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May 15, 2019
User Banned (1 Month): Console wars, long history of similar behavior.
He has done a great job with the Xbox brand, but I think a lot of people take issue with the good guy Phil stuff that happens here, as if he's without fault.
I'm not a huge fan myself and think he gets away with some stuff that others would be taken to task on, but only a fool would say he hasn't been a positive influence on Xbox.
Exactly xbox fans on this site treat him like a saint. People call him pr guy because every month there is an interview with these guy. People prefer him to delivery games besides hype and talk. That is it.

People don't hate him just don't want to embark on a hype machine. People prefer to see first to believe. I still waiting Microsoft to delivery a year like 2020 for Sony in terms of exclusives.

I still expecting they to delivery great single player games.

Buying a publisher trying to consolidate the industry or a service will never make me and many other here praise him.

I want to see first the high quality single player games to believe.

Person of the year for me on the industry is Neil Druckman who pushed games narrative and animations to another level in this industry.

Phil delivery for xbox fans who wants Ms buying everyone and "wining" but not for the industry.
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Oct 25, 2017
The guy is a used car salesman that will say one thing and do another. Horrible choice
Jun 15, 2020
Exactly xbox fans on this site treat him like a saint. People call him pr guy because every month there is an interview with these guy. People prefer him to delivery games besides hype and talk. That is it.

People don't hate him just don't want to embark on a hype machine. People prefer to see first to believe. I still waiting Microsoft to delivery a year like 2020 for Sony in terms of exclusives.

I still expecting they to delivery great single player games.

Buying a publisher trying to consolidate the industry or a service will never make me and many other here praise him.

I want to see first the high quality single player games to believe.

Person of the year for me on the industry is Neil Truckman who pushed games narrative and animations to another level in this industry.

Phil delivery for xbox fans who wants Ms buying everyone and "wining" but not for the industry.
I cannot believe you're trying to justify this terrible behavior (yes, people do hate him) by LITERALLY claiming only single-player matters. Wow.


Oct 27, 2017
Exactly xbox fans on this site treat him like a saint. People call him pr guy because every month there is an interview with these guy. People prefer him to delivery games besides hype and talk. That is it.

People don't hate him just don't want to embark on a hype machine. People prefer to see first to believe. I still waiting Microsoft to delivery a year like 2020 for Sony in terms of exclusives.

I still expecting they to delivery great single player games.

Buying a publisher trying to consolidate the industry or a service will never make me and many other here praise him.

I want to see first the high quality single player games to believe.

Person of the year for me on the industry is Neil Truckman who pushed games narrative and animations to another level in this industry.

Phil delivery for xbox fans who wants Ms buying everyone and "wining" but not for the industry.

Your Sony bias is leaking. Pretty ridiculous success can only be measured if they do Sony better than Sony 😂


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Exactly xbox fans on this site treat him like a saint. People call him pr guy because every month there is an interview with these guy. People prefer him to delivery games besides hype and talk. That is it.

People don't hate him just don't want to embark on a hype machine. People prefer to see first to believe. I still waiting Microsoft to delivery a year like 2020 for Sony in terms of exclusives.

I still expecting they to delivery great single player games.

Buying a publisher trying to consolidate the industry or a service will never make me and many other here praise him.

I want to see first the high quality single player games to believe.

Person of the year for me on the industry is Neil Truckman who pushed games narrative and animations to another level in this industry.

Phil delivery for xbox fans who wants Ms buying everyone and "wining" but not for the industry.
😂 good one


Dec 18, 2018
Game Pass alone is enough for him to be considered for this title to me. It has the potential to be transformative for the market. For me personally, it has meant exposure to genres and and games that I would never have consider before. So far, it appears to have been a positive for both the industry and the gamer.

Iron Eddie

Nov 25, 2019
I thought Tim Sweeney would have had a good chance this year. Maybe next time.

Nice, let's compare Phil to Tim. Good job.
Exactly xbox fans on this site treat him like a saint. People call him pr guy because every month there is an interview with these guy. People prefer him to delivery games besides hype and talk. That is it.

