
Oct 25, 2017
Give up? Spoilsport


Sep 24, 2018
Wooow, and some expected to bomb ww...

Now they have to do a good secuel and a proper universe around Venom with some Spiderman cameos


Apr 1, 2018
Movie was always going to be decent. Hardy and Williams are good actors. The plot wasn't even that bad. The only bad part was CGI Venom.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
Shitty things featuring good brands marketed well make money


Oct 27, 2017
Star Wars has always done really well in Japan though. Even the originals.

That is due a lot to the US cultural pollination into Japan that took place after he Second World War. A lot of US sci-fi inspired the Japanese manga and anime.

Star Wars also takes a ton of influence from Japans industries, and that was certainly noted in Japan.
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Oct 25, 2017
Remember when Venom killed like 15 cops who were just responding to a disturbance and didn't seem to be affiliated with the bad guys?


Oct 27, 2017
I don't think he killed them. He was about to eat one but his girlfriend stopped him.

Yeah. It was following movie logic in that he did not explicitly kill them and we saw Eddie stop Venom from explicitly killing one of them. It's not the intended reading that he killed them even if they'd have died in real life.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah. It was following movie logic in that he did not explicitly kill them and we saw Eddie stop Venom from explicitly killing one of them. It's not the intended reading that he killed them even if they'd have died in real life.
Plus, Venom has killed cops before in his earlier comic appearances, so it would actually be consistent with how he operates as a character before going down the anti-hero path.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
All the salt in these Venom threads bring me life.

I thought the movie was gonna be straight up trash but ended up enjoying the hell out of the movie. Its a mess but it was damn fun. Happy to see it was a huge success. Bring on Venom 2: Venom Harder pls.


Oct 27, 2017
I can't believe this shit-tier movie is going to be what makes Sony dumb enough to pull Spider-Man out of the MCU.


Oct 27, 2017
I can't believe this shit-tier movie is going to be what makes Sony dumb enough to pull Spider-Man out of the MCU.

Nah, Sony gets all the money from Spider-Man MCU films and it gives them the massive synergy to build his world on their side.

Venom was a hit, but it had a lot of visibility because of Tom Holland's Spider-Man. In a world where there had been no new Spider-Man (let alone a part of the MCU) since Amazing 2 burned, Venom wouldn't have been able to do remotely this well.

Longer term, there may come a day. Until then all Venom does is massively strengthen Sony's own side of things and the leverage they have in negotiations moving forward.

And man, Venom was at least more entertaining than Ant Man and the Wasp XD


Nov 7, 2018
Saw it here in Shanghai last night. All the showings for it were packed since release a few days ago. The crowd I was in ranged from pretty young to elderly. I legit had a maybe late 60's women next to me, and I got the impression she wasn't very familiar with superhero movies.

The crowd loved the film, I thought it was pretty awful. One of the most predicable hero flicks I've seen in a long time. They had a couple 'Chinese audience' inserts as well, like 'a made in china' line and 'QQ messenger' had a line in there as well as if anyone, let alone a journalist, would be using that in the US.

The title sequence was pretty heavy on showing Alibaba Pictures had some relation creating the film. Basically every film I've seen here from Alibaba has had huge crowds and they've all been mediocre at best.


Oct 27, 2017
I think my favorite part about this movie doing so well is how pissed off it has made so many people. The movie was a lot of fun, really excited to see carnage in round 2.

Maybe Sony will introduce a different Spider-Man into this universe; Miles Morales, Spider-Gwen or Ben Reilly /gasp.


Started a revolution but the mic was unplugged
Oct 27, 2017
Eddie Brock is a terrible protagonist. He sucks so much. Tom Hardy looks like he's not really trying. Like... Venom (the symbiote) was good but please put it on someone who gives half a damn.

Also it was weird his girlfriend trusted Venom moments after he tried to kill her boyfriend in the hospital


Dec 18, 2017
I think my favorite part about this movie doing so well is how pissed off it has made so many people. The movie was a lot of fun, really excited to see carnage in round 2.

Maybe Sony will introduce a different Spider-Man into this universe; Miles Morales, Spider-Gwen or Ben Reilly /gasp.

I'm also wondering why are half of the people itt so pissed at this movie. It was such a good movie, I always knew it'd be a hit


Oct 25, 2017
when I first hear the premise of Venom movie without Spider-Man, I'm baffled and convinced it's a bad idea. but I do remember reading a solo Venom comic book when I was a kid and I do enjoy it, even without Spider-Man in it. then Tom Hardy casting. basically little by little I become more interested in the movie.

when I saw the movie, I recognize the flaws, but it's still a fun movie and the flaws are things that can be fixed for a much better sequels (hopefully). I end up leaving the theater hoping it make bank and have sequels.


Oct 25, 2017
Audiences loved Venom because, even though it's a shit show, it's a fun as hell shit show.

Era just needs to eat crow and accept that audiences love Tom Hardy doing his best Nic Cage impersonation.