
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Just yesterday there were a bunch of folks on here swearing we just up and decided to hate the film. Like it doesn't just look horrible.
"But, but, you're just part of the MCU internet hive-mind!"
I'm still looking forward to the movie, and it should be pretty successful at the box office, but anyone that says "looks just as good/better than any MCU movie" is catching some mean side eye from me
Well, at least they nailed the look/personality of Venom


Feb 10, 2018
I wish the Venom movie was like that comic where the symbiote and Eddie just hang out on a couch and eat chips.


Oct 25, 2017
That has to be the worst trailer I've seen in several years. The CGI is atrocious and the editing even worse.


Oct 30, 2017
Oh damn, sold. Looks like this could be cheesy and bad, but quite honestly I'm just in it for the 90s comic-ey Venom hijinks. Venom spouting "intimidating" lines with that voice and face and ripped alien bod scratches some sort of itch for me.

The trailer indicates that the full symbiote suit is much more than a cameo. That's all I need really.


The Enlightened "this guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Hardy's Bronx accent has to be top 10 worst in movie history.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Booming orchestra insisting on it's own self-importance, narration cobbled together by random out-of-context voice clips, focusing on lines that make the movie seem "epic" that sometimes don't even make it into the final movie, and scenes that give away the entire story? Yep, this is a Sony trailer alright!

fucks sake Sony get a new trailer editing team

Venom itself looks fantastic but Tom Hardy's performance is all over the place and the humor is bad. The story itself seems kinda whatever.

Man, I can't believe we are wasting the best live adaptation of Venom as a character on... this. Seeing this Venom go up against MCU Spidey in like, an actual origin story that incorporates Spidey would be the best, but we're instead saddled with this.


Oct 25, 2017
They should have maybe chosen a symbiote that's a different color for the villain because I could barely tell who's who in that trailer before they decided to do the open cockpits to talk mecha trope.
Oct 25, 2017
"But, but, you're just part of the MCU internet hive-mind!"
I'm still looking forward to the movie, and it should be pretty successful at the box office, but anyone that says "looks just as good/better than any MCU movie" is catching some mean side eye from me
Well, at least they nailed the look/personality of Venom

I mean I don't know the quality of the movie, but it looks like most movie trailers tbh. It doesn't look terrible and looks to be an enjoyable flick. No one should be comparing a trailer to a full length movie. That's an absurd comparison.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
lol that looks really goofy.

And is that supposed to be Carnage at the end or something?

Oct 30, 2017
Looks like a fun time at the movies. Not sure what is supposed to be horrible here based on the comments here though. No worse than 95% of movies really, not just MCU/Comic movies.


Oct 25, 2017
Looks like a fun ride. You guys are making it sound like it's going to be the worst movie ever. lol


Oct 29, 2017
Can someone tell me what the last line in the trailer is? What does he say to that woman?

(Not the very last line which is "Goodnight, Mrs Chen" or whatever. The one before it.)


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
It looks great. Even before any footage was released people were pessimistic here.. Probably cause "lol Sony Pictures".

If people were pessimistic before seeing footage, "Sony Pictures" was a legitimate reason. Track records matter. And Sony's track record with their treatment of Spider-Man for almost a decade was simply bad. It was so bad that they decided to allow someone else make the movies for them.

It's up to Sony to prove to fans that they know what they're doing. They haven't yet.

And people are pessimistic now because it doesn't look great. It looks bad. If you disagree, that's fine but don't make up excuses for others because you're excited about a movie that looks pretty terrible.


Oct 28, 2017
Ok, I watched again and something seems way off with Venom's CGI. He looks way too plasticky, shiny even... like he's oiled up himself. That's certainly a weird decision regarding his look.

Also, that scene where the symbiote projects itself from Eddie and looks at him legit looks straight up like Spawn level CGI. I think this trailer should've been kept a bit more in the oven, at least until they got the effects right.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Where are you getting this from? I'm seeing people on twitter who like the trailer that will watch the film. After being put off by the first trailer.

My own social media and forum viewings.

Overwhelming majority of reactions I've seen about this film since it started being marketed and shown skew negative.


Oct 27, 2017
Between Tom Hardy's croaking voice and Venom's modulation I'm struggling to make out anything these schmucks are saying. I had to play the "I have a parasite" scene like ten times before I got it.
Oct 28, 2017
This is the first I've heard of Riot and Scream, so that's a plus, I guess. Should she go full Symbiote I can't imagine she (nor anything else in the film) will be looking nearly as colourful as this, though.


Does anyone else have difficulty hearing exactly what Venom is saying half of the time? I'm certainly going to need subtitles if I ever watch this.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
The last fight is just going to be a bunch of CGI goo isn't it?
Oct 25, 2017
Why does Hardy constantly sound like a drunk new yorker baby talking to a dog
His delivery is so bad
sooooo bad
How did they accomplish this? Are they slipping a pill into his water before every take?