People don't hate him just don't want to embark on a hype machine. People prefer to see first to believe. I still waiting Microsoft to delivery a year like 2020 for Sony in terms of exclusives.

I still expecting they to delivery great single player games.

Buying a publisher trying to consolidate the industry or a service will never make me and many other here praise him.

I want to see first the high quality single player games to believe.

Person of the year for me on the industry is Neil Truckman who pushed games narrative and animations to another level in this industry.

Phil delivery for xbox fans who wants Ms buying everyone and "wining" but not for the industry.
I cannot believe you're trying to justify this terrible behavior (yes, people do hate him) by LITERALLY claiming only single-player matters. Wow.
Your Sony bias is leaking. Pretty ridiculous success can only be measured if they do Sony better than Sony 😂

It's kind of depressing how nothing has really changed in so many decades but I guess if you have companies competing with one another that behavior is bound to trickle down.


Feb 4, 2020
Well this thread has gone pretty much as expected, lol. Some people on this board have an unhealthy loathing for Spencer, and it's always fascinating to see how it expresses itself. As to the award itself - I don't really think it's weird to award a top level exec in this way (to the people calling him a "PR guy" -- what? He's the top decision maker for the entire division).

I'm not really clear what he did in 2020 specifically to deserve an award like this, though it seems like VGC are essentially awarding him now for the cumulative work of turning Xbox around from the Xbox One disaster over the past several years which... fair enough I guess? I'd prefer they gave an award like this to people on the creative side of the industry, but I'm not familiar with VGC at all. Perhaps they are more industry focused?

In terms of accomplishments, he's basically the reason Xbox is even still around, let alone seeing the huge investment it currently is from Microsoft. He's publicly championed accessibility and put the company's money where it's mouth was on that (the XAC, greatly enhanced accessibility options in games, etc.). He's instituted pro-consumer policies like Play Anywhere and bringing their games back to Steam. He seems to be doing a pretty good job of rebuilding their relationship with Japan, getting more than one major Japanese series on Xbox for the first time - Kingdom Hearts, Yakuza, Dragon Quest, etc. He helped their hardware team get their mojo back (the One S, One X, Series consoles are all great pieces of engineering). And of course he created Game Pass, that has already exceeded 15 million subscribers during a bad generation for Xbox.

My only real major point of opposition would be that I don't think the job is done yet. The actual games are going to be the keystone that support all of this infrastructure, and I think Microsoft's grade there is still "Incomplete" for the time being. Their multiple new game pipelines aren't fully established yet, and while I have hope and confidence that a lot of their new studios are going to put out some fantastic games - hope and confidence are a precursor to actual results.

They had a couple of genuine GOTY candidates this year with Flight Sim and Ori, and that's a good sign. They showed a willingness to bite a massive financial bullet in delaying Halo for a year, which is also a pretty good sign. But it still feels like we are in the calm before the storm, when all of these new names under their wing start contributing to the brand.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Exactly xbox fans on this site treat him like a saint. People call him pr guy because every month there is an interview with these guy. People prefer him to delivery games besides hype and talk. That is it.

People don't hate him just don't want to embark on a hype machine. People prefer to see first to believe. I still waiting Microsoft to delivery a year like 2020 for Sony in terms of exclusives.

I still expecting they to delivery great single player games.

Buying a publisher trying to consolidate the industry or a service will never make me and many other here praise him.

I want to see first the high quality single player games to believe.

Person of the year for me on the industry is Neil Truckman who pushed games narrative and animations to another level in this industry.

Phil delivery for xbox fans who wants Ms buying everyone and "wining" but not for the industry.

Yeah let's give person of the year to a guy in charge of a game where he forced crunch on those beneath him and compromised mental health with gore reference material. /s
Oct 25, 2017

Phil is at least someone who has his head in the right place.

I don't even think he'd care much for being called out as the 'games industries person of the year'. Whenever I talked to him he seemed like someone who doesn't have ego issues. He's just a genuine dude who can be reasoned with.

