
Scratching that
Oct 25, 2017
can or can't? or are you talking about the timer lock? If so then yes of course it works, you just waste a lot of time compared to just locking it yourself when you want with a simple click.
Nah, I meant the click. Right now when I try it (its middle mouse button, right?) it doesnt lock it at all.


Scratching that
Oct 25, 2017
did you change the setting? You need to change timer lock to action lock.
Ah, I see. Yeah, that works, not sure why both options arent on simultaneously, but I think I prefer the timer one as I seem to sleep less if I dont need to click it. Thanks though!


Oct 25, 2017
Explain what I need to do like I'm Michael Scott



Oct 27, 2017
Explain what I need to do like I'm Michael Scott

You just need to own the Suez canal (and the land it's built on), as well as the Suez Canal building itself having hired 90% (or higher) of capacity. The last part is the tricky one, as the land you've bought from Egypt doesn't really have that large a population or enough qualified people to fully staff the building. Promoting social mobility and incorporating the state is what I did to fulfill the journal entry.


Scratching that
Oct 25, 2017
You just need to own the Suez canal (and the land it's built on), as well as the Suez Canal building itself having hired 90% (or higher) of capacity. The last part is the tricky one, as the land you've bought from Egypt doesn't really have that large a population or enough qualified people to fully staff the building. Promoting social mobility and incorporating the state is what I did to fulfill the journal entry.
Is it a building you can subsidize to fill it up?


Scratching that
Oct 25, 2017
I believe subsiziding only pulls from the workforce of the state it's in, but I could be wrong on that. From what I remember, I did that, but it still took a number of years, before the building was hired to capacity.
Yeah it does, but it still helps because it pulls people from other buildings in the same state towards that one.


Oct 25, 2017
You just need to own the Suez canal (and the land it's built on), as well as the Suez Canal building itself having hired 90% (or higher) of capacity. The last part is the tricky one, as the land you've bought from Egypt doesn't really have that large a population or enough qualified people to fully staff the building. Promoting social mobility and incorporating the state is what I did to fulfill the journal entry.



Scratching that
Oct 25, 2017
Ah, right. Problem is that the strip of land you buy from Egypt doesn't have any buildings, when you buy it. At least it didn't in my playthrough.
They could still be subsistence farming, right? I doubt the pops wouldnt be doing anything at all. :-o


Oct 27, 2017
They could still be subsistence farming, right? I doubt the pops wouldnt be doing anything at all. :-o
They probably are (I don't have a game going with this setup right now), but I doubt a lot of them have the qualifications to be hired by the Suez Canal building. I think it's machinist and something else, that's needed.


Oct 28, 2017
It's fair to say that chasing the needs of the market has worked to stunning effect. People needs lots of clothing, it turns out! The British market also developed a desperate lack of ironclads, so I prioritized production on shipywards and I now have the top naval construction industry in the world, plus a steel industry feeding that too. All that has led to the top GDP per-capita in the world by some distance.

On top of that, Chile is now the 10th biggest power in the world after using our economic might to squash Argentina into puppetry after they started making funny noises in our direction. Oh and we have super progressive laws now too, because the Trade Unions and Intelligencia have had a monopoly on power.

I'm considering squishing a few more South American countries, but I might see how annexing Argentina goes first.

(I'm sure this isn't a unique playthrough, but it's fun to write about.)

The first major spanner has been thrown into my works. A civil war broke out in Great Britain, and the rebels (the proletariat) won. The new regime then decided they didn't like Chile very much and kicked me out of the customs union with the British market. My GDP halved overnight.

Not sure where I go from here. Either buddy with Spain or France, or expand the Chilean market in South America. The latter sounds a bit more fun. I am going to need to consider seriously readjusting my buildings in the meantime - there's now a massive overabundance of clothing for some reason...


Scratching that
Oct 25, 2017
In my current Sweden run, I got infamy too high. Was there any other tech/law that allows infamy to decline faster?
I really need to get Austria off my back.


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
Alright, I was gonna keep going and actually finish the Ethiopia journal challenge, but I'm basically at "coast until end game" state power wise and it keeps crashing in 1894 so it's time for a new save, lol.

I would agree overall that the AI is too passive. The great powers don't really try and screw with the minor ones much; that's partially a smart realization that if they do, the other great powers will screw them right back, and partially just them not being aggressive enough. In part, it's also down to Paradox just making defense really really strong.

If I could somehow magic a game mechanic into being, it'd be information asymmetry. Right now, it's too easy to make the "right" decision in foreign policy. You know exactly how many forces your enemies can muster, you know what resources you can get by attacking... it's just too straightforward, IMO. Needs an (interesting) espionage system of some kind to create more deliberate fog of war. That, and some kind of logistical system to make it harder for great powers to send troops around the world at a month's notice. Shit's silly.
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Oct 26, 2017
Was playing as Finland, because my gf is from there and it seemed like a cool place to build up and while my people managed to become super-rich, I basically was balancing in and out of debt for the entire game, until I accidentally nuked my entire economy by passing an economic reform that just drove my already massive debt into the stratosphere. But I did manage to beat Russia twice and get my independence even if that first war seemed like something I definitely should not have won.

