
Oct 25, 2017
Okay, going from grimdark and relentlessly depressing to... Yoko Taro-levels of weirdness. Hana and Takuru live and save Nono, and kill Wakui... but there's still a giant Sumo Sticker monster stomping around, not to mention all of the other ESO2 monsters that aren't under their control roaming Shibuya, and the world will never be the same again.

Uki chapter next, said route starting up after Ch. 8... yeah, I'm sure as hell waiting before opening the path to that one, skip function getting me past everything read already or no.

EDIT: After much skipping, just established a save at the start of the Uki chapter, and it turns out it starts off in the middle of THAT part... time to go kick the can down the road a bit more before plunging back into something like that.
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Nov 6, 2017
I`ve just bought a copy of White Album 2 on Vita (Japanese version) based on lots of positive comments in this thread.

For anybody who has read it, do you need to have played the first game to understand it, or can you go straight into it with no knowledge of the story/characters? (I noticed that the original came out on PS3 here in Japan, and it`s really cheap second hand so I could potentially try that one out first if it`s worth it).

White Album 2 has nothing to do with White Album 1. Is kind of like Final Fantasy, they share the name and some songs only.

How are you planning to read it? Can you read japanese? that VM is one of the longest VM Ive ever read.

And since you got the vita version that came out several years ago and if Im not mistaking, it will not come with the extra content (radio dramas and short VM like stories). They might not be *necessary* but they do further expand the WA2 stories and ending.

Having said that, the vita version Im sure is censored (H scenes) and while they are not essential to the story and they could be inferred or altered and get the point across just fine, one of the normal ending relies heavily on them - and not for the reasons you might think- and is honestly a "fantastic" ending, extremely well executed, it will leave you numb and is a must for the full WA2 experience. How can they convey the message without the H scenes, I have no idea. Again, Im very careful not to give details but trust me, they dont show H scenes just for the sake of it -at least on that route-. Also is not rape or something like that.

You can get the extended version that came 2 years ago of WA2 on amazon.jp or DMM download.

I recommend the amazon version since it will come with the 2 DVD boxes - 3 dvds-, some art and well, is physical. and is not expensive at all. Is the one I currently have since my original one was crushed during my last apartment move out.

Amazon.jp url

Be ready to have this screen and "song" forever engraved into your brain.

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Jun 29, 2019
Thanks a lot for that detailed information - I had no idea they were so unrelated.

Yes, I can read Japanese so in that respect the vita version shouldn`t be a problem, but I didn`t realize there were extended/later versions - I might start it on vita and see how I like it (possibly get the full PC version that you mentioned later if I`m enjoying it).

Looking forward to starting it, but sounds like it might take a while! I think Grisaia Trilogy is my longest VN so far at about 65 hours (but didn`t finish all of the extra bits)!


Nov 6, 2017
Thanks a lot for that detailed information - I had no idea they were so unrelated.

Yes, I can read Japanese so in that respect the vita version shouldn`t be a problem, but I didn`t realize there were extended/later versions - I might start it on vita and see how I like it (possibly get the full PC version that you mentioned later if I`m enjoying it).

Looking forward to starting it, but sounds like it might take a while! I think Grisaia Trilogy is my longest VN so far at about 65 hours (but didn`t finish all of the extra bits)!

Yeah, you wont need the extra content until you finish all the endings of WA2 and by that point you will know if you want more WA2. Spoiler alert -You will-

Now, once you get to CODA and then to the Kazusa route, I would strongly advice getting the uncensored version. Kasuza normal ending requires it for maximum impact.

WA2 is long, 90 hrs plus, specially if you dont fast read some routes on Closing Chapter.

The start will seem like your average slice of life VM, bare with it - it wont be long-.... and then the main show will start, around the middle of the Introductory Chapter and from then on it will not let you go, pounding you into the ground relentlessly.