And I'd guess that games like Ori wouldn't have made it all the way through production if he wouldn't have thrown his hat into the ring a few times.

So, think of him as an executive what you want, but I always saw him as someone who actually has passion for gaming, who really thinks that games matter and aren't just a way to make a quick buck. And having someone like that as the head of a platform is a good thing in my book.

I think it's a little unfair to make him responsible for every Microsoft shortcoming. Microsoft, hell, even the Xbox branch itself is a giant corporation and there's no way that one person is responsible for all decisions being made. And yeah, there are things MS did that I'm critical about, but I wouldn't feel comfortable slandering his name so easily.
Thanks for the insight! Phil Spencer has always came across as a genuine guy to me.


Oct 27, 2017
As far as i can tell Phil is a good guy - but in the end most of what we hear from is just PR talk. The big difference between him and the other sweet talkers is that he actually has access to nearly endless amount of resources to actually pull off what is talking about. So yeah say what you want about Phil but he gets shit done - doesnt mean everything will be perfect or he wont make mistakes, but he shows up every time and is representing his brand in a strong way.


May 14, 2020
Exactly xbox fans on this site treat him like a saint. People call him pr guy because every month there is an interview with these guy. People prefer him to delivery games besides hype and talk. That is it.

People don't hate him just don't want to embark on a hype machine. People prefer to see first to believe. I still waiting Microsoft to delivery a year like 2020 for Sony in terms of exclusives.

I still expecting they to delivery great single player games.

Buying a publisher trying to consolidate the industry or a service will never make me and many other here praise him.

I want to see first the high quality single player games to believe.

Person of the year for me on the industry is Neil Druckman who pushed games narrative and animations to another level in this industry.

Phil delivery for xbox fans who wants Ms buying everyone and "wining" but not for the industry.

Never cringed harder in my life lol

But yes let's give the award to someone leading a massive studio to months of crunch to have "high end animations", it was absolutely worth it, i tell you.

Same people worshipping the Housers or CDPR because they make good games, let's give them even more awards despite treating their own developers like shit, this is what you have to do to be "Person of the year".


Nov 1, 2017
"I find it completely counter to what gaming is about to say that part of that is to lock people away from being able to experience those games. Or to force someone to buy my specific device on the day that I want them to go buy it, in order to partake in what gaming is about. Gaming is bigger than any one device…"

You're right, he didn't say for the industry. He said it was bad for gaming itself.
He's talking about forcing games to be next gen exclusive, back when everyone thought that was a genius idea because of Sony's PR.

It's like reading comprehension goes to 1st grade level when it's a Phil Spencer interview. It's really not that hard to get what he's saying if you don't let your hate boner for the guy get in the way.


Oct 27, 2017
It was 2014? Even if you want to weirdly cherry-pick him being promoted on Microsoft's board, that was 2017 lol.
Weirdly cherry pick? Phil had a title for most of the Xbox One generation, but he didn't have meaningful divisional control or authority until Terry Myerson left ("was pushed out" is probably more accurate), which was 2018. I guess I figured this would be more well-known in ERA than it actually is. Xbox as it is now started two and a half years ago, and Phil Spencer has made rather impressive use of the division's time since then.


Aug 23, 2018
Exactly xbox fans on this site treat him like a saint. People call him pr guy because every month there is an interview with these guy.

No. Console warriors call him 'PR guy' because they lack a true understanding of what his job entails, and have somehow convinced themselves that accessibility and transparency is a bad thing.

People prefer him to delivery games besides hype and talk. That is it.

He's been delivering tons of games to GamePass subscribers. The value continues to be insane. That's one of the big reasons cited in the VGC article. Did you bother to read it at all?

People don't hate him just don't want to embark on a hype machine. People prefer to see first to believe. I still waiting Microsoft to delivery a year like 2020 for Sony in terms of exclusives.

I still expecting they to delivery great single player games.

Buying a publisher trying to consolidate the industry or a service will never make me and many other here praise him.

I want to see first the high quality single player games to believe.

