
Oct 25, 2017
curious how the money made from game pass compares to their overall sales. could be playing hard because the money was really nice and trying to push MS into it.


Oct 27, 2017
One note in this article I thought was interesting is that they talked to MS about putting Furi on Game Pass and MS passed because they want to focus on new game releases instead of older titles.

This is the whole issue they're having from what I can tell. Being on gamepass would help the risk of porting the dlc and updating the game on xbox but Microsoft wasn't interested. The devs don't seem to hate gamepass at all and want to be on the service to make their numbers work.


Oct 29, 2017
Seems reasonable all around. Dev wants a game pass deal before they commit to spending resources on DLC for Xbox, and MS doesn't want to do a game pass deal for a 6 year old game. Too bad for people who would have wanted this DLC on Xbox I guess.


Oct 27, 2017
In the case of Haven the statistics provided here make it very clear that Haven's inclusion on Game Pass didn't lead to more Xbox sales. 10x as many PlayStation sales as Xbox sales.
Again, not the argument. It's that word of mouth leads to more sales overall. It's not surprising that a game being on GP leads to few sales on Xbox.

That being said probably works better for bigger games.


Oct 27, 2017
One note in this article I thought was interesting is that they talked to MS about putting Furi on Game Pass and MS passed because they want to focus on new game releases instead of older titles.
That's been frustratingly apparent recently. I'm assuming they are using data on their side to back up their decisions but it'd be great to get some older titles in there but those usually come with bigger announcements. (We're bringing all Final Fantasy games, all Hitman games are coming, etc)

You rarely get a game like Sleeping Dogs hit GP anymore. This probably is better for the bulk of their audience but seems like those games would be significantly cheaper and I'd personally enjoy them.


Oct 25, 2017
75 on Opencritic -- a long way from a 'huge' disappointment.
Coming off Furi, which seemed to get a really positive reception here on Era, it kinda does? I'm honestly not too familiar with Haven, but if I'm trying a game out on Game Pass and I personally thought the game was a 75 on Opencritic's scale I wouldn't be rushing out to buy a copy. I almost certainly wouldn't even bother finishing the game unless it's very short. That's just my perspective though.
Dec 11, 2017
Considering Furi came out prior to Game Pass and you have two other notable threads on Twitter from indie publishers saying the complete opposite (hammering Sony), I'd probably not look too much into this.


Apr 26, 2021
Gamepass for them is mentioned in the article because they wanted to put furi on gamepass to get easier access for players to try it who may have not have back in 2016 and then sell the new dlc to make the numbers work for them. Microsoft isn't interested in furi being on gamepass due to it being older and they want to focus on newer releases for the service. The devs don't hate gamepass from what I can tell and outright want to be on the service to help the cost and risk of updating and making the new dlc for the platform.
For sure. It's just like I said: if they can't financially support it and there's no other way of doing it (no Game Pass deal, etc.), then it is what it is. The developer can't just make money out of air and people need to understand that xD
They will rightfully not support the xbox version. I'm sure it happens with a lot of other games.
At the same time, Microsoft will also not pay for every single game. That wouldn't make financial sense for them either. Game Pass can't be a requirement.

Maybe one day the deal will happen and everybody gets happy :D


Oct 27, 2017


Kupo Kupopo

Jul 6, 2019
I love Vice and Kepleck, but i don't think this is a well researched article. Or better, the title doesn't really match the content. If you are talking about how a service is changing games, you need more than one developer for the story. Besides, Furi had weak performance on Xbox way before Game Pass, too...

& done. one example off some phenomenon does not equal an evolution, a trend, or any other 'change'...

u.s.a. today's been filled for years with articles about the latest 'new trend' & 'big change', & they're always based on only 2 or 3 examples of each. it's pretty silly, but something to talk about, i guess...
May 2, 2022
I think the biggest problem here is the "I'm not going to touch this game unless its on gamepass" mentality some people have. MS needs to make sure that a game can still sell decently or well on their platform without the need of gamepass. It's going to be tough and not all games will succeed, but it would be a shame to lose games like Furi, Ace Attorney and others due to pubs/devs thinking they need gamepass to survive.

Cat Party

Oct 25, 2017
It honestly reeks a bit of bad faith to suggest Game Pass is "changing games" when the charts in the article show that Haven and Furi have extremely similar breakdowns, just flipped between which platform's subscription it was on. If Furi was never on PS+, would it have been a hit on PS, or would this big update only be going to Switch and Steam?


Keeper of the White Materia
Oct 27, 2017
We'll see if Sony's PS+ changes up the game, yes nuPS+ won't be doing any day one releases, but I'm assuming most people subscribed will wait until these games come to the service unless indies won't release on the service at all. Waiting to see if a game comes could affect sales on PlayStation. Interesting times ahead.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm kinda glad Game Pass sucks so much on PC. I'd hate to have to be in the boat that only plays games based strictly on what comes to Game Pass.

