
Oct 25, 2017
kind of weird that Vision seemed like he was about to hit Tommy/Billy in the opening credits and then he doesn't interact with the kids at all in the episode proper. like I know he's suspicious about what's going on but they're still his kids (kind of...)


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
The obvious answer would be that the snap randomly did it to people when they we re constituted.

It's only been three weeks since the blip, did anyone check Monica's DNA before going into the hex? I don't think Darcy did.

Also why are they treating an Astrophyscist as if she knows the slightest thing about cell biology. That's probably the first time in her life she's ever seen a picture of a cell, let alone being able to know what any of it means.

Bloody super know it all film scientists.


Oct 25, 2017
kind of weird that Vision seemed like he was about to hit Tommy/Billy in the opening credits and then he doesn't interact with the kids at all in the episode proper. like I know he's suspicious about what's going on but they're still his kids (kind of...)

I think that's just a byproduct of him having his own storyline away from everyone.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Also why are they treating an Astrophyscist as if she knows the slightest thing about cell biology. That's probably the first time in her life she's ever seen a picture of a cell, let alone being able to know what any of it means.

Bloody super know it all film scientists.
She's a physicist but can hack SWORD as quickly as Tony Stark hacked SHIELD (actually a lot faster).


Oct 30, 2017
Holy shit this show is delivering

I don't want Vision to die god damnit :'(

I think it is pretty clear at this point that there is an entity of some kind that wants to know how Wanda is so powerful. Why would Meph want Wanda's power? To use her? Is there some demon who would benefit from gaining Wanda's power to assert dominance?
I think the goal is to eventually find out "oh it is power from an infinity stone" and then the demon will try and suck it up Kirby style lol

There are multiple points where someone is trying to coax out the origin of her power

I need more!



The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
I think it's too late to introduce an outside villain behind this. I think this was the first episode without any new character introductions as well.

Otherwise this is going to be like that big rainbow orb at the end of FFIX, like where tf did this come from?


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Hayward was experimenting on Vision.

He's working on a project called Cataract.

Cataracts block your Vision.

Wanda's Hex powers light up her eyes.

Vision seems to be able to neutralize Wanda's magic (which is a new power, he def didn't have that in Civil War).

Hayward seems to hate super heroes.

The credits zoom in on Vision's eyes.


Oct 25, 2017

Well he was literally wall-breaking a few episodes ago so it's not out of character.

It seems like the Hex isn't absolute and underlying personalities can regain some consciousness, and some people seem more prone to noticing it. Mr. Hart in the first episode was definitely breaking free, and Agnes and Herb have both as well.
Mrs Hart also broke


Oct 25, 2017
I felt like this was the first episode to really nail the sitcom motif. It's been the weakest part of the series up until now. Scene with Vision and Agnes was the highlight - Hahn is the MVP of the series.

I'm not sure if it's just because it's referencing a sit com more of us are familiar and grew up with.


Oct 26, 2017
Being born with the mutant gene, and being forced to have it by a person called Wanda are still vastly different things. The race/sexuality metaphor doesn't transition well with the latter. Someone hex'd by Wanda and having their DNA changed is more likely to be seen as a victim of a terrorist attack (and then subsequently a threat by Hayward lol). Now, if they have kids, passing on their mutant gene and a generation passes, then I can imagine discrimination for mutants being a more valid theme.

I honestly don't see Feige going for the Wanda makes mutant angle. Being born a mutant and developing traits is too fundamental to the characters.

I think Monica getting powers from the hex will be the generic "person gets powers from a weird incident" thing.
I agree with you.


Oct 30, 2017
It seems as if Peters is purposefully antagonizing Wanda to see what she can do

He has the charisma to be a great Meph


Oct 27, 2017
Wasn't expecting a Malcolm in the Middle episode. They nailed that time period and direction style.


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
Probably my least favorite episode of the show so far. Then again, I hated Malcolm in the Middle; really hated that show. So props to the writers for nailing the tone, I guess. It was so good it was bad. lol

This felt like a setup episode, in that a lot happened but nothing really happened. We didn't learn anything; nobody's motivations are any clearer than they were an episode ago. The pieces are now in place for the final act. I'm invested.

