
Oct 26, 2017
I'm not the one saying that white, straight, and male are the defaults. The ones doing so are the media industries.

Not once did I say the existence of minorities needs to be justified so don't try to put words in my mouth.

I simply want characters that aren't directly insulting to the people they represent. I would rather have no LGBTQ+ representation then LGBTQ+ representation that exists to be a joke for someone else in that movie/show/game.

I definitely get what you are saying, I think its being misunderstood though because its kind of obvious. We want all our characters and stories to be well written and have worthwhile purpose that matters regardless of their sex or race. So I think people are misunderstanding you to be applying that criteria ONLY when its a POC.


Dec 4, 2017
Taking your argument at face value (which might be meeting you more than halfway, but anyways)... the logical extension of this is that the over-representation of black/indigenous people in prisons, under-remuneration of women in the workforce, dramatic over-representation of socioeconomically determined poor health outcomes in indigenous peoples... all this is due to the worth of those individuals? There are no other factors at play? If you argue no, and your argument were true - that "diversity happens naturally" - then we would see none of those demographic predilections. Because these relationships are categorically non-random.

I never know with you folks if you just haven't thought through the logical conclusion of what you're saying... or worse. But either way, it's fucked up and hopefully you can come around on it. There is active systemic disadvantages for many groups all over the world and this requires active solutions to try and account for them or correct them at their point of origin.

"active solutions for systemic disadvantages" is trying to solve racism with reverse racism instead of just treating everyone equally and judging the individual.


Dec 4, 2017
This is the sort of sentiment that sounds nice but doesn't line up with the reality we live in. Racism has been here longer than you or I have, and we often aren't aware of it. We have to actually acknowledge and work against the problem if we want it to go away, otherwise we're just shrugging our shoulders and allowing it to continue.

There will always be a small percentage of racism you can't do anything about. We're not all the same and that will never change. However, when you try to overly correct a situation cause of systemic issues, you end up just discriminating against others like the Asians getting discriminated against at Harvard for instance.

Judge each person by their own merit and character is how I live. I don't assume anything about anyone.


Oct 27, 2017
"active solutions for systemic disadvantages" is trying to solve racism with reverse racism instead of just treating everyone equally and judging the individual.

So... I don't get the sense you read the rest of my post. If there's no need for solutions to systemic disadvantages for certain groups, your argument boils down to: certain ethnic/cultural/demographic groups are more likely to be poor, lower education, unhealthy etc than others, solely owing to the worth of the individuals involved. It is their fault in essence. This is what you are saying.

Also calling the search for solutions to systemic disadvantages for certain groups "reverse racism" outs you, and you need to start being honest with yourself and your agenda in this thread.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
"active solutions for systemic disadvantages" is trying to solve racism with reverse racism instead of just treating everyone equally and judging the individual.
There will always be a small percentage of racism you can't do anything about. We're not all the same and that will never change. However, when you try to overly correct a situation cause of systemic issues, you end up just discriminating against others like the Asians getting discriminated against at Harvard for instance.

Judge each person by their own merit and character is how I live. I don't assume anything about anyone.
I agree that you shouldn't assume anything about anyone, but that's not the point being made. For example, studies have shown that employers are more likely to pass over resumes with foreign-sounding names, intentionally or not. If you simply shrug your shoulders and ignore instead of actively treating the issue (such as by removing the names from the resumes) then you're allowing the issue to continue and pretending that it's already solved.

I'm honestly confused by what you mean by "reverse racism". That term is generally used to refer to racism from the underprivileged groups (nonwhite when we're looking at the west) to the privileged ones (white when we're looking at the west). Maybe you're thinking of "positive racism" / benevolence prejudice, which is racism that associates positive traits to a group rather than negative ones, but is still a systemic form of racism that we need to look for and address. I don't think it actually supports the point you're talking about.

Also, while I'm here, I always found the "reverse racism" term kind of sketchy because it makes it sound like the racism coming from white people is normal and the racism coming to white people


Dec 4, 2017
I agree that you shouldn't assume anything about anyone, but that's not the point being made. For example, studies have shown that employers are more likely to pass over resumes with foreign-sounding names, intentionally or not. If you simply shrug your shoulders and ignore instead of actively treating the issue (such as by removing the names from the resumes) then you're allowing the issue to continue and pretending that it's already solved.