Also, man, I like the idea behind the tutorial, but sometimes it's pretty useless lol. I tried the tutorial at first and it was literally:

1. "Build a building here"
2. "Make this profitable"
3. "Upgrade a building there"
4. "Double your GDP"

Pretty sure doubling the GDP is a pretty big ask that would require a bit more steps in between, but oh well. And even better, after improving my GDP the game just straight up said "Now keep playing and more stuff will show up eventually". Paradox, this is not how I learn the game lol.
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Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
Was playing as Finland, because my gf is from there and it seemed like a cool place to build up and while my people managed to become super-rich, I basically was balancing in and out of debt for the entire game, until I accidentally nuked my entire economy by passing an economic reform that just drove my already massive debt into the stratosphere. But I did manage to beat Russia twice and get my independence even if that first war seemed like something I definitely should not have won.

Also, man, I like the idea behind the tutorial, but sometimes it's pretty useless lol. I tried the tutorial at first and it was literally:

1. "Build a building here"
2. "Make this profitable"
3. "Upgrade a building there"
4. "Double your GDP"

Pretty sure doubling the GDP is a pretty big ask that would require a bit more steps in between, but oh well. And even better, after improving my GDP the game just straight up said "Now keep playing and more stuff will show up eventually". Paradox, this is not how I learn the game lol.
If you're not playing one of the recommended tutorial nations you often don't even get that much, lol.
Dec 5, 2017
Been playing the US colonizing Africa, and it's been extremely going my way, but this needs to change badly: having the area you are colonizing rise up against you, so you can annex them in a war basically effortlessly, and you skip the long slow part of colonizing. I ate up most of Africa in just a few years with this repeatedly happening, so no other major powers were able to get anything.


Oct 26, 2017
This is tremendous, in CK I never quite knew what to do because there was no clear goal, but at least in the tutorial in this its very clear about what to try doing, and also explains how to do stuff and why.

Started as Sweden as suggested, and working on the GDP goal. Any pointers appreciated, I'm currently going hard on logging and trying to reduce the price of iron by creating iron mines and importing it, but for some reason the trade routes keep becoming 'unproductive'.

Also runs great on my M1 Pro MacBook, even though its an intel binary. The Paradox games were near unplayable on the old intel laptops.
Dec 5, 2017
Some good mods posted, browsing through the workshop I found some interesting ones like fix the Oregon Treaty and Mexican Cession for US. Glad you can use mods and still get achievements now.


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
Anybody know of some way to juice the population of a state...? Or at least spike infrastructure. Doing a Sokoto run (good start, getting verrrrry nervous about the number of Great Powers inserting themselves into my business) is starting to get hamstrung by the fact that my only resource-rich state is also my lowest population one. 22 infrastructure with road maintenance on is not gonna cut it, and I can't wait until railways.
Oct 27, 2021
Was playing as Finland, because my gf is from there and it seemed like a cool place to build up and while my people managed to become super-rich, I basically was balancing in and out of debt for the entire game, until I accidentally nuked my entire economy by passing an economic reform that just drove my already massive debt into the stratosphere. But I did manage to beat Russia twice and get my independence even if that first war seemed like something I definitely should not have won.

Also, man, I like the idea behind the tutorial, but sometimes it's pretty useless lol. I tried the tutorial at first and it was literally:

1. "Build a building here"
2. "Make this profitable"
3. "Upgrade a building there"
4. "Double your GDP"

Pretty sure doubling the GDP is a pretty big ask that would require a bit more steps in between, but oh well. And even better, after improving my GDP the game just straight up said "Now keep playing and more stuff will show up eventually". Paradox, this is not how I learn the game lol.
I sort of get the idea of what they're doing, as I've always found Paradox games are best learned by rolling up your sleeves and getting your hands dirty. So conceptually, I understand the idea of building a ramp and then shoving the player off into the deep end. The problem is when there are so many dials to turn and levers to pull, teasing out cause and effect isn't always easy or intuitive, and they don't ever seem to build enough runway with their tutorials. They always sort of just shove you in.

I got there eventually with CK3 but that's probably because I had already gone through it before with CK2. This is my first time with a Victoria game, so I'm still in the process of teasing out the causes and effects. I'm mostly having a good time with it and I've made progress, in that I'm pretty sure I have the basic gist of what I need to be doing. It's just a matter of figuring out what I should be prioritizing and what I can put on the back burner that I still haven't quite figured out, and things seem liable to go sideways in a hurry.
List of useful mods


Scratching that
Oct 25, 2017
While I am at it, I might as well make a list of useful stuff:

UI Improvements
Better trade routes overview: More compact list Highly recommended
Better Market overview: More compact list Highly recommended
Better Construction Queue: Show the region name in the queue Highly recommended
Better Pop List: Show all Pops instead of only 3 Highly recommended
Better Alerts: Settings to have Alerts as single notification Highly recommended'
Better Building Grid: Adds weekly balance, employee capacity and buttons
Better Notifications: Filtering and sorting notifications
Better Outliner: Adds interest group approval, infrastructure balance and unemployment rate
Spreadsheet Outliner
Thicker Standard Font
Colourblind mode
Declare Interest Button on Top
More Autosave Slots

