
Oct 25, 2017
Recommendations for horror themed or horror adjacent vns? I've already got Neighbor coming out in a few days and Death Mark won't be out until Halloween.

I've read Fata Morgana, Phenomeno, Cupid, and what's been released of Higurashi.

If you've read Higurashi, you could read Umineko as well, though it's heavier on the mystery side than horror in comparison to Higurashi.

Otherwise, try Saya no Uta, albeit it's an adult VN.


Nov 29, 2017
Recommendations for horror themed or horror adjacent vns? I've already got Neighbor coming out in a few days and Death Mark won't be out until Halloween.

I've read Fata Morgana, Phenomeno, Cupid, and what's been released of Higurashi.

Saya No Uta.
A Disturbing short VN. A must for fans of Horror games. It have some Hentai scenes, but doesn't kill the quality of it.


Oct 27, 2017
Recommendations for horror themed or horror adjacent vns? I've already got Neighbor coming out in a few days and Death Mark won't be out until Halloween.

I've read Fata Morgana, Phenomeno, Cupid, and what's been released of Higurashi.

I'd recommend Higanbana, same writer as Higurashi and Umineko. Also Saya no Uta.


Oct 25, 2017
Just finished Higurashi Ep. 2

That ending was pretty awful.
So they establish that the defining moment that changes everything for Mion and sets her down the path to eventually torturing/killing her closest friends and neighbors is that she didn't get a stuffed bear from the protagonist. This is the defining moment that sets off the chain reaction that causes the events in this story. After establishing that their best friend is a murderer our protagonist listens to a sob back story, forgets that his other friends are dead, and begins to sympathize with the weight of leadership Mion has had to carry on her shoulders. He then follows her, alone, without his only other surviving friend, into a secluded cellar where surprise shes going to try to kill him again.

days/weeks later protagonist cries about how mean the media is being towards his best friend who killed almost everyone else he ever knew and interacted with - noting the "distorted image" they used to portray her. Then everything else happens.

Do they ever explain how the entire village knows that they're the ones who broke into the storehouse to begin with?
Yes. It's actually one of the reason I prefer Higurashi over Umineko, because answer arcs actually go quite deep into outright explaining the details; there's less "handwaving" away the solution compared to Umineko, although both do have some controversial elements.


Oct 26, 2017
there's less "handwaving" away the solution compared to Umineko, although both do have some controversial elements.
Will outright answers everything there is to be said about Umineko in EP7.
Only thing that isn't explicitly explained in Umineko is the poem riddle, which gets amended in the manga version.


Oct 25, 2017
Hmm, alright thanks.

What about Magical Marriage Lunatics? Anyone got any impressions of that?

I dropped it. The only two VNs that I've dropped in my life are this and Dal Segno, if that tells you something. I did finished Chrono Clock and found it decent.
Elaborating: The characters in MML felt too flat in the opening hours and bored me.

I've heard it has decent H-scenes, though


Self-requested ban
Jan 11, 2018
I dropped it. The only two VNs that I've dropped in my life are this and Dal Segno, if that tells you something. I did finished Chrono Clock and found it decent.
Elaborating: The characters in MML felt too flat in the opening hours and bored me.

I've heard it has decent H-scenes, though

Behhh dang I'm trying to find something newer or niche(ish) to try out.


Oct 25, 2017
Behhh dang I'm trying to find something newer or niche(ish) to try out.

Might as well log in to VNDB, go to the "just released" page and filter them: filter them by original language to Japanese, language to english and pick PC as platform. Add your own tastes after that, like if you want them 18+ only or 15+ or more. After applying organize them by date. Make a list and we can tell you our opinions


Official Giveaway Bot
Mar 7, 2018
Hello, I am a bot! I come bearing 1 gifts from Rika!

This is a raffle that will expire in a day. The winner will be drawn at random! Any prizes leftover after the deadline will become available on a first-come first-serve basis.


How to Participate:

To enter this giveaway click here to send a private message to me, GiftBot, with the subject line entry.

In the message body, copy and paste the entire line below for the prize you wish to win. You are allowed only 1 entry per giveaway.

Available Prizes:

Koropokkur in Love ~A Little Fairy's Tale~(PC/MangaGamer Code) -- GB-a697647f-20a5-43bb-86f9-ee4f5beccfae - Won by Bomblord
Last edited:


Oct 30, 2017
I already have the Steam key for that game, so don't need the MG code! Someone else who wants it can have the MG code.

Instructions: Please put Koropokkur in your shopping cart at, and enter the code in the "Campaign code" text box during checkout. Make sure you aren't charged for anything. If successful, Koropokkur will be available in your My Account page, and the download link will be accessible upon release.


Oct 26, 2017
So the Koropokkur MG code is indeed a second code for the game for PC, and not just a Steam patch?


