
Oct 25, 2017


Nov 16, 2017
I don't necessarily agree, but what are your opinions about



Well he was super powerful and was trapped but we don't know what he did to cause people to want to trap him.

Present day he wakes up to see other people are in charge that he deems inferior so he starts recruiting people to overthrow other people and in the process kills a bunch of people (like those who were chasing a thief). Then he saves the world from nuclear war but then claims a city as his and starts building a temple in his name (which I am sure killed a bunch of people).

Outside the killing a bunch of innocent people and trying to overthrow the world that didn't even know he existed...sure, he did nothing wrong.


Oct 26, 2017
It was part of the ants reproductive cycle tho

e: if anything, the kids were reborn in better, more powerful bodies

(I don't remember if all the kids survived the process, but still)

You can argue he wasn't evil when he dies, but he certainly did bad things like killing anyone who even slightly disagreed with him or did something slightly to his disliking. and I mean his goal was to turn mankind into food as he considered them (and everyone else) lesser beings.
Oct 27, 2017
He's basically Harry Potter's version of Itachi
I mean Itachis crimes were kinda contained and also, Danzo was gonna murk all the uchiha anyway. So technically the outcome would've been the same, Itachi just did it as a way to protect sasuke and also infiltrate Akatsuki. And when in Akatsuki did he ever actually kill anyone. He spared kurenai, kakashi etc. and he let Jiraiya go.
Oct 26, 2017
William Foster/"D-FENS" from Falling Down.

I can get behind this.

The Xenomorph ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
They are like animals trying to survive.
I'm not sure if I agree of disagree with this. If you take Ash's line fro Alien I admire its purity. A survivor... unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality. It transcends good or bad, but in the same film where the creature corners Lambert and Parker, it does appear to cruelly toy with Lambert before it kills her.

The you have Aliens that, imo, reduces them to insect like animals, but with an unsustainable life cycle as they'd just consume any ecosystem they're introduced to. if you take the angle of them being a biological weapon, you could argue they're no more or less immoral than a gun or tool.


Oct 27, 2017
Nah. He was always looking for a reason to be mad.

And he had plenty

Even if we COMPLETELY IGNORE all the people he killed the guy STILL tried to murder his teacher, his village, his classmates, best friend and future wife on MULTIPLE OCCASIONS!

Sasuke did not kill anyone bar Akatsuki and some Samurai that tried to kill him as well.
Both Kakashi and Sakura tried to kill him as well.

Fuck the village. You talk, mostly incorrectly, about killing and intent, yet the village killed far more people including the entirety of Sasuke's clan; innocents included.
There's a reason Sasuke doesn't apologise for that shit.

Eh, it happened once.

The guy abandoned his wife and daughter for pretty much a decade.

Thats a weird way of saying he was on a mission deemed incredibly important to future of the entire world, to which his wife agreed to.

In fact when face to face with his daughter he didn't even recognize her and when he saw his wife for the first time in 10 years the first thing he said was basically "why are you here?"

Thats because Sarada was never meant to at a secret location he only told Naruto and he had just fought a Sharingan clone prior. Its not hard to link 1+1.


Nov 7, 2017
Walter Whites stated intentions don't match up with his actions at all. He had the choice early on to have his medical bills taken care of by Grey Matter, and turns it down out of spite and pride. Everything after that point is a product of his own bitterness and greed.

He's a real piece of shit.

Griffiths, no the other hand, did nothing wrong, and succeeds in creating a paradise state out of the ashes of a war he didn't start.


Oct 27, 2017
Danzo was gonna murk all the uchiha anyway.

Hahaha. The entirety of Konoha was needed to fight the Uchiha which was why a war was feared by Konoha so much. Itachi was a coward. He could of easily killed Danzo, taken the blame as a criminal that way and prevented the entire massacre.

Itachi just did it as a way to protect sasuke

Explains why he mentally tortures him, urges him to kill his best friend and find more hatred.

also infiltrate Akatsuki. And when in Akatsuki did he ever actually kill anyone. He spared kurenai, kakashi etc. and he let Jiraiya go.

Itachi helped recruit Deidara.
Itachi saved Kisame several times.
Itachi failed to kill Orochimaru.
Itachi assisted in slowing Team 7, allowing Gaara to be killed, before Chiyo sacrifices herself.
Itachi's intelligence was wrong: the leader was not Madara but Obito, which actually resulted in doing more harm as the name Madara is far more imposing than Obito.

Now ask yourself: what did Itachi do against Akatsuki?
Oct 27, 2017
Hahaha. The entirety of Konoha was needed to fight the Uchiha which was why a war was feared by Konoha so much. Itachi was a coward. He could of easily killed Danzo, taken the blame as a criminal that way and prevented the entire massacre.

Explains why he mentally tortures him, urges him to kill his best friend and find more hatred.