Nobody blames a small team for skipping a console their game is not selling on
The original thread about this news and the Tweet in that thread beg to differ:

Shit's embarrassing.

If Furi was never on PS+, would it have been a hit on PS, or would this big update only be going to Switch and Steam?
Very likely the latter.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think GP and PS+ are comparable in this instance just because people who got/played the game because of PS+ still have access to the game (as long as they are subbed of course). Which means there is a base of users to sell DLC to. Haven isn't on GP anymore and if you want to play it you have to buy it. So if, theoretically, there was to be some DLC for Haven years down the line they would be in a similar position because very few people actually bought the game on the platform. Which is kind of the crux of the whole thing.

Like the entire article, atleast from the views of The Game Bakers, is that if you are a small indie game releasing on Xbox your best bet of getting anyone to play your game is to release on Gamepass otherwise you are going to get looked over. And that I don't think is really a controversial statement. And seems to be why they ended up forgoing releasing the Furi DLC on Xbox because they couldn't strike a deal to get it on GP.


Oct 27, 2017
It honestly reeks a bit of bad faith to suggest Game Pass is "changing games" when the charts in the article show that Haven and Furi have extremely similar breakdowns, just flipped between which platform's subscription it was on. If Furi was never on PS+, would it have been a hit on PS, or would this big update only be going to Switch and Steam?

'Furi Dev's Xbox and PlayStation Struggles may show how Game Pass and PS++ is already changing games'


May 11, 2022
I think the biggest problem here is the "I'm not going to touch this game unless its on gamepass" mentality some people have. MS needs to make sure that a game can still sell decently or well on their platform without the need of gamepass. It's going to be tough and not all games will succeed, but it would be a shame to lose games like Furi, Ace Attorney and others due to pubs/devs thinking they need gamepass to survive.
I agree with the overlying sentiment of this post, but I think it misses the fact that Gamepass is, more or less, a solution to this problem but Furi was a little too old.

My first question is: if you remove Gamepass from the equation, do you retain the gamers and do Developers maintain support of Xbox? If not, you have continue the service in perpetuity.

My second: does this condition Developers into factoring Gamepass down payments into their future decisions to make ports? Would Xbox essentially be funding partial development/recoupment costs of titles and, instead of requiring exclusivity, simply ask for Day 1 Gamepass access? And what would be their threshold for requiring more from the Developer.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
I'm honestly surprised Furi only sold as much as it did on Switch.
Haven seems to be doing a lot better, comparatively (it came out 2 months after) and already accounts for a higher share.


Oct 25, 2017
Did the title change or something? I don't get why so many people are confused.

Gamepass is great if your game can get on it, otherwise you don't seem to get many sales since people just focus on what's on gamepass.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'm honestly surprised Furi only sold as much as it did on Switch.
Haven seems to be doing a lot better, comparatively (it came out 2 months after) and already accounts for a higher share.
Furi on switch was a 2 year late port, which is a lot of the time a death knell for sales, since a later port does not have as much marketing and hype behind it. Personally i'm pleasantly suprised it sold as much.


Oct 27, 2017
We'll see if Sony's PS+ changes up the game, yes nuPS+ won't be doing any day one releases, but I'm assuming most people subscribed will wait until these games come to the service unless indies won't release on the service at all. Waiting to see if a game comes could affect sales on PlayStation. Interesting times ahead.
As far as we know there only won't be day one releases on nuPS+ for Sony's own AAA blockbusters. Furi itself was a day one PS+ release and that sort of thing has been common for a long time, and isn't showing signs of changing.


Oct 27, 2017
The timeline doesn't work like at all. Opposite of what most indie developers have said about gamepass for idk years at this point....


Apr 5, 2018
I agree that Furi is not the best example for indies and Game Pass. We have heard titles like Death's Door did well on Xbox even when they didn't launch on Game Pass. Furi, IMO, was a very specific case. It was free on PS Plus and only was released on Xbox many months later. We have often heard that the Xbox and PS demographics overlap a lot more strongly than with the Switch. Most people who would have wanted to play Fury already had a free copy of it as part of their subscription. Plus the Switch port being much later done with the cult classic status already reached and the handheld factor that also set it apart on Switch.

In general I would like to see games get DLC on all platforms they shipped on. A DLC to a 6 year-old game is sort of a rarity though, and the studio is small.
Last edited:
Mar 4, 2021
Berlin, Germany
Their experience with Haven is thus:
  • 75% of the people that played Haven played it via Xbox
  • 97% of the people that played Haven on Xbox played it via Game Pass
  • Haven sold 10x as many units on PlayStation as Xbox
It's a single game and a single datapoint, obviously, but it's a very extreme picture. The third bullet in particular would indicate that their sales on Xbox were significantly lower because of the game's inclusion in Game Pass.
I mean that the majority played on Xbox makes sense, since it's included in GP and may people just try it out since it doesn't cost additional money.


