
Nov 6, 2017
I think this generation is what the last promised to be. It's better overall.

But, the novelty from 7th gen is way more memorable. HD graphics, proper working online, wireless controllers, indie games, digital distribution, motion controllers...
Oct 25, 2017
Southern California
360/PS3 gen was far more memorable. The proliferation of online console gaming, the move to HD, rise of indies, explosion of tons of new franchises.

This gen has been fine but mostly a refinement of last gen. Everything's "better", but nothing's revolutionary or truly exciting.

I agree with this đź’Ż %

For me it was:
PS3 >> PS4
360 >> XB1
Wii > Switch


Oct 25, 2017
360/PS3 was so, so much more exciting than this generation. PS4/XB1 felt like we just got last gen but with prettier graphics and more customer exploitation.

That's a good way of putting it. It felt like there were more AA games, and a lot of my favorite games are from that generation. I also liked that there were more trilogies and one-off titles from devs, instead of the current situation where several renowned studios only did 1 or 2 big games for the gen.

Bioshock came and had 3 entries
Mafia had an entry, and I preferred Mafia 2 to Mafia 3.
Catherine and Persona 5 both came to PS3.
Rockstar had 2 GTA games (i didn't like 4 though, tbh) and RDR come out
Final Fantasy 14 (probably my favorite game ever) came out on PS3
Mutliple great CoD games (4, WaW, Black Ops)
Trails of Cold Steel 1 and 2 both came out (in the US) on PS3 before getting PS4 versions later. Granted they did come out in 2015 and 2016 (again, for the US), but still.

I can understand why someone would be happy with the current gen, but IMO it hasn't been as fun. I still have (and have completed) more PS3 games than PS4 games. Tellingly, too, a lot of the PS4 games I have are sequels of PS3 games.


Oct 26, 2017
Easy. Dark Souls.

Also, the jump in online infraestructure was huge. Suddenly online gaming was a real thing in a big selection of games and not just very few ones and we had online platforms seamessly integrated into our consoles.


Zeboyd Games
Oct 26, 2017
I liked the PS3+360+Wii era more than the PS4+XBO+WiiU era. 360 had some great exclusives & really kicked off the modern indie scene and the Wii had all sorts of weird games on it. I thought the PS3 was the weakest of the lot, but even it had some fun exclusives like the Siren reimagining & Tokyo Jungle.

Switch, I view as a portable system and more of a successor to the 3DS & Vita than the Wii or WiiU.
Dec 21, 2017
The PS4 trounces the PS3.

The Switch is the best of the Wii and the Wii U.

The 360 still remains the only time Microsoft has tried to make an effort as opposed to cancelling their Killer App.


Oct 28, 2017
Outside of Sony I though Microsoft and Nintendo had some really strong output. It was also a gen where we saw a lot of legitimate innovation and the gaming audience just explode in a way I never thought impossible. From a gameplay perspective, current gen probably tops it overall, but I miss the excitement of that generation in a lot of ways.


Oct 29, 2017
360 and Wii were both better than both the PS4 and Xbox One. But the PS3 is worse than all of them and the Switch is better than all of them.
So it goes:
Switch > Wii > 360 > PS4 > Xbox One > PS3
I had no strong opinion on the OP one way or another but this ranking baffles me. Wii above 360 and PS4? XboxOne over PS3? Really?


Oct 28, 2017
As good as some title are this gen some of last gens titles are what people love

I still prefer GTA5 over most that has come out since and if it's not that it's sain'ts rows 3.
Diablo 3 is last gen
PGR3 is last gen, I love driveclub, the crew, gran turismo and forza still love pgr3 more
I still love NFS hot pursuit of those era more than nfs we got now
Shooters last gen were still better.
Counter strike has been going the distance since 99 in various forms.

I think it's title preference thing or platform. Only thing outright better is switch is way better than WIiU. Same for PS3 vs PS4. PC/Xbox last gen to now is a vastly different story.


Oct 25, 2017
Absolutely not. Removing hindsight as much as you possibly can, this generation has offered such a broader and richer variation in games and kinds of games. It's the best generation we've had so far.


Oct 25, 2017
PS4 > PS3 but its close
Wii >>>> Switch
360 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XboxOne


Jan 11, 2018
How ps4 is better than ps3???
That's really surprising.