The outside world bits are still falling flat to me. I get that Hayward is the prototypical Bad Military Dude, and I'm not thinking Wanda needs to be taken out or anything, but Monica's "I must help Wanda!" tunnel vision is getting a little grating, especially as we learn more about what's happening to the people in Westview. The show has hit the beat, over and over again, that what the people in Westview are experiencing is painful and traumatic. The scenes of Vision walking through the town and talking to Agnes were dark as fuck. The single teardrop? Agnes revealing that they can't even have thoughts Wanda doesn't want them to have? The people in Westview are essentially being tortured, and that's before we even get into the potential radiation poisoning.

I kind of need there to be a 3rd party manipulating Wanda at this point, because grief alone don't cut it. What Wanda is doing to the people in Westview (or what someone is doing to them through Wanda), is horrific. Point blank, period. At least Vision gets it. Monica, sis...

Also, Pietro? You ain't slick. How did he know that the lack of children was becoming an issue, when that was from an argument Wanda and Vision were having before he showed up? He's acting as though Wanda conjured him, but then what's with the fake childhood memories? Pietro, right off top, knows way too much. But more than that, he's too invested in gaslighting Wanda into believing she's actively doing all of this (and I don't think it's a coincidence that Wanda expands the hex after he does).


Oct 25, 2017
Love this show, but it's at the point where I get a little disappointed when the narrative shifts to outside the Hex. The acting isn't as good, the writing isn't as sharp. It's such a stark difference. I rolled my eyes a thousand times at the cliche "I'm a scientist in X field, so of course I can instantly hack into any secure system in 2 seconds."

It's a shame, because I really like Woo, Monica, and Darcy as characters generally. Woo, especially, though, has been written pretty weird. He has so much faith in Monica all of the sudden, even after only knowing her for 30 seconds. This is the guy who, while he personally liked Scott Lang, was steadfast in his enforcement of the Sokovia Accords in Ant-Man and The Wasp. Seems like a totally different dude now. What is his motivation?

Luckily, the three of them are so charming that it works. Can't say the same for Hayward though lol. He might as well be twirling his mustache.


Oct 26, 2017
Getting strong Rick and morty vibes. The simulation is straining in nonimportant areas because of the effort to keep Wanda happy. Either that or Wanda was unable to follow Vision, wherein normally she knows where he goes. The big question for me is if that's actually Xmen Peter and he'll turn back when the magic drops, or the big bad, or both.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Probably my least favorite episode of the show so far. Then again, I hated Malcolm in the Middle; really hated that show. So props to the writers for nailing the tone, I guess. It was so good it was bad. lol

This felt like a setup episode, in that a lot happened but nothing really happened. We didn't learn anything; nobody's motivations are any clearer than they were an episode ago. The pieces are now in place for the final act. I'm invested.

The outside world bits are still falling flat to me. I get that Hayward is the prototypical Bad Military Dude, and I'm not thinking Wanda needs to be taken out or anything, but Monica's "I must help Wanda!" tunnel vision is getting a little grating, especially as we learn more about what's happening to the people in Westview. The show has hit the beat, over and over again, that what the people in Westview are experiencing is painful and traumatic. The scenes of Vision walking through the town and talking to Agnes were dark as fuck. The single teardrop? Agnes revealing that they can't even have thoughts Wanda doesn't want them to have? The people in Westview are essentially being tortured, and that's before we even get into the potential radiation poisoning.

I kind of need there to be a 3rd party manipulating Wanda at this point, because grief alone don't cut it. What Wanda is doing to the people in Westview (or what someone is doing to them through Wanda), is horrific. Point blank, period. At least Vision gets it. Monica, sis...

Also, Pietro? You ain't slick. How did he know that the lack of children was becoming an issue, when that was from an argument Wanda and Vision were having before he showed up? He's acting as though Wanda conjured him, but then what's with the fake childhood memories? Pietro, right off top, knows way too much. But more than that, he's too invested in gaslighting Wanda into believing she's actively doing all of this (and I don't think it's a coincidence that Wanda expands the hex after he does).

The biggest sticking point I have with her being insistent on having to help Wanda is she says that, but if she has a plan , we as viewers aren't in on it, so she just looks like a bit of an idiot.

If you're going to appeal to her conscience rather than take her by force, you should have called Hawkeye. Basically, the only people who could get through to her are him or Vision, and it's heading in such a direction that Vision will probably try that regardless of whatever Monica does.


