves as a meta joke about how the fox series of movies ended not with a bang but with a whimper.


Jan 9, 2018
Whatever the deal with Pietro is, he knows things that either the original one, or presumably the Fox one, wouldn't know, namely that Vision had died before. Not sure if that means it's Mephisto in a Fox!Pietro suit, but whatever's up with this Pietro, he knows the general history of the MCU, which MCU Pietro didn't get too much of, dying as he did half way through.

I'm thinking Fox Pietro with implanted memories from MCU Pietro plus updated memories from whoever is doing all this.

Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I guess I take things at face value, but with Wanda's powers being ultimately derived from the Mind Stone, it kind of makes sense that in a bubble of her own powers, she'd ba able to give a mind of their own to people she has created, as they basically seem to have the same knowledge she does. The real question in that scenario is where the bodies are coming from, I guess.

My running theory atm is that Hayward or someone behind him somehow nudged her into doing this so they could resurrect Vision.

I'm not really on the Mephisto train tbh.


Don't F5!
Oct 25, 2017
Hamburg, Germany
Whatever the deal with Pietro is, he knows things that either the original one, or presumably the Fox one, wouldn't know, namely that Vision had died before. Not sure if that means it's Mephisto in a Fox!Pietro suit, but whatever's up with this Pietro, he knows the general history of the MCU, which MCU Pietro didn't get too much of, dying as he did half way through.
Everyone knows vision died.

Ignatz Mouse

Oct 27, 2017
You mean "I took a wrong turn to mean"

How did I end up as a lacky for Nightmare/Cthun/Dormamu/Mephisto

Also notice that wasn't with Wanda this whole episode. She was trying to REACH Wanda in the Town Square Scare but ended up near Ellis Ave.
It was "Pietro" who was with her at the Town Square Scare.

Oh, interesting. Like Pietro (or his puppet master) sent her far away on purpose.


Oct 30, 2017
Actually, the super speed I think confirms that this is a Pietro, even if it doesn't confirm which one.

Mephisto (Earth-616)

Mephisto is an extra-dimensional Demon who rules a fiery pocket dimension that he calls "Hell" or "Hades" although it is neither the Hell of the Christian religion nor the Hades ruled by Pluto, the Olympian god of the dead. Mephisto calls his extra-dimensional realm "hell" in order to exploit...

  • Medium Awareness: Mephisto possesses an unknown degree of medium awareness, able to pause a battle between himself, Doctor Strange, and Victor von Doom to monologue to the reader of the comic
  • Magical Manipulation: He can control magical energy for various effects, among which are the augmentation of his own physical strength, levitation, teleportation, the projection of mystical energy as force blasts, invisibility, matter manipulation, image projection, size transformation of his body or other objects or beings, the creation of temporary inter-dimensional apertures, and so on.
  • Mystical Deal: Through a Faustian bargain, Mephisto is able to fulfill almost any wish that someone wants in exchange for something that they have - usually their souls. Once the agreement is sealed, it is virtually impossible for the victim to escape compliance.
  • Shapeshifting: Mephisto is more of a force than a physical being, one that can take any form that he wants


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
The rumor is the plot for DP3 is the Snapback brings Deadpool and his friends through, and everyone including his friends just remembers him being there always in the MCU, APART FROM HIM. He thinks he caused it because his time travel stuff in DP2 and tries to fix things but really it was the snapback that did it. Expect lots of recon flashbacks of him in the battle of NY and the airport battle.

Hope that rumor is true to be honest!

That's incredible. I hope they do it.


Ugly, Queer, Gender-Fluid, Drive-In Mutant, yes?
Apr 22, 2018
Tampa, Fl
Is the Hex how they're creating mutants? Does Westview eventually become or extend to Westchester?

I think the snap/blip might be a central point in establishing anti-super/mutant sentiment.

Pietro must be a form of Nightmare or whatever outside source is trying to harness Wanda's power.
Westchester is a real place north of New York City.