Self-requested ban
Jan 11, 2018
I already recommended it to you iirc but you should really try ISLAND. It's such a great mystery and love story.

Well about that. Sat down a few days ago to eat in my front room. Brother was watching some random anime so I watched it while I was eating. Turned out it was the last episode of Island the anime and it revealed
all the time travel shenanigans and the world resetting
and well basically the entire ending is spoiled now and it kind of killed my drive for it >.>


Oct 30, 2017
So the Koropokkur MG code is indeed a second code for the game for PC, and not just a Steam patch?
It is an all ages VN, so no patch or anything. The code they gave me seems to imply it's the full game. I already redeemed my Steam key, and don't want to use MG. :P

They just added this to backerkit a day or so ago, and it said "MG code/key".


Self-requested ban
Jan 11, 2018
Might as well log in to VNDB, go to the "just released" page and filter them: filter them by original language to Japanese, language to english and pick PC as platform. Add your own tastes after that, like if you want them 18+ only or 15+ or more. After applying organize them by date. Make a list and we can tell you our opinions

Ill go down the list. How about Hoshizora No Memoria? That looks good and was recently released on Denpasoft

Or that Mask of Truth game
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Oct 25, 2017
Whew. I picked up on the Battler thing when Natsuhi got the first phone call early on (well, it was easy enough when he said he's her child from 19 years ago with Battler's questionable birth raised in Q4) but didn't know how to explain his perspectives. When Virgilia said "Natsuhi isn't the culprit" in red text I had a really loud gasp, hahaha. Man... good times.

I still have no idea how to explain almost anything. Is the part with Rosa killing Beatrice still even valid? Maybe Battler was Kinzo's grandchild through being Beatrice's kid? Does that mean both Battler and Eva became the murderers after they solved the epitaph? I dunno man. I can just throw in more random speculation I guess. I'm still kinda thrown off by the fact that the gold really exists, I thought for sure that's just another illusion to give Eva an easy motive in Q3. And why the heck do they still keep stealing Maria's flower.

I have to say the stuff with Knox's 10 rules was pretty cool. I think I internalized them with mystery stories subconsciously but I didn't know they were formalized anywhere like that.


Oct 25, 2017
Ill go down the list. How about Hoshizora No Memoria? That looks good and was recently released on Denpasoft

Or that Mask of Truth game
If you're making me choose from those, I would pick up Utawarerumono, though you'll need to play Mask of Deception first. Both are pretty good games, though, not full visual novels

HnM is good, I liked it, though I wasn't a fan of the little sister heroine. That's my biggest complain with it.


Oct 26, 2017
Looks like my Punch Line LE from Rice shipped today to NA, so copies are definately going out.


Self-requested ban
Jan 11, 2018
Thoughts on
Eiyu Senkei
Koihime Musou
Deus Machina Demonbane
Yumina The Ethereal
Venus Blood


Oct 25, 2017
.... ehhhhhh I dunno about that dude... alright

I'll just say that I still have no clue about most of the things that weren't revealed yet, so I won't draw concrete conclusions, but as it is right now, this doesn't feel right to me at all. Essentially it feels like the narrative was contrived and forced in order to lead Battler to make a logic error, heck it feels like a straight up plot hole:

-- The player suddenly has the ability to retroactively change his behavior without the knowledge of the game master: Erika (1) retroactively set the chain on Battler's room and (2) retroactively killed the other 5, even though Battler only allowed her to retroactively set tape seals. I'll give you that setting a retroactive tape seal on the door instead of on the chain should be allowed but that's not what she did, and Battler's outside help trick specifically relied on the chain and not a tape on the door.
-- Even if I give up and accept "Erika could retroactively change all of her behavior since getting the packing tape", then when Erika announced her retroactive tape seals after she observed the letter, Battler had the option to retroactively revise his script in response and remove the letter, but suddenly her other retroactive changes don't give him that option anymore, forcing him to have a contradiction.
-- Erika had to go to from the guesthouse to Battler's room to observe the tape seal she put there and check if it's broken or not, and Battler could revise his script (the status of the tape) until she observed it. But after cornering him, she somehow instantly teleported back from Battler's room to the guesthouse corridor where she observed the tape seals (at the exact time of the logic error and without opening the door and breaking the seal herself!) - without giving Battler the ability to change his script so that someone broke the seal and rescued him from his room, which would have solved the logic error. She shouldn't have been able to observe the status of the seals until she exited Battler's room and walked there.
-- The logic error is easily solved by the fact that Dlanor didn't confirm that the window seal in the guesthouse was intact and I can't honestly buy that Battler missed that. He would have resigned for the first twilight but at least he wouldn't have had a logic error (he still had 7 murders left). Everything afterwards with using Kanon was just to make Erika lose her human culprit argument, but the logic error itself was easily solvable way before then.