Oct 28, 2017
With all the C;C/C;H post lately
Specially Hinae, I remember reading a discussion about Okabe being a gigalomaniac, and while reading steiner doesn't seem to be an exclusive power, he is the only one that can sense worldline shifts in real time instead of dreams/deja vu, iirc C;H fandisk has a gigalomaniac with the power to shift wordlines, still the fact he was broken several times, and didn't manifest a di sword proves that theory wrong I guess... on the other hand Faris, and that's why I brought Hinae, is a possible gigalomaniac, since she exhibits a similar power, but since she hasn't been broken, there is no di sword for her


Oct 25, 2017
Gonna be a while longer before I can read that spoiler. Both main endings to Uki's path done.

Okay, seemed like Takuru ended up getting stabbed by Uki while she was going after brain-scrambled Itou for killing Yui, turns out Takuru ended up being the one who stabbed Uki by mistake. Dream Sky End, she ends up a vegetable when he comes back from the dream world she created with her power, Another Sky End, he just ended up killing her instead.

*sigh* Nono chapter next...


Oct 25, 2017
I already knew about the twist concerning Nono being Senri with the original Nono already dead, yet I was uncertain as to how before duplication was explained as her power. Serika erases herself after finally accepting Takuru's wish to be with Senri, Senri lives as herself once more and goes back to the family she lived with as Nono. The closest thing to a "happy" ending this game has been able to manage up to this point, given Yui's still dead (with Itou having completely forgotten what he was made to do), they had no idea what kind of monster Sakuma was before Serika killed him, and Wakui being a Committee asshole still goes unaddressed.

True Ending path still remains. Honestly, short of

Takuru being killed as Hinae warned him would happen before the Return of New Generation Madness escalates, or some sort of major reality warping revelation turning the whole story on its head,

I don't see any of this ending well.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
I posted this in the Raging Loop thread as well, but I don't think anyone still responds there so I'll throw it in here as well in case anyone here knows. I have a question with heavy spoilers:

Why did Chiemi fall apart at the end of her route? Both of them also started falling apart in certain situations when they're trying random things together to escape after they acknowledge they're both loopers. I don't get why that would occur since .


Oct 26, 2017
I posted this in the Raging Loop thread as well, but I don't think anyone still responds there so I'll throw it in here as well in case anyone here knows. I have a question with heavy spoilers:

Why did Chiemi fall apart at the end of her route? Both of them also started falling apart in certain situations when they're trying random things together to escape after they acknowledge they're both loopers. I don't get why that would occur since .
It's never properly explained or make sense. I think the writer said something about "hew own beliefs made her fall apart", but it makes no sense.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
It's never properly explained or make sense. I think the writer said something about "hew own beliefs made her fall apart", but it makes no sense.

Bleh. That sounds like it has to do with the Jinx stuff infodumped in Mitsuji's extra story. I've heard that aspect gets explained more in DMLC but I doubt that'll get localized since it isn't voiced.


Oct 28, 2017
Recently played/read through Florence on Switch with a friend; we both found it to be a beautiful & emotional experience. Highly recommend spending the hour or so it takes. It'll particularly resonate with anyone who's ever been in a relationship or desired to create.

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Oct 25, 2017
And it's done. Another Platinum to add to my list, yet I couldn't care less about having it.

So very... anticlimactic. I literally asked, "That's it?" aloud when the credits started rolling. Went in expecting nothing, and still disappointed, even with once again agreeing with the idea of Takuru accepting responsibility for everything that Serika had done while working with Sakuma. Found the true nature of Chaos Child Syndrome a weird turn of events, but not much else to say about it.

If anything, I'd argue that every single bonus chapter leading up to it except for Nono's/Senri's ended up being completely pointless relative to the main story (no explanation as to how exactly Serika was able to see that glimpse of Senri and Takuru at the original Nono's grave, either). Also quite disappointed with what wasted potential Hinae ended up being as the most interesting character aside from Nono/Senri, not much point to even letting her summon a Di-Sword either since she never got to fight with it. Could be remembering wrong, but I also don't recall them getting into the meaning behind what Momose had Shinjo ask Hinae at the questioning early in the story to finally get her to say something, nothing more to her warning to Takuru at the beginning either beyond the threat to the lives of any given psychic that existed.