AI Improvements:
Better AI economy decisions
More player like /agressive AI

Events/History/Mechanic changes:
Proper Mexican Cession
Proper Oregon Treaty
No end date

Balancing Changes:
Double Tariffs for Mercantilism/Protectionism
Doubles the yearly infamy decay from 5 to 10
Puppets can do diplomatic plays
More Decrees for health, colonization, suppression, etc.
1% production increase per year to imitate company tradition

Production Chains:
10 New production buildings and trade goods

Fun Stuff:
Lovecraft country and pops
More state traits to differentiate traits more [currently mostly Europe]
Shattered World: Every state as a single country [Less stable]
Shattered World: Smaller countries at start [more stable]

Uzzy Could you threadmark/pin it in the OP?
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NCR Ranger

Oct 25, 2017
Anybody know of some way to juice the population of a state...? Or at least spike infrastructure. Doing a Sokoto run (good start, getting verrrrry nervous about the number of Great Powers inserting themselves into my business) is starting to get hamstrung by the fact that my only resource-rich state is also my lowest population one. 22 infrastructure with road maintenance on is not gonna cut it, and I can't wait until railways.

There is the greener grass campaign decree, but it is an issue I am struggling with as well.


Oct 25, 2017
People will migrate to regions that have works open from places with low employment. The difference in Living Standards also helps bring people in there. Regarding infrastructure, the best / only real way is getting railroads or ports. I think it is done as a design to ensure countries with big populations but that have low tech will have difficulties. So basically just a way to make some starts much harder.


Oct 27, 2017
Now if there could be a mod that adds the currently used / max infrastructure in the building macro... (currently it's only either in the state panel, which is a pain when you have a lot of states, or in the buildings tab as tooltip)

Apparently the AI fix also drastically improves the economic side of the AI:
Just started a new game with it, we'll see.


Scratching that
Oct 25, 2017
Now if there could be a mod that adds the currently used / max infrastructure in the building macro... (currently it's only either in the state panel, which is a pain when you have a lot of states, or in the buildings tab as tooltip)

Apparently the AI fix also drastically improves the economic side of the AI:
Just started a new game with it, we'll see.
Mostly economy actually for that one, its also included in the list I made above. There is an AI mod for war/strategy stuff making AI more aggressive, but I havent tried that yet and it was only connected to other mods, so compatibility seems iffy.


Scratching that
Oct 25, 2017
Also, if you load in the cthulhu mod midgame, truly abyssal happenings are to be expected:


Cute Animal Whisperer
Nov 3, 2017
Alright, I was gonna keep going and actually finish the Ethiopia journal challenge, but I'm basically at "coast until end game" state power wise and it keeps crashing in 1894 so it's time for a new save, lol.

I would agree overall that the AI is too passive. The great powers don't really try and screw with the minor ones much; that's partially a smart realization that if they do, the other great powers will screw them right back, and partially just them not being aggressive enough. In part, it's also down to Paradox just making defense really really strong.

If I could somehow magic a game mechanic into being, it'd be information asymmetry. Right now, it's too easy to make the "right" decision in foreign policy. You know exactly how many forces your enemies can muster, you know what resources you can get by attacking... it's just too straightforward, IMO. Needs an (interesting) espionage system of some kind to create more deliberate fog of war. That, and some kind of logistical system to make it harder for great powers to send troops around the world at a month's notice. Shit's silly.

There is an option on game start that sets the AI aggressiveness overall, and another specifically against other player.


Oct 27, 2017
Ok, so 20 years in: that AI mod is really working. Playing as France, GB has almost 100M more GDP, Austria and Germany are not far behind me (271M/186M (me) / 150M / 145M).
And speaking of Germany: Prussia is actually pursuing the unification, they formed the north german confederation like 5 years in and are gobbling up the remaining minors, despite my efforts to prevent that.


Scratching that
Oct 25, 2017
Ok, so 20 years in: that AI mod is really working. Playing as France, GB has almost 100M more GDP, Austria and Germany are not far behind me (271M/186M (me) / 150M / 145M).
And speaking of Germany: Prussia is actually pursuing the unification, they formed the north german confederation like 5 years in and are gobbling up the remaining minors, despite my efforts to prevent that.
I really want to do a shattered world start with the better AI and see what happens if everyone has a fair start.


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
Managed to get war reparations from France in my current game - teach them to insert themselves into minor nation power squabbles, hah!

Anyway I have an extra 140k to play with a week now.


Scratching that
Oct 25, 2017

Wanted to build IKEA and accidentally created the H&M empire. Oops.
But man, I really cant get other countries to stop importing from me. Creates an INSANE amount of money though.


Cute Animal Whisperer
Nov 3, 2017
Sag mal fresst ihr meine Kohlen?


I could build 1000 coal mines and France would still steal all of it :[


Oct 27, 2017
Dense trade routes mod is what I've been looking for - jesus the default trade routes tab is a nightmare if you have a lot of trade going on