Itachi helped recruit Deidara.
Itachi saved Kisame several times.
Itachi failed to kill Orochimaru.
Itachi assisted in slowing Team 7, allowing Gaara to be killed, before Chiyo sacrifices herself.
Itachi's intelligence was wrong: the leader was not Madara but Obito, which actually resulted in doing more harm as the name Madara is far more imposing than Obito.

Now ask yourself: what did Itachi do against Akatsuki?
He couldn't have killed danzo because sarutobi was a punk that let the other council members throw too much clout around. That would've caused all out war also

And obito was working as the proxy leader for madara. Carrying out his plans until he was revived.

And some call it torture others call it tough love ;)


Oct 27, 2017
A World With No Boundaries did nothing wrong.

It's time for a perfect world without restrictions or wars. V2 will erase the old one.

Neither nations nor nationalities have meaning. We will erase these unnecessary borders. The World With No Boundaries will pen a new story. The world will change."

What does it matter for millions to die, if you could end war? Wars over bullshit like necessities well off nations refuse to share after a calamity like the Ulysses disaster. Desperate ploys for power or survival in an ever increasing imperialist world.

It can be stopped.


For that matter, Erusea did nothing wrong, either.
Oct 26, 2017
He killed a bunch of people, hence why he was being hunted down by the police.
He was being hunted down to be "retired" by a Blade Runner because he was a Replicant who had escaped from slavery on an off-world colony. Flip the script to where he has is the protagonist of the story and those killings would be justified in the eyes of most people.


Oct 29, 2017
Genocide is justified now?

Jesus christ

Nomak was not "just trying to survive." He was systematically killing all vampires (which, as characters like Nyssa show, aren't even all evil), and full well knew the wake of destruction he was leaving.

Nuada was willing to even kill (or use as expendable weapons) his own race just to kill humanity.

Justified my ass.
They created a monster, you reap what you sow. Justified.


Oct 27, 2017
You can argue he wasn't evil when he dies, but he certainly did bad things like killing anyone who even slightly disagreed with him or did something slightly to his disliking. and I mean his goal was to turn mankind into food as he considered them (and everyone else) lesser beings.

but once again, he is doing nothing that is not in his species' nature

and if the species method of reproduction includes murder, well, what would are you gonna do? self extinguish the species? He has a genetic imperative for maximizing his species population, and that included using all humans as food

not that the humans should take it, but I think it is not as simple as to paint it in good/evil terms


Oct 25, 2017
Already mentioned, but my favorite example

George Sears, aka Solidus Snake
Except for the whole child soldiers in Libya thing, which is pretty ehhhhh
This is the best example here. Sure, that one policy was pretty bad but no president is perfect.
Roy Batty in Blade Runner
Debatable. Depends on if you think Dr. Tyrell deserved to have his head popped like a pimple and for Sebastian to be killed off screen.
Last edited:


Nov 3, 2017
Just here pointing out that NO APOSTLE in Berserk ever not do anything wrong.
By becoming apostles they have to sacrifice the thing they hold most dear and lose their humanity to it.
They're basically just becoming monsters for a powerup and a way to escape the bad situation they're in.
They're cowards to begin with and then they become mass murdering monsters.


Oct 25, 2017
Just here pointing out that NO APOSTLE in Berserk ever not do anything wrong.
By becoming apostles they have to sacrifice the thing they hold most dear and lose their humanity to it.
They're basically just becoming monsters for a powerup and a way to escape the bad situation they're in.
They're cowards to begin with and then they become mass murdering monsters.

I guess you could debate Roshine considering she was just a little girl with a terrible father who just wanted to find some elves to have a bit of real magic in her miserable life. After she becomes an apostle... well that shit was disturbing on a whole new level.


Nov 3, 2017
I guess you could debate Roshine considering she was just a little girl with a terrible father who just wanted to find some elves to have a bit of real magic in her miserable life. After she becomes an apostle... well that shit was disturbing on a whole new level.
Well the God Hand provided an easy out to someone who was in deep despair and still the person choose to escape by giving away its humanity and what it hold most dear.
It's a shitty choice but it's kind of the point.
Put people in an impossible position and see how they react.
STILL the Count showed that the choice is only the choice of the Apostle and they CAN refuse the gift they're given.
So I'd argue that the choice IS the thing they do wrong (if that's the only wrong thing they do).


Oct 28, 2017
They created a monster, you reap what you sow. Justified.
Nah that's not how that works.

Poetic justice in regards to Damoskinos, but Nomak's actions aren't justified. If Blade can curb his appetite, so could Nomak.

And let's say Nomak couldn't curb his appetite. Why couldn't he just charge Damoskinos anyways?

Regardless, releasing a nigh unstoppable plague on the planet is not justifiable in any way. Not unless it is 100% clear that he could not in any way, shape, or form control it.