Side notes: I expected there to be more to Gen than what met the eye, but there was nothing. Meh on them not going into detail as to Kunosato's desire for revenge beyond the Committee stealing and misusing her data, and her having a replica Di-Sword based on Sena's is entirely throwaway since it's nothing more than a prop. The stuff with the Koshin company went pretty much nowhere other than probably being remnants from Nozomi and the Cosmic Church of Divine Light. Pretty sure they never explained how the Sumo Stickers as cameras worked or who did that specifically, only remembered the fourth victim being said to use psychic photography for his scoops so that seems to be the only answer that would fit provided they were fake stickers that triggered no response in psychics. Still unclear about KnightHeart in Hana's (ridiculous) chapter actually being Takumi Nishijou, given certain details lined up while the issues regarding the locations he specified that Takuru pondered were never addressed. And oh goody, Wakui is revealed as part of the Committee this time but still out there...

Massive downgrade coming off of Chaos;Head, the story here not being anywhere near as focused and often excessively mean-spirited as it built to its conclusion with very little relief, let alone anywhere near the level of catharsis of the first game. Comparing their output after Chaos;Head and Steins;Gate when looking at things like this and S;G0, perhaps it's true that 5pb just have no idea what they're doing without Nitro+ helping them.

And C;C's silent wind bell's got nothing on C;H's Desire Blue Sky as a true end theme.
With all the C;C/C;H post lately
Specially Hinae, I remember reading a discussion about Okabe being a gigalomaniac, and while reading steiner doesn't seem to be an exclusive power, he is the only one that can sense worldline shifts in real time instead of dreams/deja vu, iirc C;H fandisk has a gigalomaniac with the power to shift wordlines, still the fact he was broken several times, and didn't manifest a di sword proves that theory wrong I guess... on the other hand Faris, and that's why I brought Hinae, is a possible gigalomaniac, since she exhibits a similar power, but since she hasn't been broken, there is no di sword for her
Yeah, at the very least I would've expected Okabe to have become a Gigalomaniac after how much he suffered in particular. Not to say Faris hadn't at all during S;G, but yeah.
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Dec 23, 2017
Waiting for Mario 3D All-Stars, Aokana has monopolized my Switch playtime, and I am currently at chapter 5. Playing Aokana, I am coming to understand why I didn't like Muv-Luv Extra so much. I think the main reason is really the cast of characters. All the characters in Aokana are so enjoyable. Even though I am still in the common route, and not all the characters have been yet presented, I am enjoying every single scene and dialogue. I also find a perfect balance between the Flying Circus scenes and the unrelated ones (for example, the MonEat "sub-arc" in chapter 4). My favourite character of the main four is Misaki, but I can already predict Asuka will have a great development, and I like both Rika and Mashiro nonetheless. OST and visuals are amazing, of course.

Now I come to an update about Muv-Luv Alternative - I have actually stopped to play it now to share my feelings. I just watched Sadogashima Hive explode in Episode 9 and...
... it is incredible how Isumi grew on me as a character in such a short span of time, it was so hard to read her last conversation with Takeru. Before the attack to Sadogashima Hive, I was 100% sure she was going to die there (and 99% about Kashiwagi). The scene the night before the attack was clearly foreshadowing their deaths, in particular that of Isumi. But it was still hard to read it. Overall, all the members of the Valkyrie have their strong identity. I admit, I almost prefer some of them more than the original cast, who in these two last episodes has been largely overshadowed (with the exception of Meiya, but she is the best girl Takeru might ever have, so she is worth all she time she appears in the VN). And among them Isumi was really a great Captain - even if her explanations in Episode 8 were really long, and they took time to read.

Since my last update was after starting Episode 8, I can comment also on the main topic of Episode 8 itself - Sumika. She received all the memories of the "other" Sumika, combined them with Kasumi's memories, and started to work as the 00 Unit. In this process, Takeru's feelings and gift were fundamental. And this was a moment where I thought that Takeru and Sumika might be perfect as a couple. I can imagine Takeru returning to his restored original world, and meeting again that Sumika, after his experience with the other two Sumikas. It would be the happiest ending he might have. Then, during the attack to Sadogashima Hive, Takeru retrieved a memory of a past event with Meiya (i.e., when they had sex) and I am sorry for Sumika, but Meiya must have a happy ending too. Anyway, about this... so is Meiya's route of Unlimited canon?