Westview is a fictional town in New Jersey which is south of New York City.

Probably not a likely scenario.

Also mutants are not just "mutated humans" those are referred to as "mutates" and are what characters like Spider-Man, Hulk, and the MCU AND the comic versions of Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver.

Mutants are the next evolutionary step of humanity with an X Gene that activates near puberty and grants their powers.

It extremely unlikely the hex has anything to do with mutants. Especially since Wanda isn't one.


Oct 25, 2017
I just fucking realized

How would Quicksilver know that the residents tv personality is not much different from their real personality


Oct 25, 2017
Fuuuuuuck, that ending. I wonder if Vision is going to work against Wanda or will fall deeper under her control next episode.

Jimmy Woo bringing out the surprise smackdown was great. Also hilarious how big of chumps they are making SWORD out to be. The kids developing their powers this episode was great and I loved their costumes.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I just fucking realized

How would Quicksilver know that the residents tv personality is not much different from their real personality

He's clearly aware of the anomaly on a level that other people aren't. Whether that's because of his superpowers (Quicksilver has superspeed even in his THOUGHT processes), or because Wanda CONSCIOUSLY isn't influencing him as much as everyone else because family, or because she created him herself, there's a lot of ways you could explain his ability to see through the anomaly more than others.


Oct 25, 2017
Westchester is a real place north of New York City.

Westview is a fictional town in New Jersey which is south of New York City.

Probably not a likely scenario.

Also mutants are not just "mutated humans" those are referred to as "mutates" and are what characters like Spider-Man, Hulk, and the MCU AND the comic versions of Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver.

Mutants are the next evolutionary step of humanity with an X Gene that activates near puberty and grants their powers.

It extremely unlikely the hex has anything to do with mutants. Especially since Wanda isn't one.

They can still make it work if they want. How would you go about introducing mutants to the MCU?


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Maybe it is X-Men Quicksilver, and he was plucked from "another dimension", they never have to go into more specifics than that, but whoever brought him here fucked with his mind and planted everything in him. I want him to survive though since the character of Quicksilver is pretty good, and could've done more in the MCU than what he got


Jan 9, 2018
One thing I noticed is that Fox Pietro has the speed trail of MCU Pietro. In the Fox verse, Quicksilver doesn't have a speed trail except when he is running through something like water or smoke.


Oct 28, 2017
That episode was dope...

Curious to know who Monica's contact is. Also to see Vision's reaction, maybe that will help him empathise a bit with Wanda. I hope she shows him Thanos and the stone.


Oct 29, 2017
Fun episode, probably my favorite sitcom one at least.

Was not expecting MitM so soon, but I guess they were going for the blended 90s/00s with Parent Trap (98?) playing in the theater with the Incredibles (04).

Loved the Kick-Ass reference and hated the "getting shot in the street like a chump" because it was too true. Fuck you Whedon.

Lord Vatek

Jan 18, 2018
My big guess for everything going on is that:

Hayward and Agnes are gaslighting Monica and Vision respectively into thinking Wanda is the sole responsible party. The writers are in on this too and trying to gaslight the audience into thinking the same.


Jan 1, 2018
I'm very confused about how the hex works with the residents. We know that Wanda is seemingly controlling them and not letting them leave. But at times it's like she completely overwrites their personalities into the sitcom characters who are completely oblivious like for example with Norm, but with others they are aware of the world being her creation but have to follow the 'script' like with Agnes or Herb.


May 19, 2018
I love Wanda vision,

But is it just me and are those 30 minutes episodes not working anymore now that we have 'two worlds'? The last 3 episodes I often have the feeling 'is It finished already?' A story with so many details, I just feel 40 to 50 minutes episodes would have worked better to flesh out things a little more.

The Mandalorian also had those 30 minutes episodes but it didn't bother me as much as it does here. Am I really the only one?