Essentially, the scene arbitrarily decides when Battler can or can't revise his script, and when Erika can or can't check the status of seals she can't observe. If we take it at face value, it's inconsistent and a plot hole, but the reader (Ange) didn't care and no one (Beato/the witches) pointed it out. It's obvious why the story did this - if Battler had all of these options to escape the logic error and chose not to, then we would have suspected Battler of deliberately acting stupid (for his master plan of reviving Beatrice), and ruined the reveal at the end, so the story just... lied and said he didn't, in a way that created inconsistency. The result is that the entire skirmish feels cheap. Just wanted to vent because I was really excited when the scene started and it didn't deliver. It's a shame because the mystery itself was really fun, just the narrative around it was a huge bummer.

The rest of the episode was good at least. Around when the love trial claimed that one of the couples needs to kill the other, I started suspecting that maybe Kanon and Shanon both possess the same body or something (did the true perspective ever show their bodies separately? hmm)... I'm still not sure if that's correct because it wasn't outright revealed, but with the final scene confirming 17 people on the island, maybe
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Oct 26, 2017
Thoughts on
Eiyu Senkei
Koihime Musou
Deus Machina Demonbane
Yumina The Ethereal
Venus Blood
Yumina the Ethereal is one of the weirdest visual novels I've ever played. The characters are not animated, they have no expression or gesture. However the head portraits are animated. So instead of looking at the big picture in the center of the screen, you look at the left cornor of the text box. It's a good game to chill. Very long RPG with a light story.

edit: Somehow I missed Venus Blood in the list. This is definitely a "one of them is not like the other" situation LMAO. From what I know that game only caters to people with certain fetish.
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Oct 25, 2017
........ ahem

I mean, in Q3 Battler talked about the possibility that the Beatrice that Rosa killed was Kinzo's daughter with his mistress, so I was aware of that theory...

And I mean, in Q5 it was a fairly easy assumption that the baby that Natsuhi killed was that Beatrice's child, probably with Kinzo...

But I mean, would anyone actually entertain the possibility that both of these are true? I mean. Normally they'd be mutually exclusive. Right? Geez.


Oct 25, 2017
........ ahem

I mean, in Q3 Battler talked about the possibility that the Beatrice that Rosa killed was Kinzo's daughter with his mistress, so I was aware of that theory...

And I mean, in Q5 it was a fairly easy assumption that the baby that Natsuhi killed was that Beatrice's child, probably with Kinzo...

But I mean, would anyone actually entertain the possibility that both of these are true? I mean. Normally they'd be mutually exclusive. Right? Geez.
I figured this one out sometime during 4/5/6 I think. There's a Kinzo line that implied it but I don't remember which one.


Oct 25, 2017

I figured this one out sometime during 4/5/6 I think. There's a Kinzo line that implied it but I don't remember which one.
Yeah there's some hints for both conclusions, but I legit believed that even if one of them is true, they can't both be true together because someone that depraved can't exist. heh..... heh :(

atomsk eater

Oct 25, 2017
That one looks interesting, do share impression when you finish/play it.

I finished it that same night. While I overall liked it, it's about 3 hours long and has no choices or branching paths. A little afterstory played after the credits, but other than that I didn't see any extra content. It really felt like it could have had more to it, there are some things I felt they could have worked with more
like the obvious moments when the ghost seems to be clinging to the lead character even when she's outside the apartment
. Just kinda felt like "um, that's it?" when I got to the end, I seriously thought they'd have more steam.
Good use of sound. I also though the primarily blue palette was an interesting choice that paid off.

Looks like they're launching it at $15, which I think is steep.


Oct 25, 2017
.... hmm...

Well, ever since Ep7 started framed revealing answers as "tearing the guts out", I could tell that I'm not gonna get answers to the tricks. I found Ep8 almost completely redundant because to begin with I never cared what "happened on that day really", or "the contents of the cat box" or whatever, I just wanted the answer arcs to answer the questions presented in the question arcs (and Ep5-6 too), including the how dunnits. I did have theories for some of them but what's the point if it's kept away.

So Ep8 felt like it introduced a climax to a problem that wasn't that important before Ep8. It was about Battler wanting Ange to "move on" by some bizarre theory that staying ignorant would help her with that (which I still don't understand). The story even admits it by having Ange learn the truth, which provides her closure and helps her move on, so I dunno what was even going on there. And I understand embellishing the magic perspective in Ep1-6 because it provides narrative around the facts, and serves a purpose, but the entire epic climax of Ep8 with 10 hours of fight scenes and CGs was pure nonsense. Dunno. Bern and Lambda could trade epic universe-ending magic attacks all day and it feels like nothing, because everything is made up on the spot (and badly written at that) with no context or consequences. I ended up clicking through most of the magic embellishment in this episode.