For me not even a contest, if you count just games, ps3 is much better than ps4.
I could say that ps4 has the worst library among the 4 ps...but I wont


Nov 4, 2017
PS3 > PS4
DS/PSP > 3DS/Vita

Can't comment one the others. Been saying for years that this gens super boring. All the old games ya loved an played last-gen can be bought an played again on this gens consoles! Yay? As for new stuff... uhhmm... if it does come, it comes super infrequently compared to last-gen an ones before. Most won't come back at all though, outside of a remaster.


Oct 27, 2017
Last gen was such a trash generation overall. All the J-RPGs stuck on ancient hardware, all the brown-ass games and so many first person titles.


Oct 25, 2017
I think the Wii is a little weak but the PS3 and 360 have really amazing libraries. This gen is very strong too, but I don't think it compares to last generation.


Oct 28, 2017
Song and Nintendo have improved since then. No denying MS didn't top the 360 though.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 26, 2017
Games are better now but the market is a lot more interesting when all 3 competitors are neck and neck.

A lot less megatons when Sony is mushroom stamping everyone from a hightower. Although, Switch is kicking a ton of ass.

I hope MS can turn it around, they seem to be a punching bag on this site nowadays, fall from glory since the 360 which was a beast.

I feel like the PS4 was basically the PS3/360 combined while MS completely dropped the ball at the beginning of this gen.

Sony has continued expanding their 1st party while MS has been quite complacent while losing track of their endgame.


Oct 25, 2017
I vastly enjoyed PS3 gen more than current PS4 gen. Ton of new shit was released and it was more varied. This gen has been pretty flat for my taste. I didnt have a 360 or a wii so i cant compare. PC gaming got better tho.


Nov 18, 2017
Switch > 360 > PS4 > Wii/PS3 > Wii U > XBO

Since I bought my Switch in 2017, I've barely played my PS4 or XBO.

Edit - forgot the Wii U. lol


Feb 11, 2019
Ps3 had more 80+, 90+ exclusives than any platform u listed plus every multiplat including bioshock, dead space, dark souls, mass effect, skyrim, gta....
U could have experienced smooth online with 256 players, 64..... 8 players coop.....something u wont find on this gen.

Trolling or what?
Cool, I don't care about any of those things so in my opinion it's the worst console. No party chat, broken achievement system, inferior ports of third-party games, worse controller, I could go on.


Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
I have like 3-4x the number of PS3 games compared to PS4.
Some games might be better, but they tried so much more on the PS3 era.
Music games, family games, trivia games, stuff that simply wasn't a shooter, F2P, or battle royale.

But, going back to the PS3 controller sucks. And the framerate. Which is why I was hoping beyond hope for PS3 BC.


Prophet of Truth
Apr 22, 2020
As a predominantly Xbox player in both the previous and current generation, I definitely feel like the previous gen was better *for me*.

The 360 had a vastly better collection of exclusive titles versus the Xbox One: Mass Effect 1/2, Halo 3 + Halo Reach, Gears Trilogy, Dead Rising, Fable 2, etc. Throw in Bioware's other titles (Mass Effect 3, DAO + DA2), Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3, etc. and a good number of third party developers and publishers that also had a larger, and better, output.

This gen has obviously seen a resurgence in market leadership from Playstation, and several publishers (notably Japanese ones) have hit new successful heights. If those are your preferred experiences, it definitely makes sense why you'd feel that way. But I don't think it is outlandish to feel differently.

Hero Prinny

Oct 25, 2017
Exclusives? Ps3 blows ps4 out the water, not even funny. Ps3 had a little of everything for everyone when it came to exclusives. Ps4? If you're into 3rd person movie games, then yea, ps4 is the greatest console of all time


Oct 30, 2017
To me is like this:
Switch/Wii U >>>> Wii
PS3 >>>> PS4
360 = One

Switch >>> PS3 >> Wii>> PS4 = Wii U >>>> 360=One


Feb 11, 2019
I had no strong opinion on the OP one way or another but this ranking baffles me. Wii above 360 and PS4? XboxOne over PS3? Really?
Wii has better exclusives than the 360 and PS4 in my opinion. The only PS4 exclusives I care about are Spider-Man, God of War, Resogun, and Until Dawn. The Wii had Mario Galaxy 1+2, WarioWare, Rhythm Heaven, Animal Crossing, Donkey Kong Country, Skyward Sword, Twilight Princess, Wii Sports Resort, Xenoblade Chronicles, Mario Kart, New Super Mario Bros. and the list goes on. The 360 has no exclusives I care about whatsoever and the PS4 only has a few.
I put the Xbox One above the PS3 because it functions better as a console. The PS3's controllers suck, the online sucked, it was notorious for bugs and glitches in third-party games (see Skyrim), it's just not a good experience for anything aside from first-party single-player games, and even then you have to use that controller which I'm convinced was not designed for human hands.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta, GA
I think gamed more on PS3 than any other console. My Wii had some amazing gems on it too. But the PS3 was the last one I bought quirky, midtier titles on a whim. There is no AA for the current gen since development is so expensive...at least its few and far between. Plus last gen was sooooo long that it made it easy to find all types of interesting games.