Nov 21, 2017
Dhaos - Tales of Phantasia
He wants to asborb the tree of life to keep his race survive even if that means sacrificing another alternate dimension
Oct 27, 2017
Bandung Indonesia
Not sure if it's been posted but General Hummel from The Rock. He went to extremes to fight for a noble cause, but never wanted to harm any Innocents. His character really elevates the movie.

But personally I think he's a fucking idiot.


Sure, I agree with all that. It just bothers me that people can watch the anime and come away thinking any thing other than "Light is a horrible human being".

Hahaha even the creators themselves have admitted that they're stunned about people viewing Light other than a miserable human being.
Oct 27, 2017
Bandung Indonesia

Detlaff from The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine.

My initial ending in BaW was the one where Detlaff is killed, and Syanna and Anna reunite and everything is seemingly well. Looking back though, I think the best ending thematically is the one where Detlaff kills Syanna and you let him love- Syanna was the perpetrator of the events in question, and honestly Detlaff only did what he did under manipulation and because Syanna abused his predisposition to bouts of passion. This ending also fits well with the deconstruction of Touissant as a fairy-tale land, showing how this seeming paradise has darkness hidden behind the glitter. Plus, its the best ending for your boy Regis, whereas killing Detlaff forces him into hiding.

Uhhhh, he
massacred an entire town full of civilians because he's lied to by his former girlfriend.

Under what crazy ass reasoning
massacring people of an entire city
can be justified? Even Regis himself admitted to this when Geralt pointed this out to him.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 5, 2017
The amount of pepole who are willing to excuse Goro Akechi's actions including the Phantom Theives themselves because muh tragic backstory is asinine to me

Deleted member 2229

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Walter Whites stated intentions don't match up with his actions at all. He had the choice early on to have his medical bills taken care of by Grey Matter, and turns it down out of spite and pride. Everything after that point is a product of his own bitterness and greed.

He's a real piece of shit.

Griffiths, no the other hand, did nothing wrong, and succeeds in creating a paradise state out of the ashes of a war he didn't start.
Sure, if you intentionally ignore that he raped his friend. Tried to keep another in subservience indefinitely and then had all his other friends mass sacrificed.

If you ignore that then yes Griffith did nothing wrong.


Oct 27, 2017

Phoenix wasn't responsible for Mia's death and he did everything he could to catch Redd White, despite how dangerous he was. He didn't deserve any of the shit Godot put him through. Godot knew full well about Dahlia's plan but instead of telling anyone, he devised a bunch of convoluted bullshit, put an eight year old girl's life in danger, killed Maya's mother and blamed Phoenix for Maya's apparent death. He even admitted that he could have killed Pearl but he didn't care.

He's also kind of a dick to women. That smooth relaxing theme music doesn't have me fooled

Gold Arsene

Oct 27, 2017
The amount of pepole who are willing to excuse Goro Akechi's actions including the Phantom Theives themselves because muh tragic backstory is asinine to me

Dude is pure evil what made him evil doesn't even matter I also don't understand this sentiment

He's pretty and people ship him with the MC. That seems to be where a lot of his fan base comes from.

Shouldn't be surprising considering how many fan girls the villain from P4 has.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 5, 2017
He's pretty and people ship him with the MC. That seems to be where a lot of his fan base comes from.

Shouldn't be surprising considering how many fan girls the villain from P4 has.
True and pepole excusing Adachi's actions aren't that much better - Adachi is overall more evil than Goro but Goro shouldn't be excused


Nov 2, 2017
Blackpool, UK
Why has no one mentioned the bureaucrat in Ghostbusters?
Peck is initially in the right, but he lets Venkmann push his buttons to a point where he just barges in and shuts down potentially dangerous equipment without knowing what the consequences could be. For all he knew, throwing that switch could've resulted in an explosion or the release of contaminates. He didn't investigate this shit, didn't ask for paperwork or schematics or grill the Ghostbusters to make sure that shit was safe to shut down. He put the city in danger, then tried to blame the Ghostbusters for HIS action in shutting the thing down.

Deleted member 8001

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Sasuke isn't a good guy nor has he done "no wrong" so I don't get that viewpoint. He went rogue for power despite having very loving and caring friends, later on tried to kill those friends who wanted to save him, the ones who despite all the shit he put them through were still trying to save him, he still was gonna kill.

He harmed Karin who literally worships him, and during his "vengeance" for Itachi, he targets people that have nothing to do with any of it. And even on that front with Itachi, Itachi is not a good guy either. In no way would silently assassinating your entire clan would ever be the right thing to do.

People can make the argument that a bunch of characters in the Naruto series do shitty things, and that is true, but that doesn't justify Sasuke doing shitty things.

Deleted member 9317

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
New York

Rightfully so, he did everything by the book, if albiet aggressively, and if these actions were done by a hero instead of a villian, we would feel more sympathy and emphathy.