A last thing. Sadogashima Hive confirms there is a traitor. Who is (s)he? One of the main girls (no Meiya, of course)? One of their parents? One of the Valkyries? But at this point I am certain there will be a betrayal - I am ready for that.

A (very) last thing, or better, a question for which I really seek an answer. How many hours I still have ahead to complete the VN? On one side, I feel there are still so many things left open in this story. On the other side, I am potentially near the end of Episode 9.
Overall, very high productions battles for a VN originally released in 2006, amazing.


Oct 27, 2017
Massive downgrade coming off of Chaos;Head, the story here not being anywhere near as focused and often excessively mean-spirited as it built to its conclusion with very little relief, let alone anywhere near the level of catharsis of the first game. Comparing their output after Chaos;Head and Steins;Gate when looking at things like this and S;G0, perhaps it's true that 5pb just have no idea what they're doing without Nitro+ helping them.
I respect your opinion, sometimes a game isn't to somebody's tastes, and that's fine. I do think it's a little harsh though to speculate that they now have "no idea what they're doing" when the general consensus of most is that C;C is better than C;H.


Oct 25, 2017
I respect your opinion, sometimes a game isn't to somebody's tastes, and that's fine. I do think it's a little harsh though to speculate that they now have "no idea what they're doing" when the general consensus of most is that C;C is better than C;H.
Can't think of a single thing C;C did better beyond having more interactions among its central cast, but that's me (and plenty of trimming and consolidating still could've been done). But then, I never particularly agreed with the supposed consensus in regards to just how much praise most have for S;G, let alone considering C;C the best thing that isn't S;G. I understand that I'm being harsh, but I'm going to be when I felt that the time investment that the full experience demanded ultimately wasn't worth it, especially when I believed the opposite with its predecessor.


Oct 27, 2017
I understand that I'm being harsh, but I'm going to be when I felt that the time investment that the full experience demanded ultimately wasn't worth it, especially when I believed the opposite with its predecessor.
Yeah, I appreciate that and I have no issue with legitimate criticism. I conversely feel the time investment with C;H wasn't worth it but C;C was.


Nov 6, 2017
A (very) last thing, or better, a question for which I really seek an answer. How many hours I still have ahead to complete the VN? On one side, I feel there are still so many things left open in this story. On the other side, I am potentially near the end of Episode 9.

Depends... If you listen to all the dialogue.... Maybe 15 - 17hrs.
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Dec 23, 2017
Depends... If you listen to all the dialogue.... Maybe 15 - 17hrs.
Thank you, I listen to the complete dialogues almost of the time (with some exception, like Isumi's lessons because they were too long). So there is content for at least other two weeks, very good. There is plenty of time to build a satisfying ending.


Oct 25, 2017
Waiting for Mario 3D All-Stars, Aokana has monopolized my Switch playtime, and I am currently at chapter 5. Playing Aokana, I am coming to understand why I didn't like Muv-Luv Extra so much. I think the main reason is really the cast of characters. All the characters in Aokana are so enjoyable. Even though I am still in the common route, and not all the characters have been yet presented, I am enjoying every single scene and dialogue. I also find a perfect balance between the Flying Circus scenes and the unrelated ones (for example, the MonEat "sub-arc" in chapter 4). My favourite character of the main four is Misaki, but I can already predict Asuka will have a great development, and I like both Rika and Mashiro nonetheless. OST and visuals are amazing, of course.

Now I come to an update about Muv-Luv Alternative - I have actually stopped to play it now to share my feelings. I just watched Sadogashima Hive explode in Episode 9 and...
... it is incredible how Isumi grew on me as a character in such a short span of time, it was so hard to read her last conversation with Takeru. Before the attack to Sadogashima Hive, I was 100% sure she was going to die there (and 99% about Kashiwagi). The scene the night before the attack was clearly foreshadowing their deaths, in particular that of Isumi. But it was still hard to read it. Overall, all the members of the Valkyrie have their strong identity. I admit, I almost prefer some of them more than the original cast, who in these two last episodes has been largely overshadowed (with the exception of Meiya, but she is the best girl Takeru might ever have, so she is worth all she time she appears in the VN). And among them Isumi was really a great Captain - even if her explanations in Episode 8 were really long, and they took time to read.

