
Feb 21, 2018
Sony Interactive Entertainment is working on "a counterpunch" to Microsoft's popular Xbox Game Pass service, a former senior developer has claimed.
That's according to God of War creator and Twisted Metal co-creator David Jaffe, who claims to have spoken to a number of sources within PlayStation about the company's plans to respond to the popularity of Microsoft's subscription service.

Game Pass launched in June 2017 and has become central to Microsoft's gaming business, attracting over 18 million subscribers as of January 2021. It offers Xbox and PC players access to over 100 titles, including all first-party games at launch, with a growing number also available on Android devices via the cloud.

Sony has said on multiple occasions that the Game Pass model wouldn't work for PlayStation. Speaking to last September, SIE boss Jim Ryan claimed a subscription-type model would be unsustainable for PlayStation Studios because it often sees its first-party game budgets grow to "well over $100 million".

However, in a November 2020 interview with Russian news agency TASS, Ryan also suggested Sony may have an ace up its sleeve to counter Game Pass.
"There is actually news to come, but just not today," he said when asked how PlayStation will respond to Microsoft's subscription service. "We have PlayStation Now which is our subscription service, and that is available in a number of markets," he continued.
Jaffe, who worked at PlayStation for 14 years but left the company in 2007, has also heard from his sources at Sony that a response to Game Pass is in the works.

"I've said time and again that people who are writing Jim Ryan's obituary are way premature," he said in a video published on his YouTube channel on Thursday.

"We had the guy on the show yesterday that had made the petition to fire Jim Ryan and I was like, 'dude, that's way premature' because Jim Ryan doesn't owe anybody, Sony doesn't owe anybody, the truth about what's coming and what their counterpunch to Game Pass is.

"What I can tell you is I know they are doing some stuff because I know people at Sony who have told me that they are doing some stuff," he continued. "There will be a response to Game Pass.

"What it is we don't know," Jaffe added. "Here's what I would say I worry about. If Jim Ryan thinks the proper response to Game Pass is to emulate backwards compatibility, PS3 games, PS2, PS1, and then to also add Trophies, which is what that patent suggests they're going to do, and they're also going to fold in all the movies and shit and make a streaming service, he's absolutely wrong if he thinks that mixing it with PS Now [is the way to go].

"That would make me go, 'I don't think the man has a clue', because that's not going to compete with Game Pass, but I don't know if that's the case, but I don't think Jim Ryan is ready to throw under the bus at all."
Source: VGC
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Oct 27, 2017
Yeah with Xbox including MLB The Show on Gamepass it's now getting hard to argue that PlayStation can't do something similar.

Hopefully if they do launch a service it includes new releases and not just backwards compatible games from past generations.


Oct 28, 2017
It sounds awful as he's described it. Who used the word counter punch, him? It seems something very different.

Daddy JeanPi

Prophet of Truth that's Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 27, 2017
Good if true. Interesting to see how they go about it.


Oct 25, 2017
On one hand this seems inevitable, it's only a matter of time.

On the other hand, Jaffe is a moron
Sep 7, 2020
Makes sense. I also think Jim Ryan said they were looking at options to do so. Subscription based services are the future.


Oct 25, 2017
Really wouldn't call that some "counterpunch" from what he said. lol


May 29, 2020
That would be the thing that makes me come back to PS. I sold my PS5 just because of gamepass, if Sony delivers something similar, I'm totally in. Please be true.


Nov 27, 2018
Is is weird that it if the title of this thread directly referenced David Jaffe's name id be even less credible? I do think they have something cooking though.


The Fallen
Dec 26, 2018
To think Sony would remain still is silly.

There's no rush given they're selling out every console they produce and demand is going to outstrip supply well into 2021 at least.

I expect any big updates to PS+ to happen when systems are more readily on the shelves.


Oct 25, 2017
Unless Sony put their games day and date on their service it won't be a competitor to Game Pass and I don't see them doing that. If they end up doing that though, great! Game Pass is great and PS Pass would be fantastic too!

RF Switch

Oct 31, 2017
I was interested until I saw David Jaffe. Love his games but not sure I am going to believe any of this


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Game pass putting this kind of pressure on Sony is something I love to see. I already think ps+ is great value (erm, except this month hah), but bring us something to rival game pass and I'll be all over it (and I don't even need 1st party stuff there day one, that's not why I have an xbox and game pass anyway, MS 1P stuff mostly ain't my bag - but deals to get stuff like Outriders and a ton indies day one and it works out for me). PS Now, xbox streaming - you can keep all that guff, -zero- interest.

But yeah, the source of this isn't exactly making this newsworthy.
Sep 7, 2020
Unless Sony put their games day and date on their service it won't be a competitor to Game Pass and I don't see them doing that. If they end up doing that though, great! Game Pass is great and PS Pass would be fantastic too!
If PS does that and allows games day and date on the service then I will save so much money on games between Xbox, PC, and PS. That would be a win for consumers for sure.

Meg Cherry

Oct 25, 2017
Seattle, WA
While I'm sure PlayStation has something planned to respond to changing market conditions - anything Jaffe says needs to be taken with an enormous grain of salt.


Oct 27, 2017
This is also based of old news from last year. I swore there was a thread already too about that quote.


Oct 25, 2017
People joking because its coming from David Jaffe mouth when Jim Ryan himself teased the thing months ago...


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think Jaffe would have that type of information.

I do think at least with Sony, its inevitable. I'm looking forward to it. Gamepass is great.


Oct 25, 2017
Think clearly… Jaffe.

Have you seen his content lately, or at all?


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
Unless Sony put their games day and date on their service it won't be a competitor to Game Pass and I don't see them doing that. If they end up doing that though, great! Game Pass is great and PS Pass would be fantastic too!
I think theyll do that eventually. A subscriber base is simply better than relying on individual game sales. Might be a while though, maybe even the whole gen.