I think 1-3 were fantastic and I loved every second. 4 was half weird and half ok (at that point I was getting tired of the wordiness of the magic perspective). 5 was back to good, then 6 in my opinion screwed up the narrative of what led to the logic error but it was ok outside of that. 7 was fine if too long (the tea party was INSANE though) and 8 is almost completely fluff, although at least the medal puzzles and Bern's game in the beginning were very fun fluff.

In general I think Umineko has somewhat of a problem with the magic perspective. It is way too wordy and way too padded. Once it becomes obvious in Ep3-4 that it's just a narrative for the facts, it really should have cut back on the repeating and redundant descriptions. I think all of 4-8 could be done in three episodes.

Ep1-3 Beato and Battler, and then Erika were probably my favorite characters. Freaked out when Erika got a pirate hat. Music, and sound design in general, are also unquestionably the best I've heard in a VN.


Oct 25, 2017
.... hmm...

Well, ever since Ep7 started framed revealing answers as "tearing the guts out", I could tell that I'm not gonna get answers to the tricks. I found Ep8 almost completely redundant because to begin with I never cared what "happened on that day really", or "the contents of the cat box" or whatever, I just wanted the answer arcs to answer the questions presented in the question arcs (and Ep5-6 too), including the how dunnits. I did have theories for some of them but what's the point if it's kept away.

So Ep8 felt like it introduced a climax to a problem that wasn't that important before Ep8. It was about Battler wanting Ange to "move on" by some bizarre theory that staying ignorant would help her with that (which I still don't understand). The story even admits it by having Ange learn the truth, which provides her closure and helps her move on, so I dunno what was even going on there. And I understand embellishing the magic perspective in Ep1-6 because it provides narrative around the facts, and serves a purpose, but the entire epic climax of Ep8 with 10 hours of fight scenes and CGs was pure nonsense. Dunno. Bern and Lambda could trade epic universe-ending magic attacks all day and it feels like nothing, because everything is made up on the spot (and badly written at that) with no context or consequences. I ended up clicking through most of the magic embellishment in this episode.

I think 1-3 were fantastic and I loved every second. 4 was half weird and half ok (at that point I was getting tired of the wordiness of the magic perspective). 5 was back to good, then 6 in my opinion screwed up the narrative of what led to the logic error but it was ok outside of that. 7 was fine if too long (the tea party was INSANE though) and 8 is almost completely fluff, although at least the medal puzzles and Bern's game in the beginning were very fun fluff.

In general I think Umineko has somewhat of a problem with the magic perspective. It is way too wordy and way too padded. Once it becomes obvious in Ep3-4 that it's just a narrative for the facts, it really should have cut back on the repeating and redundant descriptions. I think all of 4-8 could be done in three episodes.

Ep1-3 Beato and Battler, and then Erika were probably my favorite characters. Freaked out when Erika got a pirate hat. Music, and sound design in general, are also unquestionably the best I've heard in a VN.
Episode 7 explains all of the how dunnits and the who dunnits. Episode 8 is the epilogue for the "1998" stuff.


Oct 26, 2017
I would suggesting checking out ep. 8 manga next, it's basically a remake of ep. VIII. Some of the side stories like 34's diary are interesting, though it's a bit late for that now (They were originally published with the earlier episodes).

Deleted member 1055

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Recommendations for horror themed or horror adjacent vns? I've already got Neighbor coming out in a few days and Death Mark won't be out until Halloween.

I've read Fata Morgana, Phenomeno, Cupid, and what's been released of Higurashi.

There is Perceptions of the Dead, a free collection of 3 short, spooky stories:

I wouldn't exactly call it frightening, but I found it well worth reading.
There's also a non-free sequel (PotD2), but I haven't gotten around to reading it yet.

Filament Star

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Just noticed that Root Double only has 77 owners on PSNProfiles. Which is just a cross-section of the larger user-base but wow, no one played that huh?

atomsk eater

Oct 25, 2017
Just noticed that Root Double only has 77 owners on PSNProfiles. Which is just a cross-section of the larger user-base but wow, no one played that huh?

It's probably more likely that anyone interested got a much cheaper Steam key at some point. It was bundled at least once, and the PSV port was delayed IIRC.

There is Perceptions of the Dead, a free collection of 3 short, spooky stories:

I wouldn't exactly call it frightening, but I found it well worth reading.
There's also a non-free sequel (PotD2), but I haven't gotten around to reading it yet.

Oh, looks nice! In fact I've played that dev's fantasy VN series and enjoyed it.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
Just noticed that Root Double only has 77 owners on PSNProfiles. Which is just a cross-section of the larger user-base but wow, no one played that huh?

It taking an eon to come out on Vita after backing it means it's very far back in my VN backlog, as I tend to prioritize recent stuff as is.


Oct 26, 2017
...the pidgeon mask from my Punch Line LE smells really really bad :x I put it on for funsies, and felt like I'd pass out from fumes off the rubber.