Since my last update was after starting Episode 8, I can comment also on the main topic of Episode 8 itself - Sumika. She received all the memories of the "other" Sumika, combined them with Kasumi's memories, and started to work as the 00 Unit. In this process, Takeru's feelings and gift were fundamental. And this was a moment where I thought that Takeru and Sumika might be perfect as a couple. I can imagine Takeru returning to his restored original world, and meeting again that Sumika, after his experience with the other two Sumikas. It would be the happiest ending he might have. Then, during the attack to Sadogashima Hive, Takeru retrieved a memory of a past event with Meiya (i.e., when they had sex) and I am sorry for Sumika, but Meiya must have a happy ending too. Anyway, about this... so is Meiya's route of Unlimited canon?

A last thing. Sadogashima Hive confirms there is a traitor. Who is (s)he? One of the main girls (no Meiya, of course)? One of their parents? One of the Valkyries? But at this point I am certain there will be a betrayal - I am ready for that.

A (very) last thing, or better, a question for which I really seek an answer. How many hours I still have ahead to complete the VN? On one side, I feel there are still so many things left open in this story. On the other side, I am potentially near the end of Episode 9.
Overall, very high productions battles for a VN originally released in 2006, amazing.
The flashbacks you get in Alternative are

Based on your save file from Muv Luv. I'm pretty sure by default you'll always get the Meiya flashbacks if there's no save data, but you get more if you've cleared other routes. There's also some additional options that become available in the first third of the game.


Nov 6, 2017
On The House in Fata Morgana...

Im at Chap 7. The Witch's Curse .

This VN is the embodiment of repetition -text, ideas, feelings, themes- , going around in never ending circles and is burning me out in not a good way.

"you must remember who you are
because that is who you are
you forgot who you are"

... ok I think I get your point....

"you lost sight of who you are
you can return to your true self
you remember who you are?"

... ehh... I get it already, please can we move on...

"envision your true self
remember yourself
recall yourself
this is the real you"


And then the character proceeds describe the house again, you know, the same house in which this VN take place and you are very familiar with.

Some editing and summary goes a long way.

I like the general story- I know I do - but it the over exposition makes me feel uninterested - even the twists now- I just go like "ohh ok".

Maybe this one is not for me but I will see it see it through .
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Mar 31, 2018
today I noticed that mangagamer tweeted out what was their most requested title in the survey, gratz Alicesoft I guess...



Oct 25, 2017
Their most requested title is a title that the company is taking care of themselves by hiring outside help.

It's a bit odd, but alright then.


Mar 31, 2018
while that is not uncommon for titles listed in that survey (i.e people asking for Baldr Sky while Sekai was working on it), the survey results are older than Evenicle 2 announcement, for whatever reason they decided to disclose them now


Oct 25, 2017
I heard it's because the poll was made before that announcement and just now that Mangagamer is sharing those results.


Oct 31, 2017
The responses to the tweet about the title ranked number two are disappointing but not surprising.


Oct 25, 2017
Has anyone ordered a retail copy of Buried Stars from Play-Asia and actually received it?
Quick update on Buried Stars physical: My copy shipped around the 10th and arrived yesterday, so maybe the game actually got restocked recently. The seller I got my copy from is currently sold out, but keep an eye on ebay in general if you're still interested in getting the physical edition (e.g. this one currently has two left in stock).

The cart version appears to be the same as the eshop release: Ver. 1.0 on cart, large patch download (1.02), VA in Korean & Japanese, Text in Korean, Japanese, English, traditional & simplified Chinese


Oct 27, 2017
Quick update on Buried Stars physical: My copy shipped around the 10th and arrived yesterday, so maybe the game actually got restocked recently. The seller I got my copy from is currently sold out, but keep an eye on ebay in general if you're still interested in getting the physical edition (e.g. this one currently has two left in stock).