Oct 28, 2017
Mindblowing? Let people have their opinions, jfc.

Compered to this generation, from all 3 console manufacturers, I preferred the software from the PS3/PSP/360/Wii/DS generation myself.

The Wii VC was incredible. Demon Souls/ Dark Souls, the Uncharted/ Mass Effect series, Twilight Princess and the Mario Galaxy games, GTA 5, Assassin's Creed, The Batman games, Bioshock, Deadspace, Skyrim, The Last of Us, Halo 3, Monster Hunter, Wii Sports, Trauma Center, Dead Rising, Tales of Vesperia, Rock Band, Portal.. and many, many others. And though Nintendo is making it a lot closer than it has any right to be, from a Japanese developed software standpoint, I greatly enjoyed last gen to this gen.


Oct 29, 2017
Wii has better exclusives than the 360 and PS4 in my opinion. The only PS4 exclusives I care about are Spider-Man, God of War, Resogun, and Until Dawn. The Wii had Mario Galaxy 1+2, WarioWare, Rhythm Heaven, Animal Crossing, Donkey Kong Country, Skyward Sword, Twilight Princess, Wii Sports Resort, Xenoblade Chronicles, Mario Kart, New Super Mario Bros. and the list goes on. The 360 has no exclusives I care about whatsoever and the PS4 only has a few.
I put the Xbox One above the PS3 because it functions better as a console. The PS3's controllers suck, the online sucked, it was notorious for bugs and glitches in third-party games (see Skyrim), it's just not a good experience for anything aside from first-party single-player games, and even then you have to use that controller which I'm convinced was not designed for human hands.
I disagree that the wii had better exclusives than 360 and PS4, especially if you count multiplat titles on these machines that never made their way to wii or switch and the PS3 was an amazing machine with plenty of great exclusives that far outshine any exclusives on the Xbox one.

I mean, it's your opinion but I couldn't disagree more.

Le Dude

May 16, 2018
Third party was waaaaaaay better last generation. The number of games that were churned out and the number of new IPs was staggering compared to what we've seen this generation. I mean, Dead Space, Assassin's Creed, Arkham, Dark Souls, Bioshock, Brutal Legend, Bulletstorm, Red Dead Redemption, Mass Effect, Borderlands, Dishonored, Dragon Age, etc . . .

Plus breathing new life into franchises like Tomb Raider, Far Cry, Battlefield, Rayman, and more.

First party from Nintendo and Sony has been much better this generation though, as has Japanese output and indie titles.


Dec 13, 2017
Arcade racers were better lastgen and the gen before. Overall quality of games are better this gen, but we have had less quality AAA games. For example we didn't even get a GTA game, and had only 1 uncharted game, vs 3 lastgen.


Self-requested ban
Oct 26, 2017
Uranus, get it?!? YOUR. ANUS.
I had more fun with the Wii and 360 then all the others combined.

Today? I wouldn't touch the 360 for anything, and the Wii only for the few gems that have yet to be remade (Punch Out, Shattered Memories, Kororinpa, and some light gun stuff)


Oct 26, 2017
Last gen had so many more new franchises than this gen. There are pro's/cons of each generation but there are definitely areas where last gen easily outshines this one.


Oct 26, 2017
Test Drive Unlimited in the 360 Era before parties became a thing was amazing. I found and met so many new players driving around. Now everyone hides in a party.....which for better or worse honestly doesn't feel as exciting or community orientated as it used to.

Last generation though felt like an amazing mix of big titles with an insane amount of software output...........there was just so so much more big titles. But this is also because it didn't take nearly as long to make a game or as expensive either.

I still loved the software output of teh 360/PS3/Wii Era so so so so much.

Just look at EA's and Ubisofts portfolio last gen............they were a huge


Oct 25, 2017
PS3 walked and stumbled so PS4 could run. It's experimentation with key new I.P, etc.... lead to the blockbuster franchises we have now.

Plus in terms of exclusives the PS3 had games for everyone while the PS4 was more focused.