Alt account / Attempted to circumvent ban with alt
Sep 13, 2021
I love my Xbox series x and love gamepass personally. These things do make me worry for the state of single player games without mtx.


Apr 26, 2021
I think the biggest problem here is the "I'm not going to touch this game unless its on gamepass" mentality some people have. MS needs to make sure that a game can still sell decently or well on their platform without the need of gamepass. It's going to be tough and not all games will succeed, but it would be a shame to lose games like Furi, Ace Attorney and others due to pubs/devs thinking they need gamepass to survive.
Some people will always have some mentality. They have with Game Pass, they have with the other thousand gaming subscriptions, they have with discounts, they have with coupons, they have with permanent price reduction, they have with buying second-hand. Even the Epic Store giving games for free every single week can be a mentality. Any industry has been working like that, that's something no one can control and also something that usually never affects the majority of the buyers. Otherwise nothing would make profit xD


Oct 27, 2017
Considering Furi came out prior to Game Pass and you have two other notable threads on Twitter from indie publishers saying the complete opposite (hammering Sony), I'd probably not look too much into this.

Came out prior to Game Pass as an unmarketed late port during Xbox's worst one-year period after the game was on PS+. I'm sure there might be good examples of Game Pass affecting sales somewhere, but this is the exact opposite of a good example by pretty much every meaningful metric.


May 21, 2021
I saw this popping up the other day on twitter. It's shitty for xbox players if you bought furi and now your console is the only one being skipped for dlc. On the other hand they're a business and if they can't make money they go out of business. There's not a good decision here and i can understand why xbox players would be pissed.


Nov 27, 2018
Haven just wasn't a good enough game to consider buying after trying it on Game Pass. I was very hyped for it before it came out but dropped it after a few hours. I don't think you can blame game pass subs for not buying a game that the majority of players thought was average at best.
I played it for half an hour on gp and uninstalled it.


Oct 28, 2021
But I wouldn't have even tried it if it wasn't on Game Pass.

This so much, do they not factor in this at all? you can create fans + get paid, yes sales could be lower but you have already been paid and now could have created way more fans than just trying to get someone to buy it.

I don't think some indie devs realise that most people don't give a crap about indie devs and sure as hell not looking for them in the store most of the time so they will be lost, so having a no barrier entry will help them massively.

If your game is bad and boring, your next game won't magically sell amazing either and that's if its been in game pass or not.


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
I don't think some indie devs realise that most people don't give a crap about indie devs and sure as hell not looking for them in the store most of the time so they will be lost, so having a no barrier entry will help them massively.

That's not true, indie games sell a LOT at Steam and Switch


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
If you look how many indie games are made VS how many make it, it's a stark gap between ones that actually "make" it. Most casual gamers don't buy indie games and that's just the truth, this doesn't mean there aren't big outliers.

Not everything is a big hit, but a lot of small games have enough success. Like a random game from my Steam page has 2k user reviews (the average being one review per 58 sales)

Strange Horticulture on Steam

Strange Horticulture is an occult puzzle game in which you play as the proprietor of a local plant store. Find and identify new plants, pet your cat, speak to a coven, or join a cult. Use your collection of powerful plants to influence the story and unravel Undermere’s dark mysteries.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
That's not true, indie games sell a LOT at Steam and Switch
I feel like there is a reason behind that. I know personally owning a PS5 and Series X I'd still rather play indies on my Switch. I think they suit it more. Plus Steam sales and the refund policy make me more likely to give things a shot. Xbox and PlayStation aren't as conducive to this.


Aug 20, 2020
Interesting case study with some curious insights into the behind the scenes stuff. I know a lot of people were upset about the update skipping a platform, but it's hard to fault them when you see the data.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 28, 2017
I wonder if the Furi chart without PS+ takes the amount of consoles sold into account. If Xbox One stood for 5% of sales at half the console market share, that's pretty good compared to PS4s 7% at double the market share of Xbox.
Nov 3, 2017
I love Vice and Kepleck, but i don't think this is a well researched article. Or better, the title doesn't really match the content. If you are talking about how a service is changing games, you need more than one developer for the story. Besides, Furi had weak performance on Xbox way before Game Pass, too.

Eurogamer did a really good one last year called: Is Xbox Game Pass too good to be true?

I would love an updated article like that, looking the differences between last year and this year, since the service gained a ton of subs.

It's so frustrating seeing Patrick frame it like the one game dev experience to topple the whole notion of GP.

It is absolutely a voice and experience to share and boost, but If anything, it highlights the importance of more worthwhile examples and experiences of qualified nature to reason out a cogent conclusion.

It's the Emperor Rob Zacny's new clothes level of reasoning and it's disappointing seeing it from such an adept journalist and strong writer as Klepek.