The cart version appears to be the same as the eshop release: Ver. 1.0 on cart, large patch download (1.02), VA in Korean & Japanese, Text in Korean, Japanese, English, traditional & simplified Chinese

Thanks - good to hear, I'll indeed keep a lookout for it then.

That particular seller is a jokester, though: "shipping worldwide" followed by dozens of exceptions including half of Europe... ah well.


Oct 25, 2017
Personally, between Chaos;Child and Virtue's Last Reward, I can do without

any other visual novel using dumb "they were old all along!" twists.

As far as I'm concerned, it just ensured that C;C's true ending would be underwhelming through helping to severely limit potential outcomes. I was indifferent at the time because of it being just another crappy thing to have happen on top of the other crappy things that already happened, and had become quite numb once things were finally winding down.

While on the subject of Science Adventure, I would need additional confirmation beyond a TV Tropes page, but I recall reading that Robotics;Notes Dash establishes

that the events of Chaos;Child have led to shifting the universe away from the Steins Gate worldline. Not that I have any idea what difference it would make at that point if nothing will be done with that bit of information in any game going forward, but I won't say that I don't feel at least somewhat smug about its miserable story getting dunked on like that.

Almost bored with my discontent, I'll quit complaining eventually.
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Oct 28, 2017
Personally, between Chaos;Child and Virtue's Last Reward, I can do without

any other visual novel using dumb "they were old all along!" twists.

As far as I'm concerned, it just ensured that C;C's true ending would be underwhelming through helping to severely limit potential outcomes. I was indifferent at the time because of it being just another crappy thing to have happen on top of the other crappy things that already happened, and had become quite numb once things were finally winding down.

While on the subject of Science Adventure, I would need additional confirmation beyond a TV Tropes page, but I recall reading that Robotics;Notes Dash establishes

that the events of Chaos;Child have led to shifting the universe away from the Steins Gate worldline. Not that I have any idea what difference it would make at that point if nothing will be done with that bit of information in any game going forward, but I won't say that I don't feel at least somewhat smug about its miserable story getting dunked on like that.

Almost bored with my discontent, I'll quit complaining eventually.
Huh? how does that works? wordline shifts happen because someone messing with the past, Okabe's first reading steiner taste as a kid, was because beta's Suzuha fixed the 2k bug. Committee of 300 stopped time travelling research in the s;g wordline(or attractor field?), for that to happen C;C chuuchuu route with the worldline shifting gigalomaniac would have to be canon, I guess...


Oct 25, 2017
Huh? how does that works? wordline shifts happen because someone messing with the past, Okabe's first reading steiner taste as a kid, was because beta's Suzuha fixed the 2k bug. Committee of 300 stopped time travelling research in the s;g wordline(or attractor field?), for that to happen C;C chuuchuu route with the worldline shifting gigalomaniac would have to be canon, I guess...
I didn't see Chuu Chuu referenced specifically in blaming C;C for it. Wouldn't know any other specific details beyond suggesting the main game was the cause (was just mentioned that C;C's events somehow caused it to happen).


Oct 28, 2017
I didn't see Chuu Chuu referenced specifically in blaming C;C for it. Wouldn't know any other specific details beyond suggesting the main game was the cause (was just mentioned that C;C's events somehow caused it to happen).
Weird, in any case Daru couldn't have know about that, unless Okabe tells him, another thing to look forward in Dash, hopefully some cameos by the old gang as well, even if it's only in twippo form.


Oct 25, 2017
Will consider that double pack for Robotics;Notes Elite/Dash, but I'm not planning on prioritizing it currently.

Shifting gears, that Aokana game people have been talking about looks interesting, but I have no idea when the PS4 version will be available.

EDIT: Looking into it, sounds like it would be better to not even bother with the PS4 version (no physical release like the one the Switch got, removing scenes entirely). Still don't have a Switch, but should probably get one of the physical copies while it's still cheap.
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Nov 6, 2017
Done with The House in Fata Morgana.