I'm honestly confused by what you mean by "reverse racism". That term is generally used to refer to racism from the underprivileged groups (nonwhite when we're looking at the west) to the privileged ones (white when we're looking at the west). Maybe you're thinking of "positive racism" / benevolence prejudice, which is racism that associates positive traits to a group rather than negative ones, but is still a systemic form of racism that we need to look for and address. I don't think it actually supports the point you're talking about.

Also, while I'm here, I always found the "reverse racism" term kind of sketchy because it makes it sound like the racism coming from white people is normal and the racism coming to white people

I use reverse racism as "you don't fix racism against one group by judging other groups the same way, by skin color, gender, ethnicity, etc." I don't look at privileged and non-privileged. I see it as no one should be judged by their race/gender/ethnicity no matter what.


Dec 4, 2017
So... I don't get the sense you read the rest of my post. If there's no need for solutions to systemic disadvantages for certain groups, your argument boils down to: certain ethnic/cultural/demographic groups are more likely to be poor, lower education, unhealthy etc than others, solely owing to the worth of the individuals involved. It is their fault in essence. This is what you are saying.

Also calling the search for solutions to systemic disadvantages for certain groups "reverse racism" outs you, and you need to start being honest with yourself and your agenda in this thread.

I'm not looking to make anyone a victim. Everyone has vast opportunity in this country. Yes some have it easier than others. Just like some kid of some billionaire or actor has an easier time than most white people. You can't solve racism with racism. You just need to make the percentage of stupid, ignorant people as small as possible. Kids are not born racist, it's taught to them. That is what we should focus on.


Oct 28, 2017
Pretty sure in many cases the pining for "gameplay is king" is a separate issue from the diversity discussion. You're going to get people who say those comments, entirely ok with more diversity in story, but not happy with how modern games approach gameplay. You could have titles people feel put too much emphasis on production values or story, offering weak or shallow systems and mechanics to use. Or that the approach to how a story is told could be more interactive or work with player agency than something rigidly scripted. Or just a series that isn't evolving the gameplay forward in any meaningful way, and maybe even regressing in an attempt to be appeal to a more casual audience.

I think the discussion gets muddied based on assumptions people make if you don't care about the thing they much as they do. I mean many of the gameplay is king complaints are solved through smaller indie titles that are also showcasing more diversity at the same time. Support and bring more attention to those games, and larger titles will notice the interest to change how they operate.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
I use reverse racism as "you don't fix racism against one group by judging other groups the same way, by skin color, gender, ethnicity, etc." I don't look at privileged and non-privileged. I see it as no one should be judged by their race/gender/ethnicity no matter what.
If you don't look at it as privileged or non-privileged, then you're deliberately choosing to be ignorant. It's no different than how claiming you don't see skin colour doesn't erase the different cultural, social, economic backgrounds that people come from and that they have different experience and receive different treatment for it. People were privileged or non-privileged before you stepped into the equation, and cheap platitudes that ignore that reality can do nothing to fix that reality.

It is not racist to simply acknowledge that racism exists.
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Dec 4, 2017
User Banned (1 Week): Inflammatory false equivalencies surrounding race
If you don't look at it as privileged or non-privileged, then you're deliberately choosing to be ignorant. It's no different than how claiming you don't see skin colour doesn't erase the different cultural, social, economic backgrounds that people come from and that they have different experience and receive different treatment for it. People were privileged or non-privileged before you stepped into the equation, and cheap platitudes that ignore that reality can do nothing to fix that reality.

It is not racist to simply acknowledge that racism exists.

I see it as, choosing not to be a hypocrite. The moment you judge someones skin color to decide who should be in what privilege group, you're judging someones skin color. I know theres a small degree of racism that will always exist. So you're putting words in my mouth. The difference is that I don't try and solve the unsolvable by being racist towards others from a "privileged" group.