Jul 12, 2019
This was really well done - I loved the outfits. They totally nailed their comic book looks. And I really hope Peters ends up as Mephisto. He's an important character and I would love for Peters to have a big role, he's great.
Nov 15, 2020
Aw man they skipped over the whole of the 90s and just went right to 2000s. I don't buy that "there are no iconic 90s family sitcoms" - Clarissa Explains It All, Fresh Prince, Home Improvement, Boy Meets World, Pete and Pete, Step By Step, Sister Sister - Sabrina The Teenage Witch in particular would have been perfect.

If the Hex is the event that brings Mutants, a world changing event like the Snap and the Blip, I feel like it would have come up somehow in Far From Home, which is chronologically after this show.

Agnes' car looks to be a late 80s style boxy sedan, which doesn't match with the time period too well. Might be an oversight, but might also be a hint that she's still somehow an outside force to Wanda's antics, struggling to catch up to her.


Oct 25, 2017
Anyone think that the word Nightmare was used twice this episode is a clue?

Thought this was a really good episode. Doesn't look like Vision will survive outside of the hex though. I was hoping he would somehow live but now I'm not thinking that will be the case.

Overall liked this episode and that commercial was total 90s vibe and then the kid couldn't open the package and died... like wtf lol


Oct 25, 2017
I kind of get the impression Monica is projecting onto Wanda hardcore and that's why she's so determined to help her


Oct 25, 2017
If the Hex is the event that brings Mutants, a world changing event like the Snap and the Blip, I feel like it would have come up somehow in Far From Home, which is chronologically after this show.

Far from Home mostly focuses on Peter and Fake Fury who probably has no idea what's being done about mutants anywhere else. It's only Eight months after, you might not have a lot of stories about mutants yet not to mention people's DNA might not be done mutating to the point they can use their powers yet, or greatly enough to start causing scenes.

If there is any event big enough that makes sense of why there are mutants in this world is from the blip. Wanda personally seems like a small fry to do such a thing. Bringing them in from other universes seems cheap and that they were never from the og MCU universe. This would also allow Magneto to be younger and be the son of a survivor instead of actually being one.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Something that bugs me is that... if QS is like 17-18 in DOFP (1973) he'd be 66 in 2021... and since MCU is 5 years in the future (thanks Endgame) he'd be 71. So why is a young Fox QC in WV?

QC was not only pulled through space/dimension... but time too?
Did it upset anyone else that we could see Vision's breath in the cold air?

I don't know why that should upset me, I just assumed he didn't need to breathe, or even used oxygen.

Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show, I should really just relax."


Oct 27, 2017
This almost certainly seems like the mutants origin story at this point. "Going through the barrier changes your DNA" and there's like a 50% the hex covers the whole planet by the end of the series.
That would mean some of the most iconic mutants would be robbed of their years of experience. No professor x, no wolverine, no magneto, et cetera.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Anyone think that the word Nightmare was used twice this episode is a clue?

Thought this was a really good episode. Doesn't look like Vision will survive outside of the hex though. I was hoping he would somehow live but now I'm not thinking that will be the case.

Overall liked this episode and that commercial was total 90s vibe and then the kid couldn't open the package and died... like wtf lol
I think Vision might make it out. The Hex rewrites things and Vision didn't revert back to his original self (crushed forehead, he was in pieces, etc), so it looks like maybe he wasn't quite ready to come out of the oven? That might also explain what Wanda's plan for moving through the decades is and what happens after modern times. If she only needs to keep Vision in the Hex for a week/seven decades in the Hex to revive him, and it goes away after he's ok?


Oct 25, 2017
Getting strong Rick and morty vibes. The simulation is straining in nonimportant areas because of the effort to keep Wanda happy. Either that or Wanda was unable to follow Vision, wherein normally she knows where he goes. The big question for me is if that's actually Xmen Peter and he'll turn back when the magic drops, or the big bad, or both.
Yeah something is amiss there. They implied that the further away from Wanda her powers are weaker to be able to maintain people's lives somewhat normal. Yet Vision was able to move normally and even pass through the barrier just fine on his own and Wanda was unaware.

I think the radius effect of Wanda on the people isn't her doing.