Pity you don't own an Xbox console or a gaming PC. People - users and critics - consider single player XGS games like Ori, Wastelands 3, Flight Sim and Gears 5 to be high quality. Two of the games on this list had 90+ metacritic scores in 2020.

Also, Phil Spencer inherited an Xbox group with only a handful of studios. How is it that you're here exhorting and haranguing him to make large scale, AAA games yet you're also mad that he's taken the most efficient and effective path towards doing that by purchasing multiple dev studios? You make it clear that you aren't willing to wait for studios to be formed and/or expanded organically, yet it's A Bad Thing when he secures the development pipeline for the next generation.

Sorry, but this has to be inspired by Platform warring.

Oddly enough, we had a recent thread of acquisitions by THQ Nordic. Not a single soul mentioned the word 'consolidation' in that thread. Why does this concern show up only when MS buys something?

Person of the year for me on the industry is Neil Druckman who pushed games narrative and animations to another level in this industry.

He delivered a great game this year. That doesn't dwarf the impact of the Zenimax acquisition and the sheer scope of Gamepass. Additionally, one would hesitate to present this award to someone enmeshed in a controversy about crunch.

'another level' is also relative. Half Life Alyx pushed VR to another level. Flight Simulator pushed dials to 11 by delivering a fully realized global map.

Phil delivery for xbox fans who wants Ms buying everyone and "wining" but not for the industry.

Delivered for folks who game with limb disabilities, delivered for PC gamers, delivered for Gamepass subscribers.
Feb 1, 2018
He's not liked here because xbox, but the way he turned around the brand and made the platform compelling and desirable again was truly a masterclass


Oct 27, 2017
Geuinely likeable guy and seems to care about games over console wars. He is my choice too.


Editor at
Oct 27, 2017
Lol @ the just a pr person shit posting. Well if people want to showcase complete and utter ignorance like that, by all means....


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I don't have either new console yet but Phil is the one nudging me towards an Xbox since the DMC5 reveal when I hadn't thought of the brand since Dead Rising 3 came and went. I really like what he says about the industry at large and the praise he gives his competitors. He's slowly steered the ship around. When the games come out - if they're good - it'll be full sail.


Oct 27, 2017
but I always saw him as someone who actually has passion for gaming, who really thinks that games matter
Agree. Back when I worked at MS I very occasionally and briefly interacted with him on Yammer. I was nothing to do with xbox, totally different part of the org, but he took the time to reply and chat and was pretty candid and genuine in his answers.


Oct 25, 2017
Is this about the Halo delay? 1 year goes by really fast when you get older.
Fuck no, I was saying delay that and stop being condescending. No this is about racism and sexism and toxicity and then allowing the Xbox division do those exact thing and promote people that do it. Dude is trash

Neo Ankh

Oct 12, 2019
Well deserved recognition for Spencer IMHO. He has turned around the Titanic disaster that was Xbox and Game Pass is incredible. The vitriol he receives from fanboys is very sad but always expected.


Jun 22, 2018
Spencer is alright but when you put him next to Jim Ryan bumblefucking his way through every PR thing, Phil looks like a God in comparison so I'm cool with this


Oct 27, 2017
Where does this PR guy myth come from? As far as I'm aware he has never held a PR role within Microsoft. He certainly doesn't speak like a PR person or any other person within a similar role in interviews.

The "myth" comes from when he said the PS4 Pro was in competition with the Xbone One S, not the X and all it's true 4K glory.

It comes from all the times he claims to want to remove artificial barriers from gaming, while still maintaining the Xbox Live Gold paywall for F2P titles and buying up independent studios to make Xbox exclusives.

It comes from him decrying console tribalism, while he and other Xbox executive execs are happy to interact with the most toxic members of their community on Twitter.

Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
The "myth" comes from when he said the PS4 Pro was in competition with the Xbone One S, not the X and all it's true 4K glory.

It comes from all the times he claims to want to remove artificial barriers from gaming, while still maintaining the Xbox Live Gold paywall for F2P titles and buying up independent studios to make Xbox exclusives.