It was definitely not for me.

The core of the story is good, the characters are for the most part good but that pacing killed my interest one third into the game.

Painstakingly slow and repetitive to the point that when I finished I didnt care for any of the characters and I was just relieved that it was finally over.

I was reading comments that said this VM can make you cry, I felt nothing. To be honest no VN except WA2 made me cry.


Oct 27, 2017
Done with The House in Fata Morgana.

It was definitely not for me.

The core of the story is good, the characters are for the most part good but that pacing killed my interest one third into the game.

Painstakingly slow and repetitive to the point that when I finished I didnt care for any of the characters and I was just relieved that it was finally over.

I was reading comments that said this VM can make you cry, I felt nothing. To be honest no VN except WA2 made me cry.

I like Fata, but yeah I too felt it was too long. I think I left the game at one of the last doors and still have no desire to finish it, felt like I had my fill. It's good but it's always a bummer when something doesn't live up to the "BEST *insert genre here* EVER" hype. (The music did live up to the hype for me though)


Nov 6, 2017
I like Fata, but yeah I too felt it was too long. I think I left the game at one of the last doors and still have no desire to finish it, felt like I had my fill. It's good but it's always a bummer when something doesn't live up to the "BEST *insert genre here* EVER" hype. (The music did live up to the hype for me though)

Yeah, most of the music was excellent, the art, the atmosphere, the core of the story, the writing is solid... The rest not so much.


Oct 25, 2017
And ordered Aokana from Amazon. No idea how low the print run is, but it seems acting on it short of a month after launch gave me enough of a window. GameStop's online store is already sold out, but they were also charging $10 more anyway.


From the mirror universe
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 26, 2017
Fata is like, one of the best well paced Visual Novel to be honest. Most visual novels are way worse in that regard.


Nov 6, 2017
Left a huge impact on me. That true ending was bitter sweet in it's own way.

Bitter sweet? how?
I mean the world is doomed, Fuminori is beyond help, killed all his friends, he is utterly being manipulated by Saya (even if she doesn't see it that way) since she learnt everything from books/DNA and that's her ultimate goal.

The only "good ending" is the one in which he is on locked up. No need for more murders and the end of the world.

Was I supposed to be sympathetic to Saya -an interdimensional geocide organism- and Fuminori -fiend killer cannibal- ?

Nor at any moment I felt sympathetic towards them, I mean I know they perceive the world differently but that's a lie.

I should add I like the ending.
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"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
[NO 2FA]
Bitter sweet? how?
I mean the world is doomed, Fuminori is beyond help, killed all his friends, he is utterly being manipulated by Saya (even if she doesn't see it that way) since she learnt everything from books/DNA and that's her ultimate goal.

The only "good ending" is the one in which he is on locked up. No need for more murders and the end of the world.

Was I supposed to be sympathetic to Saya -an interdimensional geocide organism- and Fuminori -fiend killer cannibal- ?

Nor at any moment I felt sympathetic towards them, I mean I know they perceive the world differently but that's a lie.
Putting aside all the murder and cannibalism . All that is left in the end is the representation of 'love' they shared, the worlds last love. Having the world turn into Saya's species, her true goal meet. Bitter sweet, thinking about this game again has made me go look for the song that plays at the end of this route.


Nov 6, 2017
Putting aside all the murder and cannibalism . All that is left in the end is the representation of 'love' they shared, the worlds last love. Having the world turn into Saya's species, her true goal meet. Bitter sweet, thinking about this game again has made me go look for the song that plays at the end of this route.

Just to clarify, I do "like" the VN and the ending

The VM reminded me a lot of how an addicted person can act,
to feel dependent onto something to the point that person needs it to "function", I saw that on Fuminori all the time. Therefore I cant say it was a bitter sweet ending, knowing how "addicted" he is. Hes living a lie and he knows it and despite that he treats it as his reality and he doesn't try to break anymore the circle.
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Oct 25, 2017
One thing I like a lot about SnU is how both of the endings work thematically. Which one you like more depends on whether you were more of a fan of the twisted romance aspects, or the Lovecraftian horror aspects.