It comes from him decrying console tribalism, while he and other Xbox executive execs are happy to interact with the most toxic members of their community on Twitter.
and those make him a PR guy because...?
he's the head of xbox, and part of microsoft's leadership team as executive vice president of gaming, working under nadella. anyone calling him a PR guy or a hype man or anything like that is just uninformed and doesn't know what they're talking about.
and there's really nothing wrong with "buying up independent studios to make Xbox exclusive", he runs a business, and has the money to expand it. anyone else in his position would do the same. it'd actually be misstep not to do it.


Oct 25, 2017
User banned (3 days): Platform wars/trolling
Phil isn't the worst of them but I just kind of can't stand corporate PR dudes. Especially not for person of the year.
Seriously. The constant fawning over Phil gets sickening, especially when he has been failing for 6 straight years to compete with great video games. He does a lot more than PR of course, and has done great with hardware and services. But there is a lot more to video games than that - namely, actual video games.


Oct 25, 2017
The "myth" comes from when he said the PS4 Pro was in competition with the Xbone One S, not the X and all it's true 4K glory.

It comes from all the times he claims to want to remove artificial barriers from gaming, while still maintaining the Xbox Live Gold paywall for F2P titles and buying up independent studios to make Xbox exclusives.

It comes from him decrying console tribalism, while he and other Xbox executive execs are happy to interact with the most toxic members of their community on Twitter.
It comes from him doing all the talking for Xbox. The tribalism thing comes from your head. The only relations you have with the guy is public relations. For an executive he is in the public eye a lot, and does all the talking for Xbox. Of course he's not just "PR" , everybody knows this.

You call a guy who talks to the public a PR guy and y'all lose it.. What a weird ass thing for people to get upset about.


Mar 17, 2018
Man, this thread is really exposing people's ignorance and hatred for one of the most positive people in gaming. Very entertaining.


Oct 25, 2017
Seriously. The constant fawning over Phil gets sickening, especially when he has been failing for 6 straight years to compete with great video games. He does a lot more than PR of course, and has done great with hardware and services. But there is a lot more to video games than that - namely, actual video games.

Yes, I just don't think really care for any executive or upper head person being a video game "person of the year" over game developers. I understand the business and corporate sides of things being important, but I just would prefer attention be brought to others in the industry. Of course Phil is responsible for more but in the end I'm not a fan of attention on these types of people.

Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Seriously. The constant fawning over Phil gets sickening, especially when he has been failing for 6 straight years to compete with great video games. He does a lot more than PR of course, and has done great with hardware and services. But there is a lot more to video games than that - namely, actual video games.
XGS released plenty of great video games in 2019 and 2020 tho? gears 5, age of empires 2 and 3 definitive edition, tell me why, ori 2, microsoft flight simulator, gears tactics, halo mcc on PC, grounded, continued support for sea of thieves, minecraft dungeons, not to mention two XGS studios launching wasteland 3 and outer worlds under other publishers. are those not "actual video games"?


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
Seriously. The constant fawning over Phil gets sickening, especially when he has been failing for 6 straight years to compete with great video games. He does a lot more than PR of course, and has done great with hardware and services. But there is a lot more to video games than that - namely, actual video games.
Failing for 6 straight years? You have an awfully warped sense of what failing means. He completed with Playstaion as a whole and is situationing microsoft not to fall behind when Amazon and Google compete for cloud gaming.


Oct 26, 2017
XGS released plenty of great video games in 2019 and 2020 tho? gears 5, age of empires 2 and 3 definitive edition, tell me why, ori 2, microsoft flight simulator, gears tactics, halo mcc on PC, grounded, continued support for sea of thieves, minecraft dungeons, not to mention two XGS studios launching wasteland 3 and outer worlds under other publishers. are those not "actual video games"?

They're not third person action games where you slow walk around looking at trees so they don't count.


Oct 27, 2017
The comments here tell me that this site is going to be unreadable if Xbox keeps doing better and better, holy shit haha
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